Please Close Thread Trade Made

I am not saying you don't have inferno.

I find it suspicious that you offered me a trade but when I ask for a safeguard you suddenly have a better offer.
High School Musical Gym room code
High School Musical Piano
DLR 50th quest complete
4 Pirate Fire Windows
3 Pirate Small Sand Rugs
3 Pirate couches
2 Seagull Hats
4 Pirate Pins
3 Pirate Stools and Sticks
Haunted Mansion Clock
2 Candy Cauldron
1 Complete Gold furniture collection (Scoreboard, Generator, rope etc...
2 Gold Snowman
Blue Soldier
Blue Wreath
3 Green Wreaths
Stack of presents
Toontown fireplace
Mickey Christmas tree
2 Safari Lifestyle Wall Hangings
2 Teleportation Magic
3 Bat Magic 1 star each
Fireworks Magic
Wanted Poster
4 Magic Mirror
4 Explorer Suitcases
Please read carefully I have added the High School musical In-Park-Quest
and another Candy Cauldron

and read above post ty very much
If she trades it all to you and you do it honestly I will say I am sorry.
lets end this. Trade the better offer and then she can post on here it went well and I will say I am sorry.

All you have to do is a successful fair inferno trade and I will apologize.
LisaInNc said:
Be VERY careful of trading.

I got a PM that he accepted my offer of 25 fire walls and a explorers suit. I said fine but since it was more than 15 items I either needed a moderator from this board to hold inferno or I would get it on the first window.

Then he said he wanted a CL friend of his. I write back that when we were both on we could look at our friends list and see who we both felt comfortable with and guess what....he said someone had a better offer.

I don't believe it at all and I smell a rat.

Good luck and be careful. Don't let your desire for inferno cloud your judgement or we might be seeing a post form you later saying it didn't go well.

Yup, this thread seems more of a "hey look at me!" than a trade.

And 25 windows?!?! Shoot I'm considering that!
And you people need to stop harrasing me about stuff thats not true
Well I think the walls were rarer now that i look at it to late now
I have a feeling (like some others) as I have watched this thread that you are not planning to trade that inferno at all, just looking for the attention that you have it.

Both of those offers are fantastic offers- I hope you two get infernos from someone that is really trading them.
Im meeting with Harbor but it looks like a cant get on right now seeing vmk is not open
-Tries to get in vmk-
-Door Man- Sorry you dont got any magic hours
-Me- Aww
There is a Red HM chair, about 10 or so people have one.

I can't attach a photo since I just joined yesterday :wizard:
I waited for him this morning for 30 mins. before I had to leave.
I hope to complete this trade this evening.
He has my HSM gym room code.
We will see what transpires.
harbor where were you I waited all my time looking for your room was it on friends only? :) :confused3 and i met Julesoola she said your her friend she is nice and helped me out :3dglasses sorry if i scared you
I dont think it was but it may have been. I apologize ahead of time and hope that we can move forward with this trade and be friends after :)
Yeah... he has inferno. I have seen it. But, you know, it seems like he is just showing it off. Who cares if you have inferno or not? I sure don't. ;)


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