PMS in a Handbasket--Don't be afraid, just bring us food... Part 17

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I usually end up saying "Because God said that's the way it's supposed to be and if you question Him, he will smite you!"

ETA....make sure they know what smite means or it will lead to a new round of questions!
Boy are we an exciting bunch tonight. I think I'm going to read a book and go to bed. I'll see everyone tomorrow!
Night, Lara!

I'm waiting for my husband to call me at 10 (which he BETTER do tonight), then I'm heading to bed, too, I suppose. I need to get off the DIS before I acquire more points.
Good night Lara. I'm waiting for Andrew to fall asleep. I have a feeling it ain't gonna happen any time soon.
Why are so many of you going to bed early tonight? :( I'm taking a packing break (in other words, my DH and I can't be packing at the same time or I'm going to go bonkers...) and you all are leaving. :sad1:

Sounds like you're having fun with Andrew, teva. :rotfl:

Jake has had 2 nosebleeds this afternoon/evening. How can someone who never had them in his first 7 years have so many the last month or so?
Why is Jake having nose bleeds?
I have no idea. The air isn't dry anymore, he wasn't out in the heat this evening, doesn't have a cold or allergies, or wasn't hit in the nose. I'm confuzzled.
He might just have a weak vessel in there, caused by the dryness we have had Tig! Unless they get bad, I don't think they are a cause for concern. I have NEVER had one in my life. DH gets them and they come in spurts and seem to have no reason for why they happen. But when he does get them, they seem to happen a lot around that time, then none for months.
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