PMS in a Handbasket--Don't be afraid, just bring us food... Part 21

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Hey, I love fried fish as much as the next guy, but a REAL fish taco, does not have freid fish.

I just finished an exhausting motion. I want to take a nap so badly. But as my reward for my heard work...I get to go to DMV. :rolleyes:

Wish me luck that my motion is granted....the Law Clerk for this judge HATES my Ex. His brother ran against himin some political crap. Little does he know we can't stand my ex BIL either!!! :lmao:

Drive by hi.............

super super busy. Pixie, that puppy sounds so cute!! and running again.
I best get off my dense butt and tackle some of this mess while I have an ounce of energy.

Later gators :grouphug:
Do you go to WW meetings every week? Do you have a bunch of recipes you use?
I need to do something, and you are just so darn successful...a friend of mine has been as well.
Tell me oh lovely, skinny one...:flower3:
My new scrapbook room. This is supposed to be the Formal Dining Room but I don't even own any formal Dining room stuff!

The view from my kitchen. There is a door between the kitchen and this room.


The view from the other end of the room facing the kitchen. This end if MY end of the room--no kids allowed!


side view of my area from the Living room


The kids end of the room where they have their shelves with scrapbook things and their computer. They get to share the table on this side. Or a friend can use it! ;)

Do you go to WW meetings every week? Do you have a bunch of recipes you use?
I need to do something, and you are just so darn successful...a friend of mine has been as well.
Tell me oh lovely, skinny one...:flower3:

You're a sweetie! I did go to meetings every week and they helped alot! But when I started working I couldn't go to my normal one so I have slacked off. I need to go back though. I do have a couple WW cookbooks that I use sometimes that I like. But really for the most part I have just cut back on the junk, eat alot more fruits and veggies and watch my portions. It was hard at first because I really was hungry for the first week or so but than I got use to it. Tracking the points too made all the difference. I haven't tracked my points for a while as I can pretty much tell and know what I eat. It took a while to get there though but I should go back to tracking.

All in all it boils down to 2 things for me. Accountability and knowing (and accepting) that the weight did not come on me overnight, so it will not come off. Just be patient, patient, patient. I've lost about 21 pounds in about 21 weeks. 1 pound a week. Sometimes it seems discouraging but it pays off. I'm down to a size 10 from a 14 and in a couple weeks will probably move into 8's. Don't think of it as a diet but as a healthier lifestyle.

Ask any questions you'd like and I'll be happy to answer tham! You can do it. Believe me, if I can, anyone can!
That looks so awesome and ORGANIZED!!!!!!!:thumbsup2

Thanks for the encouragement. I obviously can't go to meetings, I may have to try online again. I had a subscription, but while we were in the hotel it ran out and we were in the hotel the whole time of the subscription.:rolleyes:
Scrap, that is a great room! And clean!

4's, congrats, you're doing wonderful! :thumbsup2
That looks so awesome and ORGANIZED!!!!!!!:thumbsup2

Thanks for the encouragement. I obviously can't go to meetings, I may have to try online again. I had a subscription, but while we were in the hotel it ran out and we were in the hotel the whole time of the subscription.:rolleyes:

Love the room scraps!
I have a room filled with junk downstairs that I plan to convert to a scrapbooking room. I really should get started cleaning it out so I can scrap over the winter.

Jess, I have the monthly pass subscription that renews automatically every month. It gives you access to all the online tools on their webpage. Those are very handy! Have you checked out the message boards there?
It is only clean and organized cause we haven't actually used it yet! I am sure it will look like a tornado hit after we actually start working in there!

The biggest thing was getting something that I can get to in the wheelchair. If end up off my feet for more than a few days again after the surgery I want to be able to scrapbook to fill the boredom!
I would love to see some of your work.

That sounds like a pick up line, doesn't it? :guilty:
Jess- another thing too is do not weigh youself every day. I will make you insane! Pick a day and time once a week that will be your "official weigh in day". Mine was Wednesdays at noon, but I had to push it back to 9am because of work. That's the only number I go by. Make a chart and record it every week. If I do check myself at home any other time I don't put much stock in it as weight can fluctuate so much hour by hour. Do buy a good scale though and one that counts ounces. Ounces are your friends. :lmao:
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