Pond pics


<font color=teal>It's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorr
Jul 1, 2003
Anyone else love their watergarden???? My DH helped me put mine in about 3 yrs ago. It was my "Mother's Day" present. He was totally against it. He said, "That's just another thing to take care of". I had a pond before we married so I knew what was involved. Not that much work, if you have it set up correctly. Now he loves it as much as I do. We love to sit out on the patio and listen to the waterfall. Very relaxing!!!!





Beautiful pond. As soon as I figure out how to post pictures I'll get mine up.
That looks beautiful! How do you keep the water so clear? My friends have a pond and it looks green and slimy.
marydmjj said:
That looks beautiful! How do you keep the water so clear? My friends have a pond and it looks green and slimy.

Actually it is pretty easy. I have a Cyprio Bioforce filter that is both mechanical and biological, it works really well. The best help is probably that the filter has a UVC light. This kills the algae. That is what the green, slimy stuff is in your friend's pond. I do have to clean my filter about once a week, which is more than usual. It only takes 5-10 minutes to clean. But I have alot of fish, and that means alot of fish poop!!!!!
That is beatiful!!

My pond is a preformed one, only about 100 gallons, do they sell that type of pump for a pond that small? My pump only has a sponge type filter and I have to clean it every day and my water isn't clear like yours. I love my pond anyway, but, it needs improvement.

Bobbi :flower:
bobbiwoz said:
That is beatiful!!

My pond is a preformed one, only about 100 gallons, do they sell that type of pump for a pond that small? My pump only has a sponge type filter and I have to clean it every day and my water isn't clear like yours. I love my pond anyway, but, it needs improvement.

Bobbi :flower:

My pond is 275 gallons. The filter I use is for a pond up to 1000 gallons and my pump is a Titan 850. They do sell smaller filters and pumps. Make sure you get a filter with the UVC light.

Here are 2 sites to check out:
Manufactor pump and filter

Great place to order

amid chaos
Thanks!!!!! :sunny:
Beautiful pond! So clean too! Makes me want to clean mine. Not today though it's raining :umbrella:
Your pond is so pretty, including the fish! They look a good size, have you had them as long as the pond?
You are an inspiration! We've installed a larger filter, and I've ordered one of the UVC filters as well. (DH has offered to install a waterfall for me, we'll see!)

Thanks for the info,
Bobbi :flower:
TimNDansMom said:
Your pond is so pretty, including the fish! They look a good size, have you had them as long as the pond?

Some of my fish are as old as the pond. Probably started out at about 6 inches. Now they are at least a foot long or better.

Congratulations!!!! I hope that your filter and UV light work as well for you as mine does for me! The Hozelock site is very informative, don't you think??
Yes, I learned a lot from that site! I just got notice that the filter has been shipped!

Bobbi :flower:

Now I just might end up getting one myself. :)
Algae in my water or not, our first water lily bud is soon to open, it's going to be a pink one, and we didn't have any pink blooms last year! I do love my pond.

Bobbi :flower:
Here we are, 2 weeks with the ultra violet light filter and we can see to the tops of the planters on the bottom of the pond. It's truly amazing, the clarity. I don't have a digital camera, but I will take some pictures, and maybe I'll be able to post some pictures in a few weeks.

Thanks to the clarity of the water, I can see another pink water lily bud coming to the surface. The yellow water lilies are doing fine too.

wdwmom2, thanks for coming to this forum with your inspirational pictures.

Bobbi :flower:
bobbiwoz said:
Here we are, 2 weeks with the ultra violet light filter and we can see to the tops of the planters on the bottom of the pond. It's truly amazing, the clarity. I don't have a digital camera, but I will take some pictures, and maybe I'll be able to post some pictures in a few weeks.

Thanks to the clarity of the water, I can see another pink water lily bud coming to the surface. The yellow water lilies are doing fine too.

wdwmom2, thanks for coming to this forum with your inspirational pictures.

Bobbi :flower:

I'm glad that things are working out for you!!!! Which setup did you purchase? Yes, a UV light does wonders. My pond is always fairly clear, somedays it looks like drinking water, some days not quite as good. But NEVER bad. Remember, I have too many fish!!! But I can't part with them.

I'm adding a link for you. It is another good place for pond supplies, and the prices are good. I have discovered them this year and have ordered twice. Awaiting my second order today.

Can't wait to see your pics!!!!

We bought the Vorton UVC 500, but we have a different filter, the water just flows out of the Vorton into the pond. DH may install a waterfall, maybe this weekend.

I have goldfish and it's great being able to see them again.



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