Poor Unfortunate Souls: So Wet, So Full ~ Updated 12/22: Day 8 - Complete & New TR!

Wow, that stinks about the whole Chick Fil-A ordeal. At least they gave you your food. I've had it before at like McDonalds where I've ordered, went to pay with my debit card, and their credit card machines are down. And they just leave the food to throw out! Come on, that's just dumb!

Okay, if 34 if an old lady, maybe we need to get together and start and old ladies club. I mean, if it's reached that point. :lmao: You look very young, so you have nothing to worry about.
“There was a big line in the women's restroom, and I didn't have a touring plan for that, so I left."

:lmao: Loved that!

A gun-print bag? And then that hair?? Wow. I will not judge.. :rolleyes1

Odd about the Chick-Fil-A card. I would've been super annoyed if they wouldn't take it, too. Awesome that you ended with a free meal and a refund anyway. That Coke machine is super nifty. I've read about them, but we never do fast food to find one. Thinking about it, I've never even been to a Chick-Fil-A before. You're inspiring me right now.. :laughing:

I think I would have cried at that "old lady" comment! You definitely do not look like an old lady!

As people who drink non-caffeinated pop (or soda, to you non-Minnesotans)

Huh?? You say pop?? I have always thought of your state as mini-soda. I don't say it that way, but it's how I've thought forever. Goofy, I guess, but I found this shocking just now. :lmao:

That's all. ;)
Sorry about the gift card mix-up but glad that they gave you your breakfast for free. That's weird that they wouldn't take it. That guy was something else. That's awesome that you took a picture.
I'm in!

:upsidedow Why can't we have a pop machine like that?! I wonder if Coke would allow requests.

I just did a search for chick-fil-a and it looks like the U of M has one. Maybe I will have to take a trip to the U.

Looking forward to reading your take on Pop.
Great start to your report . . . looking forward to more. :cool1:

I was in Atlanta for work this week and was so excited to eat at Chick Fil A. We really need them in Minnesota!

Just wanted to let you know there are one of those fancy coke machines like you had at Chick Fil A at the Davannis on Highway 7 in Minnetonka. In case you don't have a layover in Atlanta for your next trip. :)
Great update!

Chick-fill-uh, we will try it someday, it looked delicious!

When did the 4th Kingdom Keepers come out? My youngest daughter read the first three over the summer, she was hooked!

I love the "mini-monorail", when you board, you know you have arrived! :love:
Yeah, try "Chick-fill-uh" when you can--it was tasty! That Kingdom Keepers came out last Spring, I believe. They're pretty fun reading for Disney fans!

You're doing flights like WE normally do and for our Jan trip we're doing it your way! LOL Our flight gets in at 12:30am on our Jan trip. I'm gonna have to go check your last TR to see where to go if there are no cast members to help us! :eek:
I would guess that you'll have at least one CM working the ME terminal at that time...we always did for our late night flights. Our problem last time was the whole flight-delay-arrive-after-4am thing. Not a soul to be found. I believe the (grumpy) person who showed up came down from the Mears desk, so that may be where to go if the place is vacant.

I'm really glad you got proof of that gun covered luggage...really??? who buys that??
And where do you even find that?? I wish the pic turned out a little clearer, but that was definitely a colorful handgun print bag. :eek:

So weird about the Chick Fil A gift card...but nice that you got a free meal! And that coke machine is SUPER awesome! Might have to check that out if we have time on our layover in ATL. PS I'm glad you got out of ATL quickly...I got a little nervous when it said that you had a layover in ATL! We had a bad (read "VERY bad") experience there. (coming up soon in my TR!)
Yikes on your ATL experience! :scared1: Ours went about as well as one could hope.

Rude kid!! I would definitely say you could still pass for being in your 20s.
Thanks! And the kid may have been rude, but she was young and I don't know that she knew any better. But I found it strange that her mom (or dad) didn't even apologize or correct/reprimand her...instead, the mom made some comment to me about how this is what her life is like or something. That seemed more rude to me. Luckily, I don't get bothered too easily by these kinds of things.

LOL at the touring plan for the bathroom! :thumbsup2

Great start!! Can't wait to read more!
I'm glad someone else likes my joke! They should really put up something on touringplans website for MCO bathrooms! :rotfl:

Great start to your TR! I love the travel day of people's TR's (I know, I'm weird). It's because you feel the excitement of the beginning of the trip. That is the best feeling!
I know what you mean. Everything is in front of you. I always try to savor that feeling early on in the trip.

You had quite an interesting bunch on your first flight! I'm so glad that you took a picture of that guy, because it would be hard to believe. Who buys luggage with guns on it? And not just guns, but PASTEL colored guns? Oh, it's just the guy with the flame colored hair, who some crazy stewardess thinks is hot. :rotfl:

I can't wait to hear more!
Love it! :rotfl2: I'm not sure which was more unusual...the guy's hair, his bag, his jacket, or the flight attendant who apparently doesn't have a filter! I'm kinda leaning towards the flight attendant personally...she said that he was hot with full innuendo intended! :eek:

LOL, I did, and I thought of you when I got it! :rotfl: It was good, but I feel like the one you were obsessed with last year might have been better, can you believe I didn't even finish it? I take so long drinking cold, frozen things that I got sick of holding that tiny cup and threw it away! :sad2:
You didn't finish a Dragonberry Colada? :eek: I will say that I didn't think it was as good as the cherry one last year, but that's because I'm partial to cherry. The idea was the same...yogurty and refreshing. I still enjoyed it. :thumbsup2 (I also have come to a realization that I tend to prefer drinks that are really just alcoholic shakes, so that may have something to do with it).

Glad you got to sleep on the plane and that your flight was uneventful, that's always good!
I'm glad too. Uneventful is good and sleep after getting up so early is awesome.

OMG I'm SO jealous of those flavor Coke machines they have at that airport, now I want to go there...that looks like so much fun to make your own soda! They should put those in Club Cool!
I completely agree that they should be in Club Cool. I don't understand why they aren't...I mean, Coke sponsors the place, right? I think they could set some up and charge money and make a ton! Why don't they do that? :confused3

Wow, you took that old lady thing pretty well, I on the other hand, would have cried right then and there! :laughing: You definitely do NOT look like an old lady, what a brat that kid was! :goodvibes
Thanks, I'm lucky that I can let things bounce off of me pretty well. It was pretty weird to get all that attention from the other passengers, though, and wonder what they were thinking about me.
I'm in! Great start so far with free breakfast!!!!
Glad to have you along. Not a bad free breakfast, indeed!

Wow, that stinks about the whole Chick Fil-A ordeal. At least they gave you your food. I've had it before at like McDonalds where I've ordered, went to pay with my debit card, and their credit card machines are down. And they just leave the food to throw out! Come on, that's just dumb!
Oh, that would be so annoying! :mad: I'm glad that they gave us the food too. If it had come down to it, I would have paid, but they were pretty proactive in getting us out of there without a scene.

Okay, if 34 if an old lady, maybe we need to get together and start and old ladies club. I mean, if it's reached that point. :lmao:
:lmao: Dug :rotfl2: too when he read this!

You look very young, so you have nothing to worry about.
Thank you! I must say, I love how many reassuring you-look-young compliments this girl has gotten me! :rotfl:

:lmao: Loved that!
Glad you enjoyed my touring plan comment too! :rotfl:

A gun-print bag? And then that hair?? Wow. I will not judge.. :rolleyes1
Definitely one of those things that makes you do a double-take!

Odd about the Chick-Fil-A card. I would've been super annoyed if they wouldn't take it, too. Awesome that you ended with a free meal and a refund anyway. That Coke machine is super nifty. I've read about them, but we never do fast food to find one. Thinking about it, I've never even been to a Chick-Fil-A before. You're inspiring me right now.. :laughing:
You'll have to find yourself a Chick-Fil-A with a fancy coke machine and you'll be all set!

I think I would have cried at that "old lady" comment! You definitely do not look like an old lady!
Thanks! :goodvibes

Huh?? You say pop?? I have always thought of your state as mini-soda. I don't say it that way, but it's how I've thought forever. Goofy, I guess, but I found this shocking just now. :lmao:

That's all. ;)
Funny! Yes, we are in a "pop" area! I found this website, if you need to research:


Sorry about the gift card mix-up but glad that they gave you your breakfast for free. That's weird that they wouldn't take it. That guy was something else. That's awesome that you took a picture.
Yes, I definitely learned my lesson about gift cards and airports. And also that always keeping your Target receipts is a good thing (that's why they refunded me, because I still had it). I'm impressed that Dug and I were able to communicate well enough to set up that picture without saying anything that the guy would overhear!

Joining in!!!

I'm in!

:upsidedow Why can't we have a pop machine like that?! I wonder if Coke would allow requests.

I just did a search for chick-fil-a and it looks like the U of M has one. Maybe I will have to take a trip to the U.

Looking forward to reading your take on Pop.
Really, there's a Chick-Fil-A on campus?! I'll have to remember that next time I'm in that area! Thanks for the info!

Great start to your report . . . looking forward to more. :cool1:

I was in Atlanta for work this week and was so excited to eat at Chick Fil A. We really need them in Minnesota!

Just wanted to let you know there are one of those fancy coke machines like you had at Chick Fil A at the Davannis on Highway 7 in Minnetonka. In case you don't have a layover in Atlanta for your next trip. :)
I actually get Davanni's email newsletters and that was the first time I heard about those Coke machines. However, they only have them in some of their locations, and we don't go there real often, so I hadn't encountered one yet. I don't think the one near us has it. I'll have to check where to find them...we have some Davanni's coupons burning holes in our pockets.
I actually get Davanni's email newsletters and that was the first time I heard about those Coke machines. However, they only have them in some of their locations, and we don't go there real often, so I hadn't encountered one yet. I don't think the one near us has it. I'll have to check where to find them...we have some Davanni's coupons burning holes in our pockets.
Okay, so I just checked Davanni's website and they are rolling out the Coke machines to ALL their locations now! Our closest one will have the machine in just a few more days! Yay! :banana:
After the brief stop to drop off passengers at Caribbean Beach, we were on our way to our “home” for the week:


I believe it was a little before 3pm when we pulled up. Dug and I had made a plan, so as not to waste time in line trying to check in: I would wait for our carry-on bags to be taken out from under the bus and he would go straight inside to do online check-in:


This worked like a charm, as the driver had to wait for everyone to get out of the bus and gather around before he started pulling out the luggage. By the time I got our bags and headed inside, Dug was up at the counter checking us in (and the other people from the bus were getting in line).

As always, we’d requested a King bed when we made our reservation. And, as usual, the room they had for us did NOT have a King bed. So, as we’ve done before, we reminded them of our request and asked to be moved, if at all possible. The CM had to run away for a bit to work on this. Me waiting happily (as you can see, we’d gotten anniversary buttons):


Well, sure enough, she managed to find us a King room! Yay! In fact, it was also well-located. We just had a standard room booked, but this one was (as far as I can tell) just a few doors down from being in the preferred room category in the 50’s building. Very handy, because for the first time ever, we had these to fill (free with the free CS dining we got):


Yes, that was the first thing we did after checking in—we went to pick out and fill our mugs. Mine is the blue one. Did you notice Dug’s is mismatched? Red top, black handle. A whole lot of them were like that and he didn’t notice until after selecting it. Oh, well.

I think my first fill-up was with lemonade. I’m guessing Dug’s was some combo of Sprite Zero/Fanta/Lemonade (his drink of choice this trip became “Spranta”). Once we’d taken care of that task, we headed over to the Tramp building. Our room was on the 4th floor, facing the bowling pin pool. Not a bad walk from Classic Hall. Our only complaint about that walk was the smoking area right by the back doors of Classic Hall. Most of the time, we went all the way around the front of the building, to avoid the smoke-filled air.

Anyway, we found our room and met our pet for the week:


It was there the whole time and we never got anything new. Oh, well.

And here’s our room (and me enjoying my lemonade):




The view outside:


Just to the right of Lady was where we stayed on our very first trip to WDW together, back in 2009!


We unpacked the stuff in our carry-ons and relaxed for a few minutes. To get into the spirit, we put Stacy on TV. After maybe a half an hour, we were ready to head out. It was about quarter to 4 and we were doing pretty well at staying on the schedule we had set.

On our way out:


Love the golf cart sitting out front:


Good ol’ Classic Hall:


We got in the Magic Kingdom bus line and soon this was pulling up:



We were on the road by 4pm. We arrived at the Magic Kingdom bus stop around 4:20pm or so. There was a beautiful view from where our bus dropped us off:


Love it!

We weren’t actually going to the Magic Kingdom this night, but we snuck a peek as we passed by it:



We were heading to our “other home” for the week:


Yes, for people staying at Pop, we spent an awful lot of time at the Poly!

Our boat arrived:


A boat ride on a beautiful day sure can get you into vacation mode:




See this hammock? It will soon be mine!



Ah, paradise! You may recognize that last picture is the Hawaii building w/Club Lounge we enjoyed last December! Oh how we wished they would let us back in! But it is nice that we were still free to take advantage of the rest of the resort (and we did)!

Up next: Dinner and wandering around the Poly.
I'm glad that they were able to grant your room request.

That's weird about the cup though. What, did they run out of black lids? :lmao:

Hey, nothing wrong with spending a large amount of time at the Poly. It's my favorite resort too!
I'm in! After reading through your fabulous "Year of Disney" trip reports, I'm really looking forward to another Dug/Dugette report! I'm especially looking forward to seeing some of your choices at Food and Wine this year!

Can't wait to read about your evening at the Poly!

(Do you think I included enough exclamation points in my comment? Good grief...) :rotfl:
The pictures from the boat trip were so nice! It looks like perfect "first day" weather to get you in the vacation mood. I love it that you headed right to the Poly. Why not go to the place that makes you the most happy?

I remember on our last trip we got the refillable mugs, and we thought we had been given the best gift ever. :rotfl: Apparently we aren't that hard to please. :confused3

Nice that they were able to find you a King bed! And I'm so impressed with you that you were at the gates of the MK and you resisted the urge to go in! :thumbsup2
Love that you went straight to the Poly. It must've been rough staying at Pop after that dream stay in the Hawaii building before! Glad you got the room you wanted at Pop anyway.

Dug's cup is just too funny. :confused3
Oh, how I wish I was at Disney right now. Thanks for the pictures. I needed them.
Huh?? You say pop?? I have always thought of your state as mini-soda. I don't say it that way, but it's how I've thought forever. Goofy, I guess, but I found this shocking just now. :lmao:

That's all. ;)

Just for the record...us Iowa's call it Pop as well. People always look at us like we're nuts :)
Love the popvssoda link! According to the map, we are a mixture state of soda and pop. I say soda but my husband says coke......too funny!

Great update! I told my husband about your great check-in strategy, loved it, that will definitely be copied!!!


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