Poor Unfortunate Souls: So Wet, So Full ~ Updated 12/22: Day 8 - Complete & New TR!

Hi, all! Just wanted to let you know that I started our we-don't-know-where-or-when-but-we're-gonna-go-somewhere-Disney-with-Dug-Baby PTR! :rotfl:

You can find it here: "We're Doing Disney Again Someday...Plus One!"

Feel free to follow along there for future trip-planning and baby updates (we find out boy/girl on Friday, so I'll post it over there).

Don't worry, I'm still plugging away on this TR! I ran out of time tonight (must sleep!), but I'll get Artist Point up soon!
Congratulations! We have a new DIS baby coming in September, too. Jill will find out if it is Girl 3 or Boy 1 next week.

Earl's Holiday Sandwich may not look beautiful to the eyes, but it is sure good to the taste buds! That is my favorite sandwich there.
Regarding your middle of the night pregnancy leg cramps ... I got those pretty bad and my Dr. told me I needed more calcium. And since I had heartburn x 10, I started chewing Tums since my Dr. told me they were safe, PLUS they have a bunch of calcium. It really helped me. Also, and you probably know this, but when you get a leg cramp DON'T point your toes. Try to flex your foot and is helps some.

I hope you are felling well. Can't wait to see what you are having !!
Congratulations! We have a new DIS baby coming in September, too. Jill will find out if it is Girl 3 or Boy 1 next week.
Congratulations to your family! Yay for September DIS babies! :goodvibes Can't wait to find out what she's having!

Earl's Holiday Sandwich may not look beautiful to the eyes, but it is sure good to the taste buds! That is my favorite sandwich there.
Dug really enjoyed it! I got a bite in and thought it was tasty, but he inhaled it. Unique and very good!

Regarding your middle of the night pregnancy leg cramps ... I got those pretty bad and my Dr. told me I needed more calcium. And since I had heartburn x 10, I started chewing Tums since my Dr. told me they were safe, PLUS they have a bunch of calcium. It really helped me. Also, and you probably know this, but when you get a leg cramp DON'T point your toes. Try to flex your foot and is helps some.

I hope you are felling well. Can't wait to see what you are having !!

Thanks for the tips! Those middle of the night leg cramps are crazy! Just out of the blue...

I have a tough time believing that calcium is my issue, though, as I LOVE dairy and consume large amounts of milk, cottage cheese, cheese sticks, yogurt, ice cream, etc. most every day. Just finished drinking two large glasses of milk with dinner, in fact. However, any extra reason to have a bit more ice cream before bed is good with me! :rotfl: I'm lucky that I don't have any heartburn (yet), but I'll keep the Tums in mind.

Yeah, I read somewhere that not pointing your toes can help. Seems like nothing really helps that much, though. Also read that putting weight on it (standing up) can help, but I've only tried that once, when I got one while awake...it did help, though scary to stand on that in-pain leg.

I am feeling pretty good, thanks! Can't believe we'll know if Dug Baby is a prince or princess in less than 48 hours! :yay:
I can't wait to find out if you will be buying blue or pink Mickey Ears for baby's first trip.
Congrats on your exciting news - a Princess!!! :cutie: So strange, I know a lot of expectant parents (moms and dads) that have had dreams about whether their baby is a boy or girl and they all seem to be right... You are so lucky, lots of Disney princess costumes in your future ::MinnieMo I love my son and wouldn't trade him for anything but for years I pined over the Disney princess stuff - now I have a neice so she gets lots of it for holidays!
Congrats on your exciting news - a Princess!!! :cutie: So strange, I know a lot of expectant parents (moms and dads) that have had dreams about whether their baby is a boy or girl and they all seem to be right... You are so lucky, lots of Disney princess costumes in your future ::MinnieMo I love my son and wouldn't trade him for anything but for years I pined over the Disney princess stuff - now I have a neice so she gets lots of it for holidays!
Thanks! Yes, crazy that the dreams were right! (I should mention, after Dug had that dream, I also had a dream that she was a girl, probably because he did. My dream was not so interesting, though...trying to figure out a changing table in a public restroom and holding her up to the mirror so she could see her reflection.) There are so many cute Disney things for little girls! We were at Babies 'R Us yesterday and there were adorable little girl Disney things everywhere! We haven't gotten anything yet, though. I'm glad you're able to spoil your niece with all the fun stuff!
After our nap, we got all cleaned up and dressed up (somewhat) to head to our anniversary dinner over at Artist Point. Because the rain was still coming down, we called for a cab over to Wilderness Lodge. It took some extra money, but was well worth it to stay out of the rain before our nice dinner. The cab picked us up under the bus overhang at Pop and dropped us off right in front of the Wilderness Lodge.

We entered the beautiful resort and made our way to the restaurant:




We got a nice, quiet table and had a very friendly, laid-back waiter. We were happy to be there:



Because we were celebrating our anniversary, we were each given a complimentary flute of champagne with a raspberry in it. Very nice:


Dug ordered a sweet Riesling and I ordered a hot chocolate with kahlua:


Yum! We also enjoyed some warm, delicious bread with butter and black sea salt:



We got a couple of appetizers to share. We had seen all the wonderful reviews of the Smokey Portobello Mushroom Soup, so we had to try that:


Very, very good. And, because we love cheese, we got the cheese plate also:


We really enjoyed the artisanal cheeses. The Drunken Goat cheese with figs was great, the Gouda almost cheddary, and the honey and blue cheese combination was tasty.

Dug loves scallops, so he ordered those and they came with a side of heirloom tomato risotto:


He said the scallops were perfect: simple, but juicy. The risotto was also very tasty. I didn’t want a whole entrée of my own, so I shared his risotto and was planning to order a side of their mac & cheese. However, they did not have the mac & cheese (can’t recall if they discontinued it or were just out), so the waiter worked with me to find an acceptable side. I ended up with a nice plate of roasted vegetables:


These were excellent!

We had planned to order two different desserts. Coincidentally, the waiter brought one of them out to us as a complimentary anniversary dessert. That was the signature warm Berry Cobbler:


This was warm, sweet, and wonderful.

Because I can’t resist cherries and dark chocolate, we also ordered the Valrhona Chocolate with Amarena Cherries:


Both desserts were delicious! I ended up so full that I could only eat a bit of the chocolate and cherries, as it was very dense and filling. Dug managed to polish it off, though. Such good food!

We were completely stuffed after our meal, but really enjoyed our elegant, laid-back, romantic, delicious anniversary dinner.

Dug snapped a couple pictures of the restaurant on our way out:



And back in the lobby:


We decided to check out the gift shop for hats before leaving. Because I never have, I had to try on some Mickey ears:


I don’t know that they’re really me. I did, however, finally find a hat I felt okay about:


Very subtle Disney, so I could wear it away from WDW too (not that I do, but I could!) Most importantly, it would keep my head dry in the rain.

Dug decided to get into the fun of trying on hats:





Yeah, he’s a goofball, but that was fun. We didn’t get anything for him, but got that hat for me.

We were stuffed and exhausted, so we made our way out to the bus stop. Although we’d taken a cab there, we planned to bus back, as we didn’t need to keep looking nice/dry anymore. We caught a bus to the Magic Kingdom, planning to transfer to a Pop Century bus there. We lucked out, though, as the bus we were on was the same bus that was running from Magic Kingdom to Pop Century. So, we got to stay on and didn’t have to go out into the rain at all! Lucky us!

Soon, we were back at Pop and snuggled into bed, resting up for another day of rain-soaked touring of Epcot/F&W. And dreaming of our impending visit to La Cava del Tequila.

Up next: The rain continues…
Mmmmm.. I think scallops would be perfect right now. Everything looks really good, and it sounds like you were treated pretty well for your anniversary, too! Glad you had a nice meal, and managed to stay dry on your way there.

Love your hat! Dug is too silly in those pics. :lmao:
OMG congrats on your little Princess! princess: Such great news!

Yum, I love Artist Point! I love that bread and butter! Of course, everything else there is amazing, but I'm a sucker for warm bread and butter! :laughing:
Mmmmm.. I think scallops would be perfect right now. Everything looks really good, and it sounds like you were treated pretty well for your anniversary, too! Glad you had a nice meal, and managed to stay dry on your way there.

Love your hat! Dug is too silly in those pics. :lmao:
It was a really nice meal and they definitely went out of their way for the anniversary freebies!

Yeah, Dug was in a goofy mood with the hats! :rotfl:

OMG congrats on your little Princess! princess: Such great news!

Yum, I love Artist Point! I love that bread and butter! Of course, everything else there is amazing, but I'm a sucker for warm bread and butter! :laughing:
Thanks! And, yes, that bread and butter was pretty good...the warm bread really makes a difference!
Congratulations on your little girl! I remember getting my sonogram and the feelings that come when the doctor tells you what you are having. Seriously a moment that still brings tears to my eyes. I'm so happy for you guys!

The pictures of your meal were fabulous! We have never eaten there but I have heard nothing but good things about it. The dessert pictures alone made me want to book a new trip right now (not like I need tons of reasons anyways). Yay for a fun anniversary dinner!
Congratulations on your little girl! I remember getting my sonogram and the feelings that come when the doctor tells you what you are having. Seriously a moment that still brings tears to my eyes. I'm so happy for you guys!
Thank you! It's pretty amazing. The funny thing was that my "gut instinct" was that it would be a boy, but I've lurked enough pregnancy forums to know what to look for on the ultrasounds and I knew that girls had "three white lines". Well, earlier in the ultrasound, before they really got to the boy/girl area, I saw a flash of three white lines as she was moving around and thought, "Wow, it might be a girl!" :eek: And it was pretty cool several minutes later when she told us that it WAS a girl!

The pictures of your meal were fabulous! We have never eaten there but I have heard nothing but good things about it. The dessert pictures alone made me want to book a new trip right now (not like I need tons of reasons anyways). Yay for a fun anniversary dinner!
Those desserts were awesome! And the rest of the meal. Yes, book a new trip! :thumbsup2 We had a really nice meal there and it was a bright spot in an otherwise gloomy day.
I believe we had a bit of a lazy morning at Pop this day and got a little extra sleep. When we got up, of course it was still raining. We got into our rain attire for the day: jackets, hat, umbrellas, etc. I had to wear my still-wet shoes (never had needed more than the one pair of tennis shoes at WDW before). My jeans from the previous day were also still wet, but I chose capris this day, just to keep from getting the bottom half of another pair of jeans soaked. We headed out into the rain for breakfast at Everything Pop.

We arrived at Everything Pop and joined the crowds of poncho-clad people. We both decided on omelets. I got the ham and cheese with breakfast potatoes:


Dug got the special, which was a Key West Omelet, containing spinach, turkey, bacon, and guacamole:


He really enjoyed it, as I did mine.

After our nice, hot breakfast, we grabbed some drinks in our refillable mugs and headed back out into the rain. Dug apparently mixed some of Pop’s super-thin coffee and hot chocolate and managed to drink it while standing on the bus. I think I got some Sprite or something to bring with me to Epcot, to wash down all the food samples.

We were very lucky that the rain decided to pause for a bit upon our entrance to Epcot. We were able to get a couple of pictures as we walked in:



As we approached the lagoon, we noticed an odd sight:


That’s not usually like that, right? Strange. We had to walk over to our first destination—Belgium—as the boat wasn’t running. A picture of construction wrapping on the way:


We were very lucky to find a nice, umbrella-covered table at Belgium. The rain was starting back up again, so we were just in time. I saved the table while Dug brought back our goodies.

We went here first because it was time for second breakfast:


Mmmmmmm….yummy, yummy, delicious waffle!

Dug also had the mussels and enjoyed them and the great sauce:


Dug got his beloved Godiva iced coffee (and I enjoyed a sip):


And I enjoyed my Belgian chocolate truffles:



After we polished off our delightful feast in Belgium, we made our way over to Morocco. We were lucky enough to grab another umbrella-covered table here too. There were a lot of them, but most of them (including ours) were at least partially wet. Dug took off his rain jacket and dropped it on the ground, into a puddle. It got soaked. Oh, well. At least we had goodies to enjoy! A nice morning Mimosa:


We also tried a Baklava, which was pretty good:


We really enjoyed the harissa chicken roll, though. Dug described it as, “zesty, like a really awesome eggroll.”:


Here’s the view from our table:


As we finished up in Morocco, the rain let up again. We checked the forecasts on accuweather and weather.com from Dug’s iPhone and they finally agreed that the next morning would actually be nice! Yay! Maybe it wouldn’t rain for the rest of our trip, after all!

We wanted to go see The American Adventure next, but it wasn’t until 1:30pm and it was only about 1:05pm. We decided to jump over to New Zealand with our extra time. We got the lamb slider, which we’d both really enjoyed the previous year also:


Dug also got the seared sea scallop:


He said that the curry puree with it was pretty zesty.

It was nice that the rain was still paused, so we were able to eat at an uncovered table. On the way back over to American Adventure, we spotted the first glimpse of possibly blue skies in a couple of days:


Also a neat view:


We arrived at our destination:



We were lucky enough to catch the Voices of Liberty as we entered:


We love listening to them in general, but Dug really loved that they sang “Down by the Old Mill Stream”, which his dad used to sing to them on car rides.

We enjoyed the American Adventure show also. It was a good break from eating.

When we came out, though, we saw this:



Yes, your eyes aren’t deceiving you…those are blue skies! Woo hoo! So nice to see. :woohoo:

Up next: more Food & Wine and La Cava del Tequila!
Yay for blue skies!! What a wonderful sight that must have been!! :yay:

You are slowly convincing me to try F&W this year. Every update makes me hungry! Maybe that should be a reason to avoid it instead? :laughing:


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