Post your best organizational, space saving and trip making secrets here!!

The ziplocs worked out so good for me, the kids love picking out a bag and dressing them selves. Also the over the door shoe hanger was neat. I liked that idea. Worked well. Mine was 5 dollars and came with a white mesh laundry bag, I put all the dirty clothes in it to carry to the wash room and then was able to fold clean clothes and carry back to the room. Nice to come home with clean clothes.
I have to second the poster who said, "Pack more clothes," at least for the kids. We just got back from a 3-day trip with 3-year-old DD. Hubby and I had just enough, but I changed the munchkin twice a day - once in the park after playing in the fountains, and again after we went back to swim at the hotel.

I used the idea to pack complete outfits in gallon-sized zip-lock bags - what a great tip! I just did this with DD's things, but it was a huge help. I stuck one in the backpack that we carried around in the park, and when we discovered the fountains at Ariel's Grotto, I didn't have to be a party-pooper mommy and say, "No, you can't get wet!" She played 'til every stitch on her was wet, because I was prepared with clean dry clothes and underwear and a zip-bag to put the wet things in.

Another thing that worked great for us was foam sandals for DD. They're extremely lightweight, very soft, don't chafe or rub anywhere, and dry in a flash, so I didn't have to take a change of shoes for her. They're cheap, too. Disboards won't let me post links yet as I'm a newbie, but go to a yahoo store called Naturalbaby and then to the shoes section. Click on the "colorful foam beach sandals." DD wore these for 3 days straight in the park and never complained about her feet. If they get dirty, you can clean them with a little soap and water and a toothbrush.
When my kids were younger, under 1, before we left I would put together several small baggies which contained
  1. a disposable bib
  2. a disposable spoon
  3. one sealed wet-one
  4. a table-topper
When we were headed out to the park I would through a couple into my diaper bag and we'd be ready for a meal. At the end of the meal all the items went back into the baggie to be thrown out. No putting a dirty bib back into the diaper bag, or searching for the baby spoon.

We also bring a pop up hamper, our own detergent (DS2 is super sensative to some detergents), mister fans, rain ponchos, zippered pillow case covers (the ones that help allergy sufferers), lysol wipes & spray, outlet plugs, wrinkler releaser spray, organizer that hangs in the closet, my entire medicine cabinet :blush: , dish detergent wipes (the kind that are like towels with the soap in them that you toss when done)

I love the idea of a cheap toothbrush holder, and hand soap dispensers

I have a question on the over-the-door-organizer. I bought one, but every hotel bathroom door I've tried to hang it on is too thick, so I bought another one...same problem...what in the world am I doing wrong??
I'm getting some great ideas here and saving them to a word document! :D

My one tip is one that I read about years ago and used with my oldest who was 2 at the time. We drove from Maryland to Maine and needed ideas to keep him occupied. I packed small containers and/or ziploc baggies with little things...stickers, a new toy (new to him anyway!), a small snack, crayons, etc. Every 2 hours he'd get a new pack to open and explore. To prepare for the trip, I shopped at the dollar store for little things and at the thrift store. For snacks, I put in things like little bags of teddies, crackers, etc.
I also pack "plane packs" for my boys. Since the flight is about 3 1/2 hours, we need all the help we can get.

I just shopped the sale @ The Disney store (with 15% off coupon), had the Disney Dream Sketchers I bought after Christmas for 75% off, games, treats, lunch and drinks.

The one rule is that they have to carry their own pack (keeps one less thing off my shoulders :teeth: ) and they cannot open it until 15 minutes after takeoff. They LOVE this and I love shopping for super special treats for them!

Keep the good ideas comin...Good question about the thickness of doors, anyone? said:
I'm not the sharpest tack in the box I guess because I'm having trouble tracking down this moleskin product. I've found teggaderm (sp) but no moleskin. Is moleskin the brand name or at least writtien on the box? Should I be in the band-aid area?

Also BodyGlide lists nothing in my area on their WWW site, has anyone found it locally and if so which store?

I usually find moleskin where the Dr. Scholls products are sold. I've purchased it at Walgreens and Walmart. It comes in a small rectangular package and looks like tan fuzzy foam.
I bought my OTD hanger at Wal Mart last year for $5 it fit over the bathroom door at WDW and also on the Wonder. It has metal hooks. HTH
Hi all, after reading about moleskin on the DIS forever, I was interested in it too. I found it at our local Rite-Aid.

I just wanted to say that I've never needed anything for blisters for walking, my entire family wears Crocs. At WDW, this is all we wear and have never had blisters, tired feet or sore feet, I highly recommend them!
I am loving all these tips. We leave in 45 days and I cannot find my packing list I downloaded 2 years ago. (we got a new computer & I must have deleted the old file) Can someone tell me a site to get a good packing list from? :confused3

Thanks alot for the tips & keep them coming
I know it sounds mean but it is not. Our 3 yr old small son has autism and is a runner, fast runner! I can't see him in a group of adults. I take a digital picture of him in the morning so I know what he is wearing and if I put new clothes on him.

I attach a retractable dog leash to his waist band and keep it just a few feet out. He can travel but not far and he can't take off from me and get lost.

People stare, make rude comments, but I am responsible for my son being safe and it is what works for us. They don't live my life. JMO

3 days to go :Pinkbounc
tacomaranch said:
I know it sounds mean but it is not. Our 3 yr old small son has autism and is a runner, fast runner! I can't see him in a group of adults. I take a digital picture of him in the morning so I know what he is wearing and if I put new clothes on him.

I attach a retractable dog leash to his waist band and keep it just a few feet out. He can travel but not far and he can't take off from me and get lost.

People stare, make rude comments, but I am responsible for my son being safe and it is what works for us. They don't live my life. JMO

3 days to go :Pinkbounc

It is all about being in someone else's shoes isn't it. I too had a similar experience. Our DS2 was a runner and we purchased the "leash" for him and had him downtown during an event. A lot of side glances and some comments, but then a lady came up to us and glowed :goodvibes about what good parents we were and how small children can get lost so easily etc etc.. I don't think we noticed any other sides glances the rest of the day (not because they stopped, just because we didn't care). So let me just say good for you and wish you a fun trip too.
boomersmom said:
I bring bottles of liquid hand soap for the hotel bathroom. I can't stand the gooey mess left by the bar soap. I also bring an inexpensive toothbrush holder (the kind that sits on the counter) so that we have someplace to put our toothbrushes.

You are brillant!!!!!!!! Awesome ideas! I especially LOVE LOVE LOVE the toothbrush holder idea!

I don't know if anyone said this because I haven't finished reading yet. But one thing, no 2 things that I always do(learned them from here or allears) are:

I decide the amount of diapers I need every day at the parks and I package them up in ziplocks. One diaper per bag and some with one diaper and a few wipes. That way if I just need a diaper and no wipes I can easily grab that and if I need both I can easliy grab that. If it rains and gets wet my diapers aren't ruined and I can throw the diaper in the bag and zip it up.

Also, we put all our snacks and toiletries in a big plastic container(good tip for driving not flying) and then unpack it all at the resort. The container then becomes a hamper for our dirty clothes. Easy to carry it all down to wash, or close it up and take it home. All your dirty laundry is in one place. :thumbsup2
Here's one we are going to try this 21 days :banana: ....Drawer space is at a premium in allresorts but seems especially meager at FW Cabins. Since we drive we are taking my DD's under bed storage box that she uses at college for our clothes and just shove it under the bunk. Its about 4 ft X 2ft and I think we got it at Target for about $10. It will easily fit both my and DDs clothes. DH can have the drawers.
About BodyGlide. I'm not sure which product to purchase. The friction formula or the muscle one. Any suggestions?
Thank you so much for this post! I am printing the ideas and tips as I type!

My recommendation is for toddlers and kids who still use a sippy cup. I'm not a germ-a-phobe, but I really wanted to keep my DS's cup clean. I found at Target that Palmolive made individual towels with the detergent built right in. When we would get back to our room from the parks I would set about cleaning out DS's cup AND our cups from the resort. It was wonderful knowing they would be clean for use the next day!

Thanks again for all the tips and advice!
Oh my goodness.....this was one awesome thread to read on my first trip to DISboards.....

Thanks everyone!! I sat here making notes with nearly every post. Much appreciated!

Found some great stuff @ Big Lots..

Travel sized All Detergent with built in Fabric Softener- 6 loads only $1!! Got 2
Bags to go (basically grocery type bags in tiny little pack) .49cents
Hand Sanitizer on rubber key chain (LOVE THIS) $.69cents
For kids plane packs-Syndrome & Mr Incredible little light up guys-$1.19 each
Mini playing cards-2 packs $.49cents.

Just an FYI


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