Post Your Favorite Cake Recipes Here....


DIS Veteran
Mar 25, 2004
Please post all your wonderful favorite cake recipes on this thread so we can all enjoy them!! :p
Applesauce Cake
2 tsp baking soda
1½ Tbl water
2½ c applesauce
½ tsp nutmeg
1 Tbl cinnamon
¼ tsp cloves, ground
1 c sugar
4 c flour
1 c shortening
1 c raisins, rinsed
1 c walnuts (opt)
Dissolve baking soda in water. Combine all ingredients except raisins & nuts. Mix until well moistened. Stir in raisins & nuts. Bake at 350 for 45 to 60 minutes in greased & floured pan. (two 9x9 or a 13x9) Top with Caramel Icing or Cool Whip.

Caramel Icing
1 Tbl butter
5 Tbl milk
2 c brown sugar
1 Tbl vanilla
Combine all ingredients in a saucepan & stir until sugar dissolves. Cook syrup for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Cool until you can hold your hand on the bottom of the pan. Beat 2 minutes & spread on a reasonably cooled cake.

Jewish Apple Cake
3 - 5 apples, sliced
5 Tbl sugar
2 Tbl cinnamon
3 c flour
2 c sugar
1 c oil
4 eggs
1/3 c orange juice
2½ tsp vanilla
3 tsp baking powder
Peel & slice apples. Mix 5 tablespoons sugar & cinnamon; set aside. Beat remaining ingredients until smooth. Pour half batter in greased tube pan. Arrange half apples on top & sprinkle with half cinnamon mixture. Pour rest of batter into pan, add apples & top with remaining cinnamon mixture. Bake at 350 about 1½ hours.

Clyde’s Chocolate Cake
1½ c water
¾ c shortening
¾ c cocoa
3 c flour
3 c sugar
2¼ tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
3 eggs
¾ c sour milk
1½ tsp vanilla
Cook water, shortening & cocoa until butter melts. Add flour, sugar, soda & salt. Beat 2 minutes. Add eggs & beat 2 more minutes. Add milk & vanilla; beat 2 minutes. Grease a 13x9 pan & dust with cocoa. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes. Ice with Cooked Icing recipe.

Cooked Icing
3 Tbl flour
¾ c milk
¾ c butter
¾ c sugar
¾ tsp vanilla
Cook together flour & milk. Stir constantly until thick. Cool. Add butter & beat 4 minutes. Add sugar & beat 4 more minutes. Add vanilla & flour mixture; beat until smooth. Refrigerate until spreadable.

Pound Cake
12 Tbl butter
12 Tbl Spry or Crisco
6 eggs
3 c flour
2¼ c sugar
3 tsp baking powder
1½ tsp vanilla or orange or almond extract
¾ c milk
¾ tsp salt
Put everything in one bowl & beat 20 minutes. (Yes, 20 minutes!) Put in cool oven & bake at 350 for 1 hr 15 min.

Carrot Cake
4 eggs
1½ c sugar (scant)
1½ c oil
Beat eggs until frothy. Beat in sugar, a little at a time, until light & lemon color. Beat in oil gradually.
Sift together:
2 c flour
2 tsp cinnamon
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp baking soda
Fold flour mixture into egg mixture. Fold in & combine batter well:
3 c grated carrots
½ c raisins
½ c chopped pecans
Divide into three 8” pans. Bake at 350 for 30 min. Cool 15 min.

Cream Cheese Frosting
8 oz cream cheese
½ c butter
1 lb 10x sugar
Blend in:
1 c pineapple, well drained
1 tsp vanilla
Chill 1 hour.

Red Velvet Cake
½ c shortening
1 ½ c sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 oz red food coloring
3 Tbl cocoa
¾ tsp salt
1 c buttermilk
2¼ c flour, sifted
1 Tbl vinegar
1 tsp baking soda
Beat shortening, sugar, eggs & vanilla until light. Add food coloring, cocoa & salt. Mix well with milk & flour. Gently fold in vinegar & baking soda. Bake at 350.

5 Tbl flour
1 c sugar
1 c milk
1 c butter
1 tsp vanilla
Cook flour, sugar & milk until thick, then cool. Place cooled mixture in a bowl. Add butter & vanilla then beat until very fluffy - ~25 min. Tint pink & spread on cake.
I need to make a cake for DSs school fundraiser next weekend ~ this applesauce cake fits the bill! :cheer2:
That was always my favorite as a kid! My grandmother made it for us - with the Caramel Icing. Mmmm!!!! :teeth:
Wow piratesmate! Thanks for all the great cake recipes! I have saved them all, they sound wonderful! :cool1:

I have never heard of an Apple Sauce cake (I must be sheltered! :blush: ), I am going to have to try that one first!
Both of my kids had the applesauce cake (as cupcakes) for their first birthday since it didn't have eggs. I also fooled myself into thinking it had some nutritional value because of the fruit ;) least more than a regular cake. :rolleyes: Of course I skipped the nuts & just used Cool Whip on them. Between those memories & watching Grammy make it, even seeing the recipe always brings a smile to my face.

I have a couple other favorites from my grandmother and great-great-aunt, but they're missing instructions or say things like "flour" (instead of 2 c flour) or "bake in a quick oven" or "use a piece of butter the size of a walnut".

One of those is for a Hot Milk Sponge Cake, which is the first cake I ever made by myself - at age 10. Either there used to be more instructions written somewhere, or I just dumped everything in a bowl & mixed, then baked at 350 until it "looked done." :confused3 I remember it was awfully good though! ;)
piratesmate said:
Both of my kids had the applesauce cake (as cupcakes) for their first birthday since it didn't have eggs. I also fooled myself into thinking it had some nutritional value because of the fruit ;) least more than a regular cake. :rolleyes: Of course I skipped the nuts & just used Cool Whip on them. Between those memories & watching Grammy make it, even seeing the recipe always brings a smile to my face.

I have a couple other favorites from my grandmother and great-great-aunt, but they're missing instructions or say things like "flour" (instead of 2 c flour) or "bake in a quick oven" or "use a piece of butter the size of a walnut".

One of those is for a Hot Milk Sponge Cake, which is the first cake I ever made by myself - at age 10. Either there used to be more instructions written somewhere, or I just dumped everything in a bowl & mixed, then baked at 350 until it "looked done." :confused3 I remember it was awfully good though! ;)

Awww! What wonderful memories and family traditions! That's what it's all about after all. Your little ones will surely appreciate your thoughtfulness and continue on with them with their own children someday! That's great! :goodvibes

My Grandma made what she called 1 2 3 Drop Cookies. She taught me the recipe when I was a child, I wish I could remember it now.... I wrote it down then, but I was just a child and now I can't find it.... It is lost forever I'm sure. But, I do have the wonderful memories of us making them together!
Can't take credit for this one, it's Paula Deen's from the Food Network but boy is it GOOD and I don't even like pumpkin:

1 (18 1/4-ounce) package yellow cake mix
1 egg
8 tablespoons butter, melted
1 (8-ounce) package cream cheese, softened
1 (15-ounce) can pumpkin
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
8 tablespoons butter, melted
1 (16-ounce) box powdered sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
To make the cake: Combine all of the ingredients and mix well with an electric mixer. Pat the mixture into the bottom of a lightly greased 13 by 9-inch baking pan. Prepare filling.
To make the filling: In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese and pumpkin until smooth. Add the eggs, vanilla, and butter, and beat together. Next, add the powdered sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, and mix well. Spread pumpkin mixture over cake batter and bake for 40 to 50 minutes. Make sure not to overbake as the center should be a little gooey.
Serve with fresh whipped cream.
I love to make this one when we have an abundance of fresh apples:

Apple Cake with Sauce

4 cups apples, peeled and sliced
2 cups flour
2 teaspoons cinnamon
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups sugar
1 ½ teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
¾ cup oil
1 cup chopped pecans

In large bowl place apples and coat with sugar. Add all dry ingredients. In separate bowl, beat eggs, oil and vanilla. Add to apple mixture. Batter will be very thick. Stir in pecans. Pour into greased 9x13 pan or Bundt pan. Bake 50 minutes at 350 degrees.

1 cup sugar
½ cup butter or margarine
½ cup cream or evaporated milk
1 teaspoon vanilla

In small saucepan bring to boil over medium heat. Serve sauce separate.

This one has been a family favorite for a long time. It's not too sweet so it makes a great coffee cake, or it's great served with fruit. You can make it in a bundt pan, tube pan, or whatever. I made it at Christmas time in the NordicWare Bundt pan that looked like a ring of Christmas trees and it came out great.

Apricot Nectar Cake

1 package yellow cake mix
1 small package lemon Jello
1 can apricot nectar
¾ cup oil
4 eggs
4 tablespoons lemon extract

Mix all ingredients together. Cook about 1 hour at 375 degrees. Remove from oven when brown. While warm, punch holes in cake and spread with 1 cup powdered sugar mixed with small amount of lemon juice.
Just wanted to bring this thread back up since I'm baking this afternoon.

Well, down South where I live, everybody knows there's nothing better than a piece of caramel cake just iced, and still warm from the oven! Around here, you can even by cartons of caramel frosting that someone sells from a business they started in their home. Who knew????

Anyway, today I'm baking one of our very favorites---Caramel Cake. My kids will have a surprise when they come home today!

BTW, Deb, I'm going to have to try your apple cake and caramel frosting. We love caramel on anything----especially the spoon!

Caramel Cake

1 pkg yellow or white cake mix (I use the cheap store brand)
1 cup milk (whatever's in the icebox--2%, whole, or even 1%)
1 stick butter, melted (I never substitute margarine on this--butter's best!)
3 eggs
2 tspns. vanilla

Mix all this up for 2 minutes, scraping the bowl as you mix. Pour into a 13 X 9 pan (greased or sprayed with Pam) and bake for about 30 mins. at 350 degrees. Ice with Caramel Icing (to follow)

Caramel Icing

1 stick butter (again, I don't substitute here unless it's a dire emergency! ;) )
1 cup brown sugar (I use light brown and pack it well)
1/4 cup milk (again, whatever's in the icebox will do--no buttermilk though)
2 cups powdered sugar
1 tspn. vanilla

Cook butter, brown sugar together on low heat, stirring constantly, to a boil and boil for 2 mins.. This is a low boil with little bubbles appearing--remember low heat. Remove from the heat and add the milk and stir it well again, putting it on low heat and bringing it back to a boil. Now remove from the heat and add the powdered sugar and vanilla. At this time I like to throw in a few marshmallows to make it a bit more creamy---probably about 4 or 5 large ones. Beat the icing until smooth (I use a wire wisk) and then pour over the warm cake. Try to convince kids that all the icing was put on the cake, while secretly having a special spot waiting to hide said spoon ;) . Now, go find a quiet corner, grab a glass of milk, and enjoy the warm caramel from the spoon. Then, after holding off kids long enough, cut the cake and serve it warm with cold glasses of milk. Yummmmmmm!!!
Well, I now have more cake recipes to save! They sound really good. I have a binder that I decorated and call it the Dis Cookbook. All the reicpes I get here from the Dis, including the holiday recipe exchange and the scrapping one Patty hosted, are in there.

When I worked in our local hospital, they had a holiday Holly Fair, which included crafts and a bake sale. My sister bought a cake there that was so delicious, and the woman who made it had her address label on it. She wrote to her and she mailed us the recipe. Whenever I make it I get asked for the recipe too, it is soo good, and very easy to make. Here it is:

Sherry Wine Cake

1 pkg. Duncan Hines Yellow Cake Mix
1 pkg. Jello instant Vanilla or French Vanilla pudding
1/2 tsp grated nutmeg

Combine the above ingredients in a large bowl.

With a rotary mixer beat together: (this fits well in a 4c. measuring cup and makes it easy to pour.)

4 eggs
1/2 c. veg. oil
1 c. sherry wine (could use Gallo sherry)

Add liquid ingredients to the dry ingredients and blend well, by hand, using a wire whisk. Beat quite well, but if it appears a little lumpy, don't worry over it.

Grease a Bundt pan with Crisco NOT butter, and bake for 45 - 50 min at 350 degrees.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving

This is a recipe I got from one of my patients. She called it Italian Cake, the cookies absorb the pudding and the liquor, and it is a very good cake too.

Italian Cake

1 pkg. Vanilla pudding
1 pkg. Chocolat pudding
2 pkgs Stella D'Oro Anisette Sponge cookies
1/2 c. Kahlua, or Anisette, or Amaretto (any liquor you like)
1/2 c. water
1/2 pint heavy cream
1 pkg. slivered almonds

In springform pan, use 1 pkg of the cookies to make the 1st layer of the cake, sponge side up (wedge them in together). Mix liquor and water and sprinkle 1/2 of this mixture on the cookies. Cook vanilla pudding and pour over the cookies. Then layer 2nd pkg. of cookies on top of that, sprinkle on remaining liquor and repeat as above with the chocolate pudding. Place in refrigerator overnight, or until pudding sets. Beat cream until stiff. Take cake out of pan and ice with the whipped cream. Sprinkle almonds on sides and top if you like. Refrigerate until serving.
Twigs, those recipes sound so good!

For the Italian Cake---are both of those puddings the cook & serve kind, not instant---right?
* Exported from MasterCook *

"Perfectly Chocolate" Chocolate Cake

Recipe By :Hersheys
Serving Size : 12 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Cakes

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
2 cups sugar
1 3/4 cups flour
3/4 cup cocoa or Dutch processed cocoa
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons vanilla
1 cup boiling water

Oven to 350 degrees.
Combine dry ingredients in large bowl.
Add eggs, milk, oil and vanilla. Beat 2 minutes on medium speed. Stir in boiling water. (Batter will be thin.)
Pour into 2 -9" round greased and floured pans.
Bake 30-35 minutes. Cool 10 minutes. Remove from pans to wire rack. Cool completely.

* Exported from MasterCook *

"Perfectly Chocolate" Chocolate Frosting

Recipe By :Hersheys
Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Cakes

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1/2 cup butter or margarine
2/3 cup cocoa
3 cups powdered sugar
1/3 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla

Melt butter.
Stir in cocoa.
Alternately add powdered sugar and milk, beating on med. speed to spreading consistency.
Add more milk, if needed.
Add vanilla.

* Exported from MasterCook *

Bacardi Rum Cake

Recipe By :Bacardi
Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Cakes

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts
1 package yellow cake mix
1 package instant vanilla pudding mix
4 eggs
1/2 cup cold water
1/2 cup oil
1/2 cup Bacardi dark rum
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup water
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup Bacardi dark rum

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Grease 10" tube or 12" Bundt pan.
Sprinkle nuts over bottom of pan.
Mix all cake ingredients together. Pour batter over nuts. Bake 1 hour. Cool. Invert on serving plate. Prick top. Drizzle and smooth glaze evenly over top and down sides, allow cake to absorb glaze. Repeat till glaze is used up.
For glaze: Melt butter in saucepan. Stir in water and sugar. Boil 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Stir in rum.

* Exported from MasterCook *

Carrot Cake

Recipe By :Mom
Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Cakes

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
2 cups flour
3 teaspoons ground cinnamon
2 teaspoons baking soda
2 teaspoons salt
3 teaspoons vanilla
3 eggs
2 cups carrots -- finely grated
2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups oil
1 small can crushed pineapple
1 cup chopped walnuts
1 cup coconut
1 cup raisins
Glaze frosting
1 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups butter
1/2 cup buttermilk
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon corn syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla
Cream Cheese Icing
1/2 pound powdered sugar -- sifted
1/4 cup butter -- softened
8 ounces cream cheese -- softened
1 teaspoon vanilla

Sift dry ingredients.
Cream sugar, oil and eggs. Mix everything together.
Bake in 13x9" baking pan.
Bake 350 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
Choose either glaze frosting or cream cheese frosting.
Glaze frosting: Mix all ingredients together. Cook 5 minutes. Pour over warm cake.
Cream Cheese Icing: Beat together all ingredients. Spread on cooled cake.

* Exported from MasterCook *

Cherry Vanilla Custard Cake

Recipe By :Fat Free Living Cookbook 2
Serving Size : 8 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Cakes Fat Free/Low Fat

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 prepared angel cake
2 packages instant vanilla pudding
3 cups skim milk
2 cups fat free sour cream
1 can cherry, strawberry or blueberry pie

Tear cake into small pieces and put in a 9x13" pan.
In a bowl, mix milk, sour cream and pudding until thickened. Spread over cake. Let chill for 30 minutes.
Spread pie filling on top of cake. Chill.
Can be made a day ahead.

* Exported from MasterCook *

Deep Chocolate Raspberry Layer Cake

Recipe By :woman's World
Serving Size : 16 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Cakes

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
5 ounces unsweetened choclate -- coarsely chopped
1/2 cup butter or margarine
1 2/3 cups plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour -- divided
1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
3 eggs
1 3/4 cups sugar
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
1 2/3 cups buttermilk
1 1/2 cups raspberries
3 cups heavy cream
1/4 cup confectioner's sugar
1/2 cup seedless raspberry preserves
Chocolate curls and raspberries -- optional

Preheat oven to 350ºF. Butter and flour 2 (9") round cake pans.
In pot over low heat melt chocolate with butter.
In bowl combine 1 2/3 cups flour, cocoa powder, soda and salt. Reserve.
At high speed beat eggs until very thick, about 5 minutes. Reduce speed to low. Gradually beat in sugar and extract.
Alternately beat in reserved flour mixture and buttermilk until combined. Add melted chocolate mixture. Beat until combined.
Increase speed to medium. Beat 1 minute. In bowl toss 1 cup raspberries with remaining flour to coat.
Fold raspberries into batter. Divide between pans.
Bake 30-35 minutes or until toothpick inserted into centers comes out clean. Cool on racks 20 minutes. Remove from pans. Cool completely on racks.
At high speed beat cream with confectioners sugar until thickened and soft peaks form.
Place 1 cake layer on serving plate. Spread with preserves.
In bowl combine 1 1/4 cups whipped cream with remaining raspberries. Spread over cake layer.
Top with remaining layer. Spread top and side of cake with remaining whipped cream.
Garnish with chocolate curls and raspberries, if desired.

NOTES : To keep berries fresh, do not wash before refrigerating. Store in
original container. Rinse gently just before using.

* Exported from MasterCook *

Rhubarb Custard Cake

Recipe By :Taste of Home
Serving Size : 12 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Cakes

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1 package yellow cake mix
4 cups chopped fresh or frozen rhubarb
1 cup sugar
1 cup whipping cream
Whipped cream and fresh mint -- optional

Prepare cake batter according to package directions. Pour into a greased 13x9" baking pan.
Sprinkle with rhubarb and sugar.
Slowly pour cream over top.
Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes or until golden brown. Cool for 15 minutes before serving. Garnish with whipped cream and mint if desired.
Refrigerate leftovers.

* Exported from MasterCook *

Tomato Soup Cake

Recipe By :
Serving Size : 1 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Cakes

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
2 cups sifted cake flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1 cup raisins
1/2 cup shortening
1 cup sugar
2 eggs -- well beaten
1 can condensed tomato soup

Sift together dry flour, baking powder, baking soda and spices.
Cut raisins (Roll in small amount of flour mixture).
Cream shortening. Add sugar gradually, then eggs, mixing together thoroughly. Add flour mixture alternately with soup, stir until smooth. Fold in raisins.
Pour into 2-8" greased baking pans.
Bake 375 degrees for about 35 minutes.

* Exported from MasterCook *

Upside-Down Apple Gingerbread

Recipe By :
Serving Size : 9 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Breakfast Breads Cakes

Amount Measure Ingredient -- Preparation Method
-------- ------------ --------------------------------
1/4 cup butter or margarine -- melted
2 large apples -- cored and sliced
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1/2 cup butter or margarine -- melted
1/2 cup molasses
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup packed brown sugar
1 egg
2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground ginger
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
3/4 cup hot tea

Pour butter into a 9" square baking pan.
Arrange apples over butter. Sprinkle with brown sugar and set aside.
For gingerbread: Combine butter, molasses, sugars and egg in a mixing bowl. Mix well.
Combine dry ingredients. Add to sugar mixture alternately with hot tea. Mix well. Pour over apples.
Bake at 350 degrees for 45-50 minutes or until cake tests done. Cool for 3-5 minutes. Loosen sides and invert onto serving platter. Serve warm.
Mom's secret cake recipe:

2 eggs
1 cup of oil
1 box of betty crocker chocolate cake mix

Voila! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'm so busy shopping for scrapbooking supplies that I don't have time to bake anymore!
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
The pumpkins cake mentioned by Yummy 72 by Paula Deen is her famous Gooey Cake...It is Delicious!!! My 12 yo DD bakes it as often as I will let her,....but she changes the filling, she has used cans of pie filling instead of, cherry, raspberry, etc...even cholcolate chips with a chocolate cake mix...and we can't decide which we love the most!!! Funny thing is, it never seems like the same cake!

(Edited to add the applesauce to the first cake recipe. :blush: )

Applesauce Cake
from The Homecoming (The Waltons)

1 c. butter
1 c. sugar
2 c. applesauce
1 c. light raisins
1 c. chopped walnuts
1 t. baking soda
3 1/2 c. sifted flour
2 eggs
1 t. cinnamon
2 t. cloves
2 t. nutmeg
pinch of salt
Jane's Whiskey Frosting

Sift together flour, soda, salt, cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg. Take 1/2 c. flour mix and stir in nuts and raisins. Ste both aside. Cream butter until soft. Add sugar a little at a time until smooth. Beat eggs. Alternately stir in flour and applesauce. When mixed add nuts and raisins. Mix well. Pour into greased cake mold. Bake at 350 for 1 hour. cook 10 minutes and turn onto cake rack. Frost with Whiskey Frosting.

Jane's Whiskey Frosting

1/4 c. butter
1 T. cream
2 c. powdered sugar
2 T. whiskey
pinch of salt

Cream butter. Add sugar and salt. Cream and add whiskey. Whip until smooth. Frost cake.

Nanny's Orange Chiffon Cake

1 c. egg whites (7 or 8)
2 c. flour
1 1/2 c. sugar
3 t. baking powder
1 t. salt
1/2 c. oil
5 egg yolks
3/4 c. orange juice
3 T. grated orange peel
1 t. vanilla
1/2 t. cram of tartar

Let egg whites warm for an hour in lg. bowl. Preheat oven to 325. Combine flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt. Make a well and add in order: oil, egg yolks, juice, peel and vanilla. Beat with a spoon until smooth. Beat whites with cream of tartar until stiff at high speed. Fold bently into batter. Bake in 10 in tube pan for 60 minutes or until done. Cool and glaze.

Orange Glaze

2 T. grated orange peel
3 T. orange juice
3 c. powdered sugar
Don't be turned off because this has prunes in it. This is so good! Our family always has one at Christmas. It'snot very pretty, but it makes up for it by being very moist and so yummy. By the way, to cook the prunes, just cut them up and put a bit of water on them and heat. They soak up most of the moisture, so I just put the juice in with them. I've never had this recipe fail.

Plum Pudding Cake

3/4 c. butter
1 1/2 c. sugar
3 eggs
2 1/2 c. flour
1 1/2 t. soda
2 1/2 t. cinnamon
1 t. nutmeg
1 1/4 c. buttermilk
1 1/4 c. prunes (cooked and chopped)

Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs and mix throughly. Sift together dry ingredients and add alternately with buttermilk. Add prunes and mix lightly. Pour into greased pan (9 x 13) and bake at 350 til firm. Remove from oven and pour hot glaze over the top.

3/4 c. butter
3/4 c. buttermilk
1 c. sugar
1 1/2 t. vanilla

Combine butter, butermilk and sugar in saucepan. Let come to good boil. Remove from heat. Add vanilla and pour over hot pudding.
My DH loves this cake, and I just recently gave it to a new neighbor. She took it to her church potluck, and everyone asked for the recipe. Enjoy!

Pineapple Walnut Cake

2 eggs
2 c. flour
2 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. vanilla
2 c. sugar
1/2 c. chopped walnuts
14 oz. can crushed pineapple - undrained

Mix all ingredients, adding pineapple last. Bake in a greased 9x13" pan at 350 for 35-40 minutes, or until set in the middle.

1 stick butter
8 oz. cream cheese at room temperature
1 3/4 c. powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 c. chopped nuts

Beat all ingredients until creamy. Ice cake while still slightly warm. Refrigerate until ready to serve.
This is my favorite and it is so easy. Bake a yellow cake mix, make some vanilla pudding, spread crushed pinapple across the top of cooled cake, than spread the pudding, and top with cool whip.


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