POT (Proof of Time) Race Equivalency Cutoff Confirmed Times

Sorry, I forget to say that I'm doing Dopey (for the first time!). And my running mate the marathon.

Thank you already for your answers and insights.
I'm doing my first half-marathon (Disney or otherwise) at the Wine and Dine this fall and decided to a submit a Proof of Time. Since this is my first time I sent a follow up email to disneysports asking if it was all good and the response has me a little concerned that it might get rejected. The 10k I ran has a similar name to the Disney Springtime Surprise run but is very much a real race and not a virtual event and likewise the race results link goes to the event race results page of the track club that operates the 10k/5k and isn't some personal page or something like that. Has anyone had any similar issues with a PoT being rejected even though they ran a reasonable time at a real event? And if so do they reach out to you to rectify the issue?

Response I received:

Thanks for reaching out. The information you provided is accurate except for the URL link. Please use the runDisney Springtime Surprise link as a personal or virtual event link will not be accepted.

Have a magical day!
Thank you,
Track Shack Events on behalf of runDisney

I've enjoyed reading up on the events and looking forward to giving this a shot!
I'm doing my first half-marathon (Disney or otherwise) at the Wine and Dine this fall and decided to a submit a Proof of Time. Since this is my first time I sent a follow up email to disneysports asking if it was all good and the response has me a little concerned that it might get rejected. The 10k I ran has a similar name to the Disney Springtime Surprise run but is very much a real race and not a virtual event and likewise the race results link goes to the event race results page of the track club that operates the 10k/5k and isn't some personal page or something like that. Has anyone had any similar issues with a PoT being rejected even though they ran a reasonable time at a real event? And if so do they reach out to you to rectify the issue?

Response I received:

Thanks for reaching out. The information you provided is accurate except for the URL link. Please use the runDisney Springtime Surprise link as a personal or virtual event link will not be accepted.

Have a magical day!
Thank you,
Track Shack Events on behalf of runDisney

I've enjoyed reading up on the events and looking forward to giving this a shot!

Their response seems off to me. Like the person on the other side answering the email doesn’t really understand the process or were confused by the name of your race as you said. If the race is legit (officially timed and has online results) and you link to it, then you’ll be fine. Take a screenshot of your submission. If for some reason it gets rejected they won’t reach out to you to rectify. Instead you’ll become aware that it wasn’t accepted when you get your assigned bib number (a few days prior to the race) and then corral assignment (at the expo officially). If you are not appropriately seeded and you can show the error is on their part, then I’ve read for others experience that runDisney will place you appropriately. You would go through this process at runners relations at the expo itself and having the screen shot of your registration could be helpful. If it were me, my stress level would be low based on the description of your scenario.

If you post the link to the results here I can take a look to confirm I don’t see any reason it wouldn’t be accepted. You can post some other random persons results from the same race if you don’t want to be identified here on the Dis.

Just remember that the 10k needs to be faster than ~1:01 for the Wine and Dine HM Weekend.
Their response seems off to me. Like the person on the other side answering the email doesn’t really understand the process or were confused by the name of your race as you said. If the race is legit (officially timed and has online results) and you link to it, then you’ll be fine. Take a screenshot of your submission. If for some reason it gets rejected they won’t reach out to you to rectify. Instead you’ll become aware that it wasn’t accepted when you get your assigned bib number (a few days prior to the race) and then corral assignment (at the expo officially). If you are not appropriately seeded and you can show the error is on their part, then I’ve read for others experience that runDisney will place you appropriately. You would go through this process at runners relations at the expo itself and having the screen shot of your registration could be helpful. If it were me, my stress level would be low based on the description of your scenario.

If you post the link to the results here I can take a look to confirm I don’t see any reason it wouldn’t be accepted. You can post some other random persons results from the same race if you don’t want to be identified here on the Dis.

Just remember that the 10k needs to be faster than ~1:01 for the Wine and Dine HM Weekend.
This was for the Tallahassee Springtime 10k this past April. My time for the event was 49:01

The link I provided in my registration was for the Gulf Winds track club that runs the event: gulfwinds.org/rr-springtime-10k-2023/
This was for the Tallahassee Springtime 10k this past April. My time for the event was 49:01

The link I provided in my registration was for the Gulf Winds track club that runs the event: gulfwinds.org/rr-springtime-10k-2023/

Looks fine to me. I can see how they would get confused since it has the same name "Springtime 10k" as their own runDisney race. But clicking on the link shows the race results as expected. Additionally, a quick 3 second google brings me to the official website for the race as well. I think you should be fine and hopefully they take a few extra seconds to realize it's not their own race that you're submitting. If not, you have close to a 100% chance that they would put you in Corral A once they realized their mistake when talking with them at the Expo's Runner's Relations.
So far, for WnD 2023, MW 2024, Princess 2024, all POT windows start Jan 1st, 2021. Is that what we expect for STS 2024 as well?
So I am booking next year Colfax race and next year I am hoping to be fast enough to try for POT for disney. Is it still true the 10 miler is the best chance to try for Doppy? I have the option to do 10 miler, half or full. Thanks.
So I am booking next year Colfax race and next year I am hoping to be fast enough to try for POT for disney. Is it still true the 10 miler is the best chance to try for Doppy? I have the option to do 10 miler, half or full. Thanks.
The 10 miler is the better choice here simply because it's the easiest race to be trained for. The rD conversions are all treated equally for the marathon & marathon challenges.

The half marathon & challenges give a mathematical advantage to the 10 miler with their conversions.
So I am booking next year Colfax race and next year I am hoping to be fast enough to try for POT for disney. Is it still true the 10 miler is the best chance to try for Doppy? I have the option to do 10 miler, half or full. Thanks.

Previous post:

In my opinion (and based on some math), the standards would go M, 10 miler, 10k, HM (from easiest to hardest) based on the conversion value runDisney appears to be using for HM POT submissions. The same "mathematical advantage" difference does not exist in the case of the M/Goofy/Dopey POT submittable times. They all use what appears to be the same R value (around 1.079) and thus from the race equivalency standpoint are roughly equal. Thus, the ranked order of "easiness" would then default back to race distance (10 miler, then HM, then M) in the case of M/Goofy/Dopey POT submissions.

So yes, the 10 miler is the most likely to give you the best POT for a M/Goofy/Dopey submission.
My marathon time is good enough for B for upcoming Marathon weekend (doing Dopey for the first time)

But when I did the W&D challenge last year, they put me in B for the 10k and A for the half (yes, other people thought it was weird, too). I know rD races are suppose to be fun but I am too competitive even when trying to have fun 😅 There was a large enough difference in A and B to me, that I am about to run a half this weekend for a better qualifying time to try and "guarantee" an A coral placement.

Goal time: Sub 1:55.
I'll go streaking if I get in around 1:53
Only the longer races (10+ miles) use proof of time. 5K/10K races seed everyone by their self-reported expected pace. So having a faster POT won't change your 5K/10K corral.
huh. I never thought of it that way. thank you!

I went ahead and changed my self reported mile time for the 5k and 10k to sub 8. my 5k pace is about a 7:30. 10k is a little slower. Hopefully with another 4 months of training I drive all those numbers down. Gotta make up time for getting photos with characters :earboy2:
huh. I never thought of it that way. thank you!

I went ahead and changed my self reported mile time for the 5k and 10k to sub 8. my 5k pace is about a 7:30. 10k is a little slower. Hopefully with another 4 months of training I drive all those numbers down. Gotta make up time for getting photos with characters :earboy2:
I will say, for MW the B corral goes out pretty early, since the POT cut off is faster compared to the HM challenge weekends. I was A for the 5k/10k and B for the half/full and honestly I think I got out faster in B corral because the A corral was huge and didn’t require POT, lots more dodging. On the marathon day I actually felt out of place even in B, everyone took off so fast :rotfl: It was just a few minutes difference, really. And A corral was tiny, even B felt super small compared to the shorter races.

It is interesting to me how different the cutoffs are for the HM vs M challenge weekends, I’m hoping to move up to A for the HM weekends as it seems within reason for me but I’ve got no chance at A for MW in my current form. I don’t mind it though, B is still a great corral for MW and I took my pace pretty slow and still had really short lines apart from a few popular characters like Dopey.
Update: PRed my half yesterday at 1:50:36. Will be using this for my POT. Probably could have shaved off another minute or 2 cause I definitely had a little left in the tank but excited and proud of my time.

Tomorrow begins the training grind for Dopey! Both excited and extremely not looking forward to practicing the distances back to back. I end my week 1 with 3 miles Saturday and 13 miles Sunday. Woof.

Good luck to all getting ready to kick off their plan!
How strict do you think Track Shack is with qualifying times? Did I miss “A” corral for a HM or do you think that I made it based upon last year’s qualifying times? 54:23.287 for a 10K.

Never mind…for some reason I thought that I read that the qualifying time was 54:23, so that was the time that I had in mind during my race.
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Just making sure I'm doing this right.....
For Disneyland Half Marathon POT.....
I went to edit registration in my runDisney account, copied the name and city/state of the race, picked 10k, entered my time and then for the website showing the results I used this site:
Then I assume runDisney scrolls down until they find my time 56:13 and sees that it matches up with my name, and then they assign me to Corral B....???!!!!!

Then I took a big long screenshot of the full registration details.

Anything else I need to do before 3 OCT?

Thanks friends.
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How strict do you think Track Shack is with qualifying times? Did I miss “A” corral for a HM or do you think that I made it based upon last year’s qualifying times? 54:23.287 for a 10K.

Never mind…for some reason I thought that I read that the qualifying time was 54:23, so that was the time that I had in mind during my race.

Based on previous years you are in a good place for a Corral A placement in a HM split or challenge event without an associated M. Never a guarantee as runDisney does change policies every once in a while.

Just making sure I'm doing this right.....
For Disneyland Half Marathon POT.....
I went to edit registration in my runDisney account, copied the name and city/state of the race, picked 10k, entered my time and then for the website showing the results I used this site:
Then I assume runDisney scrolls down until they find my time 56:13 and sees that it matches up with my name, and then they assign me to Corral B....???!!!!!

Then I took a big long screenshot of the full registration details.

Anything else I need to do before 3 OCT?

Thanks friends.

I’m on my phone at the moment, but I think I found your name specific link to results here:


Everything else sounds right.


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