Practically Perfect in Every Way - Julie's Solo Disney Adventure - UPDATED 2/18!!! Finally!

Well I sure have enjoyed catching up with your trip....Hoping you come back real soon and post an update!
I'm so sad I didn't finish this here. I wrote it all out, then was posting little by little because of the issues I have having with including photos. I tried a hosting site, which didn't work well for me. I ended up having to save smaller file versions of everything I wanted to use, and it just became too cumbersome. I did however end up making myself a photo album thing of my trip report with photos on Snap Fish. I love it and look at it often.

If folks would find it interesting to read without any photos, I can definitely post it. It was a really great trip -- one that no other trip has really lived up to.
Day 6 - Universal

And now for Universal. This was the main reason for my trip starting on a Thursday instead of Friday. I didn’t want to take a day away from Disney that I had planned, but I hadn’t been to Universal since 2013. Being a Harry Potter fan, not an obsessed fan but a fan nonetheless, I really wanted to see Diagon Alley.

I woke up around 7:30am and got my Lyft at 7:50am. There was a special promotion or deal when I booked it because it was only $16 each way while Uber was coming in closer to $25. My driver this morning was nice, if maybe a little chatty. He was telling me all of this information about Disney that I already knew, and sometimes he was wrong, but I just let him go on. I don’t feel the need to correct people if it doesn’t really matter.

We got to Universal around 8:20, and I was through security and walking into the park around 8:30. The Will Call kiosks were a little confusing, but I figured it out. People were waiting for the person at the computer with lots of kiosks open, so I waited for a bit before going over to a machine, then others realized they could do the same thing. Herd Mentality at its best.

I started at the Universal Studios side, and they were only letting in those with their early access. I had planned on stopping by Voodoo Donuts on the way in, but the line was really long. So I went to a place called Boulangerie that was inside the park. The line wasn’t long, but it took FOREVER. For just a couple of families in front of me. They were really dragging their feet. One person at a time instead of an assembly line. It was painful to watch. I chose a cherry turnover, which was really good. While not anything special or unique, it was quite tasty.

When I was done, I saw that people were being let in. I don’t know these parks well, so I just followed the crowd, as I assumed we’d all be heading to Diagon Alley. Sure enough, we were. I loved the entrance, how it was kind of hidden. So well done. The theming here really is top notch.

I went to Gringotts first, after taking in the sights. I went through the single rider line, which doesn’t allow you to really enjoy the inside of the “bank,” but I was able to see it. Being able to walk right on, though? Worth it. I was able to ride twice in the first thirty minutes, and I loved the ride!

At 9:30, I headed to Olivander’s. I’d never done this before, and it was cool, but I wasn’t really wowed. But it’s part of the Harry Potter experience. Probably cooler for kids. The shop was really interesting, though.

After browsing a few shops, I headed to the Hogwarts Express. This was something I was super excited for. I’ve been waiting since 7th Grade to take a ride on the Hogwarts Express. I started reading the books when only the first three were out. We were on the brink of the mania here in the States, but not quite there yet. I was 20 years old when the last one came out, so I was just a few years older than Harry each time I read one. We grew up together. And while I’m not super obsessed, I love these books so much.

The ride was really fun, but as a solo rider, I had to ride with another family. I found that kind of awkward. I wish I’d have asked for my own carriage, as the line was non existent. I walked right on, after taking some photos and trying to soak in King’s Cross.

Once in Hogsmeade, I found my way to the Forbidden Journey in Hogwarts.

I really love this ride, but after two turns on Gringotts and once on this, I was feeling a little woozy. I wanted an old fashioned ride, so I headed to Jurassic Park. I love Jurassic Park. The movie and the ride. This was one of the few non-Harry things I wanted to make sure and do. Sure enough, I waited less than five minutes for it. Score.

After that, I decided to head to the King Kong ride. I’d heard good things, but I have to say, this was probably the most miserable 40 minutes of the whole 10 day trip. The queue was long, the family in front of me was loud and the son had his phone on the brightest setting, so it was glaring in my eyes the whole time, while the queue itself was dark and dim. Then at one point, I guess there are people who jump out and scare you, so there was lots of screaming and people chattering. I hate being scared and don’t watch scary movies, so I was nervous the whole time. Just absolutely miserable for me. And I didn’t think the ride was worth it. Felt like a whole waste of time, but it was done. I got in line around 1040 and was done at 1120. Get me outta there! It really put me off trying other things around Universal, which is unfortunate.

So I walked back through Hogsmeade. A happier place for me. I stopped by Honeydukes and got a chocolate frog. I need to remind myself next time they aren’t worth the money. Even for the novelty of it. The chocolate isn’t that great and they are awkward to eat. Then I rode the Hogwarts Express back to Diagon Alley. I wanted to eat at the Leaky Cauldron since I’ve been to the Three Broomsticks a couple of times already. I’d already decided Universal isn’t for me and I was just going to concentrate on Harry Potter.

The ride back was also awkward with another family, but it was still cool. I went straight to the Leaky Cauldron when I got back as I was pretty hungry. I got the chicken sandwich, and I actually really liked it. I got it with the apple butter mayo on the side, as I don’t usually like mayo. The tomato on the sandwich just made it for me. I love tomatoes more than the average person. Next time, I’d request another one. Something about the way they were roasted. Yum!

I also got Frozen Butterbeer. I’d already decided on this trip that I was going to get what I wanted, even if it was more than I’d ideally like to spend. Because this was MY trip. And I was trying to make it as perfect as possible. And a perfect Harry Potter day includes Butterbeer. It was so refreshing on such a hot day.

After lunch, I went back to Olivander’s. I wanted McGonagall’s wand. Might be stupid to pay that much for something that just sits around my apartment, but I love McGonagall. And so I wanted it. No other explanation needed. Plus, I have her hat for my go-to Halloween costume, so I could theoretically put it to use at some point. I was also looking for something Hufflepuff, but I really didn’t like any of the shirts or things. But I did decide to get a couple of pins. Nothing else grabbed my eye, but I wanted something. So I got three, including a Hufflepuff one.

Then I felt like it was time to go. I was hot, I didn’t want my chocolate frog to melt, and I was lugging around this wand. But I did stop by ET first. I’d never ridden it for some reason, so I wanted to experience it. It was less than a ten minute wait, and I absolutely loved it. I like rides like that and Jurassic Park better than King Kong. I like the old fashioned stuff more than the newer stuff. But that’s just me. I’m glad I stopped for it, but when I was done, I was really done. Time to get back to Disney.

I left the park at 1:24, was in a Lyft by 1:32, and walking into the Contemporary at 1:57. Back in the Disney Bubble where I belong. And while I enjoyed Harry Potter, I doubt I’ll be spending any money on a two-park ticket in the near future. They’re going to have to add something new before I go back. It’s not going to be a regular thing.

Now that I was back in the bubble, I felt much better. For some reason, after a nice morning, my mood was a little off. I just felt weird, and I couldn’t pinpoint it. But I think it was that crazy bubble feeling. I wanted to go home. (Home = Contemporary)

I was so grateful that Mousekeeping was already there. Since it was 2pm, I wasn’t sure if they’d have come yet or not, and I really just wanted to relax. I headed downstairs to pick up a Times Guide and all the park maps. I like collecting the park maps each trip since things can change. I also filled up my mug with more Diet Coke, and went back to the room.

I read some, I called my mom, and I generally just hung out. It was really nice. And I hung out for three whole hours. I didn’t nap, but I didn’t feel the need to. While my ADR wasn’t until 7:00, my new plan was to leave at 5:00 for Disney Springs. The tank top I bought didn’t fit how I liked, so I wanted to exchange it. Then I’d go from Disney Springs to another resort for my ADR.

Thing is, this was the first time the bus wait times were down when I needed them. So I headed out at 5:00. The bus for Disney Springs was there when I walked outside, but by the time I got to the bus stop, it was pulling away. I just missed it. I had to wait 25 minutes for the next one. Oh well. My luck couldn’t hold out forever.

I finally left the Contemporary at 5:30 and was done at Disney Springs by 6:00. Waiting for another bus at 6:05 and it pulled in at 6:08. My luck returned. I was headed to the Beach Club for some much needed ice cream. The bus pulled in right at 6:30. ADR was at 7:00, so I had plenty of time.

This is where my grumpiness came back, albeit briefly. Luckily ice cream was in my near future. But after a sometimes-great-sometimes-not day at Universal, I just needed a good evening. But I got really confused at the Beach Club and couldn’t find my way to Beaches and Cream. In the lobby, I just saw their buffet to the right, so I went outside to get to B&C. Because of the storm, the pool was closed with the gates locked and I couldn’t get there. I went back inside, but still didn’t see a way. And instead of asking, like I should have, I was determined that there was a way to get there outside.

So I walked ALL THE WAY around the pool and ended up at the Yacht Club. Thoroughly grumpy and in great need of ice cream, I finally asked the person there if I could get to Beaches and Cream from there. She was so cheerful as she said absolutely and told me how. Taught me a lesson. Just ask.

I checked in at 6:45. (That’s how long it took me to find it!) I did have to wait a bit before being seated, but I was early. No biggie. I was probably seated right at my reservation time. I was pleasantly surprised that they put me at one of their tables for two instead of the bar.

Knowing that a full meal would fill me up too much for ice cream, I just ordered onion rings. They were average, but I freaking love onion rings. Even bad onion rings are good. My mood was already bouncing back. I love pretty much all deep fried delicacies.

Then came what I was really looking forward to. The No Way Jose. My love of peanut butter was duly rewarded for my long, tiring day. It was every bit as delicious as I’d hoped. The warm sauces were perfection over the cold ice cream. I tried very hard to finish, but it was hopeless. This was one of the two restaurants I went to that don’t offer a CM discount, but it was worth every penny. Next time, I’ll go back just for the ice cream.

Once I was done, I was much more easily able to find my way to the Beach Club lobby. My original plan was to walk to Epcot and use a FP at Soarin’. But it was starting to downpour, so I changed into my flip flops (I’d learned my lesson) and headed out to the bus stop.

I cancelled my Soarin’ FP, and hopped on a Magic Kingdom bus. One was waiting for me when I got there. Thing is, by the time we got to MK, the rain pretty much stopped. Epcot might not have been so bad. But I didn’t want a repeat of Hollywood Studios where I hung out in the rain for no reason.

Once at MK, though, my grumpiness came back a bit. I had to go through security to get to the Contemporary walkway. Luckily there was no line, but it was really frustrating. Determined not to get too grumpy, I made it back to my room by about 8:30 and spent the evening reading and just relaxing. I went to bed early with plans for Animal Kingdom in the morning!
Day 7 - Animal Kingdom

I was once again up before my alarm this morning. I always love that. Out of the room by 7:55, and on my way to catch a bus to Animal Kingdom. Opening at 9am, I wasn’t in a huge hurry. I had a Flight of Passage FP and wasn’t bothered about NRJ. I actually still hadn’t even decided what to rope drop. I just like being at the parks first thing in the morning when the crowds are lower and the sun isn’t as bad.

Walking through the lobby toward the exit for the buses, I said hello to a CM who was standing around. He wasn’t in a Contemporary uniform that I could tell, it was a gray shirt with Mickey on it, but he had a name tag. I wasn’t sure who he was, but I’m always in a good mood in the mornings and like to say hello. Well, he started chatting with me. Asked me if I was headed to the parks today. I said I was. He asked where. I told him Animal Kingdom. “How would you like a ride in one of our new Minnie Vans?” I thought for a moment, trying to see if he said anything that made it sound like I had to pay. He didn’t, so I said, “Sure!” And then he said, “Let’s make some magic.” I think the Disney Gods were making things up to me after a couple of rough instances the day before.

It was parked right outside, where you can get dropped off and picked up by any other Uber/Lyft/cab. He opened the door for me, and it was super clean inside. And we chatted all the way to Animal Kingdom. Definitely one of the more pleasant traveling experiences I’ve ever had. He gave me his spiel about the Minnie Vans. I could tell it was sort of a sales pitch disguised as a Magic Moment, but I was grateful nonetheless.

Conversation was easy, which isn’t always the case with me. I can be somewhat awkward around strangers. I feed off them. If they are outgoing and friendly, I am too. If they are reserved and quiet, I am too. After I told him I worked at Frozen, conversation turned to Broadway and a recent trip he’d made to New York. Found out he has worked at Disney for about six years in various positions, and is still part of the choir for the Candlelight Processional. It was a nice way to spend the morning.

It meant, though, that I got to Animal Kingdom way ahead of schedule. I decided to check out the Pandora situation to see if it was possible to rope drop Flight of Passage. The crowd seemed pretty massive at 8:15, so I decided against it and thought Everest would work better. On the way, I saw a photographer in front of the tree without any guests. So I stopped for photos. These were better than my castle photos.

I decided to see if Isle of Java was open for some breakfast while I waited, but no such luck. So I found some shade near the entrance to Asia and chilled out for a bit. They didn’t drop the rope until right at 9:00.

There was a decent crowd heading to Everest, but it wasn’t bad. And I enjoyed it even more than I remembered. It’s such a good coaster! While at the top with the broken track, I noticed a girl shooting a hair tie up onto the mountain. Then I saw just how many of those hair ties are up there. This is a thing? How weird is that?

I was off around 9:12 and saw that the line for meeting Minnie and Mickey was only 10 minutes. After about fifteen minutes in line, I was let into the room, but saw another six parties ahead of me. Maybe later, but not while other lines are shorter. So I left around 9:30. Off to Dinosaur I went! I was done there at 9:45 and went to Isle of Java for my beloved Elephant Ear. Absolutely one of my favorite treats I found on my last trip, and one of the few I repeated. They are so delicious. Highly recommended.

I was finished with my treat right around 10:00 and saw that the line for Dug and Russell was starting to build. Maybe four families in line, so I headed over there. Dug and Russell were out shortly after and I had one of the most fun character meets of the whole trip. Dug was amazing. Acted just like a dog. He liked to be pet and would lick my face. So sweet. Love these photos.

After I was done meeting my new friends, it was time for my Safari FP. The line was actually a little long, but I didn’t have a whole lot planned for the day. I wasn’t in a rush. It was a pretty good safari. We saw a lot. I don’t really remember a lot of the specifics, so I’ll let the photos do the talking.

Up next was my Flight of Passage FP. I enjoyed it as much as I did two days before. Such a wonderful ride. I’d try to find another FP the rest of the day, but it never worked out.

I was off in time to really book it to the Finding Nemo Musical, though. I love this show. It’s my favorite show in Animal Kingdom. Maybe in Disney World. I just really, really love it. I found a seat in the first row behind the aisle/walkway where the performers go. Such a great seat. There was just one space left on the aisle. Ah, the perks of going solo. :) The two ladies next to me were really sweet and we commented on how great the seats were. Plus, it was a seat in the air conditioning. I was a happy girl.

I was out and done around 12:40 and went to Dinosaur for my last FP. Unfortunately the photo didn’t sync to my MDE and the photos weren’t showing on the screens. That was a bummer.

I was done around 1:00, which was perfect timing. My lunch ADR was at Sanaa at 1:45 and so I had time to catch the bus over. I was at the AKL by 1:20 and had a little difficulty finding the restaurant. Restaurants at resorts were confusing this trip! But I finally found it and was still early, so I waited a bit. Not a huge deal.

My main goal was to get the bread service. And being a solo diner, I wasn’t sure if it would fill me up too much, so I didn’t order an entree. And it was good. Maybe not as good as I wanted, though, which was disappointing. I only liked the three naan. The other two breads were not my favorite. They were a little soggy, I think from being on the bottom of the pile. The spreads/sauces were hit and miss for me. Some I loved and some were just okay.

Since I didn’t finish the bread, I decided to get the Lamb Kefta skewers. While the flavor was food, and I loved the couscous salad underneath, I didn’t realize it was ground lamb. They were more like meatballs, while I prefer regular cuts of meat. So they weren’t bad, but not quite what I wanted.

All in all, I didn’t love Sanaa as much as I thought I would. I think next time I’ll go for the abbreviated bread service, with just the ones I liked, and an entree.

I skipped dessert because I wanted to go to The Mara for their peanut butter brownie I’ve heard so much about. Unfortunately, they didn’t have it. I pondered getting something else, but I thought I’d wait and find something back at the park.

So I headed for the bus and one for Animal Kingdom was waiting right there. I was back in the park by 3:00. While at lunch, I had scored a FP for Na’vi River Journey. I’d ridden it before and didn’t love it, but I thought I’d snatch up the FP since I couldn’t find one for Flight of Passage. It was nice and relaxing, though. I was done around 3:40 and headed to Festival of the Lion King that I’d gotten a FP for.

Here is where I messed up a bit. I should have done the new Up bird show. I didn’t realize it didn’t run past 5:00pm. So once I was done at FotLK, the bird show was no longer running. Was bummed about that, but oh well. I got a FP for Everest and headed that way instead.

I was done at Everest at 4:50 and decided it was time for a snack. I got a Mickey Ice Cream Sandwich, which I’d never had before. And I was a little disappointed. It was frozen solid and not all that enjoyable. The cookie part would stick to the roof of my mouth. Maybe I needed to give it some time to thaw out, but I’d already started eating it and threw away the wrapper.

Took the time to call and talk to my sister for a bit as well. Then I went to explore Gorilla Falls. After that was Dole Whip with Coconut Rum. THIS was delicious. I loved it. So refreshing, and the coconut flavor really added to the Dole Whip. Mmmm. This will become a new regular thing, I’m sure. Maybe a little overpriced, but we’re in Disney. Everything is overpriced.

I scored another Everest FP, and then another Safari FP. I was really just waiting out the evening because I wanted to see Rivers of Light. The safari turned out to be a great idea, though, because we got great sightings. Most memorably, the giraffes were RIGHT NEXT TO THE ROAD. It was surreal. Don’t think I’ll ever forget that.

I was done with the safari at 7:30 and still had time to kill before Rivers of Light. I decided just to wait it out and grab a FP for it. I had a Mickey Pretzel and took some photos while I waited.

I went into Rivers of Light really early, which was unnecessary, but there wasn’t much else I wanted to do. It wasn’t bad, though, because this family next to me was really nice. Their daughter, probably about four years old, was keeping herself occupied by drawing pictures. She even drew one for me, which was sweet.

The show was fine. I didn’t love it, but I’m glad I saw it. I’ve been curious about it for so long. I was super paranoid about getting behind a bunch of people heading for the buses, so I purposefully sat on the aisle near the back so I could sneak out real quick when it was done.

I was out of ROL by 9:00 and at the bus stop at 9:12. There were only maybe 12 people ahead of me for the bus to WL/Contemporary, which I was glad for. But I did have a bit of a wait ahead of me. And the line got pretty long by the time the bus came. The bus left at 9:25

There was a family of four that got on with only one seat left next to me. They let the grandmother sit, while the mom and the two pre-teen children stood. The one kid would not stop complaining about having to stand. The mother finally told him to sit on the floor because she was so tired of his complaining. Once people got off at the Wilderness Lodge, he sat in a seat. I don’t remember if they got off at the Contemporary as well, or if the bus went somewhere else. I was back at the Contemporary around 10:00. It had been a long day, so I went to bed shortly after.
Day 8 - Four Parks in One Day

It finally arrived. The day I’d been planning and rearranging for weeks. If not months. All four parks in one day! My agreement with myself was to ride something in each park and also eat something in each park. Let’s see if that happens.

I was up at 6:30am, out of the room by 6:55 and waiting for the monorail at 7:00. Epcot was up first since it has an 8am EMH. Unfortunately, the Epcot monorail was down again. Once I got off at the TTC, we saw that it wasn’t going to start running until 7:30. Then once 7:30 got there, they came and told us we’d have to take a bus. There was a decent group of us, and we got to chatting while we were waiting. It was a nice sort of camaraderie.

The bus wasn’t bad, though a little crowded. Two young kids made their way to the back where I was sitting, but I didn’t see their parents come back with them. Since we were all in the same crowd before, I had seen what their parents looked like, and they were stuck up front with their stroller and an infant baby sister. Well, once the bus pulled away, the little girl realized her parents weren’t with her and started to tear up.

I asked her if she was okay, and she asked, “Where’s my mommy?” I told her she was up front and couldn’t make her way back here. And we proceeded to have the following conversation:

“We’re going to Epcot. What if they get off without us?”

“The whole bus is going to Epcot. Everyone will get off at the same time.”

“What if mommy leaves without us.”

“I’m sure she’ll wait right outside for you to get off. I’ll get off with you and make sure you find her.”

“You’re going to Epcot?”

“Yes, everyone on the bus is going to Epcot. We’ll find your mommy.”

And then to keep her mind occupied, I just kept her talking. Have you been having a fun time? What is your favorite ride? Do you like Epcot? What are you going to do today? Her younger brother was right next to her and they were quite the chatterboxes. So freaking cute. I believe they were 6 years old and 4 years old.

The 4 year old told me the Mine Train was his favorite ride. And the older sister threw some serious shade and said, “My brother thinks the mine train is fast! He’s not tall enough to ride Everest which is faster.” It was hilarious. Then they told me they would be going to MNSSHP the next day and I asked what they were going to be dressed up as. They were going to be Lilo and Stitch, with their parents as Nani and David. Then their baby sister was going to be Skrump, Lilo’s doll. I wish I could have seen them because it sounded crazy cute. They were freaking cute kids, let me tell you. One of the highlights of my trip for sure.

Every now and then, the girl would tear up and get worried, and I’d get her talking about something else. Oh, she was so sweet. When the bus finally got to Epcot, she got hyper-alert in looking for her mom. Sure enough, she was waiting right by the back door of the bus and everyone was reunited. Even when I’m not on duty, it’s nice to spread the Disney Magic.

They went off on their way, and I was ready to check off my first park of the day! I didn’t have any FP for Epcot, which turned out to be a wise decision. They were not needed. I got so much done this morning without them. I debated Rope Dropping Soarin’ or Frozen, since SR at Test Track was usually a good option for me. I started at Soarin’, since the lines for FEA never really got long this trip. And the morning went really well.

I was in line for Soarin at 8:08, got a seat, but I can’t remember exactly where it was. I want to say B1 again. I had great luck. Then I went to Frozen and was done there at 8:45am. Walked right on. The line for Anna and Elsa was already 20 minutes and I didn’t want to wait for some reason.

Next up was breakfast at Les Halles, and this was one of my favorite parts of the whole day. Breakfast at Les Halles might be a new tradition. The Roule Lard was delicious. Like, wow. Then I also got the Berry Trifle which was berries and whipped cream. So freaking good. Man. A great way to start the day. I got myself a seat outside and pretended I really was in Paris. Made for a great morning.

I was done around 9:25 and headed to Spaceship Earth. It was a very short wait and I was off before 10:00.

Then I headed to the Test Track SR line. We stopped for about 10 minutes or so. Not sure what happened, but both lines were at a standstill. But I was off by 10:30.

After that I went to The Land for water and a bathroom break. Next on my list was a visit with Belle, but it wasn’t quite 11:00. I found some shade near the rope guarding the World Showcase and got to enjoy their opening ceremony. That was really cute. Mickey confetti and everything. Belle was scheduled for 11:00 but was a few minutes behind schedule, as that’s when the World Showcase opens.

And this turned into one of my favorite interactions of the whole trip. While I was once again a sweaty mess for the photo, we had an awesome conversation. I love Belle because she loves to read. And I’ve always been a big reader. I’ve loved books my whole life, so when I was little, I related to her so much more than the other princesses. She made me feel like I wasn’t super weird.

First she commented on the castle on my shirt and asked if it was a castle from back home. I said we don’t have castles in New York City. She asked if we had libraries, and I said we had tons of libraries. She asked if I loved going there and I said of course. And she asked what my favorite book was, and my mind went blank. But I was just starstruck. It was so lovely. I’m so glad I went back.

After Belle, I wanted to see Mary Poppins, but she didn’t have a photographer with her. I could have asked someone else to take the photo, but I get a little self conscious about it. Plus her line was in the sun and I was a mess. So I decided to call it quits on Epcot and head to Hollywood Studios.

I went to the International Gateway and decided to take the boat. I was really hot and sweaty by this time and just couldn’t stomach a long walk in the sun. The boat didn’t turn out to be much better as the skipper opened all the windows she could and the sun was streaming in. And since there were a lot of stops, there wasn’t much breeze. The boat left at 11:30 and we were at Hollywood Studios by 12:00 exactly.

I had FPs for TSM, RnR, and ToT, but they didn’t start for a bit. I didn’t want to stress over making it on time, so I scheduled them a little later than necessary. So I went to my new standby, the Frozen Sing Along. This one was pretty good. Better than my second one, but in no way as good as the first. But much needed air conditioning. Whew. It really cooled me down. I was out around 1:00 then headed to my TSM FP. It was my worst score yet, but it was still fun.

To check off the eat something in every park, I got the other pop tart from Woody’s Lunch Box, the Nutella one. It was really good, but I think I liked the raspberry one better.

Then I realized I hadn’t done Voyage of the Little Mermaid yet, so I went and waited for that. I wanted more AC. I always like this show. It’s really fun. I was done around 2:30 and headed to my next FP at Tower of Terror. Always so fun. Followed that right up with Rock n Roller Coaster. This one-two punch is almost as great as Splash/Big Thunder at Magic Kingdom. I could easily hop between the two all afternoon.

I was done around 3:20 and headed out of the park. A bus was pulling up for Animal Kingdom right as I got there. Score! I was in the park by 3:55. I was able to score a FP for Dinosaur, but didn’t have much else to do. Lines for Mickey/Minnie and Pocahontas were once again fairly long and I didn’t want to wait.

So I found a bench and called mom again. It was nice taking breaks like this and connecting with the outside world a bit. Once I was done, I headed right to Dinosaur, and the father/daughter behind me were cracking me up. He kept reassuring her it wasn’t dark or scary. He wasn’t lying, as it was clear he hadn’t ridden before, but he didn’t have any idea what to expect. I really wanted to get in the same vehicle as them to see her reaction, because this ride scared the crap out of me the first several times I rode it. But since I was a single rider, I was selected to fill in a row.

After riding, I was in the gift shop looking at pins. Sure enough, they walked through and this little girl was NOT happy about what she just experienced. Poor thing. I wanted to correct him when we were in line, but I got the impression he was trying to convince her because he wanted to be able to ride himself. So I didn’t insert myself.

Anyway, after Dinosaur, my goal was to get my something to eat at Satu’li Canteen. I’d heard such wonderful things about it, I thought it would make for a nice supper. I initially had an ADR at Yak and Yeti, but canceled so I wouldn’t be stressed over making it on time. Turns out it would have worked, but I loved Satu’li. No complaints.

I got a rice/chicken bowl. I had no idea what sauce to get, so I asked the cashier. She was super helpful in describing them to me, and I chose really well. It was the one she recommended, a chimichurri of sorts, I believe. I forget what it was called. But delicious. And I loved that it was in a real bowl with real silverware.

Animal Kingdom is killing it with the quick service. Flame Tree, Harambe, and now Satu’li. It’s no wonder I haven’t been to a table service in the park yet. :)

After supper, I caught a bus back to the Contemporary. This was another one with a bit of a wait. And when a bus pulled in, it was one for the Polynesian. A Contemporary/Wilderness Lodge was right behind it and pulled into the space for the Polynesian. We were all confused, so I went and asked the bus driver. They confirmed they were in the wrong spots and got us on the right bus. Phew.

I was back in my room around 6:15. Since I’d gotten so hot and gross at Epcot, I decided to change clothes before heading out to Magic Kingdom around 7:00. While walking there, we were once again surrounded by storms. These seemed to plague my evenings at Magic Kingdom. We wouldn’t get rain, but there was thunder and lightning around which caused rides to go down. I had managed a BTMRR FP, but it changed to an anytime FP because the ride was down.

I waited in standby for Small World and got another FP for Pooh. I was done with both of these by 8:00. I rode Journey of the Little Mermaid quick before deciding to wait for HEA in the hub. This would be my last viewing, so I wanted a good spot. I managed a FP for Haunted Mansion for when the show was over. I thought about getting a snack to enjoy while I waited, but the crowd was too thick to maneuver through, so I decided against it. So this was my one fail of my challenge. I didn’t eat anything at Magic Kingdom. Oh, well. I still got a lot done and had a full experience in each park. It wasn’t just a pop in and out visit to each one.

Anyway, HEA was as wonderful as ever. I was going to miss it, and I cried once again. Then I made my way to Haunted Mansion and enjoyed 999 happy haunts. After that, I used my anytime FP at Splash Mountain to end the night.

I left the park after that. From Frontierland to my hotel room takes about 30 minutes. It’s quite a trek at the end of a long night, but still so convenient when you’re walking past all the bus lines.

Once back in my room, I finally ate the Mickey Mousse I got from Amorette’s. I was too full after Homecomin’ to eat it that day. Now that I’m thinking about it, it’s why I didn’t get a snack at MK. If I didn’t eat the Mickey Mousse that night, I wouldn’t have a chance later in the trip and I didn’t want it to go to waste.

I really enjoyed my Four-Parks-One-Day day. I never felt rushed or like I was missing anything. I think I planned it pretty well. Transportation mostly cooperated and it was easy to get everything done. These may become a new normal on future trips, so long as I’m alone or with very few people. I can see how it would be hard to manage with kids or a larger group. Being left to your own devices definitely would make it easier.

I think another key is to have as few definite plans as possible. I had no ADRs, but I did schedule FastPasses. I’d recommend scheduling them for your second park. The first park is easy if you Rope Drop, then you get to use the FPs in time to schedule more for the next parks. It would actually probably be best to start with AK so it’s not so out of the way in the middle of the day. But I wanted breakfast at Epcot and supper at AK. Plus, Epcot had a morning EMH which gave me an extra hour there.

Also, I think avoiding ADRs to keep from getting stuck for an extended period of time is a good idea. I liked being able to eat quickly and keep moving, even though I usually enjoy longer meals where I can sit in the AC.

I started to doubt if it was a good idea to do this so late into my trip when I would be more tired, but it actually didn’t feel like a chore to get done. I liked it. It would have been nice to have a cooler day so I didn’t feel like I was so gross the whole time, but that’s par for the course at WDW in August.
Day 9 - Magic Kingdom

Another Friday. Another MNSSHP. Another perfect day for Magic Kingdom. I said good morning to Bay Lake and headed on my way around 7:30.

I wasn’t in a huge rush to get there since I was headed to Peter Pan first again. A much more pleasant experience than Mine Train first thing in the morning. It was EMH, so we had to check in for that. Rope dropped right at 8:00 and I was flying off to Neverland shortly after. Instead of hitting up the Fantasyland rides after, I headed to Fairytale Hall to meet some of my favorite gals.

I was mostly wanting to meet Cinderella, since she’s my second favorite after Belle, but she turned out to be the least chatty, and her wig was off kilter. You can hardly see her face. I knew nothing about Elena, but she probably knew that because she kept the conversation pretty simple. She was really sweet.

Rapunzel really took her time with each party and always asked for a hug. I love hugging the characters, but only go for it if they do. I understand they’re actual people and I don’t want to make them uncomfortable. She was super sweet. Tiana as well. I liked how that photographer got a little artsy with his shots. All of the photographers got candid shots except for the Cinderella one. They just took a couple posed ones. So I guess I’ll have to go back and see Cinderella again sometime.

I was done with all four by 8:30, so that was an amazing use of my time. Their wait times can get pretty long during the day. Next priority was Astro Orbiter. The line didn’t look long, so I got in. In the ten minutes I was standing there, they only made one trip with the elevators. So I bailed. Not a good use of my morning time. I’ll get this done some day!

Since it was only Fantasy and Tomorrowlands open, I decided to head to Buzz next. I did much better this time knowing I could rotate the buggy. And this is where I got one of my absolute favorite photos of the trip. It absolutely cracks me up.

I was done around 8:50 and decided to gather with the Rope Drop crowd to head to Adventureland. Since it wasn’t quite time, I took the chance to enjoy the welcome show. I had never seen it before, because I’m normally rope dropping or there for EMH. So that was another first I got done this trip. I was planning to do it the next morning, but this worked out well. Adventureland isn’t a high priority to stay in line for.

I went on Jungle Cruise first since lines can get long. I was done by 9:15 and hopped on Aladdin’s Magic Carpets. I had never ridden this one either, so that was another first. Not thrilling, obviously, but you get a nice vantage point of Adventureland.

Then came another trip on Pirates. I was out by 9:35 and decided to have breakfast at Sleepy Hollow. This was one of the more important last minute decisions I’d make, as it lead to probably the highlight of my entire trip. I’m not kidding.

I got the Nutella/Fruit waffle, which is an absolute favorite. I’ve had it before, so it was one of the few things I re-ate. :) I found me a table in the shade and feasted. I love this thing. Get one if you haven’t.

After that, I was going to head to my first FastPass at the Mine Train. I had some time to kill, but I thought I’d find something else in Fantasyland to occupy my time. While walking up by the castle, I spotted THE character I wanted to meet. I missed her in Disneyland last year, and she’s never really scheduled to be out at Disney World. I found out that she makes surprise appearances and I lucked into it.

The Fairy Godmother.

Oh, man. I was ready to give up the rest of my plans to wait in line as long as it took to meet her. Cinderella was one of the movies my sister and I watched the most when we were kids. I know that movie forwards and backwards. Gus Gus is a favorite all time character of mine. I swoon during “So This Is Love” every time. And the Fairy Godmother is one of my heroes. (Along with the three fairies in Sleeping Beauty.)

And there she was. I was in line for maybe 20 minutes, and I chatted with a mom behind me who was almost as thrilled as I was. (It would be impossible to be as thrilled as I was.) I would watch the Fairy Godmother sign autograph books and give kids stickers. I was just in awe of her. And I had to catch myself to stop crying a couple of times. I was so excited.

Then it was my turn. She gave me the biggest, warmest hug. Oh, it was lovely. Then she turned away a moment, dug into her big sleeve, and pulled out a handkerchief to dab some sweat on her brow. She said, “Pardon me. I’m shvitzing.” I said, “Oh, me too. I’m such a sweaty mess.” And she said, “Well, honey, you don’t look it.” As sincere as anything. Through all my character photos I’d be paranoid about flyaway hair and being sweaty and red in the face. So she just put me at ease and made me feel so good about myself. It’s like she knew exactly what I needed to hear. That’s what Fairy Godmothers are for.

She asked what I was going to do next and I said I was headed to a Mine Train to see the Seven Dwarfs. She said it was really good to do that in the mornings because sometimes the train has to stop for rain in the afternoon. We agreed that it was really fun. We took our posed photos, and then when we were done, she dug into her sleeve once again and pulled out a card with her signature on it for me. My heart absolutely melted. I was so in love with her. I also got a Mickey sticker. I love when magic is spread to adults and not just kids. :)

After that, I went on my way. I was in a daze, and wandered into some shade so I could collect myself. I started laughing. I was just so beside myself with glee. I had met the Fairy Godmother. Four year old Julie was going nuts inside. I was riding that high right into the nearest gift shop and bought the Cinderella spirit jersey that I had been eyeing all week. I also got a necklace with Cinderella’s carriage on it. You could say I was inspired.

Once I’d come down from my Fairy Godmother high, I made my way to the Mine Train. As fun as always. I really was living in a fairytale.

After that, I headed to the Hall of Presidents. It was under refurb last time, so it just occurred to me I hadn’t done it yet. I semi-forgot about it. And without getting political, I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would.

Since I was there, I hung out for the next Muppets show. It was the Paul Revere one. I’m not sure how many they do, but it was cute. I don’t know much about the Muppets and rarely watch their movies or shows. But I like catching the different things throughout the park to keep the days different. Or else it would be ride after ride after ride and I wouldn’t be able to tell anything apart.

Then it was time for my BTMRR FP. I headed that way and pretty much walked on. I had enough time until my Splash FP, so I went to see the Country Bears again. Don’t think I’ve ever done that twice in one trip. Hot August calls for multiple showings. It still wasn’t time for my Splash FP when I was done, so I went to the Tiki Room. I just missed the show, unfortunately, so by the time I was done, I wasn’t going to have enough time to ride Splash before my lunch ADR at Be Our Guest.

I tried to change Splash to later in the afternoon, but realized I didn’t want to back track. So I changed it to Space Mountain. I needed to spend some time in Tomorrowland, so it turned out to be a good choice.

But first, Be Our Guest! I did have a little time to kill, though, so I hopped on Small World. This actually turned out to be one of the rides I rode the most. (This and Thunder Mountain tied for first with five rides each.) I know a lot of people hate it, but I don’t. It’s a Walt Disney original, and I’m super sentimental about it.

I got out right at my Be Our Guest reservation time, so I hustled that way. Since I preordered on the app, I checked in pretty quickly. I took my time going around and enjoying the different rooms, since I didn’t really do that before. It was pretty busy, so I found myself a table in the Rose Gallery room. I think that’s what it’s called. Why they didn’t do a library is beyond me. It’s one of the most iconic locations in the castle. Anyway.

I didn’t have to wait too long for my food. I got the Croque Monsieur and the Strawberry Cupcake. I pretty much made the reservation for this cupcake. It’s so freaking delicious. Plus, I’m a fan of grilled/melty sandwiches, so it’s a win-win. The sandwich was fine and the fries were average. But that cupcake. Man. It was as good as I remember. Better, even, since I remembered to grab a fork and didn’t have to fight the wrapper. Just eat it with a fork and leave it in the wrapper. It’s darn near impossible to remove.

I snapped a few more photos before leaving and heading back into the heat. Space Mountain was up next. I do love a roller coaster, but this one can leave me a little sore. It’s so jerky. But it’s iconic and I still love it. The whole experience of the queue and everything. It’s just classic.

I got a FP for Enchanted Tales with Belle for later in the afternoon, so I decided to spend my time until then on more classics. Peoplemover and Carousel of Progress. A nice break for my legs. I was done there around 2:10pm. Then I decided against Belle and switched it to a Journey of the Little Mermaid FP. On my way, I stopped to see Donald and Goofy at their circus tent. (The Minnie/Daisy line was too long so I skipped them.) Goofy was great. He took me for a spin. But Donald just grabbed my arm for a photo and was done.

I thought about a trip on the railroad next, since my FP gave me an hour to return, but the train had stopped for some reason. So I headed to the FP anyway, enjoyed the little dark ride, and then got a FP to meet Ariel. The line still took a bit, but she was super sweet and fun to talk to.

I was done there around 3:45 and realized the MNSSHP crowd was about to descend. The railroad was back up, so I took a ride from Storybook Circus all the way back around and then to the front of the park. It was nice and relaxing.

I could see the crowds waiting to get in the park and it made me glad I was leaving. I was heading out of the park around 4:15 and back in the Contemporary at 4:30 or so.

Since I was leaving the next day, I spent my time until my ADR packing and getting things together. My suitcases were overloaded with souvenirs. This is always my least favorite part of the trip, packing to leave. I welled up a few times, but got through. I hate leaving. But I had to make progress. I wanted my last day to be in Magic Kingdom as much as possible before leaving. I also thought packing before my ADR would be good as it would pick up my mood. That definitely proved to be the case.

Anyway, after packing, I showered and got myself all fancy. I packed white linen pants and a pink blouse for my most anticipated ADR of the trip: California Grill. I was staying at the Contemporary. I had to. And I actually wanted to see the fireworks from the roof, so I made my reservation earlier in the evening.

I checked in at the reservation desk at 6:45pm. The reservationist asked me how my trip was and if I was having a good time. I actually got a little choked up when I replied that it had been a wonderful trip. She was very sweet.

Then I took the elevator up and was given a wonderful seat. I really prefer to sit with my back to the wall in a restaurant. I like to look out and hate having servers come up behind me. I startle easy. Anyway, it was perfect. A booth type seat, which I also love. While the restaurant is loud, yes, it was a beautiful sight and I was already in love.

My server, Bill, came by quickly. He asked if I wanted wine, and I said I wasn’t much of a wine drinker. He then asked, “Cocktail menu then?” I never for a moment felt like I was being judged, which was nice. Some people find it strange that I don’t like wine, especially with a nice meal. I’ve just never acquired a taste for it.

When Bill brought the cocktail menu, he also brought a bottle of wine with him. He said that it was a really mild Riesling from Germany that I should try. He poured just a sip or two in my glass, and it was actually quite pleasant. I ordered a glass and gave him back the cocktail menu. I love when a server is knowledgeable and makes suggestions but doesn’t talk down to you.

Then I placed my order. I got the Goat Cheese Ravioli as my appetizer and the Grouper as my entree. The ravioli is one of their signature dishes, so I wanted to try it. And I usually much prefer seafood to red meat. I made excellent choices.

Bread was brought to the table. A nice sourdough with flavored oil. I can’t remember how it was flavored, but I ended up preferring the bread with butter instead.

Then came the appetizer. It was really tasty, and the sauce was super flavorful. You get one large ravioli and not several small ones. It was the perfect size for an appetizer. I devoured it.

The meal was well paced, as I was never rushed, but I wasn’t left waiting too long. Before I knew it, my grouper was on the table. This is how it was described on the menu:

Black Grouper - Herb Basmati Rice, Cashew Chutney, Bok Choy, Baby Shiitake, Rock Shrimp, Kaffir Lime-Coconut Nage

The fish was cooked perfectly. Flakey and moist with a nice crispiness on top, probably from a broiler. Then that Nage. Probably the most delicious liquid I’ve ever tasted. Perfectly savory. I couldn’t finish it with the bread and ravioli I had before, but I enjoyed every bite. I ate as much as I possibly could. I know they change their menu around to what is seasonal, but I would hope to find something like this every time I go back.

I had to decline the dessert menu. There was no more room in my stomach. I really enjoyed my time at California Grill. It really cemented my experience at the Contemporary and put a great exclamation point on the end of my trip. I did end up paying about $100 just for myself, including tip, so it might not be a very frequent thing. But definitely a go-to for special occasions.

I headed out right around 7:50, which means I spent an hour there. Without company, it was the perfect amount of time. With a full stomach, I decided movement was in order, so I went to the 4th floor and checked out the gift shops and things. I didn’t end up getting anything, I don’t think. Then I decided to hop on the monorail and go to the Polynesian. Just to walk around the shops and things. I wanted to keep the Disney World feeling going.

Then I spent some time in my room before heading back to California Grill for the fireworks. I got there around 9:50. I wasn’t sure how quickly the viewing platform would fill up. I got a good spot and waited for Hallowishes to start. I chose well in watching Hallowishes from outside the park. Since they are huge and without projections, I didn’t feel like I lost anything by not being at the party. I had forgotten just how big the finale was, so that was quite a thrill.

Right after, I headed back down to my room for my last night in the comfy bed, knowing I only had one more Bay Lake morning in my future. I was sad, but luckily all the happy memories kept me from getting too upset. I had my next day clothes waiting for me, suitcases were packed, and I still had one more morning in Magic Kingdom to look forward to.
Day 10 - Magic Kingdom

My final day arrived. I’m just as sad now thinking back on it. Why do Disney trips, especially Practically Perfect ones like this, ever have to end? My alarm was set for 7:30. I got one more morning view of Bay Lake, then I was out of the room by 8am.

I took my bags to the valet to store them while I was at Magic Kingdom. I was smart and packed a change of clothes for travel in the afternoon that were easily accessible. I really planned this trip to a T. Every little part. So after leaving my bags, I walked to MK, arriving in plenty of time for a regular 9am opening.

I love musical theatre, and being in New York, I have been fortunate enough to make Broadway a regular occurrence. My favorite musical of all time was the recent revival of Hello, Dolly! Every time I’d hear one of the songs on Main Street, it was like the world was combining two of my favorite and most joyful things. Since I had time before the ropes dropped, I took the time to have my photo taken while they were playing “Put On Your Sunday Clothes.” One of the lines is, “Strut down the street and have your picture took.” So I did. The double whammy of Jerry Herman and Walt Disney made for a great moment for me.

I was debating what to do first all morning. All trip, really. I really wanted to cross Astro Orbiter off my list, and it proved elusive this trip. But I realized it was my last morning in Magic Kingdom and I should do my favorite things. So Frontierland it was! I rode Splash first, because it’s really my favorite and I was already hot.

Then I had an early FP for Big Thunder. Since I was leaving early, I had to start my FP early. Then off to Haunted Mansion. It really was about hitting my favorites this morning without thinking what was most efficient or smart. It was Julie’s morning. Small World was next, because I love it. Don’t judge me. Then I had a Mickey Bar for breakfast. (This is a judgment free zone, correct?)

Then since my next FPs were also in Fantasyland, I went to exchange my spirit jersey. I bought a large, and since it was my first spirit jersey, I didn’t realize how big they ran. I needed a medium. Swapped that out and headed to Mine Train. Fun as ever.

Then I spent time at the Philharmagic until my next FP at Peter Pan’s Flight. I was done with all of this by 11:30, and had time before my lunch ADR at the Plaza Inn. I decided to get a Dooney and Burke wallet that I had my eye on - the Cinderella pattern with Gus and Jaq. I had purchased the Mary Poppins wallet earlier that year, but I just couldn’t help myself. I was on a Cinderella high from the Fairy Godmother and spirit jersey. No regrets. (And this ended up being the only thing that put me over budget this trip, so it wasn’t bad.)

I checked in early at the Plaza Inn and got seated a little early. I wanted a nice lunch to end my Magic Kingdom day and the trip as a whole, and this was perfect. The hostess, Megan, and waitress, Lisa, were both lovely. I really felt like I was on Main Street USA.

I love sandwiches, with Reubens being my favorite, so I ordered that. I was not disappointed. Fries were average, but the sandwich was really good. I wanted an endless milkshake, but decided against it.

I had secured a FP for Buzz after lunch, so I headed that way. The FP line was backed up pretty far, but I didn’t have big plans for the afternoon, so I waited. Took maybe 15 minutes to get to the initial scan in point. I overheard a CM say that it went down for only six minutes and this was the backup that occurred. Crazy how big the effects are for such a small amount of downtime.

Anyway, I enjoyed this ride more this trip than I ever have in the past. Similar to Toy Story Mania. I’m not particularly good at them, so being with other people and being competitive usually ruins the experience for me. But this trip, I was competing with myself. Makes for much for fun.

After that, I found the line to meet Cinderella’s Stepsisters. It took nearly 20 minutes all told. The boy in front of me proposed to both of them each with a ring pop. They were still talking about that when I met them. They’re a hoot.

I had time to watch the parade before attempting to meet Mary Poppins in her gazebo. Her line was cut off before I could make it, which was disappointing. I left Magic Kingdom behind around 2:45pm to make my way back to the Contemporary. My trip was over, but it was such a long trip, that I really got to do everything I wanted, and most things I got to do multiple times. Going to a park on the last day really helps me avoid the Disney Depression that usually hits on the way home.

I picked up some treats and last minute souvenirs upstairs, then used the restrooms off the lobby to change my clothes. I had a bit before the Magic Express was set to arrive, so I just chilled out in the lobby. We left the Contemporary around 4:00 and got to MCO right at 5:00. TSA PreCheck came to my rescue and I was through security at 5:22pm.

The rest was uneventful and too depressing to even write out. So I’ll leave it here.

All in all – this was the best Disney trip I’d ever taken. I planned the hell out of it, but also allowed myself to change my mind as I went. I feel like it’s the best of both worlds. I enjoy the planning of it, but I’m not so strict about following it if something else happens. Doing what felt best in the moment was a great way to go, and I only let myself down a couple times. Not enough to make this anything less than a practically perfect Disney World trip.


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