Prayer requests

lewdyan1 said:
Continued prayers! :wizard: Will they remove the other tumors?

Thanks! I don't know. I think part of the hope is that the chemo will take care of them. I think they were satellite tumors from the one they removed. I think, but I don't know.
My dad is doing better - he only throws up about once a day now - that is because he is staying in bed. He throws up whenever he gets up. I have called the neurosurgeon's office at UAB but they won't give me any information because I am not the patient - they won't even tell me if the information the doc from Jackson MS sent has arrived.

My mom's only brother (there are just the two of them) died Wednesday evening. It isn't unexpected, he has been going downhill for months now - he has mouth and throat cancer. Of course, there is no way I can take my folks to Jackson for the funeral. For one thing, I dont' know how my dad would make a 5 hour trip - I am afraid it would undo the progress he has made. Also - they would both be in wheelchairs and I can't push two of them at the same time.

Mom is upset, of course - I wouldn't expect her to be any other way, this is her only brother. Doesn't help much that she is fundamentalist christian and thinks that because he didn't belong to the same kind of church she does that he is going to hell and she won't ever see him again. I won't go into the details of her church and what she believes but lets just say that right now, her religion isn't a comfort to her.

Thanks to everyone.
Hugs Sandy!!!
I have been thinking about you..since I hadn't seen you around..
OH, that HIPPA law is at it again.. Yes, I know exactly where you are going with that avenue..They won't give you any thing.. Would your dad give you Medical POA to help you get the info for him? Tell him it's only to get the paperwork not to make decisions for him.... I went through this with DH... and I finally yelled at the billing office & Dr. and they were very understanding...and said they were tied.. I told them I really understood and glad they are protecting my DH..but they aren't protecting him when he can't make the decisions and I need too...
I'm sorry to hear about your mom's brother.. Hugs to her.. Yes, it would be very hard to make that trip... (((((((hugs))))))
Continued prayers to you and your family!!!
Oh, Sandy, I'm so sorry for your family's loss. Take a deep breath. I'll be thinking about all of you. :grouphug:
Sandy, I am so sorry for your family - you all are having to deal with so much right now. Just know you are in our prayers.

I wanted to update you guys on little Noah. Honestly, it isn't looking good. They took another run of stem cells, but it will be a while before they know if they are clean and can be used for stem cell replacement. In the meantime, he is still doing chemo, and he isn't tolerating it as well as he was. His blood counts go down dramatically and he has had several transfusions this month. Right now, he is in the hospital with very low blood counts and a fever - infection is a big enemy with his resistance so low.

My cousin is starting to try to prepare her mom (my aunt) by letting little pieces of information that she had been holding go. Like Noah is only the 4th cancer patient St. Judes has tried this particular treatment on and that the doctors honestly don't know how he is still alive, as most victims of this type of cancer don't live past their 4th birthday.

Please keep them in your prayers, this is a particularly hard time for them to be away from home.
Mickster - prayers and pixie dust that your minister friend gets better soon.

Prayers and pixie dust continually for Noah. That has to be so hard for a parent to go through. Keeping all the family in my prayers.

I finally got appointments for dad with the neuro in birmingham. He has to have some tests done Jan 2 and has an appointment to see the doc on Jan 3 early in the day. I think we are going to spend the night in birmingham instead of trying to make that trip twice - my dad hasn't ridden in a car since I brought him to Montgomery so I don't know how he will handle the road trip and I would rather not put him through something that is going to make him sick.

He has been getting up and watching tv in the den - he still throws up if he moves around to much but it isn't as bad as it was - if he is careful and doesn't make any sudden moves. Gives me a little hope that he will be able to get over this.
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!

Noah's stem cells were clean this last time. They are prepping him and will start the replacement process the day after Christmas.

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
KAMommy said:
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!

Noah's stem cells were clean this last time. They are prepping him and will start the replacement process the day after Christmas.

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

That's wonderful news!!!:thumbsup2
That is wonderful news! A little bit of an early present?! Continued pixie dust for Noah and your whole family! pixiedust: I guess it is working! :)
KAMommy said:
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!

Noah's stem cells were clean this last time. They are prepping him and will start the replacement process the day after Christmas.

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Great news!!! Keep us posted!!! Continued prayers to Noah and his family!!!
As well as continued prayers to all our other DIS families and extensions!!! :grouphug:
KAMommy said:
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!

Noah's stem cells were clean this last time. They are prepping him and will start the replacement process the day after Christmas.

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

Saying prayers that the procedure is a huge success, and Noah is happy and healthy this time next year!!
KAMommy said:
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!

Noah's stem cells were clean this last time. They are prepping him and will start the replacement process the day after Christmas.

:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

that is GREAT news!!!!! here's to a better year for Noah and his family! sending hugs and prayers that it will be a success. :grouphug:
Hey all - today starts Noah's chemo for stem cell replacement. He has five days in a row of massive treatments. He has to be in ICU to be monitored for organ failure and other complications during and after the chemo. They will then give him two days off, make sure his immune system is basically gone, and then do the stem cell replacement on the third day after chemo is over.

This is so dangerous, and there are no guarantees. His tumor doesn't seem to be shrinking at all and they can't remove it because it is wrapped around his spinal cord. Please keep they little guy in your thoughts, especially the next 10 days or so.

Thank you all.
lots of prayers and pixie dust to noah and his family. we will certainly be praying for him.:wizard: :grouphug:
Noah Update...

Things are not great. He had his stem cell replacement, which made him very sick. His chemo this last time was so strong that has made him very sick as well. He hasn't eaten in several days and he is fighting fevers, mouth sores (that run all through his intestinal tract), and other ailments. His blood counts are at zero.

The hope is the stem cells will graft into his bone marrow soon so his body can start replinishing. Please pray!
we will pray for noah. everytime i see a post about this my heart just breaks. i wish that there was something else i could do........:sad1:

all of our prayers are being sent right away.:wizard: :grouphug:
Will continue our prayers for little Noah and the family!!!
The little guy is such a fighter!!! Just makes you love him more and more, doesn't it!!!


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