Princess Pea's first trip to the World - Day 4 posted 4/11

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays! I promise to get to this TR after the new year...too much going on right now!
What do you say we get this TR started?
Better late than never, right?

I finally had a chance to upload my pics to Photobucket, and our Photopass cd came this weekend, so I guess now is a perfect time to start!

Day One - Travel Day - 12/5

DH and I woke up about 4:30. We had to be out the door by 5 for our 7AM flight. My ILs live about 7 minutes from the airport, so the plan was to go to their house and FIL would drive us in our car so we didn't have to pay for parking. We had packed most of the stuff into the car the night before, so all we had to do was get ready, pack the last minute stuff, and get Pea up just before leaving. We had planned to let her sleep in whatever she was wearing the next day, but she was on antibiotics that were giving her some, um, digestive issues, so we stuck with PJs so we would have clean clothes to change her in to!

She woke up fine, and was wide awake for the whole ride. We got to the airport with plenty of time (it's a smallish regional airport, so the lines are rarely long), met my parents and sister, checked our bags curbside, and headed to security. There was no line, so I went through first, pushed the stroller through, and tried to get Pea to walk through to me. She wanted no part of it, so DH carried her through, gave her to my sister, and then went back through by himself. A small little meltdown, but nothing crazy, and we were soon having McD's breakfast.

We were called to board about 45 minutes after arriving at the airport. I went on first and hooked up the CARES Flysafe harness we had borrowed for Pea. What an awesome thing that turns the plane's seatbelt into a 5 point harness. We didn't want to lug her carseat since we weren't renting a car, and we weren't sure if she would sit still with just a lap belt. Anyway, the flight down was a little bumpy, but Pea did great. She slept for a good portion of it, and was easily amused with snacks and her travel Aquadoodle, and a few other toys.

We landed about 15 minutes late, but who cares, we were in FL, and well on our way to DISNEY!!!!!!!!!!!!

We got off the plane fairly quickly, DH took Pea and headed up the ramp with my parents and sister, and I waited for the stroller. After I got it, we all did a bathroom (and diaper) break, and then headed for the shuttle to the terminal. Our first ride! Pea thought it was fun "WEEEEEEEEEE", and we were at the Magical Express terminal in no time.
As I said before, we landed about 15 minutes late. It didn't seem to matter at all though. We headed down to the Magical Express counter, and since I had our booklet with our tickets already, we were able to get right in line. We only waited about 5 minutes before they called us to board! Our bus was full and was going to OKW, Saratoga Springs, and I think POR and FW. I can't remember exactly, we were the first stop!!!

There were no TVs on the bus, so we didn't get a movie, but we had fun anyway. We arrived at OKW about a 1/2 hour still wasn't even noon!! We knew as soon as we stepped off the bus that we were going to love the resort, and we weren't wrong. What a GORGEOUS place!!!

I headed to the front desk to check us in, and we got our first taste of Disney Magic, our room was READY! Did I mention that it wasn't even NOON?! I was so excited! Also, our box of stuff (diapers, wipes, snacks, etc.) had arrived and was waiting for us, and our groceries had already been delivered from Garden Grocer. We headed back to bell services to wait for our ride, and within 10 minutes, we were on our way to our villa, room 3622 in the Turtle Pond section.

We walked in to our room, a 2 bdrm, and were immediately impressed. It was super clean, and really really big. I had asked for a high chair at check in, and it arrived about 30 seconds after we did!

We dropped our stuff, and headed out to Goods To Go for lunch. We walked back up to the Hospitality House, it took us about 10 minutes. It was a nice walk. It was warm out, and we had left cold CT behind, so we were happy to be outside! GTG was ok, nothing special, and certainly not cheap. There's not much of a selection, but we were hungry and didn't want to go any further than the resort for lunch.

After lunch, we shopped a bit, checked out the menu for Olivia's, and then walked back to the villa.

I snapped a few pictures of the room while we were waiting for our luggage.

Master Bath

Master Bedroom

Jacuzzi tub

Pack and Play in the master

View from the deck (balcony)


Pea coming out on to the deck from the living room

table and chairs on the deck

I thought I had more of the inside, I'll have to keep looking!!

Our luggage came later than we hoped (we were there 2 hours at least before we got it), but once it came, we unpacked, changed, and headed over to HS to see the Osborne Lights!

Stay tuned!
Hi Jess... am I really first? :goodvibes

So glad you've started your report!

I just knew you would love, love, love OKW! We certainly did. Aren't the rooms spacious? And what a great view you had!

Pea is just so precious! :cutie:

Once our luggage arrived and we all freshened up, we headed out to DHS. I didn't note how long we waited for the bus, but I don't think it was long. Our longest wait of the week was about 20 minutes, and I'm pretty sure that was only once, and it was for a DTD bus.

We got to DHS and decided that since we had some time before the Osborne Lights came on, we would see what the wait was at ToT. It was posted 20 minutes. My sister and I were the only ones in the group to ride, and the 20 minute posting was pretty close, we met back up with the rest of the group about 25 minutes after getting in line.

The park felt fairly empty, there was no F!, and no EMH. We were hungry by this point, and against my wishes, we ended up at the ABC Commissary. YUCK YUCK YUCK. We all got something different, and it was all gross. We fed Pea off of our plates, but she didn't eat much. The only thing that was good, IMO, was the Asian salad. I really liked it, but I was the only one in the group.

The lights went on around 6 if I remember correctly, and we finished with our gross dinner a little after, so we headed over to see them. We found the crowds!! The streets were PACKED, but WOW! The Osborne Lights were A-MAY-ZING. Amazing. We all loved it! I took a few pictures, but I didn't have my new fancy camera set to the right settings, so they didn't come out great. Some of the ones from our phones came out better!



Once we got down to the end of the street with all of the angels in the sky, the crowds had really lightened up and we were able to breathe. It was tough manuvering with a stroller, but it was well worth it. The lights were definitely a highlight of the trip.

The park was closing soon, so after we saw the lights, we headed out. We were all pretty pooped, and wanted to get a good night's sleep before our first real Disney day!!

We JUST missed an OKW bus, so we waited about 15 minutes, but we were home soon enough!

We were concerned about how Pea would sleep sharing a room with us, and sleeping in a Pack n Play for a whole week, but she was SO exhausted at night that she just crashed!

Up next - AK, dinner in, and DTD
Hi Jess... am I really first? :goodvibes

So glad you've started your report!

I just knew you would love, love, love OKW! We certainly did. Aren't the rooms spacious? And what a great view you had!

Pea is just so precious! :cutie:


We LOVED OKW. It was just awesome. The room was perfect for the 6 of us, we never felt cramped. The kitchen was great, and we were even able to enjoy the balcony!
I loved reading about your first day - looks like an awesome start. And Pea is precious. Can't wait for more!
I promise I haven't forgotten about's amazing how much stuff pops up when you're not planning a Disney trip, LOL!!

I will finish this, I promise! Hopefully I'll update this weekend.
Our first full day was Sunday, 12/6, and AK was on the agenda.

My dad is an early riser (like even before Pea), so he would get up, put the coffee on and go for a walk. Pea usually got up while he was gone, so I would get up with her and have some coffee while everyone else slept a little longer, and then once everyone was up, we would do breakfast and showers. I had sent a box of supplies to OKW ahead of time, and I put cereal in it, so DH and I had that most days, we're not big breakfast people. My parents bought some bagels at the store at OKW, and we had had a few other things delivered with our groceries.

Everyone was ready to go by 8:15, RD was at 9. I had hoped to leave by 8, but getting 5 adults and a toddler out the door 15 minutes late wasn't too bad! We just missed the AK bus, and ended up waiting 20+ minutes, which I'm pretty sure was our longest wait of the week.

We got to AK right at 9, and just missed RD. The plan was for me to take everyone's tickets and go get FPs for EE, and for everyone else to head to go order our Picnic in the Park, and then head to the safari and get in line. I was solo with no stroller so I moved FAST, and got to EE really quickly. There was a short wait for FPs, and stand by was posted at 20 minutes. I didn't scope out the line, so I'm not sure if that was accurate or not. I got FPs, return time 10:15 (it was about 9:20), and headed over to the safari. With the crowds and the stroller, it took the rest of the crew a while to get there, so they were just at the entrance when I got to them. The wait was posted at 10 minutes I think, and we basically just waited the amount of time it took to walk slowly from the entrance to our jeep. This was one of the worst safaris I've ever been on as far as the amount of animals...there just weren't many out. We did get a good view of the giraffes, but that was really about it.

After the safari we made a bathroom stop, and then headed over to EE. We got there about 10:30, and the stand by wait was posted at 40 min. My parents took Pea to have a diaper change and get a snack, and DH, Tia and I headed to the FP line. There was NO wait, we walked through the short queue and pretty much got right on a train! We were calling my parents to find out where they were about 10 minutes after we had left them!

After EE we headed over to Dinoland. We wanted to take Pea on Triceratop Spin and get some FPs for Dino. Tia went for Dino FPs while we took Pea on TS. Our return time was for 11:30, and I think it was about 10:45 or so at the time. We waited about 10 minutes for TS, and during the whole wait Pea was watching it and laughing and pointing. As soon as we got on, she put her head in DH's lap and started crying, and proceeded to cry through the entire ride!!! It was awful! We couldn't help but laugh, though, LOL!

We decided to pocket our Dino FPs for later, and went over to check out some of the characters. Pea LOVES Mickey and all his pals on TV, so I had high hopes for the real thing. They were quickly dashed! We headed to see Pooh and friends, and as soon as we got close enough for Pea to see, she FREAKED. She was clinging to me and crying and saying "No! No!" We waited anyway to see if when she saw DH and I hug Pooh, she'd calm down. As you can see, she didn't!



We skipped the rest of Pooh's pals and headed out of there. We decided to go get in line for the next Nemo show. We got there not long before the doors opened, and were able to get decent seats towards the back. What an amazing show!! Pea LOVES Nemo so I thought she'd like it. She saw about 2 minutes of it and then conked out! I guess the trauma of meeting Pooh had made her tired!:laughing::laughing::laughing:

Pea woke up after the show, and we decided to go pick up our lunch. The park was getting noticeably more crowded by this point, so a little ways past Pizzafari we spotted a table and grabbed it. DH and I stayed with Pea and saved the seats while Tia and my parents went to get the food. They were gone forever, and said it was pretty chaotic at the pick up. We opened up the food and realized we didn't have plates or condiments and napkins, so Tia went back to get them. They had forgotten to put the bag with that stuff in to our bigger bag. We got the chicken for 5, with green beans, fruit and potatoes for sides, and brownies, cookies, and a rice krispie treat for desserts. Everything was great, we saved the desserts for later, and actually ended up picking at them all week, they were HUGE!

Here's Pea waiting for her lunch -

After lunch we decided to take it easy and walk the trails. We headed to Pagani first, and then did Maharajah. There were a LOT of people in the park at this point, but the trails weren't too crowded.

We liked this guy -


We decided to go use our Dino FPs, so we walked past EE to get there. It was about 2:15 at this point, and the posted wait was still 40 minutes. We got to Dino and walked right in to the preshow with our FPs. Mom waited with Pea while the rest of us rode.

After Dino we decided to leave before the parade started and we got trapped. Tia had seen a few things that she wanted to buy, so DH and I took Pea to the Baby Care center for a diaper change while the others shopped. They were taking a while, so here's Pea and Daddy waiting for everyone.



We headed back to the bus stops about 3:30. We stopped at Guest Services on the way out to get Tia a new ticket (we had had trouble with hers when trying to get FPs), and DH got a pair of sunglasses at the little shop right outside. When we got to the bus stop, there was an OKW bus waiting, it was great!!!

Turtle Pond was the 3rd stop, and we were soon back in our villa. Everyone crashed for a few minutes, and then mom and I made lasagna, salad and garlic bread for everyone for dinner. It was so nice to have the full kitchen!!!

After dinner, Tia and my parents headed out to HS to see the 8PM Fantasmic! DH and I knew that it would be a little too intense for Pea, so we decided to go to DTD instead.

Pea was looking a little sleepy, so we put her in her PJs before we left in case she fell asleep. We got on the bus, and she was out cold before we even got to DTD!! We got off the bus, laid her in her stroller, walked around for about 2 hours, got back on a bus, and went back to the villa, and she never opened her eyes once! It was great, LOL! We were able to shop a little and just walk around and people watch while she snoozed. We got a couple cocktails along the way, and just enjoyed ourselves. DTD was virtually EMPTY. I had never seen it so dead, it was crazy! Tia and my parents loved F! (my parents had never seen it), and had just gotten back to the villa when we got there, I think it was about 10.

Up next - second full day - Epcot!
We woke up this morning to the same routine of my dad making coffee and heading out for a walk and the rest of us slowly getting up and ready. After breakfast we were out the door and to the bus on time. I wrote in my notes that we were at Epcot by 9 which was RD, so I assume we were at the bus stop by 8:20-8:30ish.

When the gates opened, Tia and I took everyone's tickets and headed right for Soarin' for fps. We got there pretty quickly, the standby line was posted at 20 minutes, and our fp return time was 9:51. FPs in hand, we joined the rest of the family over at the Seas with Nemo and friends. Here's Pea and Daddy outside with "Meeemo" as Pea was calling him then.


Nemo was a walk on. Pea liked it, she kept pointing and saying "Shishy" and "Meeemo", so that was cute. It was a little dark in a couple spots for her, but she just snuggled in closer to us and was fine. After the ride we waited for the first showing of Turtle Talk. None of us had ever seen it, what a cute show! It was a little over Pea's head, but she was fine...didn't seem to love it or hate it.

It was time for Soarin' by this point, so we headed back to The Land. DH and I took Pea on Livin' with the Land while the others rode Soarin', and then we switched off. DH and I did Soarin' while my parents took Pea on Livin with the Land and Tia made a run to TT for FPs. Pea zonked out about 32 seconds after getting back on the boat ride, so my poor mother had to carry 30 lbs of sleeping toddler off the ride! She woke up as soon as DH and I got back to them, so we carried her out and gave her a little snack while we walked over to MS and TT.

We had a little while before our time for TT, so DH, Tia and I did the wimpy side of MS. Tia and I have done and loved the tough guy side, but we opted to go with wimpy DH on the wimpy side this time. The line was shorter, so that helped! We were on in about 10 minutes. After MS, we all went on TT except my mom, she doesn't really like it, so she stayed with Pea. Here's our picture, I love that you can add it to your PP!


After TT, it was getting to be lunch time. It was actually past our planned lunch time of as close to noon as possible (Pea and my dad get cranky, LOL!), so we headed over to Sunshine Seasons. It was pretty crowded, but we were able to find a table big enough for all of us. We took turns getting food. I didn't write down what we got, but it was all really good, I remember that. I'm pretty sure I got some kind of sandwich.

It was close to 1 by the time we were done, and Pea was DONE. We really pushed her a little too far that day. She had a complete meltdown, and I carried a kicking, screaming, macaroni and cheese covered toddler out of The Land and to her stroller. As soon as we got her settled, she was out cold. She slept all the way to the bus, and didn't even wake up when we took her out of the stroller. She actually slept for over an hour, and we were walking or riding the bus for most of it!!

It was really warm that day, so we decide to hit the pool at Turtle Pond for an hour or so once we got back to OKW and Pea woke up. She LOVES the pool! If we could have just ridden the busses, swam in the pools and gone on the teacups (more later on that) all week, she would have been thrilled!! Here's my little bathing beauty!



Pea and Daddy


The Turtle Pond pool was really nice. The hot tub was great, too. There was a bar with libations and snacky type foods, too. I didn't check out the prices, but I would assume they were similar to what you'd find at any Disney pool bar....OUTRAGEOUS!! We had gotten beer and soda delivered with our groceries, so we put a few of each in our pool bags and enjoyed those instead.

After we all got cleaned up, we headed back to the bus and went to MK. Spectro was only offered a couple nights during our trip, and this night fit the best. We got there right at 5 and Main Street was pretty crowded. We watched the Flag Ceremony, it was really nice. I had never seen it before. After that we split up. DH and I had been dreaming about the CHH tuna sandwiches since our last trip, so that's where we headed, and the others went to Cosmic Rays. After we ate, DH, Pea and I staked out a spot for Spectro...about 75 minutes before it started. Here's Pea and Daddy sitting on the wall in Liberty Square waiting -


I REALLY glad we got a spot got PACKED. We ended up with a great view though. Man oh man, I LOVE this parade. It's BY FAR my favorite nighttime entertainment at WDW. The music gives me the chills every time. I think Pea liked it ok, but it was bedtime for her, so she was a little out of it.


We knew Pea wouldn't like the fireworks, and we wanted to try to beat the Wishes crowds out of the park, so DH and I headed out while the others staked out a fireworks spot. Main Street, USA, was MOBBED. We basically said "see you at the exit" and DH took the stroller and I just walked. It was impossible to stay together. We got on the bus just as Wishes started, and Pea zonked out soon after that. We got her back to OKW and into PJs and bed, and we relaxed with a cocktail while we waited for everyone else.

We had a really great day, and definitely learned our lesson...Pea needs lunch early!

Up next, breakfast with Pooh and MK day!
Yay, another update! I'm really enjoying your TR so far. It looks like an awesome trip!

So tell us, how did you like the pool area at Old Key West. Our trip has been pushed back to next year now :(, but that just gives me longer to research the resorts and plan! How is the kiddie pool and sand play area?
Tuesday morning we had 8:15 ADRs for CP. I was so excited to get to MK before opening! We were at the bus by 7:15, and didn't wait long, and we ended up with our own private ride to MK! We got to MK by about 7:45, and joined the other folks waiting for early entry. They kept us lined up outside until just a minute or so after 8. I don't know if that's the norm? Or if that was late? I had figured we'd be in before then...oh well. It was SUPER foggy that morning, so I didn't get the pictures I had hoped to get. The castle was barely visible. :mad:

Here are a couple pics -




As you can see by our clothes, it was getting warm, but the fog was really thick!

We headed over to CP and checked in by 8:10, and were called about 5 minutes later, right around our 8:15 ADR. We had never been here before, but we all really enjoyed it. The food was very good, and the character interaction was great! Pea wasn't too sure of them, as you can see here


and here.


She liked them all from across the room, and they were all very good about not pushing it when she started to shy away. She didn't shy away from the food however...she loved the Mickey waffles. In fact, she held on to one for the entire breakfast and the entire ride of Dumbo. And the diaper change after. And the queue for Peter Pan when she finally fell asleep and we pried it out of her hand, LOL!!!


Anyway, after CP, we headed right for Dumbo. It was about 9:15 by this point, and the park had opened at 9. The line was already almost 20 minutes, but we waited. I wanted Pea to ride it first! She did, and she whined through the whole thing!! She was great in line, and then the tears started as soon as we sat down. We were "those parents" though, and made her ride anyway :lmao:.

After Dumbo, we got FPs for Pooh and headed over to Peter Pan. As you saw above, Pea fell asleep while we were in line, so that explained the crankiness on Dumbo. She slept through Peter Pan, but woke up once we were off and headed over to IASW. We walked right on to that, and our boat wasn't full. Pea really liked this one a lot. She looked around in amazement through the whole thing, and it was fun to point things out to her that we sort of overlook now. After IASW we headed over to hit Philharmagic, which we all LOVE. Pea sat on my lap, and wouldn't keep the glasses on, but she seemed entertained anyway. She wasn't too sure about the little splash that we got, but she didn't cry.

After that we hit the Teacups. Tia and I hadn't been on them in YEARS, and DH wasn't sure if he ever had. We decided to see if Pea would like them...and did she EVER. Seriously, if we could have ridden the busses and the Teacups all week, she would have been thrilled! Here she is with Tia at the end of the ride.


That finished up Fantastyland for us for the time being, so we headed towards Tomorrowland. My dad and DH decided to ride the Indy Speedway since there was hardly any line. Tia made a FP run to Space, and Grammie and I grabbed a bench outside Cosmic Rays. I decided to go buy Pea some Minnie ears which she loved for about 5 minutes, but I was able to get a picture before she decided she didn't like them!


Once the guys were done "speeding" around, we all walked on to Buzz. It was tough to shoot and hold on to Pea, but I still at least beat my parents, LOL!! DH kicked our butts, and Tia did pretty well, too. After Buzz we did TTA, which is still one of my favorites of all time. I never really realized how DARK parts of it are...Pea was sitting next to DH and he said she didn't say anything, just cuddled in closer. It must have made her sleepy, because not long after that she took another snooze. You can see here she's getting droopy eyed again!


I don't have CoP in my notes, but we definitely did it, and now I can't remember when. That might have been what put Pea to sleep, so maybe we did it right after TTA. At any rate, we hit Space and my mom sat out with Pea while she was snoozing in the stroller. The rest of us headed through the FP queue and walked right on to waiting cars! I had gone through quickly before, but never THAT quickly! It was fun as always, but we didn't get to see any of the queue updates!

After Space we were all hungry, so we split up and got snacks. I can't remember what anyone else got, but I got a dreamy cream cheese pretzel...YUM. Pea woke up while we were snacking so we all shared with her.

After the snacks we headed back to FL to use our FPs for Pooh. We walked right on...Pea wasn't impressed! She didn't cry or anything, but she kind of looked at us like "what the heck was that all about?!" when it was done. It was funny.

It was about 2:45 by this point, so we headed towards the exit to try to beat the parade. I was very surprised, there was still tons of prime real estate left even that close to parade time! The crowds had seemed pretty low all day, that was further proof!

We decided to take the monorail over to the Poly to check out the decorations, and then Pea, DH and I walked over to the GF to check things out over there. The gingerbread house was awesome!!! We monorailed back to MK and grabbed a bus back to OKW to meet the others back at the villa for dinner. We cooked in (hot dogs and salad), and then decided to head to DTD. Since we had had good luck a couple nights before, we did the same thing and changed Pea into her PJs before we headed out. Once again, she fell asleep on the bus TO DTD, and slept the whole time we were there! It was perfect! DH walked around with her (and found me a yummy Bailey's milkshake type drink at Raglan Road) and my Avo while the ladies shopped. After an hour in WoD, I came out with a Christmas ornament and a placemat. That was IT!! We must have gotten back to the room by 10ish because I think we were already back when we heard the fireworks from Illuminations.

It was a LONG but really fun day! Up next, HS, pool time, and date night!
Wow, my notes are terrible! I completely missed the part where we did Toontown! After our snacks, and before Pooh, we took the path from Space over to Toontown. We literally didn't see another person on our whole was very peaceful, and it was the perfect time for Pea to get out of the stroller and walk without tons of people around.


We parked the stroller in Toontown and went through Mickey and Minnie's houses. They were both pretty crowded, this was the only place we really saw a ton of people all day. Pea really liked Minnie's house!



After we toured the houses, we waited in line for about 20 minutes in the Judge's Tent to see Mickey and Minnie. I was really excited because I hadn't seen them together in forever, but as you can see, Pea once again didn't love them!


We checked out the wait for the fairies, but it was LONG, and since Pea hadn't loved any of the characters yet, we didn't want to wait. We made sure she wasn't tall enough for Barnstormer, which she wasn't, and then headed to Pooh.

Here are a couple other pics I missed -

Pea and Mommy outside Mickey's house


Pea on the teacups -


Pea in line for Dumbo -


And Minnie Pea with her beloved Taggy Blanket -



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