Princess Phoebe's Pre-WISH-Trip Report (arriving in MK 4/17/10)

You're in the home stretch!!!!!!!!!!!

You'll get through it....I apologize for the male population....
Turned on the new DSLR today and took some pics in the backyard of Tessa and friend. I just kept it on auto for now, to see "how it thinks". I am definitely liking this thing!!!




Coloring is a little weird on these because they were inside the playhouse (colors of the playhouse reflecting on the skin)


And a little nature photography. This is why my backyard smells heavenly....blossoming citrus trees.

Then off to Tessa's ballet class. It is for 3 and 4 year olds. Tessa is not necessarily the worst dancer, but she certainly has a hard time focusing. As I watched her I thought to myself "next year, soccer". :lmao: Their recital is in May but she will miss the next two weeks of class so I'm a wee bit worried about what she's going to do up on that stage. :guilty:


At least she can jump the highest! :thumbsup2

The little blonde girl looks like she's auditioning for a monster movie. :rolleyes1

I am glad that Tim apologized because I was a little miffed at his comment for your sake.

The pictures are so pretty! Tessa at ballet class is too cute!

Yeay for four days!!! :banana:
I love the pics! The ones of the girls outside are beautiful and well the dance class ones are priceless! :goodvibes
Haha! Love the pictures of Tessa in Ballet! So silly kids have got to much energy! Hey were you looking at the Arizona Stagecoach for transportation? I think I used them last time and it cost me like $65 from Vail it should be cheaper since your closer to the Airport than me!
I love the orange blossom photo!!! My Nikon Coolpix does okay on macro was well, but yours look really great!!!
You want me to make you feel better? NO packing done yet. None. Nada. And no, I'm not one of those people who is saying that but has secretly already started. I have procrastination down to a science. But is has worked for me all my life, so why stop now? I will just be up late tomorrow night (as usual). Just had to take the dog to the vet, and oldest daughter has her first lacrosse game of the season tonight. Away. Oh joy.

I think you (and I) will be just fine. Try not to stress too much. (Hah!)
You appear to be very organized and prepared looking at your least you have a list!! :thumbsup2

The pics are great, and Tessa is a beautiful little ballerina!
Just wanted to wish you all a very magical trip. Only 2 days left.
It looks like you are ready to go (well, almost)....
The pictures with your new camera are EXCEPTIONAL!! Beautiful subjects, so what else is there to say? You are going to have a fantastic time. Can't wait to see and hear all about the trip when you return. Have a great trip.
My DH doesn't pack his own stuff either :(

Your so close.. I love the pics from the SLR.. Way to go.....

Have an AWESOME TRIP... Can't wait to hear all about it:cool1::cool1:
Melissa I've been going to dance recitals for 8 years. NONE of the 3/4 year olds know what they're doing................and does it matter??? Their sole purpose is to look cute (and they always do that very well:love:)

I can't believe it's almost HERE!!!!!

Don't worry, procrasitnation is good for the soul.

Keep in mind I didn't even go to bed the night before and still had a great time. You'll do what you need to when you have to. It'll all get done.

The "fairy Godmothers" Liz and Christina stopped by for a visit tonight, and came bearing gifts. Well, mostly cash, but also a nice MAW backpack. :goodvibes Liz said, "oh no, I forgot Phoebe's shirt and the buttons" so tomorrow morning on her way to work, Liz will be putting some buttons and a shirt in our mailbox.

I had invited them to join us for pizza but Liz (the one we had met before and corresponded with ever since) declined. It was still about an hour long visit, and I was glad that they didn't just drop the off the stuff and run. During the conversation I found out that they have sent about 10 families on trips so far, with about the same number in the works. Liz teased me about having so many questions and knowing so many details on my own, so I'm guessing the other 19 families are just going with the flow and not worrying about details. Also during the conversation my husband asked them how we can get involved in MAW and what the various positions are. I was a little surprised that he asked this until he told them that he thinks I would be great at it. :rolleyes2 I guess he's thinking about my past zealous involvement in adoption support and advocacy (which he complained about ALL THE TIME) or maybe my more recent attempt to gather the strength and numbers of special needs parents in our small town, so as to make a difference in things like the lack of medical or specialty services here, or the hideously defunct special ed. dept. of the biggest school district. Liz said she's get me the local chapter head's email and encouraged us to get involved because we can choose how many families to work with, and when to not work at all. There is too much in my brain right now to process whether or not I even want to pursue my husband's gracious offering of my time (at least anytime soon) but I thought it was ironic and mildly humorous.

They had a little workbook printed out with lots of basic info in it. As Liz flipped through it and mentioned a few things, one detail surprised me: they arranged for a limo!:yay: Everything else was important, but not new because of what I have learned here on the DIS; stuff like a GKTW greater will be waiting for us at the Orlando airport... Liz verified that Phoebe's wheelchair comes apart and I assured her it did. We should have plenty of room in a limo! I have to admit that I was happy to hear that. It just feels like we will have no worries right from the minute we leave our doorstep. :cloud9:

Phoebe was really interested in them and Tessa was her usual shy self. :rotfl2: In no time at all she was in Christina's lap meowing in her face. :rolleyes: She left the room to go watch tv for a bit and then she'd return to get some more attention. One time she came back with a comb and proceeded to fuzz out her whole head of hair in front of us. Another time she was walking up to the table and she saw the money in the middle and exclaimed "DOLLARS!". She wanted to hold some of it so I let her and while we were laughing at that and then talking again, she proceeded to fold the small stack she had in half and started looking for a place in her waistband to put it. :lmao:

At the end of the visit I told Tessa we were going to take a pic with them and she ran from the room. I wasn't sure what she was doing until she returned in a dress up outfit. She was putting on quite a show for everyone, and even Phoebe was laughing.

I didn't know this happened until I looked through the pictures. Phoebe is pulling Liz's hair and apparently enjoying it. :rotfl:

We were wrapping things up when Tessa ran away and returned again with heels and her Wall-E doll so we took a few more.

She immediately asked to see the pictures on the camera. :lmao: What a diva!

Phoebe really had lots of energy tonight, and I really can't help but wonder how much she understands, or "senses". The excitement is certainly growing in our house!

After everything calmed down I sat down to read very page of the packet they left and was surprised to see this:

the rental car they show as reserved for us is a FULL size (Chevy Impala or similar).

I'm not done packing, so I'm not positive how many bags we will have, but probably 2 large, 1 medium and 2 small, plus backpacks, purse and camera bag. We could probably make this all fit along with our family of four if it weren't for the wheelchair. It does come apart but it still takes up a fair amount of room, probably the equivalent of two medium suitcases? I just don't think we will fit.

We both feel so grateful for everything MAW and GKTW has prepared for us that we hesitate to question this. DH actually objects to asking anything about it pretty strongly. I wasn't sure how I felt at first but as I thought about it, I decided that it really is a pretty big inconvenience. DH suggested he make two trips from the airport to get it all to GKTW. Who will watch our stuff while he does that? We leave our house at 6 and arrive in Orlando at 7 (local time) so after 10 hours of travelling I don't want to sit at the airport any longer than we have to. He suggested that the GKTW greeter take some of our stuff, but I don't think he understood that they probably don't go back to the village after seeing us. He suggested we just ask AVIS when we get there if we can upgrade on our own, but I'm afraid they won't have anything left by the time we get there that evening. I already checked for availability of a minivan at MCO Avis and they are sold out. What if the SUVs are gone when we check in? (I'm assuming we could fit in an SUV, since it at least has a taller roof for us to stack things) As you can tell, he is really very uncomfortable with saying anything to anyone about it (although I did get his permission to ask you all for your opinions).

It crossed my mind to ask about what kind of rental way back when, but I had already asked so many questions I felt uncomfortable doing so. Now I wish I had! I guess I also assumed that our wish granter had said something to whoever was in charge of that part, because I picked her up and drove her with us in our minivan to a MAW Christmas activity. Maybe they just go directly off of family size? What would you guys do? I think I can figure out a gracious way of asking about other possibilities but I'm not even sure who to ask. From past experience I know that our wish granters don't have the answers to direct questions, they have to ask the main office and get back to us which we don't have time for at this point. Does MAW pay for the rental or GKTW? Which one should I talk to if we decide to bring it up? (Posting to the WT thread in hopes for more response).
I would just ask. If they can get a minivan or something similar before you arrive that would be much better. Trying to get a particular car at a Car Rental Agency on the day you arrive is pretty tough..If they have a few days to work on it, they may be able to pull a van/SUV from another AVIS location and get it to MCO by the time you arrive. Just my thoughts.

Honestly, tell Tim that Jake and I feel very similarly to him about everything being a gift and incredible, etc., but this is just one area where I would ask, nicely. I agree that if they are going to be able to do anything about it, they might need a day's notice because they may not have inventory there at the moment. You could even suggest that you could use part of your expense check for the upgrade, if it makes Tim feel better (I'm sure they would say no, and/or Avis would upgrade you for free if they can, but at least you can tell Tim you offered). Explain about the wheelchair. We have a minivan rented, and I bet it's done purely based on family size. I'd bet your wheelchair makes your family's size needs as great as ours, with just one more child.

Please ask. And again, we are a family who likes to "make do" with whatever people in their incredible kindness have offered us. But this is not a preference issue, it's a practical/logistical issue re your ability to get around.

(On an unrelated note, still no packing done. We have all tried on bathing suits and found some that fit -- although my oldest is insisting on wearing ones that my hubby thinks are DEFINITELY too small -- at least she doesn't have enough of a figure to start people talking.... I spent last night until two am doing bills and writing letters to labs/collections agencies, etc. about insurance nightmares. Had to get done. It will be a LATE night tonight. So if you want to post at 2 am EDT, I will be up up up!!!!)

Good luck with the van issue. I understand completely where Tim is coming from (I'm that way and my husband is even worse -- they should get along). but this is something practical that should be addressed.


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