Princess Power - September 2016 Weight Loss and Lifestyle Change Challenge

Have fun at the movies! We love going to the cinema too. I take box of grapes or berries, and buy a normal size popcorn and drink from a shop as the sizes in the theater are way too big. If he wants ice cream he gets it there

Last day of the month. I am avoiding the scale as it's really the wrong time of the month to weight and until it settles I won't be going near it. I went over what my plan is yesterday too, but not by much and not over my burn at all. I am little sad to see September go. Not sure why as we are off to WDW.

Shorter days, colder weather and no tasty watermelon may have something to do with it

Thanks to @4Mickeys for being such dedicated host this month, you were so helpful to me! I really appreciated the support you gave me as a leader
Last Month review
Average calorie burn according to fitbit for the last 28 days was 2377
Average steps daily 16 989, work out 3 times weekly
Average calorie intake was 1917
Calorie deficit 464 daily average

I should have lost a kg more than I did, or at least it has not shown on the scale yet

I feel a goal of creating a deficit of 800 calories a day will get me to my goal weight. But I have been working out at least 3 times weekly and walking a lot and this level of exercise is the absolute maximum for me, above that it will make me grumpy, tired and starved so I can't have goal to increase calories burn above this

I eat healthy already, and with that level of activities to get that 800 calories deficit I need to cut 336 calories. This will mean 1581 calories food intake. This is a no go for me, unless I cut activities level and this would cut the calorie burn. I am already slim with bmi of 21. I have reduced it from 25.3 slowly and consistently. Going crazy to trying to force my body into a number on the scale, as much as my goal driven person hates to admit will be the silliest thing to do

I am willing to try to get calories down to 1760. This is about 617 calories deficit a day X 21 it is just under 1.7 kg, and I take it as I am owed some from this month - it should happen for me

This is as good as I can aim for while enjoying my life and I live to enjoy my life - not to go around obsessed, starved and zonked to get a number on the scale. It didn't work in the past! I wasn't able to sustain it. Sustainability is more important for me than the scale numbers

And I said it before, not going crazy and rushing through the weight loss was the hardest part for me!

To make sure I don't do silly stuff, I will aim for even lower cut at 550 calorie deficit.

While this was slow month on weight loss, it was great learning experience and I proved to myself that I know better now! I feel I am finishing the month at 75% in terms of doing best I can

I know better now, so I do better. I got this! Life is good
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OMG OMG OMG OMG *** jumping up and down, smiling, doing a happy dance***

That Friday you walk in the office with huge smile on your face, doing a the hip hop walk with the entirely inappropriate song starting with I don't know what you heard about me

personal record day! I can glute bridge 62.5 kg! I weight 60.7, I can glute bridge more than my own weight! 138lbs on the barbell including je bar weight! I knew September is special

I feel fantastic, first time I am breaking own record this year!


Killed it in the gym this morning, what an amazing ending of great month!
Have fun at the movies! We love going to the cinema too. I take box of grapes or berries, and buy a normal size popcorn and drink from a shop as the sizes in the theater are way too big. If he wants ice cream he gets it there

Last day of the month. I am avoiding the scale as it's really the wrong time of the month to weight and until it settles I won't be going near it. I went over what my plan is yesterday too, but not by much and not over my burn at all. I am little sad to see September go. Not sure why as we are off to WDW.

Shorter days, colder weather and no tasty watermelon may have something to do with it

Thanks to @4Mickeys for being such dedicated host this month, you were so helpful to me! I really appreciated the support you gave me as a leader

Hmm I kind of like the grapes/berries suggestion :-) and this is what shows me your dedication to your healthy life! I will have to take a leaf from your book. I understand avoiding that scale. WDW woohoo :jumping1:. Thank you for your kind words - I am so glad I lured you back in this month with the help of my Princess friends and that I helped you a little along the way - I was a little nervous hosting for the first time :-)

This is as good as I can aim for while enjoying my life and I live to enjoy my life - not to go around obsessed, starved and zonked to get a number on the scale. It didn't work in the past! I wasn't able to sustain it. Sustainability is more important for me than the scale numbers
I know better now, so I do better. I got this! Life is good

You do got this! And I know one day soon you will be posting on here that you have hit your final goal!

OMG OMG OMG OMG *** jumping up and down, smiling, doing a happy dance***

That Friday you walk in the office with huge smile on your face, doing a the hip hop walk with the entirely inappropriate song starting with I don't know what you heard about me

personal record day! I can glute bridge 62.5 kg! I weight 60.7, I can glute bridge more than my own weight! 138lbs on the barbell including je bar weight! I knew September is special

I feel fantastic, first time I am breaking own record this year!
It's me it's me it's me! I feel incredible! I have forgotten how great it is to feel strong

I am soooo happy. People around me must think I am crazy but who cares!

:dancer: You get the big dancing guy for that - not sure if he is pulling hip hop moves but seems cool lol - who cares we all need to get a little crazy sometimes!
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:-)Good morning! Its Friday and can you believe it is the last day of September!

I want to thank everyone for participating this month and chatting away - I was super nervous at first to be hosting for the first time ever and some days was worried I was going to run out of topics/questions :rotfl: but seems our Princesses had lots of inspiration to keep us going.

There have been some AWESOME achievements this month everyone and no matter where you land with your final % - I want to celebrate you party::jumping1:party: because no matter how big or small you have taken another step in your healthy lifestyle change!

A last word from our Princesses below .... and yes I know you aren't a Princess Dr Gunnie - but you are a champion and have Princesses in your life ... I really like this clip - and even though they are little girls I still find it inspiring :D

I think the Princesses helped us to learn that no matter where you start whether with a privileged life or a more modest one - that families have been highly dysfunctional for years lol. But they teach us that we all deserve happiness and with a dream or a wish and hard work obstacles can be overcome. I have to admit that I have always loved a Disney Princess - I know they get a bit of a hard time out there from some folks - but I think if you look a little deeper we have seen that they have lots of good things to offer the young girls of the world. So the next time someone calls you 'Princess' you can say Thank You - as you know they are strong, determined, hardworking, caring, loving, of course beautiful lol and AWESOME!

Final QOTD: Which Princess or Princess characteristic helped you or inspired you this month?

Don't forget your final report and I will post them all for you - Have a great weekend everyone!

Quotes of the Day!



p.s. I ran out of time for Pocahontas but I also think she rocks!
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Which Princess or Princess characteristic helped you or inspired you this month?

Well given recent days chatter I think Rapunzel moved me the most this month - I also need to remember to be kinder to myself like Cinderella and to be braver and go where the people are like Ariel.

My final report for the month is: 18.75%

BTW - I loved the new version of the Magnificent 7 - that view of some of the US's beautiful scenery on the big screen together with some hot cowboys - how can you go wrong? lol Even my mother who is a huge original cowboy movie fan went in a little sceptical but came out saying how good she thought it was. I like a shoot em up action movie :-)
I'm sorry I didn't get on here very much at the end to answer questions! I've been super busy getting things together for the trip next week. Additionally, I've been volunteering two nights a week after work for a horse therapy riding group for special needs people (which means 2 to 3 hours walking horses, talk about exercise!!)

My weight this morning was a spooky 186.2, which is EXACTLY 8.0 from my start weight - 100% on the nose... glad I didn't go crazy and say 10 pounds. I said I'd get a wand next week while we're down there, but having seen the prices, I may just find another more appropriate item to get - like a FITBIT! Something that I won't just be dusting monthly. Did I say monthly HAHAHAHA! Riiiiiight.
Thank you @4Mickeys for hosting this month. I loved hearing the back story to each princesses an how the story got to where if is today.

QOTD- I think snow white and Cinderella fit me the most this month. I had to be very patient with my son's school and with my daughter. I also needed to be extra loving to my daughter who just seems to need some extra mommy time this month.

Well today is not starting off good. Was running a little late. I am not a morning person. No matter how many times I tell myself at night I will get up early to shower and pack lunches it never happens. Then I get to work and my computer gives me a weird error message. Waiting for IT to get in with nothing to do. I hope this is not an indication of how the day is going to go.

Thankfully I get to go out with friends tomorow night. I need a night out.
Final check-in:

Ending the month at 198 lbs. My goal now is to maintain a weight in the 190's. Hopefully there will be some small weight loss in my future, but I think I'm where I need to be.

Yesterday was a really good day. Between the new id picture and getting a new pair of jeans that are 34 waist (un-frickin'-believable!), it was an eye opener on how much my hard work has paid off.

Both kids had great parent/teacher conferences and I'm about to do a little pre-race shopping for some new clothes/gear. Later it's a trip to the jeweler, lunch with the family, and a game tonight. It's going to be a great day.

Thanks to @4Mickeys for a great month. I learned a lot about the princesses and really enjoyed the questions.

I guess I'm feeling a little like Rapunzel - hesitant at first coming into the month just like her leaving the tower, but confident now going in to Oct.
I am finishing the month out at 80%. I am pretty happy with that.

Final QOTD: Which Princess or Princess characteristic helped you or inspired you this month?
I would say Merida and her determination to be herself.

Thanks @4Mickeys for an awesome month! I enjoyed the princess theme and I even went back and read all the back stories to DH because they were so fascinating.
:-)Good morning! Its Friday and can you believe it is the last day of September!

I want to thank everyone for participating this month and chatting away - I was super nervous at first to be hosting for the first time ever and some days was worried I was going to run out of topics/questions :rotfl: but seems our Princesses had lots of inspiration to keep us going.

There have been some AWESOME achievements this month everyone and no matter where you land with your final % - I want to celebrate you because no matter how big or small you have taken another step in your healthy lifestyle change!

A last word from our Princesses below .... and yes I know you aren't a Princess Dr Gunnie - but you are a champion and have Princesses in your life ... I really like this clip - and even though they are little girls I still find it inspiring :D

I think the Princesses helped us to learn that no matter where you start whether with a privileged life or a more modest one - that families have been highly dysfunctional for years lol. But they teach us that we all deserve happiness and with a dream or a wish and hard work obstacles can be overcome. I have to admit that I have always loved a Disney Princess - I know they get a bit of a hard time out there from some folks - but I think if you look a little deeper we have seen that they have lots of good things to offer the young girls of the world. So the next time someone calls you 'Princess' you can say Thank You - as you know they are strong, determined, hardworking, caring, loving, of course beautiful lol and AWESOME!

Final QOTD: Which Princess or Princess characteristic helped you or inspired you this month?

Don't forget your final report and I will post them all for you - Have a great weekend everyone!

Quotes of the Day!

p.s. I ran out of time for Pocahontas but I also think she rocks!

Good morning all! First of all.... I absolutely ADORED this month's PRINCESS theme!! Love myself a PRINCESS.... or two....or three!!

Second of all.... my report for this month is a big fat goose egg....0%. Unfortunately I kind of set myself up for failure because my final number was either going to be 100% or 0%..... I left myself no way to measure anything in between. I did NOT end the month weighing what I started the month at. But I'm not terribly unhappy about it. I truly enjoyed every single bite and sip I had in California.... no doubt. I had meals and snacks and treats, but never went really overboard. I walked an insane number of steps while I was out there (low day was 16,398... high day was 29,145). I earned every pound I gained, but that's okay!

I find inspiration in every Princess story. I LOVE that Pocahontas loves and protects the Earth, I adore that Tiana is willing to work SO HARD toward her dreams, I think it is GREAT that Cinderella was able to believe in a "dream come true", Ariel knows her heart and is willing to not stop until she gets what she wants, and I love the mother/daughter battle and love of Brave..... so many great Princess stories!!!

Gotta dash! ..............P
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Thanks @4Mickeys for a great month of thoughtfulness and inspiration... I'm going to look at the Girls differently when I'm there in a couple weeks. I think Jasmine's confidence really resonated with me. And I'd like to aspire to Aurora's sophistication. Unfortunately the inspiration didn't translate into success with weight/health goals and I've managed to log another month with 0%. Heavy sigh. But onwards and upwards into October we march!

And I am really looking forward to October... having half of the month off from work is certainly part of it, but I'm also looking forward to my new job responsibilities. I'm feeling like this is probably going to be the best fit to my strengths and I'm also looking forward to picking up some new hard skills. Plus I'm filling a rather large gap, and so will be able to make an impact rather quickly, all good stuff. I'm trying to come up with a couple goals that are health-focused, not weight loss driven.

Think I'll be doing a movie this weekend, there are several out that I'd like to see. Other than that it's going to be puttering around, crafting, doing some fall cleanup. All pretty relaxed and laid back. The Seahawk's game is on early Sunday, which is great because it leaves the afternoon open for other things.

Hope all have a happy and healthful weekend.
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@4Mickeys thank you for hosting this amazing month!! You did such a great job. I loved the theme and all the backstories behind it!

I think I am going to pick Mulan and Rapunzel as my inspirational princesses. I am pretty independent, but I can use some more courage. Not sure they specifically helped me in the past month, but I will certainly use them in the next month to inspire me!

I am going to report my final result tomorrow morning, I always weigh in on the first for both challenges. I am expecting it to be a zero. But then better a zero than something negative. So, I am just going into the next month building on my last 10 days of the month where I was really good with activity and eating.

Today was a good day, I biked to work (yeah!! moving, but not putting stress on my foot) and had a great lunch. A Turkish restaurant that offers Turkish versions of filled baked potatoes called Kumpir. I got mine with hummus and red lentils and tomatoes. So good! I was able to get off early today and then went into town where I arranged to have a blanket repaired. I got home and picked up some delicious fruit at this nice little store that is around the corner, but I never go to. They were so friendly and had wonderful apples.

My foot still bothers me. Now it seems to be no longer the tendon, but directly the ankle itself. Not good. However, it does not hurt when biking and with biking to work and then into town I feel like I got a good workout. I still need to add it to my fitbit though...

We are going to have a long weekend here as October 3rd is German re-unification day and our national holiday. My sister is coming to visit my parents this weekend and on Monday we are supposed to run the 6k together. I am still undecided if I am going to run it or not. I guess it will depend on how my foot feels by Monday. I am also set to go and see Finding Dorie on Monday evening. Finally! The film just started here in Germany this weekend. I am really excited to see it!

It's me it's me it's me! I feel incredible! I have forgotten how great it is to feel strong

I am soooo happy. People around me must think I am crazy but who cares!

It's great to see you so happy!! :goodvibes

One thing that I started to wonder about was whether that might be the reason for your scale not improving. You really are already on the lean side, so building up muscle with the strength training might really be the reason why you don't see the loss of the "earned" weight loss on the scale. The fat might actually be gone. But you added some wonderful muscles instead. I am not sure how you set your goal, but maybe it might be worth it to measure your body fat and/or your muscle/body fat relation? And when you look at that you might realize that you are already lean enough.
I'm sorry I didn't get on here very much at the end to answer questions! I've been super busy getting things together for the trip next week. Additionally, I've been volunteering two nights a week after work for a horse therapy riding group for special needs people (which means 2 to 3 hours walking horses, talk about exercise!!)

My weight this morning was a spooky 186.2, which is EXACTLY 8.0 from my start weight - 100% on the nose... glad I didn't go crazy and say 10 pounds. I said I'd get a wand next week while we're down there, but having seen the prices, I may just find another more appropriate item to get - like a FITBIT! Something that I won't just be dusting monthly. Did I say monthly HAHAHAHA! Riiiiiight.

Its all good - we are here to support whenever you can get on - Congrats on achieving your goal :-) - That is awesome about the horse therapy - quite a few of the kids from one of my schools do horse riding therapy - it is a fantastic activity - so thank you for volunteering to do that.

Well today is not starting off good. Was running a little late. I am not a morning person. No matter how many times I tell myself at night I will get up early to shower and pack lunches it never happens. Then I get to work and my computer gives me a weird error message. Waiting for IT to get in with nothing to do. I hope this is not an indication of how the day is going to go.

Thankfully I get to go out with friends tomorow night. I need a night out.

Hope your day improved! Enjoy that night out you have earned it :D

Ending the month at 198 lbs. My goal now is to maintain a weight in the 190's. Hopefully there will be some small weight loss in my future, but I think I'm where I need to be.

Yesterday was a really good day. Between the new id picture and getting a new pair of jeans that are 34 waist (un-frickin'-believable!), it was an eye opener on how much my hard work has paid off.

Both kids had great parent/teacher conferences and I'm about to do a little pre-race shopping for some new clothes/gear. Later it's a trip to the jeweler, lunch with the family, and a game tonight. It's going to be a great day.

Thanks to @4Mickeys for a great month. I learned a lot about the princesses and really enjoyed the questions.

I guess I'm feeling a little like Rapunzel - hesitant at first coming into the month just like her leaving the tower, but confident now going in to Oct.

Yes! jeans - I can't wait till I can buy some smaller ones - another great reward for all your effort. So glad you liked the questions and hung in there with me with all the Princesses - now you can impress your daughter with all your princess knowledge :rotfl:

I am finishing the month out at 80%. I am pretty happy with that.

You should be - well done :thumbsup2

Second of all.... my report for this month is a big fat goose egg....0%. Unfortunately I kind of set myself up for failure because my final number was either going to be 100% or 0%..... I left myself no way to measure anything in between. I did NOT end the month weighing what I started the month at. But I'm not terribly unhappy about it. I truly enjoyed every single bite and sip I had in California.... no doubt. I had meals and snacks and treats, but never went really overboard. I walked an insane number of steps while I was out there (low day was 16,398... high day was 29,145). I earned every pound I gained, but that's okay!

Life is all about balance and if you can't enjoy your holiday - that wouldn't be any fun!

Good morning all! First of all.... I absolutely ADORED this month's PRINCESS theme!! Love myself a PRINCESS.... or two....or three!!

A woman after my own heart! So glad you enjoyed the Princesses :-)

Thanks @4Mickeys for a great month of thoughtfulness and inspiration... I'm going to look at the Girls differently when I'm there in a couple weeks. I think Jasmine's confidence really resonated with me. And I'd like to aspire to Aurora's sophistication. Unfortunately the inspiration didn't translate into success with weight/health goals and I've managed to log another month with 0%. Heavy sigh. But onwards and upwards into October we march!

So glad I got you to look at our Princesses in a bit of a new light :P I'm with you hoping October will be a better month healthy life wise!

And I am really looking forward to October... having half of the month off from work is certainly part of it, but I'm also looking forward to my new job responsibilities. I'm feeling like this is probably going to be the best fit to my strengths and I'm also looking forward to picking up some new hard skills. Plus I'm filling a rather large gap, and so will be able to make an impact rather quickly, all good stuff. I'm trying to come up with a couple goals that are health-focused, not weight loss driven.

You are sounding very positive and ready to embrace the changes happening :-) and well half a month off work is always a good thing!

I am going to report my final result tomorrow morning, I always weigh in on the first for both challenges. I am expecting it to be a zero. But then better a zero than something negative. So, I am just going into the next month building on my last 10 days of the month where I was really good with activity and eating.

Today was a good day, I biked to work (yeah!! moving, but not putting stress on my foot) and had a great lunch.

Yeah another positive attitude in the thread today! That is so good that you can bike to work - I used to love riding bikes as a kid but now with wearing the helmet I find I get overheated and it never seems to end well for me! The last time I enjoyed a bike ride was with no helmet along the beach path between Venice Beach and Santa Monica on a beach cruiser - not exactly pushing it hard for exercise but boy was that fun!

We are going to have a long weekend here as October 3rd is German re-unification day and our national holiday. My sister is coming to visit my parents this weekend and on Monday we are supposed to run the 6k together. I am still undecided if I am going to run it or not. I guess it will depend on how my foot feels by Monday. I am also set to go and see Finding Dorie on Monday evening. Finally! The film just started here in Germany this weekend. I am really excited to see it!

Its a long weekend here too! Enjoy the time with your family - don't push that foot if its not ready :-) and I hope you love Finding Dory.

One thing that I started to wonder about was whether that might be the reason for your scale not improving. You really are already on the lean side, so building up muscle with the strength training might really be the reason why you don't see the loss of the "earned" weight loss on the scale. The fat might actually be gone. But you added some wonderful muscles instead. I am not sure how you set your goal, but maybe it might be worth it to measure your body fat and/or your muscle/body fat relation? And when you look at that you might realize that you are already lean enough.

OMG - YESS!! I can't believe I didn't think of this - I definitely bet this is the missing reason :-)

I also want to thank @4Mickeys for hosting! It was a great month! I'm not very good at the daily chatter, but I always come to read and cheer along. I'm going to try to do better as far as posting goes.

Thanks again!

Glad you enjoyed - look forward to seeing you in October :-)

Final QOTD: Which Princess or Princess characteristic helped you or inspired you this month?

Don't forget your final report and I will post them all for you - Have a great weekend everyone!

Quotes of the Day!

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View attachment 197921

p.s. I ran out of time for Pocahontas but I also think she rocks!

You did a great job as being a Princess & host so you really helped most! Between the time you reached out to help me when I didn't know how to handle my sons misbehaving and the level of support you provided me with this month, the hardest for me so far - it was definitely you that helped!
I looked at the numbers again and it's definitely deficit worth of 1.7 kg and the scale only showed .7 so hopefully I have build some muscle! I also may need to settle that this is a weight my body & way of eating and level of activities is happy at and readjust the goal. It could be that it will show at some point soon or it will just take longer and hopefully I build some strength - I want to be strong so if I do build some lean muscle I will be happy with that.

I was looking at this infographic and honestly I am not willing to push myself any further with eating or exercise so it will either take time or this will be my weight. Even the last healthy groups are pushing it for me, the second and 3rd seem more sustainable.

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