Princess Weekend 2022

When. Does. The. Event. Guide. Come. Out? Tomorrow is 1 month to the HM!

Anyone else also running the Spring Surprise? Thoughts about the medals?
When. Does. The. Event. Guide. Come. Out? Tomorrow is 1 month to the HM!

Anyone else also running the Spring Surprise? Thoughts about the medals?
I’m guessing the guide will be out later today, we’ve been getting rD news/development each day this week, and I don’t know what else they could come out with besides the event guide.

Re: Springtime Surprise—I love the medals!
I wish I did the virtual 5k medal for Springtime Surprise, that medal is amazing... but could not afford it. Trying to save money for my real in person rundisney runs like Princess and then Marathon 2023.
Did anyone here go to Marathon weekend expo? Did they happen to have those sequin skirts you wear over your shorts? I ordered an outfit from Etsy earlier this month and it says it will come between Jan. 28- Feb. 28. Hoping to get it in time but want to buy the sparkle skirt if I need a back up. Have a few from previous races but about 20lbs heavier unfortunately.
Did anyone here go to Marathon weekend expo? Did they happen to have those sequin skirts you wear over your shorts? I ordered an outfit from Etsy earlier this month and it says it will come between Jan. 28- Feb. 28. Hoping to get it in time but want to buy the sparkle skirt if I need a back up. Have a few from previous races but about 20lbs heavier unfortunately.
Yes. Sparkle Skirts, Bolder Athletic, AND Sparkly Soul were all at the expo. If and when the event guide ever comes out, it should list the vendors that will be at the expo for sure.
Did anyone here go to Marathon weekend expo? Did they happen to have those sequin skirts you wear over your shorts? I ordered an outfit from Etsy earlier this month and it says it will come between Jan. 28- Feb. 28. Hoping to get it in time but want to buy the sparkle skirt if I need a back up. Have a few from previous races but about 20lbs heavier unfortunately.
Sparkle Athletic was there. I looked at their visors and not their skirts. I can’t guarantee they had skirts there, because that’s not what I was looking for. But I would say that they probably did because I think that is what they are known for.
Considering going straight to the Expo from the airport. I'll have my rolling suitcase with me. Will that be super frustrating? If I do this, it would be a more focused expo trip just to get my bib/registration stuff. For that process, is it only one line/procedure?
Considering going straight to the Expo from the airport. I'll have my rolling suitcase with me. Will that be super frustrating? If I do this, it would be a more focused expo trip just to get my bib/registration stuff. For that process, is it only one line/procedure?
I personally wouldn't find it frustrating. It is a lot of walking to different buildings, but if the suitcase isn't super-heavy I'm guessing it would be fine. You have to go to different buildings to get your race bib and then your t-shirts etc. I haven't had any interactions with security that indicate it would be a problem (no metal detectors or bag searches or anything).
Well ... sadly, I made the decision to cancel my Princess Weekend trip, for many reasons. But I do love the Princess race and will miss being part of the excitement.

Really wanted to experience the Festival of the Arts at Epcot, but ever since I learned that festival ends pre-Princess, this trip felt much less compelling for me personally.

Good luck everyone!!!

Anyone else also running the Spring Surprise? Thoughts about the medals?

Love the medals!!!

Considering going straight to the Expo from the airport. I'll have my rolling suitcase with me. Will that be super frustrating? If I do this, it would be a more focused expo trip just to get my bib/registration stuff. For that process, is it only one line/procedure?

I would find it super frustrating. There's a lot of walking, a long, gentle uphill from the parking area into ESPN WWOS, and at least one busy staircase to access race shirt pickup which is usually at the very back of the large Expo area.

You do have to do at least two separate lines (in two separate buildings), one for bib pickup and another for shirt(s). If you want official merchandise, that's in a THIRD building. While Princess may be different from the Marathon Weekend setup, I still think the digital event guide from the Marathon gives a good idea of the setup -- tap/mouse over the ESPN WWOS map for pop-ups describing where to go for each thing:
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Really wanted to experience the Festival of the Arts at Epcot, but ever since I learned that festival ends pre-Princess, this trip felt much less compelling for me personally.

I agree. We originally planned on spending most of our time in Epcot, now because of the Arts not even being there I cut out completely. I am doing the other parks instead. Going to Epoct without a festival is not fun to me and the arts one is really the coolest one.
When. Does. The. Event. Guide. Come. Out? Tomorrow is 1 month to the HM!

Anyone else also running the Spring Surprise? Thoughts about the medals?
I'm ready for the event guide to come out. It's driving me batty. Just waiting to see that beautiful cloverleaf sometimes around that 10th mile. 😝

I'm so excited for the Spring Surprise and love the medals. This is an event my daughter and I are already planning to do annually so I'm looking forward to doing it with her. I hate that she is going to be too young to do the 5k (she will have turned 12 just the week prior) so we can't get that medal or the challenge, but I love the 10k medal and especially the 10 miler. It's going to be great!
As a point of reference about disappearing race registrations, I registered myself and two friends for the Princess Challenge. This week during the whole "sign race waivers" extravaganza, one friend had their race registrations disappear. But the other friend was able to successfully get theirs via the email and sign it. And it stills shows in their account! 50% success rate! lol

This was after my husband's disappeared for W&D. My current theory is that the friend's account that was successful was because she's never actually registered herself for a race. ?? Because of our work schedules, I usually end up registering us.


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