*~PrincessBelle's~* Photo Trip Report


DIS Veteran
Jul 15, 2009
Just back from a stay at WL and I thought i'd share a collection of some of my fav photos from my trip. I just got my Canon so please be kind..im new to this photography thing :goodvibes ...I apologize is some are too big..im not sure how to re-size them

I will be doing a proper TR later on but in the meantime here are some from AK....




Here are some pics from MK ...




I tried forever to get the reflection of the castle in this one...not quite..maybe next time




I took so many pictures during Wishes I think they deserve a post all to themselves...this was kind of tricky trying to get pictures around peoples heads but here's what I got...












and finally some miscellaneous ones from both my digital and Canon SLR...







Thanks for reading/taking a peek at my photo TR!!

I think you did a great job. I just got my Canon t1i 4 days ago and I can't wait to get to Disney, but I have to wait until December. Pics of the fireworks look wonderdful to me!
I tried forever to get the reflection of the castle in this one...not quite..maybe next time


Hey, no castle, but you did get a self portrait!

As for constructive criticism, you could work on getting your horizons straighter. That can be fixed in post processing easily, but then requires some cropping you might not want. Some of the shots could also have benefited from the rule of thirds application. The Space one in particular could have benefited by placing the ship on the upper right 3rds point and not cutting off the wing. You could also have gone a little wider and rotated a little more to have it look like it is coming out of the bottom left of the frame more.
Hey, no castle, but you did get a self portrait!

As for constructive criticism, you could work on getting your horizons straighter. That can be fixed in post processing easily, but then requires some cropping you might not want. Some of the shots could also have benefited from the rule of thirds application. The Space one in particular could have benefited by placing the ship on the upper right 3rds point and not cutting off the wing. You could also have gone a little wider and rotated a little more to have it look like it is coming out of the bottom left of the frame more.

Thanks so much for the advice I will definitely keep that in mind!!
You have some really nice shots.

Did you use a tripod when taking your fireworks shots? It appeared to me that you had some camera shake.

No I didn't have my tripod with me so that was one of my biggest issues was getting clear shots by hand..that combined with the almost freezing temperatues and no gloves that was a hard night to shoot ...i'll have to give it a try in september and be sure to bring my tripod
I can honestly say that some of your hand held firework pictures are better than mine when I use a tripod :confused3 You always know when the person behind the camera knows what they are doing when you see their pictures for the first time. Granted, I don't know enough to be critical, but I think they came out extremely well! :thumbsup2
I can honestly say that some of your hand held firework pictures are better than mine when I use a tripod :confused3 You always know when the person behind the camera knows what they are doing when you see their pictures for the first time. Granted, I don't know enough to be critical, but I think they came out extremely well! :thumbsup2

Thanks so much :) thats very encouraging as a newbie:woohoo: no for the weather to clear up here in ontario so I can play with my camera some more
I really like your shots! :thumbsup2 If you don't mind me asking... what kind of camera do you have and what settings did you use for the fireworks? I am going in April and would love to try taking some firework shots myself.
I really like your shots! :thumbsup2 If you don't mind me asking... what kind of camera do you have and what settings did you use for the fireworks? I am going in April and would love to try taking some firework shots myself.

Its a Canon Rebel Xs with just the kit lens..i'll have to check to see what settings I used..but i'll msg you once I check!


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