Problem with Tigger

They are pretty well known in town...and they are always causing trouble and making a scene about something. The kid was totally instigating Tigger, but they didn't really show that part on the news, huh? They are troublemakers!

Really, troublemakers, hard to believe...:rolleyes1

Sorry that you might actually run into these people at the grocery store or something ... YUCK!!:(
The apology has to say..."Pay to the order of....."

Save Tigger! :tigger: :tigger: :tigger: :tigger:
If you open the police report it states at the bottom that Tigger lost site of his handler and then felt a pulling on the back of the suit knocking him off balance.

Also, why don't they show the end part of the video where Tigger patted him on the back and they shook hands...

Hmmmm...I say we put Tigger and the kid in the ring and let em go a coupla rounds...
Okay, I just watched and it looks to us as if the kid is doing something. You can see he is laughing and when Tigger spins around the kid is jerked oif balance. Also, I don't think Tigger tried to punch him, they can't really see on those costumes. I think he was trying to push him away.

I think somone is trying to make some money.
Here's my 2 cents.

1) Yes I agree that the teenager was up to something by the position of his hand to Tigger's back.

2) I think Disney has advised the CM to keep his mouth shut so they can gather evidence contrary to the allegations.

3) I have a gut feeling that in the land of Disney there's another family with a home movie of the incident from the rear view that shows hand placement.

4) Burglars will have a field day as the new reporter stated they went to their house and they were still in Florida - DOH!
I was reading an article a couple of weeks back (before this hit the news) and one of the things I remember reading about the costumes is that the CM;s vision is not good while in the full costume. I am going with he tripped or something...responding to the kidd pulling on the head, or whatever he was doing.
I wanna know why the kid is wearing gloves... the eighties called and they want their look back.
I am sure there are other people who saw this in addition to the handler. The whole story will come out probably very soon.
I'm glad that they haven't let the man behind the Tigger costume apologize. By saying he's sorry, is saying that he did something wrong. Which will then lead into legal action. And the more I watch the video, the more I get angry. This kid looks like he is definately up to something. I also don't like that the news isn't showing the whole video. Anything to put down Disney. Also...why did the father have to call in a lawyer? I smell a skunk...and if I was truly a bad person...I would be calling his house and giving him a piece of my mind. I hope that they don't let this man and his son back in Disney!!

I will be in WDW in 2 days with my family (better have my 14 year old daughter watch out for Tigger!!!!) and if I had time I would make a shirt that said "SAVE TIGGER".

I hope everything works out for this CM!!
i love that on the police report, it says

MEANS OF ATTACK: Hands-Fists-Feet

Are you kidding me? :rolleyes: This is totally ridiculous.
The news reporters WANT to make Tigger look like he purposefully hit that kid. They aren't interested in looking at the story from different angles or possiblilities. It makes me sick to see the news reporters looking for good ratings this way. :sad2:
Well I watched the video several times. It is VERY obvious that Tigger moved his arm to stop the kid from doing what ever he was doing. Because the kids arm was behind his back it resulted in an arm lock. Tigger then turns to dislodge the arm and stop what ever was happening. He hit him yes, but it was a accident. Like many others have already said, the vision is so limited he never would have been able to hit the kid that well even if he wanted to.
He may even be injured but it wasn't intentional on Tiggers part.
Thats the sick part, the father on the news talking like Tigger viciously attacked his son and beat the snot out of him.
You can see the kid laughing the whole time.

Gee when I was 10yrs old (LOOOONG time ago) I was hit in the face by Grumpy, he kept knocking my hat off, trying to be funny and one of the swipes hit me square in the face. He didnt do it on purpose, it hurt quite a bit, but he didnt even realize he had done it. Never occured to us to call the news or sue. Good Grief. Now that we all have their home address, we should all send them letters. Not hate mail, just state that we can all see with our own eyes it was an accident, something any sensible lawyer and judge will be able to see as well. Keep in mind the boy may have been ACCIDENTALLY choking him and in turn was accidentally hit. Maybe they will realize how foolish they are being. Maybe THEY should apologise to Tigger :tigger:

Just my .02

I think Disney should sue the family for defamation of character.

:confused3 Is there a website or address we can write to in support of Tigger and our concern with this?
?for the poster who lives in their hometown. how scummy are they? any details?

They are pretty average for the area, but their attitudes are scummy...the dad owns a construction business I think? The kids are always causing trouble in class and with other kids. I am ashamed that they are from NH! I hope they think twice when trying to scam Disney after all the mail and calls they will get...people in town think it's insane!
I hope they think twice when trying to scam Disney after all the mail and calls they will get...people in town think it's insane!

Not to mention all the extra work they are probably causing the local police dept at this time.(having to do extra patrols) And soon the post office too.(having to hang onto all that mail) Oh and the phone company.(tiying up the local phone lines)I am sure the taxpayers in that area are not going to be happy that those depts are going to have to use their tax dollars to hire extra ppl to take care of this.

Anyone want to take bets on how long it is B4 they move?

I saw suggested on another site about "flocking" their house with Tiggers of all shapes and sizes. (That thing the church groups do with the pink plastic flamingos). How funny would that be? I can see it now, a bunch of ppl coming at nite dressed all in black in non descript vans, jumping out and putting bounce around Tiggers everywhere. LOL
I wanna know why the kid is wearing gloves... the eighties called and they want their look back.
I am sure there are other people who saw this in addition to the handler. The whole story will come out probably very soon.

I thought the same thing...........he looks like a trouble maker, with the smirk and the gloves.

He's smirking the whole time before, and during, and after.
Anyone have the address for the local newspaper or TV station?
We should all send in letters about how ridiculous this is.


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