Disney Dude

Nov 9, 1999
Any suggestions for PS on Dec 8
This is the night of MVMCP and would like to get a jump start on the crowds. (although we are staying at Cont and can walk over and beat the monorail crowds)
I've just learned the deal with this...they close the parks at 6:00 and usher people out (as best they can but people say some hide in the bathrooms, can you BELIEVE that?). MVMCP doesn't begin until 7:00, they also say even if you managed to stay in the park between 6 and 7, you still need to re-enter to get your MVMCP package (which has your wristband and I guess other stuff for the party).

The only restaurant that can supply you with this MVMCP package is Liberty Tree Tavern. They are also only open to MVMCP ticketholders after I think like 5:30pm or so. I personally would rather eat at CRT or California Grille or something, but IMO being in the park before the crowds and not having to re-enter is worth it, even if the food isn't really what I'm craving. I'm sure my kids will love it there too, so that's also a bonus. answer your avoid crowds I would try to get a Liberty Tree PS, ASAP!!
When we attended MVMCP in '99, we did Chef Mickey's at the Contemporary, and then walked on over.

We arrived about a half hour before the official start time, which got us close to the entrance of the MK. They do a good job of keeping folks entertained before they open the gates.
I think the whole LTT "pacakge" is just making things more complicated. I believe you will still be able to make PS at other restaurants for the party, but not until 60 days out. LTT you could make when you bought the MVMCP tickets. At least that is they way I understand it. Guess I will find out Oct 13 when I try to make my PS for Tony's.
Yes, you CAN book a PS for another restaurant 60 days out like Tony's or CRT, but they WON'T take PS during the 6pm-7pm time period, at least from what the CM told me on the phone, AND you still have to re-enter to get your MVMCP package which has your wristband that you need for the party.
If this is correct, then this is different then what I have heard as happened in years past. My understanding is that in years past if you had a PS at a restaurant you could get in with your MVMCP pass ONLY, get your wrist band etc. and be good to go after your meal.

I can not see them not allowing guests to eat during the hour between the parks "close" and the beining of MVMCP. Guess we will have all to wait and see.
We had a 5:30PS at Cinderella's last year. We returned to the MK around 5:00pm, and were asked for our MVMCP tickets. We were allowed to enter, and given our wristband.

There was some sort of screwup that night. They seriously overbooked CRT. (Something about the Tampa CM's not knowing that the restaurant was closed from 3:00 to 4:00 that day.)

We were finished with our meal right before 7:00pm when the park went back into operation.

If it's any help, we're going to MNSSHP this year, and I just booked a Tony's Town Square for 5:30 at 60 days out. I was also offered a 5:10 or a 6:30 at CRT, but I prefered the Tony's.
Originally posted by dvcreg
If it's any help, we're going to MNSSHP this year, and I just booked a Tony's Town Square for 5:30 at 60 days out
This is what I want to do for MVMCP. So I hope it works out.
We ate over at the Polynesian and then just went back over to MK. Got some adult beverages in us before the festivities (can't do that at MK).
Maybe the CM I spoke to was misinformed...I will call tomorrow and try to sort this out...I'd rather eat at CRT than LTT...
I tryed to book LTT a month ago when I bought my tickets, and was told the earliest ps time was for 6.55. This is obviously no good because the party is about to start.
We go on the 5th Dec, so am I right in thinking that I can book ps for another restaurant, from around 4th October.
Do all the other restaurants take ps ?
Which one would you reccomend?
The main reason for me wanting the ps is to get into the park that little bit early :D

:jester: 108 to go :jester:
Can you get into Tony's with just your mnsshp ticket or will you need to use a day from your pass? We are hoping to do the same thing you are on the 20th, but we were not planning to use a day from our hopper pass that day. Will this work?
I don't know minniesota. Last year when we entered at 5:30 for our MVMCP, they only required that ticket, not our AP's.

This is one of those situations that is very difficult to get the facts for beforehand.
I called WDW-DINE and asked for clarification with the CM. To tell you the truth...I think management doesn't communicate very well with these guys because the story I heard was very different to the point where I am more confused than ever and don't know WHAT to believe. The woman I spoke to didn't know if the wristbands were given out at LTT (I hav a PS for 5:50). She even forwarded me to guest relations and I felt like I was the one telling this woman what the deal was, or at least what I had been told. See, I would rather eat at CRT around the same time, and my question to her was "if my family and I enter the park at say 5:00 (we are AP holders), can we get our MVMCP wristbands THEN, or do we still have to re-enter after dinner to get them?" The answer to this question will surely determine where we will eat that night...I'd like to know the answer...

Basically the conversation ended with "better keep your LTT reservation and call back just before 60 days out to find out waht the deal is".
I know that everyone is anxious to get the details before going, but this is one of those situations where Dining may not know how this is going to be handled at the parks.

Erikarate, my DH had gotten to the MK shortly before I did. I think that it's safe to say that from at least 5:00pm on, they were asking for the event tickets, and issuing the wristbands. We absolutely did not have to re-enter after we had our dinner at CRT.

I'll be certain to ask when I go to the 10/11 MNSSHP. I'm sure that whatever procedure is used then will be implemented for MVMCP.
Originally posted by dvcreg
...(snip)....I'll be certain to ask when I go to the 10/11 MNSSHP. I'm sure that whatever procedure is used then will be implemented for MVMCP.

I agree - this is the key. It is very likely that whatever they end up doing for MNSSHP is what they will do for MVMCP.
We have been to MVMCP about 10 times.I don't know if they're changing their policy this year,but in past years the way it worked was,Say the park closed at 6:00pm,we would make a PS for say 5:15pm,while we were enjoying our dinner at a leisurly pace waiting for the Party to start, the CM's at the resturaunt would take the MVMCP tickets and give us a wristband.I eally hope they do it like that this year.Were doing the LTT thing on Dec.3, but we're also going to the Party on Dec.6,and didn't want to do LTT twice.We eating lunch at CRT earlier in the day,so didn't really want another heavy meal that night.The solution we came up with,was to do the Plaza Resturant.Basically the same food you could get from a stand,hamburgers,sandwichs,etc.,but with the benifit of being able to make a PS,and relax a bit.Hopefully they won't change the wristband exchange thing,and we'll avoid the crowd trying to get in to the Party.:jester:
Thanks...Plaza Restaurant also sounds like a good option...we ate there for lunch in July and loved it.

Does anyone know how many tickets they sell for MVMCP? I'd like to get an idea what the crowds will be like.
I've done MVMCP the last 2 years (this year we're doing MNSSHP at LTT 5:30).

The first year we were there after it opened and didn't get any wristbands...just entered the park.

The last year, we ate at Crystal Palace at 5:30; we showed our "already used in the day" passes and entered the park. No wristband. I had heard about wristbands for those who stayed in the park and ate so I was expecting ours at some point. Well, our dinner was over. We had paid and I asked if we could leave, and the waitress said yes. I then decided to ask about the wristbands and our MVMCP tickets being taken. That is when she went and got the wristbands and took our tickets. But she wasn't going to!

Every year, there seems to be a slight change and there are also changes from CM to CM.
I'm not sure if you are interested but there is a huge group of us going to Chef Mickey's on December 8th before MVMCP and you are absolutely more than welcome to join us - as is anyone. Just send me a PM if you are interested. We are scheduled for 5pm and I can add on to our PS up to December 2 (that's the day before I leave for WDW).


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