Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

Have already been to the grocery store this morning, and feel like it was a good start to the day. (I even got two compliments on my Christmas mask!)

I received a Zoom invite for 10:00 - from the program that put on the class I just finished. It seems to be both for sharing responses to this semester and giving out info for next. I'm torn because I really want to hear the new info, but hate wrap-up surveys. 😆 I'll probably log in, though.
Good morning,

I finished an online grocery order for pickup later today. I have a shift at church then scheduled pick up for the way home.

Loved seeing your hand written recipe
Actually that is my SIL's writing. She gave me a file of recipes at my wedding shower. My writing is the notes in the corners.
Good morning all. Its raining here this morning. It was so windy last night when I went to bed, I had to put my earphones in. Thankfully the wind stopped when I was ready to fall asleep and I was able to take them out and fall asleep right away. Unfortunately the wind had picked up again this morning along with the rain....boo...I do not like bad weather and wind freaks me out.

DD and I went to Target last night. She needed to get her work secret Santa gift and I picked up some wrapping paper and labels. I'm going to start wrapping today. I think I'm pretty much done with my shopping except for a few little things I'll pick up later this week with my friend, just waiting for a couple things to be delivered too.

No plans for today, maybe after I'm done with wrapping I'll start making some cookies. DH is headed out of town for the rest of the week so the cookies will be safe a little longer than if he were home....:laughing: Because of we all had Covid last year at this time, I didn't get anything done until way last minute so making up for it this year, I guess. LoL Hope you all have a great day.
Good Morning Quacker family,

It's cold and rainy here today. Dad is braving the weather at the laundromat and then Ralph's. Praying her stays dry and safe! I'll, of course, be extra grateful when he's home!

I realized that wow next week is Christmas. I will have to get on trying to find some ornaments today if we're going to order anything. FYI, because I did look briefly at Kohl's because they had sent us a free $10 coupon, they are offering free shipping on orders $25 or more. Usually, I think it's closer to $70!

I am sure I asked this last year but the cold has reminded me again now. Do any of you use a space heater? I will be contacting our local fire department to ask if they can recommend any space heater for very small and older apartments. It's just so cold in here :( I have not felt comfortable getting one in the past (and honestly still am not) because I know they can be a huge fire and/or carbon monoxide hazard! Plus, I honestly don't know where we could even place one so that it wasn't near furniture and directly plugged into the wall. I am also concerned about it being accidently left on when one or both of us are sleeping. I also know until God-willing we can move one day, we need to stay warm and well! Thank you all!

Please stay extra warm and safe in the more- wintry weather, my friends. Do something cozy and fun just for you, as well.

I'll come back later :)
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Happy Tuesday morning :earsboy:

Not much going on with me today. Decided to work from home today. Had to work on scheduling a few meetings for people but I was able to clean my bathroom, do the dishes and I have a load of laundry going. I made a pot of chili last night, making bbq chicken tonight. Trying to cook during the week. Got in the habit of getting fast food for the past 2 weeks. Ordered a pair of gym shoes of ds2 for a Xmas present back in November. Luckily I called today to find out why I haven't received them yet but the money came out of my account. Was told that they were out of stock so the order was cancelled. I checked my bank account and sure enough the money was refunded this morning. He asked for a pair of jeans instead so I was able to order those easily. Looks like I'm done with Xmas shopping! I'll start wrapping on Friday. I work the next 3 weekends so I'll need to get things done during the week.

Hope everyone has a great day! :smickey:
@Pea-n-Me Losing my mother was very traumatic. She got sick with ovarian cancer at the beginning of my senior year in high school. I spent that school year keeping an A- average, working part time, taking care of the house, meals, and shopping, as well as visiting her in the hospital in Boston where she was getting treatment. I was naive and did not understand that she was going to pass from this. She died a week after I graduated from high school. I did not expect it and I was distraught. Unfortunately my father and his parents were not very kind to me after my mother died. They gave me no support at all. I was fortunate to have a very kind aunt and uncle, great friends, and a very supportive woman who was a close friend of my mother. She would have me stay at her home, listen to me, make meals for me, and give me the support I needed. I did talk with a psychologist at college which helped. When I decided to move home and commute to college my grandmother was mad at me because my father had to come to school to help me move home. I will say that years later our relationships, with my father and grandmother, got better. They were especially happy that I got married and they liked Chris. But, I will never forget how difficult it was to get on in life at 17 without my mother. We were just getting past that phase of butting heads now and then to being able to get along well together. I would cry easily and often. Chris lost his mother when he was 11 so we did have that in common. Chris and I met in college, the one semester I lived at school. We didn't date until a year and a half later. I won't say everything was perfect in our marriage as I am not sure anyone can say that. One of our mistakes was putting the kids first and not taking any couple time while the kids were growing up. We both acknowledged that was a big mistake and caused some issues. But, we got through the rough times. The last 10-11 years were really great with few issues and we took good care of each other. He was there for my knee replacements and I was there for his health issues. We did alot of traveling together and had great times. We had our Friday night dinners out together where we would talk or sometimes just sit quietly together and enjoy that. That was my favorite part of the week. He kept me grounded during the lockdowns when I would be anxious and stressed. I just wish I had made him to go to see the doctor this past year. I know it was his decision not to go but I should have forced the issue. It may not have mattered. I will miss him and the life we had together always. Today the preset on my car radio was on his station again so I know he was saying hi. I always say hi to him. I talk to him all the time. I find I am missing Jasper alot too because we 3 did alot together. On Christmas Eve we would go out to look at holiday lights. I keep thinking back to last year when the 3 of us did that. I feel like we were the 3 musketeers and now I am the only one left. Sorry to be rambling but this month has been very hard for me. It was Chris' favorite time of year and I am so sad that he is missing it. Plus last Christmas was a pandemic Christmas, not a normal holiday. He would have loved having the family back together for Christmas brunch and gifts.

You were so kind to your daughter's friend to talk with her about her mother. That is a kindness that I am sure she truly appreciated. It is like the elephant in the room. No one wants to say anything. Even if the person cries, and they most likely will, they will appreciate that you take the time to talk with them about their departed loved one. If they don't want to talk about it, they will tell you.

I am off to talk with the therapist. I need it this time of year. She has a calming, peaceful presence and is very insightful.
Thank you, Pea and PollyannaMom very much for the space heater recommendations! I will look into them. Another issue though is we do not have good air flow in here and I know that's important for a space heater. Dad still thinks our apartment heater is all right to use but thankfully he doesn't because he knows it really affects me. I don't see how almost choking on fumes is safe to use :( Probably because the gas line and plumbing in the building both are so ancient that they are not anywhere near up to code. Plus, it's probably never been cleaned in 61 years since the building was built :P I think if he ever brings it up again, I'll suggest he call the fire department for suggestions and maybe this time he will! That way he can hear it from them and not me :)

ITA PollyannaMom! I don't want to "like" your post, Snowysmom. The only thing I do like very much is that I truly admire your courage always, my friend. So proud of you as well for going to see the counselor. Prayers that is helpful! Big hugs.

Wow, Footballouse, go you! For a work from home day you also put in a day's home stuff work! Get some rest this evening! :)
@Pea-n-Me Losing my mother was very traumatic. She got sick with ovarian cancer at the beginning of my senior year in high school. I spent that school year keeping an A- average, working part time, taking care of the house, meals, and shopping, as well as visiting her in the hospital in Boston where she was getting treatment. I was naive and did not understand that she was going to pass from this. She died a week after I graduated from high school. I did not expect it and I was distraught. Unfortunately my father and his parents were not very kind to me after my mother died. They gave me no support at all. I was fortunate to have a very kind aunt and uncle, great friends, and a very supportive woman who was a close friend of my mother. She would have me stay at her home, listen to me, make meals for me, and give me the support I needed. I did talk with a psychologist at college which helped. When I decided to move home and commute to college my grandmother was mad at me because my father had to come to school to help me move home. I will say that years later our relationships, with my father and grandmother, got better. They were especially happy that I got married and they liked Chris. But, I will never forget how difficult it was to get on in life at 17 without my mother. We were just getting past that phase of butting heads now and then to being able to get along well together. I would cry easily and often. Chris lost his mother when he was 11 so we did have that in common. Chris and I met in college, the one semester I lived at school. We didn't date until a year and a half later. I won't say everything was perfect in our marriage as I am not sure anyone can say that. One of our mistakes was putting the kids first and not taking any couple time while the kids were growing up. We both acknowledged that was a big mistake and caused some issues. But, we got through the rough times. The last 10-11 years were really great with few issues and we took good care of each other. He was there for my knee replacements and I was there for his health issues. We did alot of traveling together and had great times. We had our Friday night dinners out together where we would talk or sometimes just sit quietly together and enjoy that. That was my favorite part of the week. He kept me grounded during the lockdowns when I would be anxious and stressed. I just wish I had made him to go to see the doctor this past year. I know it was his decision not to go but I should have forced the issue. It may not have mattered. I will miss him and the life we had together always. Today the preset on my car radio was on his station again so I know he was saying hi. I always say hi to him. I talk to him all the time. I find I am missing Jasper alot too because we 3 did alot together. On Christmas Eve we would go out to look at holiday lights. I keep thinking back to last year when the 3 of us did that. I feel like we were the 3 musketeers and now I am the only one left. Sorry to be rambling but this month has been very hard for me. It was Chris' favorite time of year and I am so sad that he is missing it. Plus last Christmas was a pandemic Christmas, not a normal holiday. He would have loved having the family back together for Christmas brunch and gifts.

You were so kind to your daughter's friend to talk with her about her mother. That is a kindness that I am sure she truly appreciated. It is like the elephant in the room. No one wants to say anything. Even if the person cries, and they most likely will, they will appreciate that you take the time to talk with them about their departed loved one. If they don't want to talk about it, they will tell you.

I am off to talk with the therapist. I need it this time of year. She has a calming, peaceful presence and is very insightful.
Thank you for sharing. That must’ve been difficult to “re-live”. Another big {{hug}} from me. And from all of us here. :grouphug:

So, in a way, you “lost” your home when your Mom died. Then you found Chris, who became your home. And now you’ve lost your home again, not just in the literal sense, but in the emotional one. Makes total sense to me why things have been so emotional for you. Coming from a difficult place myself, I can relate to your DH being your home, as mine is mine, as well. I sometimes worry about the worst happening, but I digress. How fortunate we both were to have found such love.

I don’t have many answers, but I’d bet that some of those old feelings you had years ago never really strayed far from the surface, and maybe some of them have resurfaced during these difficult times lately? I feel like no matter how many years go by, old hurts can still remain. I saw it with my mother. Even in her 90s she would sometimes still cry relating a story from her childhood, which was really tough. Those feelings never really leave us. I’m glad you are seeing someone you like who can help you work out your feelings. We’re always here to listen, too. :flower3:

I was glad to see you mention Jasper again, too. It can’t be exactly what it was before, but it could be two of you again some day. When and if you’re ready. Maybe when you settle in a new place - a long ways off, I know. My SIL had a dog come into her life literally days before she lost her husband this year. It’s been such a godsend. Shh it’s a secret, but I took a nice picture of her and the dog the night we took her out and I’m framing it for her for Christmas. I can’t wait to give it to her!

Wishing all Quackers a peaceful evening. 🐣
Thanks Pea-n-me. I understand what you mean about home. Chris did become my home. I was very lucky to have had him in my life. And now I can't really live at my house so I lost that home too. The therapist asked me tonight what would help me get through the grief and I told her that I need to have a place I can call home. I need to be done cleaning out the house we lived in and transition to a new home, new routine, and a place where Chris can be with me in spirit. She agrees that having to clean out the house and sort through alot of sentimental things is not helping me move forward. She asked me how I would feel if one day, months down the road, I woke up and could think of Chris with a smile and remember all the good times without crying. She then said try to write a letter from your future self to your current self or from your current self to your future self. Food for thought. I am glad your DH is home for you too. It makes life so good and it is nice to have such love in your life.

I will most likely not get another dog. I will visit my granddogs. But I have learned in life to never say never. It is nice that your SIL has her dog to help her. That picture is a great gift idea. She will love it I am sure.
Snowysmom....... I think what you are experiencing is very natural. With my DH's returning cancer, I too am worried about my future. We just retired and had a lot of plans, which now have been put on hold. I keep trying to remember when you have a great love, the loss is greater too.
I think you are a very brave and insightful lady going through a very difficult loss. Be gentle with yourself! We are here!!
Here I sit, just like the other night. Geez it's almost 11:00 pm, at least it's not as late as last time.

QOTD: Do you like white or multi-color lights better?
I like multi color lights. We've always had them on our tree. I looked up this afternoon and the whole bottom half of our tree is not lit.

Went to my book club's Christmas party at a local steak house last night. It was on the expensive side. I ordered Sea Bass with beet and butter nut squash gnochi and roasted kale with a Caesar Salad. The fish was good but the gnochi got real gummy and was not edible after it cooled off. The roasted kale just crumbled in my mouth, weird taste and the salad was spicy. That was unexpected. Needless to say I did not enjoy my dinner for the most part. I did enjoy the company though. There were 11 of us and we were stuck back in a U shaped area that was barely large enough to fit our table and chairs. Everyone brought a gift and we played Dirty Santa. There were some good ones this year and I stole a few but they kept being stolen from me. I ended up getting the gift I brought back which was fine with me. I had taken a fake fur throw and it is so soft.

Lou Lou and I went to Costco to get a rotisserie chicken and ended up with a couple of other items. I ended up buying a two pound package of rotisserie chicken meat instead of the whole chicken.

My last Christmas gift arrived today so I'm done and everything is now wrapped waiting to be opened. Well, come to think of it, I did order a couple more stocking stuffers for DS, a tin of hand soap for when he's out fishing and a package of three hand towels that attach to his belt while he fishing in case he needs to dry off his hands.

The weather to day was dreary, foggy/misty all day, highs in the mid 50's. On the other side of the metroplex it was sunny and in the 70's. Forecast is for the temps to rise up to the 70's for the rest of the week and drop back down into the 50's over the weekend.

Dinner tonight was chicken tacos or a salad with chicken, whichever we preferred.
Good morning, all! Up early thanks to a hungry, but really sweetly purring kitty-cat. :cat:

This morning is not too busy - minor housework stuff like putting away laundry. But I'm looking forward to this afternoon. It's the day I watch the twins, and I'm bringing them here instead of home after school. It's been an every year Christmas tradition since they were small, because I have a bunch of the kind of decorations that you push buttons and they sing or dance or light up to music... They have a blast trying them all out.
Good frosty morning all. 28 outside now, going to be sunny and low 50's.

Its trash day so I just took it down to the street. Fed all the cats, and finished up grocery list. I would like to get there fairly early while it's not crowded..then I want to stop at the car wash at Sheetz if there is no line. Car is clean inside, but the outside needs it badly.

One next to oldest granddaughter was accepted at all 4 colleges she applied to. Now she just has to wait to see about financial aid to decide which one. She wants to major in forensic science and anthropology. Smart girl!

Have a nice morning!--running out of Winter Disney pictures, lol!

One more week until DGS#2 comes! So excited. I have the new fake tree up and have been 'fluffing' the branches a bit every day; it's almost ready for lights. I can't do too much of it at once, because it is sooo scratchy, and apparently, I am allergic to it, because I get a rash on my arm where the 'needles' brush on me as I'm reaching in to 'fluff'. Real trees do the same thing, so maybe it's just trying to be realistic. :rotfl: We are putting the lights on this weekend, but are waiting until DGS gets here to put the ornaments and topper on. DH picked out a Weeping Angel for the topper 🙄 because a Death Star wouldn't get here soon enough. :sad2: So I ordered a few more Doctor Who ornaments to go with it (Daleks, a Tom Baker? the guy with the scarf, Cybermen, Tardis, etc).

Last night, we had bbq pineapple flatbreads for dinner...loved them! Will make again. (Oh, and the couscous thing from the other night? Pretty good, except I overcooked the couscous a bit. DH even took leftovers for lunch yesterday). Tonight, we are having either bacon cheddar burgers (with the leftover poblanos from last nights flatbreads) or tamales (shredded pork ones and green chile and cheddar ones); and the other tomorrow.

Still waiting on 4 presents to arrive (late orders); 1 is at the post office, 2 are being delivered today, and one is due by Tuesday). DH got his Christmas bonus, woohoo; paying off all my Christmas shopping and putting up money so we can move in February.

DS is working on the classes he has to review for his GED. Should be done by January 1st or so, then will take his GED later in the month. After we move, he is going to get a part time job (just a day or two a week, to start) and start taking his college classes (at least one). Slow small steps. They raised the dosage on his medication, and he is doing ok; he needs to sleep/eat/exercise a bit more regularly, as when he doesn't, he is worse.


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