Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

The condo appt was frustrating. I toured one bedroom which was nice but I knew I wanted more room than that. They are building a new building and the condos won't be ready until Oct-Nov. I can't wait that long. Plus the 2 bedroom I was looking at is almost sold out. The only one left is opposite the elevator. You have to put down a 10% nonrefundable deposit. If you are interested there is a second meeting where you look at the flooring, cabinets, etc and decide if you want to upgrade which can be pricey. I did expect this. There really isn't any place to walk. I was not wowed. My friend feels the same way I do. I feel like I have to get a real estate agent to help. I am looking at one to sell the house so maybe I will talk with him. My gut tells me this probably isn't the place for me but there aren't many options for one floor living. I could live here but it is not calling my name. I could live in an apt for 5 months or so but that is expensive and I don't want to move twice.
Good morning. 10 degrees here and heading for 19 today. I am off work to go visit a condo complex. I am not happy to be having to do this especially without Chris. I am so glad a good friend is coming with me. My birth sister told me I would know if this is the place and to trust my gut and trust in God. She is a very faith filled person and I admire that in her. I wish I could be the same. So wish me luck that I don't cry alot and can make a decision whether I should pursue this in a couple of months when sell the house. This is just a preliminary visit to gather info.

Have a good Friday.
The condo appt was frustrating. I toured one bedroom which was nice but I knew I wanted more room than that. They are building a new building and the condos won't be ready until Oct-Nov. I can't wait that long. Plus the 2 bedroom I was looking at is almost sold out. The only one left is opposite the elevator. You have to put down a 10% nonrefundable deposit. If you are interested there is a second meeting where you look at the flooring, cabinets, etc and decide if you want to upgrade which can be pricey. I did expect this. There really isn't any place to walk. I was not wowed. My friend feels the same way I do. I feel like I have to get a real estate agent to help. I am looking at one to sell the house so maybe I will talk with him. My gut tells me this probably isn't the place for me but there aren't many options for one floor living. I could live here but it is not calling my name. I could live in an apt for 5 months or so but that is expensive and I don't want to move twice.
My father used to say, “When in doubt, the answer is no”. I would say, keep looking. There are probably other options out there that you either don’t know about yet, or maybe are going up in the future.

I meant to post this for you this morning. I hope no one minds.


Thanks for good thoughts this morning. I’m worried about DS (heartache). He isn’t eating and today started vomiting. Wasn’t sure if we were going to wind up in the ER. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. 😪
My father used to say, “When in doubt, the answer is no”. I would say, keep looking. There are probably other options out there that you either don’t know about yet, or maybe are going up in the future.

I meant to post this for you this morning. I hope no one minds.

View attachment 640988

Thanks for good thoughts this morning. I’m worried about DS (heartache). He isn’t eating and today started vomiting. Wasn’t sure if we were going to wind up in the ER. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. 😪

I wanted to give the love emoji for the prayer (for Snowys Mom and all others who needed it), and say thank you..but then I got to your DS and heartache, and had to change it to the sad one. Prayers and good thoughts being sent his way.
As far as emails, When DD was getting married, she set an email account just for that. When she went to bridal shows and such, it all went there.

Very smart!

grocery store shortages


The condo appt was frustrating...
My father used to say, “When in doubt, the answer is no”. I would say, keep looking. There are probably other options out there that you either don’t know about yet, or maybe are going up in the future.

Wise man!

I agree that this one doesn't sound right for you.

Thanks for good thoughts this morning. I’m worried about DS (heartache). He isn’t eating and today started vomiting. Wasn’t sure if we were going to wind up in the ER. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. 😪
My father used to say, “When in doubt, the answer is no”. I would say, keep looking. There are probably other options out there that you either don’t know about yet, or maybe are going up in the future.
He is quite right. Smart man. It does not feel right and did not feel like a place to call home. They are still building and will be for years, it looks very barren, and no walking area in sight. That is important to me. I will continue my search and the real estate agent should be able to help me. I also thought of what Chris would say about it and I know he would say to keep looking and don't settle. He was not thrilled about condos anyway but he knows I can't live in the house and I really don't want to deal with the upkeep. The house is getting to the age of problems beginning to show up to be fixed.

Pea n me I hope things get better for DS. He is going through a tough time. Saying a prayer for him. Thank you for the prayer you posted. This kind of support and caring are what keeps me going and able to put one foot in front of the other each day. I am sure it helps all who need support and care in their lives.

Have a nice Friday evening.
The condo appt was frustrating.
You'll know the right place when you come to it.
Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers
Both he & you & your family remain in my thoughts during this time -
I agree that this one doesn't sound right for you.
agreed -

My toes are cold. Socks & slippers on. I decided to give into the cold weekend early and I've already got my pajamas on. Contemplating getting up early to hit up the grocery store in order to A) get it over with and B) in hopes of not finding half empty shelves from other Saturday grocery shoppers. We'll see what the morning brings.

My great idea to roast the turkey in the freezer was scuttled due to me not remembering to take it out to thaw...I could do the water thaw but -eh, I'm not feeling it. It's okay, I'll cook it later in February.

Have a wonderful evening everyone.
Good evening.

We went to the mall this morning. DH got the battery he needed and I found a pair of dress pants at Penny's. I haven't shopped for pants in over 2 years. Who decided we no longer need zippers and even dress pants are pull on? :confused3 (I was looking for something to wear to the baby shower.)

Stopped at CFA for lunch on the way home. Also made a stop at the liquor store and grocery for one thing. Still no cinnamon rolls.

I've noticed that my preferred brand of half & half, Land O' Lakes, is hard to come by and has been for a good month or two since I've gotten my hands on it. I guess
Funny. DH buys Food Lion brand Half & Half. They are often out and substitute Land O' Lakes. Where do you do your shopping?

@Pea-n-pea, like Lynn, I wanted to give a ❤ for the prayer and a😥 for your son.

My great idea to roast the turkey in the freezer
:confused3 I use the oven to roast my turkey.:rotfl2:

@NJMermaid, :welcome: Sorry you have COVID but glad you have a friend and aunt to bring you food.

Nighty night.
I am vaxxed and boosted. I also have COVID.
Welcome to the 'Club'! We were in the same situation in December. Hope rest of your quarantine goes by quick.
Funny. DH buys Food Lion brand Half & Half. They are often out and substitute Land O' Lakes. Where do you do your shopping?
Usually Food Lion or Acme. Redners once in a while. Isn't it funny that in a relatively close area our Food Lions should have opposite items!
I use the oven to roast my turkey.:rotfl2:
I walked right into that one!!!!!!

Good morning one & all. Dog is out of sorts now that he is only pup in the house. Started waking up at 3 or 3:15 bright eyed & bushy tailed and ready to carry on. I think it's a symptom of being a bit lonely and missing his brother so he's trying to make sure we are still around. I think he will settled down soon. He's got a play date with my SIL's dog later this afternoon so I think he will enjoy that.

It's cold. Cold cold. Fire going in downstairs stove, eldest & husband out hunting behind the house, maybe I'll get some breakfast going for them in a bit, they will need a warm meal when they come in.
Good morning all. My attached picture today is more than appropriate. It was 0 degrees at 6:30 and is all the way up to 3 now..brrr

I checked Chewy this morning as I usually do to see what was in stock for cat food..not one can of Friskies wet food is in stock. What are we going to do when noone has it? My cats are almost out of the salmon pate, and that's their favorite, and I have been doling it out sparingly. I suddenly had the bright thought to check PetSmart and Tractor Supply online. Both had the salmon pate (about the only thing they do have)..and I ordered 2 cases of it from each of them. I had called Tractor Supply to make sure it was in stock..she said we have 72 cans of it. I checked about 15 min later (after placing my order and getting a text that it was ready anytime), that it will now not be in stock there till Friday the 28'th.) So we have to take a ride to both places today and pick up my orders (you can't order more than 48 cans at PetSmart according to their website). That should hold them over for that flavor for awhile anyhow

I got a call from Novartis last nite that they approved my Entresto assistance, and will be sending it to me for free for the year. That takes care of all but the most expensive of my meds, but by March I should be able to get that one for free also. Any of you having trouble paying for meds, please ask your Drs, or find out who takes care of the patient assistance paperwork for meds, and take advantage of anything they can do for you!

@NJMermaid--welcome to our friendly thread. Hope you feel better soon!

Have a nice day all--stay warm (even you @Bianca and Bernard! That is quite a temperature change for you in one day :(

OIP (1).jpg
Good morning all.

Those who were jealous of our 70 degree weather, you can rest easy, as it's 39 out right now. I don't have cold weather clothes anymore, lol. I'm layering up so I can go to the post office and grocery store (didn't make it yesterday).

Y'all have a good day!

Wow, that's quite a drop!!

It's 20° and snowing here, but at least it's what we expect and are prepared for.

Be safe, and treat yourself to some really good hot cocoa when you do get to the grocery store.
Good morning. Up to a whopping 21 now. Too cold to play outside.

Thought I'd post while I still had a chance. DD and DSIL are going to a wedding tonight and spending the night at a hotel near it. Only 30 minutes from here but 2 hours from their house. The kids and dog are being dropped off about 3 then we have them until tomorrow after breakfast. I've had each kid overnight but not at the same time. Tessa apparently woke up very excited to be coming here tonight.

Usually Food Lion or Acme. Redners once in a while.
That is funny how they have different items. I got this at Aldis. Looks amazingly like Land O’ Lakes.
Sunny and 18 here. Got my 2 cases of friskies salmon at Tractor Supply and grabbed the only 2 32 can variety packs on the shelf,,thankfully they were the seafood variety ones. Stopped at Martins and got Thomas English Muffins, b1g2 free, maiers Italian bread, b1g1 free, 2 Berks garlic bologna, b1g1 free and 4 donuts. Good luck babysitting all of them tonite @Breezy_Carol!
Good Morning!

Extra hugs and prayers to each of you. Truly thank you all for being a Quacker 🐥

:grouphug:Snowysmom. I am so sorry about the condo. It does not sound like the right place at all. Prayers for you to indeed find something that will feel like it can be home for you.

:grouphug:extra to you as well Pea and prayers for your DS, too. It is never easy to see a loved one in distress. I'm not a parent but can only imagine that is so much more so with a child no matter their age! Know we are here and care!

Welcome indeed to our lovely, kind group, NJMermaid :) Please take care and feel better!

I love the "Friendly Farms," name Carol. I hope the half and half helps provide "friendly" warmth to any of you that use it! :)

Lynn, mail and medicine prayers indeed to you, my friend. Big prayers for your step -daughter. This plague just doesn't end does it? :(

I've gotten more mail the last two days than ever in a two -day span! Even the crossword from AZ that was postmarked almost 2 weeks ago came yesterday delivered by the regular carrier. I'm so thankful indeed. I even received yesterday a couple special Quacker contributions for which I am extra grateful for, of course. It is a big job keeping tracking of all the mail! I've been pasting or taping down each puzzle onto a piece of typing paper.

Dad is off doing errands now. I feel badly he had to go out this morning. Praying he'll be home within an hour or so and will get what is needed.

To all of you with love, one of my favorite memories singing with church choir: We Are Not Alone God is with us. By His Grace, I sure care, too. I am so humbly grateful each day He has connected us as a Quacker family to lift one another up and be of good cheer.

Do something of comfort for yourself this day, friends. I'll check back later.
Thought I'd post while I still had a chance. DD and DSIL are going to a wedding tonight and spending the night at a hotel near it. Only 30 minutes from here but 2 hours from their house. The kids and dog are being dropped off about 3 then we have them until tomorrow after breakfast. I've had each kid overnight but not at the same time. Tessa apparently woke up very excited to be coming here tonight.

That's so cute!! Have a blast running "Camp Grandma". :Pinkbounc :bounce:
27 degrees and cloudy with a few snowflakes here. I made a huge pot of chili this morning, I always say not to make so much, but it always fills the pot. I guess i should use a smaller pot :rotfl2: Oh well, I'll give some to DD and freeze a bunch for future meals.

Pea n Me..... it is indeed difficult to watch our children go through such pain, My own son is going through the same thing right now. He lives 5 states away and I wish I could do more. He suffers from depression and does not bounce back easily. I also feel bad because I am not well equipped to deal with his pain right now.

Lynn.... I glad you were able to restock your cat food supply.

Snowysmom.... I agree with the others, that condo doesn't seem right for you. But, I don't necessarily believe that you will be sure of any new place when you see it. You have been through a trauma and nothing is going to be right without Chris. Things will get better and you will learn to live a "new normal" but it's not going to be cut and dried. Stick to your wishes for a new place and give it time. I really wish you the best.

Have a nice day, everyone. Mona.... you are so sweet for putting together such thoughtful gift for your Dad.


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