Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

I'm going to start this today! I know I'll get my husband sucked in too hehehehe

Have you seen the Circle that was on in January? It's really interesting as someone who is older, 41, and still not down with all things social media but to watch the people's interactions was really neat. We watched the whole season quickly and I don't really binge watch much. I don't have attention span for it.

A friend recommended that, too! I added it to my watch list.
Thankful my family members are all healthy.
My Mom (81) is doing ok, she has a condo and is staying inside, talking to her neighbors from their front doors, LOL Social distancing.
I wish I could spend more time with her face to face, but we must protect her.
She is lonely, we lost my Dad last June. I call her everyday and we chat for a while as do my 2 sisters.

Dinner tonight is going to be a pork tenderloin with peas and rice and a salad.
I'd like to chime in with what I'm thankful for. My husband was diagnosed with Stage 3 melanoma just before Christmas and underwent surgery early in January. He is undergoing immunotherapy treatment every two weeks and I'm most thankful that he is experiencing only a few side effects from the treatments. He'll be going through this for the next year and he has a great attitude about it. I'm grateful his company offers a good insurance benefit that makes our out of pocket expenses affordable. I am also very grateful that he works for a company that is fully supportive of the time he has needed away for his treatments and for his surgery this year.

I'm also very thankful for my two teens. Despite the disruption to their school years and converting to online learning, they're doing great and not complaining. Our daughter is a senior and there is so much uncertainty for her now as far as graduation and her college decision, but she has a positive outlook.

For the challenge - I FB messenger(ed) with my best friend growing up, just last night. Hopefully, that counts for today's challenge.

Thanks for starting this thread!
Thankful very much for my health and that my Hubby's job is stable but I've having some bad anxiety today. Had a dental cleaning canceled this week, well yesterday while flossing I caught the floss on a gap. Seems my filling needs to be replaced because it's not looking so great. To make it worse my really good, awesome, wonderful, seriously-I-Loved-this-man dentist has retired so now I'll get to see the man that took over his patients and I don't know if he's good with my anxiety or not. Guess I'll burn that bridge when I come to it. I don't want to go in for an appointment now. It's gonna stress me but it's not an emergency technically.

Hubs and I are used to being around each other 24/7 thank goodness. I don't drive and he works from home so we do all the running together and aside from my shifts he's always here but he's turning on news and lapping up too much of all this whereas I just wanna turn on a Disney movie and tune it out. *Sigh* Thankful for my furbabies who are more than happy to make work for me to distract me, then try to crawl all over me when I try to clean their cage. Being overwhelmed with cute scrambling up your shoulder helps. <3

For the challenge I'm gonna actually post on Facebook. Something I've done only twice in the last year after disasters to tell people I was still alive. Maybe start up some conversations there I hope.
I'm thankful that, for the most part, the weather here has been decent so we can be outside doing stuff/taking walks/getting fresh air.
All family is at the moment, healthy and well. Hoping it stays that way.
Thankful we both have decent jobs and won't need to work from home.
Tonight is stew for dinner w/ french bread.
I'm thankful all our family is healthy.
Everything so far is just an inconvenience.
I'm sad we can't see the grand kids much because we are being "protected" by our family. DH has bad lungs.

That's where I'm at, Nancy. Won't be seeing my grandkids at all because of my lung disease. They live very near Detroit and do not want to even visit with me.

I AM thankful for Facetiming!!!!! :love:

.....and the 5 million pictures I have of them that pop up on Screensaver.
I am thankful for so many things....that my husband and I are both retired so don't have to worry about work issues and thankful for my family and grandkids and that everyone is healthy. Thankful my FIL is doing well at 96 in an Assisted Living facility (which is currently on lockdown) so not being able to visit is hard. My parents both in their late 80's are also doing very well. Hope it stays that way!!

Today's lunch was left over corned beef in Rueben sandwiches….they were delicious!!! Rye bread, then the corned beef, then sauerkraut, then a bit of Thousand Island dressing then swiss cheese on top. Broil till golden brown...Yum!!

Tonight's dinner is Tacos. And I just finished baking Toll House Cookies for dessert.

That's where I'm at, Nancy. Won't be seeing my grandkids at all because of my lung disease. They live very near Detroit and do not want to even visit with me.

I AM thankful for Facetiming!!!!! :love:

.....and the 5 million pictures I have of them that pop up on Screensaver.

We will see them for a short time Saturday for DIL's birthday.
We usually see them, babysit, go places.....several times a week, so it is hard
Hi! I'm thankful for our 68 degree day and the family dog walk that we all just returned from. Both of my teenagers even went, because we told them they were coming with us. :rotfl2: We heard the music of an ice cream truck going through the neighborhood and all just laughed! Especially thankful for the weather the past few days, as we are in for heavy, wet snow tomorrow of 3-7 inches. I'm thankful that even though I just lost my paycheck because I was working through a temp agency, I know that we will be fine. Good thing I'm indecisive sometimes, because we were figuring out which of two debts we were going to put a bunch of cash towards and I hadn't made the decision or the payment yet! I'm really thankful for this online community where I can find out real time what is going on in other people's areas. It is interesting and comforting all at the same time!
I'm so thankful for the facility my mom lives in. The staff is calling or emailing with updates for those that can't really speak with their family members. I talk with her multiple times a day and face time every afternoon with her. The facility is setting up face time with families who can as the facility has several Ipads and tablets and sharing among to help soothe fears.
That is wonderful. MIL is in an assisted living about 25 minutes away. DH usually visits twice a week. She has some memory issues. Will not check her mail because either she forgets or doesn't think she'll get anything. I was able to get a staff member to check her mail yesterday but otherwise, just phone calls.

Tonight is going to be grilled chicken tenderloins and french fries.
We're having home breaded chicken tenders in the oven and french fries.

I am starting to run out of perishables so glad to hear your shopping report.

Question and challenge for 3/18:

What are you thankful for today?

Challenge: Text, facebook messenger, call, email or however you communicate with two people today that you may not normally speak with regularly. We are all in this and need to reach out and bring everyone up out of the water to air together. We can do this.
I am thankful that DH, who is an optometrist and still going into his office for paperwork, cancelled patients and sent staff home earlier this week. He came home at lunch time and we took a 3 mile hike in a local natural resources area. Also thankful that DIL, who has cystic fibrosis, no longer has to go into work. Because of the sensitive nature of her work, she can not telework.

Challenge - I messaged with a friend earlier today who I know has anxiety issues. Tonight there is a Zoom meeting for a church group. (Wish me luck navigating that.)
Does your mom have ability to face time or facebook messenger or skype or some version? Can you do a group call with her with other friends or families? Maybe you all watch the same movie and do group text during it or send her a book and you and others and do group book club? What about old fashion letters and homemade cards? Mailing cookies to grandma? I send my mom lot of college style care packages for her and her roommate who live in a facility.

I really appreciate all these ideas. She has 7 grandchildren and every single one is FaceTiming with her each day, and my siblings and I are calling her each day. Honestly, and only saying this here to vent, she needs to get a grip. I was talking to her today and she was really down, she’s always been someone who can’t sit still and has trouble being alone, and I do empathize but she went to a school function Sat, went to the store yesterday, and is taking a 2 hour drive tomorrow, so really it’s not even 24 hours yet and she’s acting like she’s spent a month in Siberia. She always complains about never getting a break and having time to get her mountain of to do work done, so here‘s her chance.... anyway sorry and thanks for listening it helps to vent so I don’t lose patience with her.
I am thankful that everyone (me, husband, son) are pitching in to watch our toddler while my husband and I work from home, and am VERY grateful our employer mandated telework and is being very flexible to allow all the parents to flex their time around their new family schedules. Knowing that I can stop for an hour midday and then pick back up at 9 pm has made this new reality much easier to manage. (Even when my daughter yelled “I have to potty!” while I was speaking on a national call)
Question and challenge for 3/18:

What are you thankful for today?

Challenge: Text, facebook messenger, call, email or however you communicate with two people today that you may not normally speak with regularly. We are all in this and need to reach out and bring everyone up out of the water to air together. We can do this.

I'm thankful we don't have to worry about losing any income during this time like some self employed friends and if for some reason we did lose some income we'll be fine until things start looking up again.

I'm thankful we're able to help my parents out during this time. My mom is handicap and my dad is her caregiver so they don't have a ton of money plus it's hard for my dad to get out and get the things they might need so I've been doing it for them.

I'm also thankful the grocery stores seemed to have settled down a little when I went today. There are a lot of limit 1 items and that's helped with stock being around for people that need it. Still no TP, eggs, or loaves of bread but just the difference in a couple of days makes me feel better.

I adore my husband and he is the best person I know but we spent a lot of years apart married. It may be why we were still married. He retired from active duty almost 3 years ago and I took a job traveling constantly. Now we sit and look at each other...when he was retiring we realized that the most time we every spent together in a year was about 8 months. Good thing I still like his face because I'll be seeing it a lot.

My husband was military when we first got together and we spent our first few years separated. After he got out, he worked alot, so most of the time he was just home to sleep...lol now he has a job where he travels so again we are used to him not being home and we miss each other like crazy. :laughing: When he is home for more than a few days at a time...you can tell we get on each others nerves. LOL If he has to work from home, I'm gonna need a quiet space away him. :laughing:
What a great thread. I could use some positivity. I have been on the boards since since 2005 when I was planning a trip for DS- then 6- now 21.

I am anxious and worried-- mostly about elderly relatives, the economy and doing my job from home. I am thankful that my family is healthy, my pug is snoring loudly while sleeping on my feet and that I have the most amazing group of coworkers. We started work at home this week and have been keeping up with a group text to vent and offer support.
We ended up having turkey burgers and some veggie-beef soup that I made last weekend. With chips. I should have made salad but I just wasn't into it tonight. However... I did make a lemon meringue pie! I'd bought the ingredients for Pi Day, but never got around to it. SO... yum for tonight!


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