Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

@flyingdumbo127 Glad you got to see your nice dentist and get your tooth fixed.

@lynxstch Nice that your DH is driving around without any issues. He must be happy.

I am slowly getting used to being back to work. I am not doing everything I did before I went on leave but I have been busy anyway. It is up to them to figure out things and let me know. I am just taking it day by day right now.

I had to go back to my town to pick up the final certificates for all the legal stuff. The state office called me Monday to say they released the final cause of death. Chris did have sleep apnea and after awhile did not use the cpap machine as it caused salivary gland issues. I did ask if he should look into other ways to deal with it which I found online and his PCP mentioned but he did not want to go down the road with it. No one ever thinks the worst is going to happen. I know he had been slowing down the past year when walking and I could see a change but he said it was just from getting older. I asked if he should see the doctor but he did not want to do so. He felt it was OK. But, he was very heavy and between that and the obstructive sleep apnea, those were the causes listed. I cannot think that maybe it could have been prevented because that would be counter productive. Heart issues run in his family and I suspect that between being heavy, older, family history, and sleep apnea that it just worked together. After I got the certificates I had to go to the lawyer to drop off 2 copies so the house deed can be changed to just my name. Now I have to file the life ins claim. I told my younger son this is surrealistic. He said the same thing, that he just can't believe it is real. I am sad today. I saw the therapist yesterday and she gave me some tips on how to work with the anxiety and the thoughts about being sad and alone forever. I did talk to the turkeys outside my house today and a squirrel I saw while walking. At least they don't talk back.

On the bright side we did book airfare for next October for a family trip to Disney. The prices were good so we took advantage of it. My first time back should be with family. It is something to look forward to. Now we just have to figure out where to stay. We know it will be on the monorail. I will let the kids decide. Chris will be with us in spirit for sure.

Have a nice evening.
@flyingdumbo127 Glad you got to see your nice dentist and get your tooth fixed.

He is! Please check your pm's when you have a chance

I am slowly getting used to being back to work. I am not doing everything I did before I went on leave but I have been busy anyway. It is up to them to figure out things and let me know. I am just taking it day by day right now.

I had to go back to my town to pick up the final certificates for all the legal stuff. The state office called me Monday to say they released the final cause of death. Chris did have sleep apnea and after awhile did not use the cpap machine as it caused salivary gland issues. I did ask if he should look into other ways to deal with it which I found online and his PCP mentioned but he did not want to go down the road with it. No one ever thinks the worst is going to happen. I know he had been slowing down the past year when walking and I could see a change but he said it was just from getting older. I asked if he should see the doctor but he did not want to do so. He felt it was OK. But, he was very heavy and between that and the obstructive sleep apnea, those were the causes listed. I cannot think that maybe it could have been prevented because that would be counter productive. Heart issues run in his family and I suspect that between being heavy, older, family history, and sleep apnea that it just worked together. After I got the certificates I had to go to the lawyer to drop off 2 copies so the house deed can be changed to just my name. Now I have to file the life ins claim. I told my younger son this is surrealistic. He said the same thing, that he just can't believe it is real. I am sad today. I saw the therapist yesterday and she gave me some tips on how to work with the anxiety and the thoughts about being sad and alone forever. I did talk to the turkeys outside my house today and a squirrel I saw while walking. At least they don't talk back.

On the bright side we did book airfare for next October for a family trip to Disney. The prices were good so we took advantage of it. My first time back should be with family. It is something to look forward to. Now we just have to figure out where to stay. We know it will be on the monorail. I will let the kids decide. Chris will be with us in spirit for sure.

Have a nice evening.
@flyingdumbo127 Glad you got to see your nice dentist and get your tooth fixed.

@lynxstch Nice that your DH is driving around without any issues. He must be happy.

I am slowly getting used to being back to work. I am not doing everything I did before I went on leave but I have been busy anyway. It is up to them to figure out things and let me know. I am just taking it day by day right now.

I had to go back to my town to pick up the final certificates for all the legal stuff. The state office called me Monday to say they released the final cause of death. Chris did have sleep apnea and after awhile did not use the cpap machine as it caused salivary gland issues. I did ask if he should look into other ways to deal with it which I found online and his PCP mentioned but he did not want to go down the road with it. No one ever thinks the worst is going to happen. I know he had been slowing down the past year when walking and I could see a change but he said it was just from getting older. I asked if he should see the doctor but he did not want to do so. He felt it was OK. But, he was very heavy and between that and the obstructive sleep apnea, those were the causes listed. I cannot think that maybe it could have been prevented because that would be counter productive. Heart issues run in his family and I suspect that between being heavy, older, family history, and sleep apnea that it just worked together. After I got the certificates I had to go to the lawyer to drop off 2 copies so the house deed can be changed to just my name. Now I have to file the life ins claim. I told my younger son this is surrealistic. He said the same thing, that he just can't believe it is real. I am sad today. I saw the therapist yesterday and she gave me some tips on how to work with the anxiety and the thoughts about being sad and alone forever. I did talk to the turkeys outside my house today and a squirrel I saw while walking. At least they don't talk back.

On the bright side we did book airfare for next October for a family trip to Disney. The prices were good so we took advantage of it. My first time back should be with family. It is something to look forward to. Now we just have to figure out where to stay. We know it will be on the monorail. I will let the kids decide. Chris will be with us in spirit for sure.

Have a nice evening.
I debated between a sad face, and a love emojie, and the love one won out. It makes me happy to see you’re thinking of a Disney trip with your family. Timing seems like it will be really good, too. :goodvibes
:cheer2:to Mr. L, Lynn! ITA with Pea, a Christmas miracle and extra gift to you both indeed! Praise God! I will check my message in a minute, thank you, my friend :)

Hug, Sweetpeama, sounds good. I am so sorry that once again it sounds like you are getting no help. That is beyond wrong always.

So glad you enjoyed your dinner, Pea and also got to see your son!

:grouphug:Snowysmom and always prayers and love. YAY! So proud of and happy for you that you booked your WDW trip! Something FUN is exactly what I think you could use to look forward to, my friend.

It's still cool (for me here or rather in here). I should get out my slipper booties that I found on Amazon last year and are truly the best ones I've ever had. No snail mail yet. Dad is at Target and running a few other errands so all is quiet in here. I'm going to soon watch some TV.

It's evening for all of you but me and AuntieMe3. So good mid- afternoon dear AuntieMe3 and good evening to all of the rest of you dear Quackers.
Good evening.

DH and I took a road trip today. First stop was Bombay Hook wildlife refuge. We hoped to see snow geese, and we did. Also saw Canada geese, a lot of ducks, heron, swan, and others we didn't identify. Then we were going to go to Rehoboth to eat at the Greene Turtle that overlooks the ocean but it was closed today so we went to the much closer one in Dover. First time we'd been since before the pandemic and it was good.

Then went to a hobby store looking for a diecast car and were disappointed. Went to two Kohls looking for brown ankle boots for DD, again no luck. Went to Homestead and Willey Farms garden stores looking for a rainbow Christmas tree ornament for DGD. We started getting each grandchild an ornament for Christmas so they'd have a collection of their own when they are adults. DGD saw a rainbow she liked but again, no success. Did get a truck ornament for DGS.

Topped off the day with peppermint chocolate chip milkshakes at CFA. But on a bad note, when we got home I dropped my phone on the driveway and shattered the screen. I have an appt at the Genius Bar tomorrow to get it replaced. Could be worse.
Younger stepson called yesterday and said he's planning on coming down this weekend.

Oh that's nice, should be great to visit with him!

@easyas123, Remember the drive through light display is at Pecometh this Saturday 5-7 pm.

I remember! If I'm back from Christiana Mall area in time I'm headed over there. If I'm NOT back from the mall my day has gone horribly off schedule for me!

I need ideas. I am keeping the stockings small this year but my kids expect a toothbrush. Maybe some candy. I used to get a miniature of alcohol but maybe not this year. I am getting small hand sanitizers I saw at Staples for $.49.

I am out of ideas myself....my plan is to wander around a few stores and grab a few things. I might snitch that miniatures idea though-

"not to do anything stupid"

Good idea! My husband has a saying, "We don't go to the hospital for stupid stuff!". No need to tell you who has done the most stupid stuff requiring a ER or Dr. trip do I?!?! ha! Glad you are feeling better and on the mend.

just some decorations in each room to make it look Christmassy.

That's what I've done, just a bit here or there. Not to much. Just enough.

I'm grateful I did go see the dentist. I was right and something was indeed "off."

Sometimes just going with your gut is the way to go, glad you got it resolved.

We had some friends over on Thanksgiving and they brought both the boys a big bag full of toys and OMG it was like Bingo was rejuvenated. He was so happy and playful with his new toys and I think DH being home all weekend helped too.

Those good days are like gold, aren't they?

Guess what? Mr L drove today!

Excellent! I bet that did a lot to boost his confidence and mood! Another step to back to normal for you guys - that is really great!

I have decided to cancel Christmas at my house.

Good for you. You need help, you ask for help, you don't get it - well then maybe let another able bodied person take over and then they can see how 'easy' it is to run a household.

I'm going to admit something..I love cheese but I've always avoided Brie for some reason. Never ate it until now. Obviously I mistake on my part. I make brie and cranberry tarts in little phyllo cups for Thanksgiving nibbles this year at my husbands request and YUM.

It is up to them to figure out things and let me know. I am just taking it day by day right now.

That's right - they should let you know and I'm glad you you are taking it one day at a time.

Husband is making dinner this evening, venison chops and a salad. Then we are going to go over some of the places to eat at WDW since we can make ADR's tomorrow. I hate that we have to try to figure out where we want to eat so far ahead, takes the spontaneity out of it for us.

Have a good evening everyone!
Homestead and Willey Farms

How was Homestead? (I keep calling it Homestead Ronnies!) I think we might go there next weekend or the weekend after.
Topped off the day with peppermint chocolate chip milkshakes at CFA.
I already have planned to get one of those on Saturday! I'll enjoy it while I browse the bookstore in the mall.
I'm going to admit something..I love cheese but I've always avoided Brie for some reason. Never ate it until now. Obviously I mistake on my part. I make brie and cranberry tarts in little phyllo cups for Thanksgiving nibbles this year at my husbands request and YUM.
Same here. I had it for the first time probably about five or six years ago at a friend’s house when she baked it with fruit preserves and served it with crackers. I was hungry so I tried some and it was so good! I made it myself a few times to bring places. DD had a cooking class in HS and they made those panini sandwiches. (It’s green apple, forgot to say.) I saw her boyfriend eyeballing his sandwich last night so I asked him if he’d ever had brie before, and he said no. I was a little surprised he ate it, but he said since he helped make them, he wanted to try it, and he said he liked it. (Not totally convinced, lol.) :lmao:

we are going to go over some of the places to eat at WDW since we can make ADR's tomorrow
DS and his gf haven’t stopped talking about their meal at the The Boathouse at Disney Springs last month. I think one had steak frites and the other had grouper and they said it was the best they’ve had. They also really enjoyed the sushi and grilled Mahi at Kona Cafe. Have fun booking! :goodvibes
Sounds like a very peaceful and tasty day, Carol! I'm so glad. Is the milkshake pink? I mean is the peppermint ice cream pink? Somehow, to me, white peppermint ice cream, never tasted the same as the pink! I hope, of course, you enjoyed. :) that you saw some duck and geese. You are a Quacker, after all! I love that you are getting each of your grandkids an ornament, lovely and special tradition. I have thought about trying to start doing so for dad and I. Especially after this last year, I cherish all the extra each and every day, God's grace, blessing, mercy, extra to dad and I, of course, His Presence and love always, and also His precious gift of this time dad and I have together, safe, in good health. Cherish those you love and let them know you do so, my Quacker family!

Not sure what to ornament to get. I would prefer, if possible, to be a table -top decoration that could stand up as a centerpiece. If it hangs, well that would work, too. It would have to be from Amazon or Walmart, maybe Target and done very quickly to allow for shipping time. Any ideas? :) I briefly thought about: amazon item: B09L84RCHQ I am NOT a glitter fan. Also didn't are for the black lettering that would spell out "Dad" and "Mona." Not Christmas-y. There are several Christmas houses with Christmas trees that are nice but also have glitter, black, along with the little faces peeking out, which lol, I admit to not caring for, for dad and I, anyway. I would sincerely appreciate any ideas. Thank you all so much
Not sure what to ornament to get. I would prefer, if possible, to be a table -top decoration that could stand up as a centerpiece. If it hangs, well that would work, too. It would have to be from Amazon or Walmart, maybe Target and done very quickly to allow for shipping time. Any ideas? :) I briefly thought about: amazon item: B09L84RCHQ I am NOT a glitter fan. Also didn't are for the black lettering that would spell out "Dad" and "Mona." Not Christmas-y. There are several Christmas houses with Christmas trees that are nice but also have glitter, black, along with the little faces peeking out, which lol, I admit to not caring for, for dad and I, anyway. I would sincerely appreciate any ideas. Thank you all so much
I am not very good with ornaments! We stopped using them ourselves several years back! If I see any that fit the bill I’ll be sure to send info your way! PS I looked and that ornament is pretty darned cute for the two of you!
Good morning everyone~ Very foggy and going to be 61 today, but we have high wind warnings :(

Mr L texted the floor guy last nite, who answered right back. He somehow got the impression from Summer that her husband was going to do it, so didn't bother calling us. Mr L told him no, we've seen the quality of her husbands work and he is NOT putting the floor down. The guy is coming at 9 am today to start! Whoo hoo~

I am going grocery shopping with my sister in law a little later, am out of a lot of things, and need to pick up my meds at CVS while out, and stop and get some Christmas stamps.

@Pea-n-Me--that shepherds pie looks delicious!

Have a nice morning all

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Good Thursday morning everyone! :flower1:

Supposed to be in the 60's for the next couple of day so it's a happy day today.

Got home later than expected yesterday. Ds2 took his car to the shop yesterday and then just stayed at my house until he could pick it up. Well, it won't be ready until today so when I got home, I had to run him home. At least I got to see my big, fluffy granddog, Gigi. She was very excited when he brought her out and she saw me in the parking lot. Ds could barely hold on to her, she was running so fast. She was happy to have some grandma lovin'. :dogdance:

Ds3 decided to roll all his change he keeps in a jar. We rolled $157.50 in change, I have no idea how much he had in dollars. I did see a $100 bill sitting in the jar, so I'm sure he had quite a little stash in there. I told him now he can pay me his part of the cell phone bill. He wasn't expecting that. :oops:

Nothing else to report from me so I'll get back to work. Have a great day. :earsboy:
Good Thursday morning everyone! :flower1:

Supposed to be in the 60's for the next couple of day so it's a happy day today.

Got home later than expected yesterday. Ds2 took his car to the shop yesterday and then just stayed at my house until he could pick it up. Well, it won't be ready until today so when I got home, I had to run him home. At least I got to see my big, fluffy granddog, Gigi. She was very excited when he brought her out and she saw me in the parking lot. Ds could barely hold on to her, she was running so fast. She was happy to have some grandma lovin'. :dogdance:

Ds3 decided to roll all his change he keeps in a jar. We rolled $157.50 in change, I have no idea how much he had in dollars. I did see a $100 bill sitting in the jar, so I'm sure he had quite a little stash in there. I told him now he can pay me his part of the cell phone bill. He wasn't expecting that. :oops:

Nothing else to report from me so I'll get back to work. Have a great day. :earsboy:

You have places that will still change rolled coins? Not around here. Even at the bank, they have a 'coinstar' like machine and you have to use that. :( I had to unroll all of the change I so carefully rolled the last time I wanted to cash it in.
You have places that will still change rolled coins? Not around here. Even at the bank, they have a 'coinstar' like machine and you have to use that. :( I had to unroll all of the change I so carefully rolled the last time I wanted to cash it in.
Oh no!!!! :oops: I hope his bank will take the rolled coins. There's a machine at the grocery store but I never thought they would also be in the bank. OMG, if he takes that all to the bank and they say they don't take it, I'm never going to hear the end of it since I told him to roll it. I did tell him to write his account number on the coin papers, I had a bank make me do this one time. Of course, he didn't think it was necessary.
Oh no!!!! :oops: I hope his bank will take the rolled coins. There's a machine at the grocery store but I never thought they would also be in the bank. OMG, if he takes that all to the bank and they say they don't take it, I'm never going to hear the end of it since I told him to roll it. I did tell him to write his account number on the coin papers, I had a bank make me do this one time. Of course, he didn't think it was necessary.

yep, our bank, when they took the rolled coins, said account #'s had to be on every roll
The floor guy arrived with 1 helper at 9:20 and they already have the old floor all scraped up, taken out to their truck and just went to get their shop vac they forgot. Wood floor underneath is still in great shape..Mr L says we should have just sanded it and refinshed it. I would rather have the new waterproof laminate in there. Guy says it might take a day, might take a day and a half, but it will be all done by tomorrow at the latest.. Whoo hoo..have only been waiting more than a year to get it down! He also knows someone that will come to the house and make us new gutters, and not charge us an arm and a leg. There aren't many handymen left around who charge a fair price and do excellent work. We had one, but he seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth :(


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