Quarantine and chill and kindness chatty clubhouse: Jump in and join the conversation! All is welcome!

It is only a few days before Christmas, isn't it? I expected Walmart to be a madhouse,,and it wasn't even that busy. The french fry/potato row is finally filled,,it's been almost empty for about 6 months. I don't think they could have put another pkg in those doors if they tried..lol.
Aldi's wasn't that busy either..and it was before 10 on the first day of the sale.
Chewy just delivered my cat food order..canned and snacks..Walmart's shelves are stil
l pretty empty. Haven't checked Pet Smart, as they are always more expensive than anywhere else.

Very windy out, temp is down to 37 and that's where it's expected to stay. Good afternoon to wash the floor , then have a hot cup of cocoa and some cookies, and take a nap

Enjoy your afternoon all!
Good morning all. Mild outside at 40, but very very windy. Almost had the door pull out of my hands when I went out to feed the cats and take the trash down.

Will be braving the grocery stores early this morning,,trying to beat the crowds and get what we need.

@Judique, hope your daughter is better soon. My niece had the same thing. They kept telling her the UTI test was negative, but turned out she had a very bad one. They gave her antibiotics for almost a month before she finally got rid of it. Hopefully they will only keep your daughter a day or so, and that she will be home for Christmas..

@Breezy_Carol glad you took the spontaneous trip, beautiful picture of the tree you posted. Enjoy your stay

Have a nice Wednesday all..Christmas is only a few days away!

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Talked to DD very early this morning and she is feeling a bit better, but she had barely been on the new meds for 12-14 hours, since she was admitted yesterday afternoon.

Then drove to Laurel to pick up the girls. Back here by 8:30 and got granddaughter set up with chrome book for school (today and tomorrow). I was in the traffic but it was relatively light this morning, no back ups.

They were still waiting for the culture to tell what kind of UTI she has. Hopefully this set of meds will work and she'll be home today or tomorrow.

Sorry your niece went through a month of this. I can't even imagine! This DD is rarely sick. Lucky for her, her job is off till after New Years since she works for a college.

Thanks to all for the get well thoughts. This has put a crimp in Xmas for sure. But we'll get her through this and celebrate eventually.
Afternoon Waving hi :)

A fun idea, PollyannaMom, thanks :) I sure would love it to be sunny, beach weather right now! I might have to make a card for the new year out of something like that.

Enjoy your cocoa and nap, Please Lynn! I'm glad Walmart wasn't too crazy. Lol to the french fries, you never do know when something will finally come back in stock.

Continued prayers, Judique! Glad to hear your DD was doing a bit better.
Good afternoon everyone,
I baked cookies today, 7 batches plus puppy chow. I am hurting, need to ice my knee now. Most are put away, but I need to ice one kind when they are cooled. I started at 7am and just finished now.

It is sunny but cold today. DS just left to go for a walk in a preserve that he enjoys. Too cold for me.

Tomorrow morning early I am finishing the grocery shopping. I hope I can get the produce I need.... 2 stores were completely out of greens, not even a bag of lettuce to be found :confused3 If its not available, I will have to think of something else for my holiday meals.

Have a great day!
hi all, we are still holding down the fort here! I'm feeling better, husband has had some residual lung issues, but he saw the Dr. today and got loaded up on steroids and whatnot to help take care of it.

Eldest & his girlfriend tested positive today. He says he feels like a "old man" with all the aches & pains Hoping they get thru it in 24-36 hours like a lot of the younger adults are.

I'm making cookies tomorrow. Come hell or high water...I've got to inject some Christmas into this joint somehow/someway! Turkey soup for dinner tonight. We've been in this house since a week ago this Sunday or Monday last. Luckily we are still talking to each other ::yes:: . Our Christmas Eve and Christmas Day plans are totally scuttled BUT hey- we are all still here so we are trying not to complain and instead count our lucky stars.

Contemplating a triple chocolate cake with a peanut butter filling and chocolate ganache. Husband thinking of making a loaf french bread. Neither of us have made either before, so that should tell you how bored we are!
Good evening. We are home.

This might have been the best Christmas White House tour we ever had, and we have probably gone 5 or 6 times. One plus of COVID is that the size of crowd was so limited that it was easier to see everything. And the rooms were gorgeous. I really liked the way it was all decorated. New this year was music. The President's Own, the Marine Band, was in 5 different locations throughout the tour playing Christmas music. And at the end, we were given a cookie baked in the White House kitchen. DS saw many of his co-workers. He is a sergeant so cool to hear them calling him sarge and joking with him.

We went to Old Ebbitt Grill for lunch, which is a nice spot across the street from the White House. Had a lovely lunch then went our separate ways and headed home. DS worked a half shift so got off work at 9 am and came to our hotel with donuts so we visited some then walked some before the tour, when his wife joined us. All in all, an excellent 24 hours.

DH and I made meatballs for Christmas Eve lunch with all the family. Then, because we had a big lunch, had grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner.

Tomorrow, DD and her husband have some santa's elf work to do so she is bringing the kids here for part of the day.

I baked cookies today, 7 batches plus puppy chow.
That is a lot of cookies. I made sugar cookie dough a week ago and it has been sitting in the fridge waiting to be rolled and cut. Tomorrow with Tessa might be the day.

Eldest & his girlfriend tested positive today.
That is too bad. Hope they don't get too sick. DH and I got our negative results back from yesterday.

Contemplating a triple chocolate cake with a peanut butter filling and chocolate ganache. Husband thinking of making a loaf french bread.
That cake sounds yummy!

Off to watch the Kennedy Center Awards.
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Got out to the grocery store by 9 this morning. There were more people there than I expected but it wasn't bad. I wore a mask, with the rise of Omnicron I felt that I might need to wear one again when I'm out and about. Plus, the cold air hurts my teeth so the mask comes in handy.

The Kroger I go to was very well stocked except for mild sausage, all they had was hot sausage and a lot of that. The bagged salad area was sparse as was the premade guacamole. No cheese trays to be had.

I came home from the grocery store to find that DD had been doing my Christmas baking for me. She made two pounds of Sugar/Spice Pecans, a batch of Southern Pecan Pie mini muffins and a batch of mini Cinnamon/Sugar Banana Bread muffins. Those banana bread muffins were scrumptious!

I took a short nap with Lou Lou in my lap. She has been under the weather with allergies the last day or so. The wind's are shifting back from the south and mountain cedar is ravaging all of us. We are heading into the 80's over the weekend with record breaking highs expected on Christmas Day. Time to break out the shorts!

Dinner tonight was Winter Beef Stew.
:hug: and Christmas prayers to all of you, Easyas! 🙏 I admire your spirit and yes, Christmas is all about joy and love!

Wow, how wonderful, Carol! I'm so glad you had that experience. Truly sounds amazing!

Kirby, I liked your post for your kind baker DD and sweet Lou Lou. I'm sorry to hear Covid may be on the rise out there. Please take care and be safe!

I found the pictured Christmas house on Google while remembering the shaped box dad never did find at the Dollar. Since it probably (he found another of that series that we didn't want) had glitter on it anyway and we would not have wanted it, that's all right. We're going to make our small Winter picture out of it! Christmas is all about 9and all for) LOVE (Jesus) after all so it fits. I would greatly appreciate some help with a cute Happy New Year picture still.

Thank you friends and always sending all of you much love and good cheer!


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Good morning and welcome to 2 days before Christmas. Its a chilly 25 outside now..and an almost full moon in the sky!

I have an appt at the heart clinic this morning, then we are calling in an order for lunch and picking it up on the way home.

No other major plans for the day, but will check in later

@Breezy_Carol lovely pics, thanks for sharing. Wow, do your husband and son look alike? lol!

Have a nice morning everyone

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Happy Thursday! :cool1:

Breezey_Carol that's great that you were able to do the White House Xmas tour. I am sure every room was beautiful. If I ever get back to DC, I definitely would like to do a White House tour.

Went to Ds1's soccer game last night, they won 6-3. I had to stop at Meijer on the way there so I brought them snacks and juice boxes. To see a bunch of 20 something's get excited for snacks and juice boxes after their games always makes me laugh. I'm the only parent that comes to their games so they call me the team mom. :D

Working from home today so I'll be able to get my house cleaned. Everyone is coming over tomorrow to celebrate Xmas. Ds1 just told me that DIL has to work until 6:00. That really threw off my schedule. Planned to open gifts before dinner (5:00) but now it looks like we'll be eating dinner around 6:30 and then open presents afterwards.

Stay warm and have a great Xmas Eve eve :santa:
do your husband and son look alike?
Yep, DS has been hearing that since a young age.

To see a bunch of 20 something's get excited for snacks and juice boxes after their games always makes me laugh.
Agreed. When DS was a senior in college, we did brunch for the trumpet section of the marching band. (About 30 kids, Different parents did it for the different sections each home game.) We took bagels, donuts, etc, and Capri Suns. They loved the Capri Suns.
Carol, that looks like a fun tour. I've read a couple of president's wives books plus one about those who work in the White House. To be able to actually take a tour there would bring it all to life. Thanks for posting the pictures, it's nice to be able to put faces with names.
@Judique glad your daughter is starting to feel better. I hope she continues to improve today and get to come home for Christmas.

@lynxstch I've been very surprised with crowds so so far while out shopping. I went to Walmart the other morning and I only had to wait behind two people to check out when last year same time frame, I remember being in a line that stretched all the way to the back. SiL got in line while I ran and got stuff and still made it back WAY before we got to the cashier.

@Kirby we're back to wearing masks too. California mandated it for a month but this time compliance is about 50/50 in our area, which also has low vaccination rates. :guilty: I actually have been wearing them pretty much anytime I go out except if I forgot one so now I'm making sure I have them in my purse. DD had ordered some disposable Christmas ones in Oct so we're getting good use of those. :laughing:

@Breezy_Carol thanks for sharing about the tour. I would love to do that someday.

I was a busy bee again yesterday cleaning and started to wrap. I never made it to the grocery store Tuesday night so I planned to go last night. Right before I left, DH let me know his friend/coworker that was here for Thanksgiving will also be joining us again for Christmas Eve so I had rework what I was doing food wise because for one, he's super picky :sad2: and for two, I wouldn't have had enough food for the extra company so I decided to swing by Costco before the grocery store. I got there about an hour before the closed and it was nice. Parking right in front, found what I needed and was out of there before the rush of everyone checking out before closing. That time really is the best to go, especially our Costco which is the only one for like at least 50 miles so it gets crazy crowded. I went straight to the grocery store after to pick up a couple things I couldn't get at Costco.

I know we've all take about shatters shortages that are affecting us well here's a still one I can't believe....rice krispies....:scared1::faint: I'm kinda known for my rice krispie treats...lol and I can't find any anywhere. A friend said she's been looking since Thanksgiving and another friend in WA state said they haven't had any either. I have enough for one batch but that is definitely not enough for us...:laughing: I'm going to have to ration then out. :lmao:My sister said she was going to check her grocery stores but she didn't see any at Target.

Today I have a nail appt, I'll finish wrapping and do my baking. DD plan on watching some Christmas movies and doing a gingerbread house tonight. Currently DD and DH are working from home and I snuck back into my bedroom to relax before my appt. :p Hope you so enjoy the rest of day.
Good morning, all! (Well, almost afternoon here.)

The bagged salad area was sparse...

I've been having problems with that for a while too! - It's not that it's out of stock here, just that it's not very fresh. It doesn't even keep until the date on the bag.

Last time I bought Rice Krispies, I did notice there weren't any regular small boxes - it was either the huge one or the holiday colors. (I went with the holiday, but I do find the texture to be a little different with those.)

Today is baking day here. Peppermint sugar cookies are done, and ingredients are coming to room temp for the raspberry cream cheese ones. After that will be peanut butter, and then some slice and bake chocolate chip as easy "filler".

Yesterday was the kitties vet appointment and they both did well. 😸😸 I was a little worried about one, as she had lost a bit in weight, but the doc texted today and her thyroid bloodwork was good, so I was very relieved!


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