Questions on annual pass pass upgrade


Earning My Ears
Jun 9, 2022
If anyone has good information regarding my concerns over annual passes and upgrading, please check in with me!

So my passes expired at 12:00 am on Wednesday 8th of June 2022. Prior this day I called in with a guest services employee on the phone in attempt to figure out how much it'd be for me to upgrade my 2-park seasonal pass to a 2-park premium. He apparently said it'd total to 511$. With a discount of 20 off. I thought there was a subtraction of price differences, he said I couldn't get the price difference off because I'd be starting a whole new year. Is this true? Have any of you guys upgraded after expiring and got the price difference off? Does the subtraction of price differences really not apply to those who are renewing and would like to just upgrade?

Let me know your thoughts and experiences!

Thank you so much.
Are you asking about upgrading or renewal?

Think of it as 2 charges. 1 to renew for an additional year, and 1 to upgrade.

You get the 20% discount if you renew.

If you wanted to just upgrade prior to June 8th and get the credited amount of your lower pass you could but that pass would have expired on June 8th and you would have to purchase/renew whatever tier you want for this year (June 2022 to June 2023).
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If you wanted to renew your seasonal pass and not upgrade they do not apply your previous seasonal pass price and give you a whole new year.

If you upgrade, your pass still has the same original expiration date.
Just renew your current pass and then immediately upgrade it. One additional step, but it will secure you the renewal discount… otherwise the TM is right that if you want to switch directly to a higher level of pass WITHOUT renewing your current pass, you’re essentially starting fresh with a NEW annual pass.
Oh my goodness, you guys are fast!

Thank you so much for the replies, I'm not well versed in the whole upgrading renewing thing. Currently tight on a budget, a 20% off discount would help.

So if I renew now, say in September I decide to upgrade. Would I then get the price difference between my current seasonal pass and the upgrade to premium?

Once again, thank you so much! 🤣😝❤️
Would you be going in the meantime? Figure out if the 20% renewal discount is better for your situation than waiting until Sept and having the new AP good until Sept of 2023. In other words, would it matter that a renewed AP expires next June instead of next Sept?
Would you be going in the meantime? Figure out if the 20% renewal discount is better for your situation than waiting until Sept and having the new AP good until Sept of 2023. In other words, would it matter that a renewed AP expires next June instead of next September?
Would you be going in the meantime? Figure out if the 20% renewal discount is better for your situation than waiting until Sept and having the new AP good until Sept of 2023. In other words, would it matter that a renewed AP expires next June instead of next Sept?
Oh my! Well I was thinking of renewing this month but perhaps upgrading to premium in September! My question was if I did upgrade in September, would the subtraction of price difference apply if I used a couple months already? 🤔😋
It is not prorated so it would be the same price to upgrade for the whole year or just the last week.
Sorry for my lack of knowledge, what is a prorate in regards to universal? I've heard of the term but can't grasp the meaning. Does this mean that there's no price difference?
Right. There is a set rate to upgrade (the difference in price between the AP levels) regardless of when you do it, whether on day 1 or day 364.
Okay, I think I understand better. The man on the phone however said that there wasn't a difference in price between passes if I started a new year. Thank you so much for responding back!


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