Race 4 The Cure- Important message 40+


<font color=deepseagreen>Has a PHOBIA about teeny
Jan 18, 2003
I will be running in the Race 4 the Cure this Saturday for Breast Cancer research. I am a BC survivor, and there are over 100,000 people that participate in the Washington DC race. Please pray for us all who have either experienced it, or have a family member that they have either lost or have/are going through breast cancer. I am praying for none, or minimum rain!

Also, after going through all of the cancer treatments, as well as 2 heart surgeries, with another coming, this makes me enjoy my cruises oh, so much. I can let my mind go past all of the pain and float my cares away. Enjoy your trip to the fullest.:)

For every woman 40 +, Please have your mammograms yearly. My cancer was flat, there was no lump. The mammogram is what found it! By the time it had spread throughout the breast. So please do not think you have to have a lump, you do not.
Good morning Incharge.

Please pray for us all who have either experienced it, or have had a family member that they have either lost or have/are going through breast cancer.

Good luck Sat and thank you. My brother had breast cancer 3yrs ago and after surgery, radiation and chemo had been on a cancer drug up until 3wks ago when he had a massive heart attack. He is now recovering from his bypass. Im not sure if he'll go back on the cancer drug or not.

Good luck on your upcoming heart surgery.

Thank you for running in the Race 4 the Cure. Im hoping for a sunny day for you and the others.
I will be running for your brother as well. So many people don't realize that men have BC as well as women. My prayers are with him also.
Thanks so much, and have a great day.
Good Luck on the race and here is PD for good health to you. It is so great to hear of survivors with such great attitudes. To all those with BC or family memebers with it GOD Bless and stay strong.
I admire the strength you must have and are not afraid to show. I pray that the upcoming race will be a wonderful experience for you and that many benefits will be gained towards the cure for breast cancer and all other cancers. My daughter had to have a bone marrow transplant when she was 16 as well as a hysterectomy due to cancer. She is fine now, has adopted two beautiful children, the last only 7 wks. old. Isn't God good!! My prayers are with you and all that will be participating this coming week, oh, and THANK YOU!!

Good for you.
We are going on the Pink Ribbon Cruise on the Magic Sept 20-27, 2003
The Pink Ribbon Cruise will have special events for BC survivors, families and friends. Can't beat having fun on the Magic and having donations made to Breast Cancer Research.
Good Luck.
I REALLY wanted to go on that BC cruise on Sept. 20:( We had already booked the 9/6 crise, and my daughter can't get off 9/20. Thst is a cruise I would take alone if I had the extra money, because I am sure there will be alot of info as well as lots of fun. I would love to hear all about it when you come back.
I have NEVER seen so much rain:( :( By the time we arrived at the Washington Monument at 7am, we were literally wringing wet! We had umbrellas, but did no good. It rained ALL DAY! There were HUGE puddles that runners had to go around because it was flooded areas. We were wet,sticky, hot, and I caught an awful cold, but you know what? I wouldn't have missed it for the world:D There were over 60,000 people that came ou tdispite of the weather, and the energy was still thick. The fight for survival is a powerful thing. That is why we need to always count our blessings. When we are given the opportunity to take cruises, we must give thanks, and appreciate it all. Don't waste precious time complaining about everything (or sweating the little stuff) Enjoy life, please. It is so precious.
AMEN, AMEN to that!!

Blessings to you, and congratulations on a race well run and finished.

Great job! Keep on running!
Last year our "Relay for Life" was held on one of the rainiest weekends of the year. We donned our ponchos, and didn't let the rain bother us.
Remember, we are winning the fight against cancer. Let's keep on fighting! (We have many more DCL cruises to enjoy!!!)
I am so thankful that there are those out there who do what they can to further aid for cancer research and treatment. My mom, 75, is a two-time breast cancer survivor. Her incidents were 9 years apart, and because of early detection and wonderful treatment, she sailed through both illnesses.

I know I have communicated with a few of you here about my dad...he passed away last Sunday evening of advanced prostate cancer....at home, and surrounded by his family. The last thing he heard as he continued his journey is how much we love him and what a wonderful dad he is. One of the last things he told us is to tell everyone to remember Hospice, who made the last fourteen months of his life pain-free and comfortable.

Not seeking sympathy here, because we are joyful that Dad is in a wonderful place, and healthy and happy. But I am so grateful for the organizations that support not only cancer research and treatment, but the families and loved ones of the patients.

Run the race well.....you're running with lots of best wishes.

sorry Brenda

This Father's Day will be especially tough on you. I know - I lost my dad 9yrs ago this July

yeah, we anticipate a rocky Sunday. But that pain is for us and not my dad...he's fine. *g*

My parents' pastor told me a great story....her adult son died two years ago of complications from diabetes. Someone said to her, "I'm so sorry you lost your son." Doris said right back, "He's not lost...I know exactly where he is."

So we're sad, but we know exactly where Dad is, and he's having a big bowl of popcorn and chatting with his parents, happy as can be.

My prayers are with you and the family. You will meet again. I will remember always that phrase "He's not lost...I know exactly where he is."So true.
You are so right about Hospice. They give excellent care. They will always be on my list of contributions.
Thank you all for all of the kind words of encouragement. I have a cruise to take:) :) It is so much fun to anticipate this cruise.


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