~ Rachel Made it to DISNEY! Christmas at AKL ~ Oh. My. Gosh! ~ 1/22

so glad you have water again
can't wait to see if you make it in time popcorn::

you and your phone it makes me laugh, I have never heard music when I called someone before it totally freaked me out :rotfl:
I am feeling the tension but giving the benefit of the doubt.

It's my diplomatic Libran nature at work.
Thank you guys for reading and posting! :)

I have finally made it over to this new trip report and I am caught up. It sounds as if you made good time driving. I am sorry to hear about all of the stress with the hotel. I had that once when traveling with my family, my sister and a family friend. I can't wait to hear how it all turns out. I hope you get your water back on soon! :grouphug:

Well, welcome!

It is all good...what begins stressful ends up being a great trip! :)

And I have WATER!!!!!!!!!

Absolutely right... each member of the travel party is responsible for how they respond to each situation... no one can control that!


Very true!!

I think I would have been getting a little bit grumpy. :) I hope you hold better than I would have.

Well...I guess we will see. :)


We have WATER!

I just heard a toilet flush!

:woohoo: :yay: :dance3::cheer2: :woohoo: :yay: :dance3: :cheer2: :woohoo: :yay: :cheer2: :woohoo::yay:

He he! I am quoting myself just to laugh at how excited I was! We all cheered at work - out loud cheering that a toilet flushed! :rotfl:

And from the sounds of your comments on the WT thread, a good flush is overdue! :rotfl:


Maroo, I do believe this is the first time I've seen a "toilet dance" on the boards!! :rotfl: Glad the water is running again!


Ha!!! Leave it to me! :)

Having no water...stank! lol

so glad you have water again
can't wait to see if you make it in time popcorn::

you and your phone it makes me laugh, I have never heard music when I called someone before it totally freaked me out :rotfl:

It freaks most of my out of town friends?? My friends around here all have that ring back thing?? Must be a Southern thing?

I am feeling the tension but giving the benefit of the doubt.

It's my diplomatic Libran nature at work.

He he. :)

It is coming up!!
I did finally get to sleep. But I woke up in the middle of the night because Rachel was making some very strange noises. She would breathe (her nose was all stopped up), but then she would stop. At one point she stopped breathing and did not start again. :eek: I jumped out of bed and was immediately joined by Joyce, who was also awake listening to Rachel breathe…or not. :sad2: By the time we jumped up, Rachel had taken another breath. She was still sleeping. But I was concerned. She doesn’t sound good. :sick: And her Mom agreed. Neither of us slept very well.

I had not set an alarm, but I woke up at 6:30 AM. I have no idea why? In the dark, I got dressed and headed to the lobby for breakfast. This hotel (Comfort Suites in Lake City, FL) was so nice! The breakfast area had a pretty waterfall and a big plasma TV. I enjoyed being able to make my own waffle and the food was not bad – regular continental breakfast type food. Their apple juice was even good. Watched the news. And went over in my mind, again, what the plan was. Confirmation number, check! Grocery list, check!

I waited an hour and went back to the room around 8:00. Joyce and Rosemary were up getting showers. I decided to take the van keys and go fill up the van with gas. That would be one less thing we would have to do once everyone gets ready. (See, I am efficient. ;)) By the time I returned, it was time to get Rachel up. Joyce wanted to do this on her own, since she was probably the fastest. I told her to just let us know what we can do to help (grab things to give to her, etc). I did a few things in the background, but Joyce mainly got her ready. And she was very fast!

We packed our stuff and left the hotel about 9:15. :rolleyes1 I am getting nervous. Trying very hard to go with the flow and not worry about it. I don’t think they realized how nervous I was that we would not make it.

If we can just make it out of here by 10:00…what will they do if we are late?
We stopped at Walmart, McDonald's and Starbucks and we were on the road by 10:00. I was driving. Joyce was reluctant to let me drive because I had done a lot of the driving yesterday. I offered to let Rosemary drive, but she said she would be fine to ride and play on her phone. Cool. This would be best…I basically knew where I was going, knew I would drive the fastest and would not have to be bending over navigating in the backseat. :upsidedow

We ran into some massive traffic on the Turnpike. One lane completely closed. “Major Delays” on all of the flashing signs. Urgh. :mad: Come on! But we got through that mass of cars.

Welcome to Disney!

Up Next: GAC and Le Cellier

you and your phone it makes me laugh, I have never heard music when I called someone before it totally freaked me out :rotfl:

:rotfl: I must pop on here just to say "ME TOO"!!! maroo, when I called you last month I was totally thrown off by that music. I kept waiting for a ring but nope just the music and then suddenly a voice.....YOU.....and I'm thinking "what's going on here, who is this???"

Anyway...............I'm here too.

Glad you got your water back:)

Matty's Wish Trip PTR http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2325607
Matty's Wish Trip TR "Mom, Dad, 3 Kids, and a Gingerbread Boy" http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2356739
Oh geez, Maroo..I'm so glad you already said the rest of the trip went better or I would be seriously stressing for you right now! I have to admit though, now I'm wondering if you make your ADR at Le Cellier or if something else happens.. popcorn::

what a bummer of a road trip huh? YIKES I was feeling your pain as I was reading and knowing that if I been you, I probably would've said something that would've had me put out by the side of the road:rotfl:

well at least you knew you had a date with a little gingerbread man to look forward to;)

You guys fight like sisters! Look at it this way: it's simply a testament to your friendship! :rotfl:

Now the question is…do we unload the car now or when we get back? Is our room even ready. :confused3

And the valet and bellman tells her that they can hold our luggage and bring it to our room when it is ready, so they can go ahead and unload the car. Joyce was happy with this, too. So they begin unloading the car.
Thankfully (another blessing) there was no one in line for the online check in and within 2 minutes I had gone back to tell Joyce that our room was not ready, but we were checked in, we just needed to pay. So we grabbed our stuff we would need for Epcot for the afternoon and evening.

Joyce walks in with me to the check in desk. The regular check in desk had a very long line. She got in that line first…but I told her that I had checked us in online so we didn’t have to wait in that line. We get to come over here to this desk and they have our stuff ready for us already.

Score! :woohoo:

It was close to 1:00 PM. Wow. We were close to my goals for time. :thumbsup2 It was a blessing that our room was not ready, because this saved us the time of getting our stuff laid out, etc. Another “blessing moment." We decided to get the tickets here at the Concierge desk. No line. Another blessing.

That was easy. Time to catch our first Disney bus. It was now 1:15 PM. We walked down to the busses and there was the Epcot bus, just pulling up and unloading passengers. I explain to Rachel that she needs to go to the back door of the bus and they would let her on.

When they opened that back door, though, there were stairs going up. :eek: My heart skipped a beat. Is this bus not accessible? Joyce just rolled her eyes. :rolleyes: “You have got to be kidding. How do they expect to get her on that bus?” I, too, was confused. :confused: “Well...” And I am praying they have a way. :worship: I thought ALL Disney buses were accessible.

The bus driver comes over and smiles at us. There were only a few people waiting for the bus. He has to load Rachel first. He comes over and pushes a button and those stairs unfold and become a lift. Whoa. That was cool! Joyce and I just laughed. I should have known Disney would come through on this.

It took forever to load her, though. They were not sure where to put the tie downs from the bus. I had to get on and show him where we put them. Ok. She is tied in with her seat belt on. We are required to board next so that we won’t get separated from her. This allows us to sit or stand by her.

We are off! Finally. And only running a bit late. The only other thing we have to do before we head to LeCellier is to stop by Guest Relations and get Rachel a Guest Assistance Card.

Let me explain this...

A Guest Assistance Card (GAC) is a way to tell Disney CM’s at attractions that you have special needs. Someone that simply uses a wheelchair does NOT need a GAC card. The CM can tell that you have a wheelchair and will send you to the appropriate place to sit or wait for an attraction. For most attractions, this is the regular queue line. Most people that use a wheelchair or ECV are expected to go through the regular queue line on most attractions.

For the shows there are usually places in the very back for those using wheelchairs and a few places in the front that are usually taken by those that arrive early for the show (usually quite early).

But, if you have additional needs that are not obvious by the wheelchair – like trouble with vision or hearing, or a medical inability to wait in the regular queue line, THEN you should get a GAC to allow you to wait in an alternate location. This is not a FastPass. As you will see later in the report, there are attractions where we actually wait quite a bit longer than those guests walking. And if FastPasses are available for an attraction, all guests, even those with GAC cards are encouraged to obtain a FastPass and come back to the attraction like all other guests.

I was nervous about obtaining a GAC. I had typed out a list of reasons why we needed one for Rachel. And because of her medical needs, our time in the parks was going to have to be limited. There are several other personal reasons why she would need one, that I won’t go into here…but she needed the ability to wait in an alternate location away from the crowds.

She also has significant vision problems that are not correctable with glasses due to her MPS. For example, just last week she turned down free tickets to a concert because she can’t see in our Coliseum from the handicapped seating just a hundred feet away from the stage. She really has to be in one of the first few rows to be able to see. When she goes to a concert, her Mom always has to get the artist circle tickets so she can see.

When I approached the Guest Relations area (no line – another blessing!), I explained Rachel’s needs…and it was easy. I suppose she looks significantly disabled in her own (not rented) powerchair and she looks different because of her MPS. I guess this provides an indication to the CM that we have a legitimate need. So, we had no problem getting the appropriate GAC card.

He explained we should consult the CM at each attraction for our alternate waiting arrangement, but requested that we obtain FastPasses whenever possible and return to the attraction later and just use the FP line. We also had a problem, because the GAC can only be issued for a maximum of 6 people. We had 7. But I told him that I would sit out of an attraction if needed, because I am just her nurse and can ride another time. Ok. That works.

So…we were off! It is just before 2:00 PM. We are doing great! I can’t believe it. We have her GAC – that worry has worked out.
We checked in to Le Cellier at 2:10 for our 2:00 PM ressie. Not. Too. Shabby! :yay:

I reminded the CM at Le Cellier that we had someone in our party with a wheelchair that can’t transfer. (For those of you guys that are not familiar with disability lingo – the ability to transfer just means that Rachel is unable to get out of her chair and sit in a regular chair during lunch.) Technically Rachel can transfer from one place to another, but her chair is specially designed to provide cushion that prevents pressure sores and we don’t need to be lifting her if we don’t specifically have to.

We were seated almost immediately. This is a very small restaurant. They had us seated all the way in the back at a table very close to some other tables full of folks enjoying their meal. Lots of people had to move chairs for Rachel to get back there. :upsidedow Her wheelchair could not fit under the table and there was a lot of moving around before she found a spot that sort of worked. She never could reach her plate – her Mom had to help her eat.

I don’t have dining pictures at all for this trip. There was no way they were going to let me take pics of everyone’s food. They just are not DISers…ya know what I mean? They don’t really get it.

Our meal was great! I had the Filet, but requested no mushroom sauce and mashed potatoes instead of the rice that was offered with it. Rosemary had the same thing. Rachel ordered the Filet, but wanted the mushrooms and such. I can’t remember what Joyce had – but I guess she liked it. I had the Cheddar Cheese Soup – I guess I expected something wonderful because it has been raved about on the boards…but I thought it was just ok and maybe a little salty? :confused3 We all got desserts, which was included in our Candlelight Processional Package. I got smores…and wait…I have a picture of that!

So, here ya go…the only food picture you guys get from the whole trip.


It looks good, doesn’t it! It was! ::yes::

It was a great meal.

Up Next: Candlelight Processional
:rotfl: I must pop on here just to say "ME TOO"!!! maroo, when I called you last month I was totally thrown off by that music. I kept waiting for a ring but nope just the music and then suddenly a voice.....YOU.....and I'm thinking "what's going on here, who is this???"

Anyway...............I'm here too.

Glad you got your water back:)

Matty's Wish Trip PTR http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2325607
Matty's Wish Trip TR "Mom, Dad, 3 Kids, and a Gingerbread Boy" http://www.disboards.com/showthread.php?t=2356739

Yeah...that moment is always so much more tense when the person I have never met or spoken to is totally confused when they call me. :laughing:

Oh geez, Maroo..I'm so glad you already said the rest of the trip went better or I would be seriously stressing for you right now! I have to admit though, now I'm wondering if you make your ADR at Le Cellier or if something else happens.. popcorn::

Well....you have an update! So now you know!

We had VERY few problems after this! :)


what a bummer of a road trip huh? YIKES I was feeling your pain as I was reading and knowing that if I been you, I probably would've said something that would've had me put out by the side of the road:rotfl:

well at least you knew you had a date with a little gingerbread man to look forward to;)


I sure did!!!! And that is coming up on this TR...but I guess that is a few days away???

Oh no...:hug: What an awful way to arrive in Disney! I really hope everything smoothed out quickly.

It did!! :)

I couldn't let the bad update stay up there long! Resolution already! :woohoo:

You guys fight like sisters! Look at it this way: it's simply a testament to your friendship! :rotfl:


We sure do fight like sisters! :rotfl2:
I'm glad that you were able to work things out so quickly. That makes a bit of a rough start to the trip.

I'm glad you were able to make it to your first ADR!
Woo-hoo for water!!! :cheer2::cheer2:

You are too nice! I would have been beyond frustrated and hurt by Joyce not remembering the details you so painfully and carefully arranged and discussed and by the whole driving incident. If you want to be my TA and arrange everything for me, I will be happy to do everything you tell me to and when you tell me to. :)

Glad you got to Le Cellier on time and had a nice meal after the seating logistics got settled. Looking forward to more happy times and less grumpy butt!
I'm so happy things smoothed out for you and wow! that you made your ADR..very cool, Maroo. :goodvibes: Looking forward to the next update :)


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