RANT ALERT Park Manners

I've only been to WDW a few times and our last trip in Dec was our first big family trip. One thing we would sometimes get upset about is that we had been standing in line for a bus for over 20 min and, just as the next bus rolled up, someone with a scooter would get in the handicap section. They obviously have to let the scooters on first, but it would irk us when they would have a large family with them that would get right on with them and not do any waiting in line. This happened one morning we were trying to get to a park. Two people in the family had scooters and they had 8 very large family members with them. They literally took almost half of the bus and most of the line had to wait for another bus. I don't know...I'm torn about "etiquette" for this. I mean, I get wanting to stay with the family, but if it was me, I would either split the family so a couple went with those on scooters to help them out and everyone else stay in line or tell the driver we would wait in line and not to put our scooter family members on until we could all fairly get on the bus.

I can see where you are coming from. But keep in mind it is safer for everyone if the scooters load first. It gives them more room to maneuver, and less toes for them to run over. Plus there are those sections that state that if a scooter boards the people in those seats must move. Easier to avoid having to shuffle people around by loading the scooters first too.

Also, Disney does have a limit as to how many people can board with someone in a scooter or wheelchair. That limit is 6. I have no problem with that. I totally understand a family not wanting to split up.
Haha great thread. Brings back so many memories. I've had a touring group "cut" in line to catch up with a couple of members... Must've been like 50 people cutting by me.. Lol.

I've never heard noises at the resorts... Knocking on wood as we're staying at AKV in May.

I always give up my seat on the busses and monorails, but most people don't.

The cutting at the parades is annoying bordering on infuriating. I've claimed a spot for my kids early, and then back off as Im tall and would block the people behind me. Someone walks up and wiggles their way in front of my kids...ugh. If it's all kids at the front, that's great, but as soon as parents or maybe some non parenters sleaze their way in... It is disgusting.
Happy thoughts. Happy thoughts. Breathe. Breathe. Relax.
Why oh whyyyyyyy do people think they will get to the front of a line faster if they are hot-breathing down my neck? I get that there are going to be crowds, but there is no reason why in a line queue you can't leave a few inches between you and the people in front of you. When I take a step, you can take a breath, THEN take a step.

The others are definitely annoying, but I can deal. The line cuddlers put me over the edge. :headache:
As for the strollers, YES, please don't run into people's heels! One time while leaving MK after fireworks (we know how crowded that is!), a woman behind me bumped me once in the heels with her stroller. I didn't say anything and assumed it was an accident. We were packed like sardines on Main St while we all inched along. Then the woman rammed me harder. I turned around and asked that she be more careful. She actually said to me, "Well, I'm in a rush to get out! I need everyone to move!" I told her she didn't pick a very good time to need to rush out and she needed to chill as we ALL were trying to get out....and her ramming into the back of me definitely wasn't going to make me go faster! :-/

Now I have something new to be anxious about on our trip next week. I've got Parkinson's Disease which means that, though I walk unassisted, my balance backward is iffy. If someone rams me with a stroller, I'm likely to end up sitting in it.
Haha great thread. Brings back so many memories. I've had a touring group "cut" in line to catch up with a couple of members... Must've been like 50 people cutting by me.. Lol. I've never heard noises at the resorts...

We let two girls get in front of us in the line at POTC--we reached the line a second before they did--since we had 6 of us. They smiled and went ahead and then their ENTIRE TOUR GROUP proceeded to cut in front of us to be with them!!!!! We were speechless! It made me smile brightly when we got to the listing and the CM made them ALL step to the side and we were loaded and off and they were still gathering off to the side. :)
We let two girls get in front of us in the line at POTC--we reached the line a second before they did--since we had 6 of us. They smiled and went ahead and then their ENTIRE TOUR GROUP proceeded to cut in front of us to be with them!!!!! We were speechless! It made me smile brightly when we got to the listing and the CM made them ALL step to the side and we were loaded and off and they were still gathering off to the side. :)

Loading...not listing. Sorry, I'm on my phone.
I've only been to WDW a few times and our last trip in Dec was our first big family trip. One thing we would sometimes get upset about is that we had been standing in line for a bus for over 20 min and, just as the next bus rolled up, someone with a scooter would get in the handicap section. They obviously have to let the scooters on first, but it would irk us when they would have a large family with them that would get right on with them and not do any waiting in line. This happened one morning we were trying to get to a park. Two people in the family had scooters and they had 8 very large family members with them. They literally took almost half of the bus and most of the line had to wait for another bus. I don't know...I'm torn about "etiquette" for this. I mean, I get wanting to stay with the family, but if it was me, I would either split the family so a couple went with those on scooters to help them out and everyone else stay in line or tell the driver we would wait in line and not to put our scooter family members on until we could all fairly get on the bus.

Imagine being the person in the scooter or the family members of the person in the scooter. For just a second think of the fact that large or small you don't know the situation that family is in. Here is my example and you tell me what you would expect me to do:
DH has a serious injury caused by a car accident where he was not at fault and was rear ended. We have 2 children. DH cant sit for long and cant stand for long. He surely cant walk around for a long amount of time. Now you think that because he is disabled and must use a scooter he shouldnt have the same right to ride the bus and arrive to the park with his whole family as you do? or that his children dont have the same right as children without a father in a scooter? Some of our fondest memories are from the buses discussing what we had just seen or what we are about to see, looking over our new pins or the pins we plan to trade. We love it when we pull into Magic Kingdom and hear them welcome us. As a family shouldnt we be able to experience that together?
I am sorry this really hits home for me. To see the looks that my DH gets when he is in the scooter due to his young age or because he had to stand because he was sitting to long is devastating to me. The looks that he gets when we are waiting in line for a bus or when we were the first in line and people walk up saying oh great we have to wait for a scooter. How hurtful that must be for him. How painful it is for me to know that he must go through that because of something that's out of his control. My young children who notice all of the same things, they go out of their way to make sure Dad is having a good time, not because we told them to or that they heard us discussing what has occurred but because they see how others treat him.
A little food for thought. When DH was just 24 years old he was hurt, he had to stop his active lifestyle. He also had to stop playing around with our son who was just 2 years old. He as never able to throw the kids in the air or chase them around the yard. He coaches their baseball teams from the bench in the dug-out with help from great friends. He cant go to the average theme park and ride rides with his kids. He cant go to the fair and ride the rides. We started going to disney one month before his surgery because he said that he was worried if something went wrong he would never be able to take the kids and wanted to make sure that he could. DS was 5 and DD was just 15 months. The reason we continue going back is because disney is the only place where he is able to ride some rides with the kids because alot of them are not to bouncy or rough, alot of them are smooth or show like. His biggest smile comes from the little hill in Pirates. He is now 35 years old, and loves that he can not feel like an outcast and that he can actually participate in things that his family loves! Disney does a great job making everything accessible to the disabled and for that one week a year we are able to spend all of it together as a family as it should be.
Also please remember that yes scooters are the first ones on but the last ones off. As your family is already through the gates at the park we are just exiting the bus. Also there have been sometimes where a bus was unable to load a wheelchair and we have to wait. We dont have the option to even stand if we wanted to.
Sorry this was long, I just wanted others to see where at quick glance its annoying, but you never know the situation, you don't know that person. If it were your family or you, you would ride the bus together.
100% agree, as a person with MS it amazes me that people feel they are doing the world some sort of favor by attempting to make me feel ashamed for a condition I can't help. Really unbelievable.
As a stroller user I would add. Please don't cut off a stroller and then stop suddenly and expect me not to bump you. I leave space in front of me so I can see when someone stops if you cut in line and stop don't blame me. (Same principle applies to freeway driving)

I second this but as a scooter user.

Yes, the strollers are cruel to ankles, but so are the Scooters. Please be mindful of where you are driving those bad boys. And please don't let kids have control... DD was ran into by a grandparent who thought it was cute to let grandson drive! :sad2:

Conversely, pedestrians need to watch where they are going and not step out in front of a scooter. It's not OK even if you say "excuse me" sheepishly. Look down occasionally, either. I have gotten elbowed constantly or even tripped over by people not watching.

Further, watch your children! If your child is twirling circles in the middle of the street without supervision, they may get hit if they step out in front of me. (Clearly, this has happened to me.) Further, just like you are walking next to your husband or wife, I am scootering next to my partner. We go single file where necessary. But if there's plenty of space, don't step in between us. We have just as much a right to hold a conversation as you do.
I second this but as a scooter user.

Conversely, pedestrians need to watch where they are going and not step out in front of a scooter. It's not OK even if you say "excuse me" sheepishly. Look down occasionally, either. I have gotten elbowed constantly or even tripped over by people not watching.

Further, watch your children! If your child is twirling circles in the middle of the street without supervision, they may get hit if they step out in front of me. (Clearly, this has happened to me.) Further, just like you are walking next to your husband or wife, I am scootering next to my partner. We go single file where necessary. But if there's plenty of space, don't step in between us. We have just as much a right to hold a conversation as you do.

Regarding scooters...
what if your child is not "twirling circles", but hanging onto my hand and moving at a slow speed due to large crowds after Illuminations while people in scooters feel like they can rush through??
Not saying you do this, but this was our situation.
Regarding scooters...
what if your child is not "twirling circles", but hanging onto my hand and moving at a slow speed due to large crowds after Illuminations while people in scooters feel like they can rush through??
Not saying you do this, but this was our situation.

Then you scooter tip the rude person whom hit your kid...

...I Kid...I kid

It honestly has to go both ways, be respectful to both scooter individuals and those who do not need them. I have seen both sides very rude with each other. I definitely agree with the line cutting. I understand taking little jimmy to the restroom and coming back with him while in line, but it is annoying to have 8-9 people think one person can hold all of their spots.

I would add just blowing up on your children in public. Act like the adult and take your child to the side and defuse the situation. Don't retaliate the temper tantrum with your own.
Then you scooter tip the rude person whom hit your kid...

...I Kid...I kid

It honestly has to go both ways, be respectful to both scooter individuals and those who do not need them. I have seen both sides very rude with each other. I definitely agree with the line cutting. I understand taking little jimmy to the restroom and coming back with him while in line, but it is annoying to have 8-9 people think one person can hold all of their spots.

I would add just blowing up on your children in public. Act like the adult and take your child to the side and defuse the situation. Don't retaliate the temper tantrum with your own.

THANK YOU! :worship: That was one of my pet peeves on the list a few posts ago.
Another pet peeve...

Not to draw lines here, but the language card. Don't be speaking fluent English one minute and then when you cut the line with your group give me the whole, "No Speak English" in whatever language is yours...

I love it when my gf who speaks 10 different languages is with me in the parks and people try to pull this and she starts responding to them in their native tongue. Also, don't be trying to pull this as you are walking through the park speaking fluent English all day either...
Imagine being the person in the scooter or the family members of the person in the scooter. For just a second think of the fact that large or small you don't know the situation that family is in. Here is my example and you tell me what you would expect me to do: DH has a serious injury caused by a car accident where he was not at fault and was rear ended. We have 2 children. DH cant sit for long and cant stand for long. He surely cant walk around for a long amount of time. Now you think that because he is disabled and must use a scooter he shouldnt have the same right to ride the bus and arrive to the park with his whole family as you do? or that his children dont have the same right as children without a father in a scooter? Some of our fondest memories are from the buses discussing what we had just seen or what we are about to see, looking over our new pins or the pins we plan to trade. We love it when we pull into Magic Kingdom and hear them welcome us. As a family shouldnt we be able to experience that together? I am sorry this really hits home for me. To see the looks that my DH gets when he is in the scooter due to his young age or because he had to stand because he was sitting to long is devastating to me. The looks that he gets when we are waiting in line for a bus or when we were the first in line and people walk up saying oh great we have to wait for a scooter. How hurtful that must be for him. How painful it is for me to know that he must go through that because of something that's out of his control. My young children who notice all of the same things, they go out of their way to make sure Dad is having a good time, not because we told them to or that they heard us discussing what has occurred but because they see how others treat him. A little food for thought. When DH was just 24 years old he was hurt, he had to stop his active lifestyle. He also had to stop playing around with our son who was just 2 years old. He as never able to throw the kids in the air or chase them around the yard. He coaches their baseball teams from the bench in the dug-out with help from great friends. He cant go to the average theme park and ride rides with his kids. He cant go to the fair and ride the rides. We started going to disney one month before his surgery because he said that he was worried if something went wrong he would never be able to take the kids and wanted to make sure that he could. DS was 5 and DD was just 15 months. The reason we continue going back is because disney is the only place where he is able to ride some rides with the kids because alot of them are not to bouncy or rough, alot of them are smooth or show like. His biggest smile comes from the little hill in Pirates. He is now 35 years old, and loves that he can not feel like an outcast and that he can actually participate in things that his family loves! Disney does a great job making everything accessible to the disabled and for that one week a year we are able to spend all of it together as a family as it should be. Also please remember that yes scooters are the first ones on but the last ones off. As your family is already through the gates at the park we are just exiting the bus. Also there have been sometimes where a bus was unable to load a wheelchair and we have to wait. We dont have the option to even stand if we wanted to. Sorry this was long, I just wanted others to see where at quick glance its annoying, but you never know the situation, you don't know that person. If it were your family or you, you would ride the bus together.

Please know that not everyone feels this way towards individuals in scooters or wheelchairs. I have seen the way my mother has been treated because she uses a wheelchair and a scooter. This is why I never mind people with any type of physical limitations going in front of me or being taken care of first. I'm thankful that I am able to wait! Some people take too many things for granted. It sounds like your family is making wonderful memories that your sons can cherish.
Imagine being the person in the scooter or the family members of the person in the scooter. For just a second think of the fact that large or small you don't know the situation that family is in. Here is my example and you tell me what you would expect me to do: DH has a serious injury caused by a car accident where he was not at fault and was rear ended. We have 2 children. DH cant sit for long and cant stand for long. He surely cant walk around for a long amount of time. Now you think that because he is disabled and must use a scooter he shouldnt have the same right to ride the bus and arrive to the park with his whole family as you do? or that his children dont have the same right as children without a father in a scooter? Some of our fondest memories are from the buses discussing what we had just seen or what we are about to see, looking over our new pins or the pins we plan to trade. We love it when we pull into Magic Kingdom and hear them welcome us. As a family shouldnt we be able to experience that together? I am sorry this really hits home for me. To see the looks that my DH gets when he is in the scooter due to his young age or because he had to stand because he was sitting to long is devastating to me. The looks that he gets when we are waiting in line for a bus or when we were the first in line and people walk up saying oh great we have to wait for a scooter. How hurtful that must be for him. How painful it is for me to know that he must go through that because of something that's out of his control. My young children who notice all of the same things, they go out of their way to make sure Dad is having a good time, not because we told them to or that they heard us discussing what has occurred but because they see how others treat him. A little food for thought. When DH was just 24 years old he was hurt, he had to stop his active lifestyle. He also had to stop playing around with our son who was just 2 years old. He as never able to throw the kids in the air or chase them around the yard. He coaches their baseball teams from the bench in the dug-out with help from great friends. He cant go to the average theme park and ride rides with his kids. He cant go to the fair and ride the rides. We started going to disney one month before his surgery because he said that he was worried if something went wrong he would never be able to take the kids and wanted to make sure that he could. DS was 5 and DD was just 15 months. The reason we continue going back is because disney is the only place where he is able to ride some rides with the kids because alot of them are not to bouncy or rough, alot of them are smooth or show like. His biggest smile comes from the little hill in Pirates. He is now 35 years old, and loves that he can not feel like an outcast and that he can actually participate in things that his family loves! Disney does a great job making everything accessible to the disabled and for that one week a year we are able to spend all of it together as a family as it should be. Also please remember that yes scooters are the first ones on but the last ones off. As your family is already through the gates at the park we are just exiting the bus. Also there have been sometimes where a bus was unable to load a wheelchair and we have to wait. We dont have the option to even stand if we wanted to. Sorry this was long, I just wanted others to see where at quick glance its annoying, but you never know the situation, you don't know that person. If it were your family or you, you would ride the bus together.

My comment wasn't geared towards criticizing why people might need to use a scooter. I'm sure the comments your husband gets are very frustrating for him.

I do recognize that they only allow 2 scooters per bus and that they must load first for safety reasons. My example I gave that makes me not sure what I feel the "etiquette" should be, but definitely felt something different should have been done (as did many people around us): many people waiting for over 20 min for a bus, then a family with 2 people in scooters and 8 extra family members come running out of the resort and just hop right on the bus as it arrives. (Plus, they were all large adults who took over 2 seats each and didn't seem to try to make room for others.) So, we stood for 20 min for a bus, thought we'd definitely make it on, probably even getting seats...then had to wait an additional 20 min for a second bus to arrive.

My mom had just been diagnosed with arthritis in both knees right before our trip, so standing pretty still in a queue for 2 buses was pretty hard for her.

I mean, personally, if I could tell that the line was extremely long and we had JUST gotten in the handicap line, I would tell the driver that we would wait for the next bus since all of the people in line had clearly been there for a long time.

However, to play Devil's Advocate on myself, I guess with the limit of only 2 scooters per bus, the driver wouldn't have really wanted them to stay since they had 2 scooters in their party, thereby possibly causing a scooter "backup" if they had declined to get on that bus...
My comment wasn't geared towards criticizing why people might need to use a scooter. I'm sure the comments your husband gets are very frustrating for him.

I do recognize that they only allow 2 scooters per bus and that they must load first for safety reasons. My example I gave that makes me not sure what I feel the "etiquette" should be, but definitely felt something different should have been done (as did many people around us): many people waiting for over 20 min for a bus, then a family with 2 people in scooters and 8 extra family members come running out of the resort and just hop right on the bus as it arrives. (Plus, they were all large adults who took over 2 seats each and didn't seem to try to make room for others.) So, we stood for 20 min for a bus, thought we'd definitely make it on, probably even getting seats...then had to wait an additional 20 min for a second bus to arrive.

My mom had just been diagnosed with arthritis in both knees right before our trip, so standing pretty still in a queue for 2 buses was pretty hard for her.

I mean, personally, if I could tell that the line was extremely long and we had JUST gotten in the handicap line, I would tell the driver that we would wait for the next bus since all of the people in line had clearly been there for a long time.

However, to play Devil's Advocate on myself, I guess with the limit of only 2 scooters per bus, the driver wouldn't have really wanted them to stay since they had 2 scooters in their party, thereby possibly causing a scooter "backup" if they had declined to get on that bus...

In addition to the scooters backing up there is the very real possibility that the next bus has a broken lift and won't be able to load any scooters. I've seen that more than once. So taking the next bus can turn into a very long wait.
My comment wasn't geared towards criticizing why people might need to use a scooter. I'm sure the comments your husband gets are very frustrating for him.

I know that you were not criticizing why someone may need a scooter, i didn't think that at all. Please don't think that. I can understand peoples frustrations with this at times but only because i dont think they completely understand how it works. By no fault of their own, I mean why would someone know exactly how it works if they are not in that situation.
I was just giving a back story for anyone who wanted to read it. Hoping that the back story would enlighten those who do get so frustrated with the scooters on the buses.
I don't know that i would do anything differently then the scooters that you tell about. I wouldn't have run! however DH can go faster with his scooter then i can dragging 2 kids and the bags around so i may have to chase after him. :) If there is a big line i would still get into line with him where the scooters line up. Its not like we can get into the regular line.
Please also note that if the bus is full, DH will often have a kid sit with him. I will give up my seat to any small child, pregnant lady or elderly. As will DS as he is now old enough to safely stand on the bus. The only exception to this is if My DD is tired on the way back and falls asleep, i clearly cant stand and hold her but she will sit on my lap asleep to make room for others even though she is 9. That kid can sleep anywhere i tell ya!
So please dont take it personal, your comment just opened up and opportunity to speak up about the comments or looks that one in a scooter receives for following policy and getting on the bus first.
While we are ranting about our pet peeves i have one kinda maybe its just something that i don't fully understand.
At character meals, specifically Crystal palace is where i have seen it the most and the worst. Please have your children wait in the area of your table for the characters. While i am trying to enjoy my meal with my family, i don't enjoy everyone else s children running around my table trying to catch the character. I know the kids are excited and they just cant wait to meet pooh and his friends. As parents please explain to your children that they will make it to your table as well. I know its just sooo exciting and you cant wait just a minute longer i know i know...But we have to let pooh visit all of his friends and take pictures... he will get to our table soon and then you too can get your picture taken and hug and love him. I know that some children do have a hard time waiting, i understand that, i wouldnt wait either if i were a kid and my parents didnt say anything when i was running after a character.
My only rule: Don't sweat the small stuff.

No reason to have your day ruined by worrying about how someone else behaves. At the end of the day, their rudeness may cost you a few of minutes. Those minutes are not worth the extended aggravation that people sometimes carry with them for hours during their vacation.
1. Sorry, but if we've been waiting in line for 30 minutes and suddenly my 2yo, 5yo, and 10yo have to use the bathroom and dh and grandma decide to take all 7 of the kids with us to the bathroom, while I hold our spot...then that's what we'll do. Now, of course, they won't be off running around the park while I wait in line, but there's no way for you to know that when they return from said bathroom venture. :confused3 2-6. Agreed! 7. Don't swizzle your way in front of my 5yo and 8yo at the parade, because there is a tiny space. Grrrrr...

My rant with #1 is when dad walks into the line right as you do (in front of you), you stand there for a few minutes as a party of two or three, then his whole family of 5+more ppl shows up and barges in front of you. Not okay. Definitely not a situation of someone who had already been in line and had to hurry off to use the bathroom when you saw one person getting in line to begin with.


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