RANT ALERT Park Manners

definitely some funny ones! Just back from a trip and actually had no trouble with scooters or strollers (of course I was on lookout for them and tried to stay out of the way so maybe that helped :))
Rant 1-when you have taken so long to unfold your stroller at the back of your car that the entire line has filled up and cars are now pulling in behind you it is time to move and not yell at the CM asking you to please move to the front of the car (no traffic area) -we had to pull skip the spot right behind this family. My DS (8) asked why we skipped a spot as we were getting out of the car (within earshot of said clueless b$tchy family) and I just told him (rather loudly) that since that family wasn't concerned for the safety of their children we had to be and had to move over. The rather stunned look on that woman's face was priceless (wish I had the nerve to take a pic of it lol)
2. Do NOT encourage your kids to snake way ahead of you in line then "pretend" you need to cut in front to "find" your kids!! this happened at HM with the dude right behind us-eventually his kids came back to find out why it was taking so long for him to catch up and he told them to just run ahead again! Uh uh-my DH refused to let the guy through and so the kids were sent back by other guest (who by this time had caught on) - the guy actually had the nerve to grumble about "having to come so far back!" my DH (who normally is not a very confrontational person- I am the one with the mouth lol) turned around and said square to his face-"No- you are right back where you started before you tried cutting in line!". The poor guys wife looked like she wanted to crawl through the floor.
Really though-other than those two rather minor things(and a very grumpy CM) we had a very magical time and people were mostly pretty polite and understanding.
Seriously cannot read this thread any more too much of a bummer. Be thankful you can afford to take your family to DW. I have taught kids who lived in shanties back in the woods, no car, no running water and even taught kids that had to live out of their parents car. Honestly, I am thankful I have my own home , car, food, solid job I love, etc. To me DW is just icing on the cake and I feel so blessed and humbled to be able to provide this experience for my child. Honestly, we have been blessed to do two DW trips and a DIsney Cruise. Honestly, just being in DW and on the cruise was so amazing and I was so thankful to provide this for my son, I have had no gripes anytime on these vacations. I am not going to let problems that in the great scheme are insignificant ruin my amazing time at DW. Sorry if these offends anybody, but honestly get a Mickey Bar and enjoy the fact that you are in the most magical place on earth!
1. If your whole party isn't with you, don't get in line. Not for a ride, not for a bus, don't do it. There's nothing worse than having a party of one or two in front of you turn into an extended family of ten cutting in front of you in line. Not cool.

TOTALLY AGREE. I don't mind most of the party in line, than having like....1 person meet up with them..but still...

5. Don't stop in the middle of crowded walkways.

This is one of my biggest pet peeves anywhere.... drives me nuts!!!

6. Don't walk at the pace of a snail 3 or more people wide.

Hahaha, another pet peeve.

I can't think of anything off the top of my head..OH. One thing that happened during my Jan 2014 trip, we found a table to eat at Pizza Planet. It was pretty crowded. There was a party of maybe 5 or 6 next to us eating, all of the sudden they were gone....ALL of their garbage was left at the table!! Not only that, but they barely touched their food!!! So it kinda looked like people just got up but were going to come back. So no one was able to sit at the table. Then when a CM who worked there saw it, he was very confused, he kinda looked around and you could tell he was upset at the situation. Like, who just leaves all their stuff?!?!
I have 2 pet peeves - 1. The parades - I scope out my seat 2 hours before they begin only to have the last minute arrivals feel that they have a right to my spot. I've been to Disney so many times I don't care about what I will miss this trip but the MK evening parade is a must do on every vacation for me. 2. My son is extremely tall - 6'6" + and he will usually stand up and move to the back row for the parades because even sitting little kids can't see over his head. He has had people tell him to kneel down and some have even asked him if their child could sit on his shoulders. Really - not his fault you're vertically impaired. :confused3
I couldn't agree more. We get there early to get a good seat and when the cast members walk by and tell people they have to be inside the white line or keep it moving, everyone wants to squeeze into this tiny space that everyone else has tried squeezing into. We actually had a women ask us to move so her and her stroller could fit!!! Are u kidding me lady?? I've been here for 2 hours!!!
We got on the bus to go to Epcot for dinner one evening from POFQ and a woman and two terribly sunburned kids got on with her at a stop from POR. The lady sat next to me, gabbed her young son and held him on her shoulder where he then proceeded to let go of his lunch all over my arm and on my shirt. I jumped up, the driver stopped the bus and asked the lady to go outside to let her son finish. Nope she stayed inside while the child continued his release of his lunch all over the seats in the bus. Driver asked mom if she wanted to go back to her room and she said "no, he will be fine and his father is waiting for us at Epcot". So off we go to Epcot on a barfed on bus and me with my barfed on shoulder. I ran to the first bathroom at Epcot and began to rinse off my shirt and shoulder. We didn't have time to go back to the hotel since we had ADRs at Biergarden. Another lady followed who was just as disgusted and washed up as it was a totally gross situation.
The lady with the barfing boy never said a single word to me. No "I am sorry" or "here have a wipey from my diaper bag" or "here's $20 for a clean shirt" she said absolutely nothing. :furious:
I guess it was my fault for sitting next to her when her child was sunburned and sick!

I was so glad we were going home the next day....
Seriously cannot read this thread any more too much of a bummer. Be thankful you can afford to take your family to DW. I have taught kids who lived in shanties back in the woods, no car, no running water and even taught kids that had to live out of their parents car. Honestly, I am thankful I have my own home , car, food, solid job I love, etc. To me DW is just icing on the cake and I feel so blessed and humbled to be able to provide this experience for my child. Honestly, we have been blessed to do two DW trips and a DIsney Cruise. Honestly, just being in DW and on the cruise was so amazing and I was so thankful to provide this for my son, I have had no gripes anytime on these vacations. I am not going to let problems that in the great scheme are insignificant ruin my amazing time at DW. Sorry if these offends anybody, but honestly get a Mickey Bar and enjoy the fact that you are in the most magical place on earth!

Thank you for this one more time !!! love your point of view ! :thumbsup2 :cool1: IMHO the only person that you can control it's yourself..

Peace ..Army wife .. :flower3:
Seriously cannot read this thread any more too much of a bummer. Be thankful you can afford to take your family to DW. I have taught kids who lived in shanties back in the woods, no car, no running water and even taught kids that had to live out of their parents car. Honestly, I am thankful I have my own home , car, food, solid job I love, etc. To me DW is just icing on the cake and I feel so blessed and humbled to be able to provide this experience for my child. Honestly, we have been blessed to do two DW trips and a DIsney Cruise. Honestly, just being in DW and on the cruise was so amazing and I was so thankful to provide this for my son, I have had no gripes anytime on these vacations. I am not going to let problems that in the great scheme are insignificant ruin my amazing time at DW. Sorry if these offends anybody, but honestly get a Mickey Bar and enjoy the fact that you are in the most magical place on earth!

Amen Harrisb1964!! I 100% agree. :)

Thank you for this one more time !!! love your point of view ! :thumbsup2 :cool1: IMHO the only person that you can control it's yourself..

Peace ..Army wife .. :flower3:

If the idea of ranting about things that happen at WDW bothers you all so much, then why are you reading a thread titled "RANT ALERT"? ;)
while this did not affect our experience in the least, this last trip I saw things I personally have never seen at Disney; Almost two fights at Sunshine Seasons over people cutting in front of others and this guy upset with the wait in line????
I actually laughed over this one, a woman cut in front of me in line at Cape May Buffet as she had to get something for her kids, I turned and very nicely said that is exactly what I was doing????? and probably all the people in line behind me too?????


[gave up seats on the water taxi's to people who clearly needed them while a whole bunch of other park guests just walked on by.....disappointing......]
We got on the bus to go to Epcot for dinner one evening from POFQ and a woman and two terribly sunburned kids got on with her at a stop from POR. The lady sat next to me, gabbed her young son and held him on her shoulder where he then proceeded to let go of his lunch all over my arm and on my shirt. I jumped up, the driver stopped the bus and asked the lady to go outside to let her son finish. Nope she stayed inside while the child continued his release of his lunch all over the seats in the bus. Driver asked mom if she wanted to go back to her room and she said "no, he will be fine and his father is waiting for us at Epcot". So off we go to Epcot on a barfed on bus and me with my barfed on shoulder. I ran to the first bathroom at Epcot and began to rinse off my shirt and shoulder. We didn't have time to go back to the hotel since we had ADRs at Biergarden. Another lady followed who was just as disgusted and washed up as it was a totally gross situation. The lady with the barfing boy never said a single word to me. No "I am sorry" or "here have a wipey from my diaper bag" or "here's $20 for a clean shirt" she said absolutely nothing. :furious: I guess it was my fault for sitting next to her when her child was sunburned and sick! I was so glad we were going home the next day....

How sad for that poor child. He might have had sun poisoning. Poor kid!!
If the idea of ranting about things that happen at WDW bothers you all so much, then why are you reading a thread titled "RANT ALERT"? ;)

Indeed. People are here because they're taking their -- our -- rants into a "private" corner. If you're at a party and you don't like what's being said in a particular corner of the room, perhaps going elsewhere is a good idea.
It is annoying when people put their kids on their shoulders right in front of you during parades, castle show, fireworks etc. We have a 4 year old and we are both fairly tall people so we try to be considerate and not make ourselves into a 9 foot monster by propping our kid up on our shoulders. I saw SO many people doing this the last time we were at WDW. I can understand if you are at the back of the crowd trying to see a parade or something, but good grief. I saw one kid on someone shoulders that was so big it made me think maybe that's his wife instead of his daughter. Ha Ha

Yes! I am 6 foot tall. DS3 can see just as good as me if he is on my hip. I put him in the stroller before Wishes started and even from his low place he could see the fireworks. A shorter couple was standing behind us and I asked them if they would like to move up closer to the stroller. I know they can't see over me. As it was, I sat on the ground and saw the fireworks too!

And why does everyone have to pull their cellphones/tablets...out and hold them above their heads? I don't think they know what they are filming. :sad2:
We got on the bus to go to Epcot for dinner one evening from POFQ and a woman and two terribly sunburned kids got on with her at a stop from POR. The lady sat next to me, gabbed her young son and held him on her shoulder where he then proceeded to let go of his lunch all over my arm and on my shirt. I jumped up, the driver stopped the bus and asked the lady to go outside to let her son finish. Nope she stayed inside while the child continued his release of his lunch all over the seats in the bus. Driver asked mom if she wanted to go back to her room and she said "no, he will be fine and his father is waiting for us at Epcot". So off we go to Epcot on a barfed on bus and me with my barfed on shoulder. I ran to the first bathroom at Epcot and began to rinse off my shirt and shoulder. We didn't have time to go back to the hotel since we had ADRs at Biergarden. Another lady followed who was just as disgusted and washed up as it was a totally gross situation. The lady with the barfing boy never said a single word to me. No "I am sorry" or "here have a wipey from my diaper bag" or "here's $20 for a clean shirt" she said absolutely nothing. :furious: I guess it was my fault for sitting next to her when her child was sunburned and sick! I was so glad we were going home the next day....

That's just awful! For everyone! Poor child and you and folks on the bus. And I can't imagine her not apologizing!! Oh my-what a shame!
We were in line at HS Guest Relations last year waiting to leave a note for a friendly CM and the lady in front of us was requesting a disabilities card. When the CM asked her what her disability was, she said "I just don't like waiting in lines."
Some people! :rotfl2:
We were in line at HS Guest Relations last year waiting to leave a note for a friendly CM and the lady in front of us was requesting a disabilities card. When the CM asked her what her disability was, she said "I just don't like waiting in lines."
Some people! :rotfl2:

I don't think I could have held in my laughter on that one!
Ok, so many posts to read, sorry if this was already said, but most importantly:

You might be on vacation from your job, but you are NOT on vacation from parenting!

Hate it when people tell their kids to "take it somewhere else, I'm trying to relax" without realizing they just passed their job on to the rest of us...and of course they WILL get very pissy when you have the nerve to correct their angel children...angels...like Lucifer.

I see this happen even at the playground! It makes me SOO MAD!!
Vacation or not, you're ALWAYS a parent if you have kids! You don't get a vacation from that until they are grown and out of the house!
lylone said:
We got on the bus to go to Epcot for dinner one evening from POFQ and a woman and two terribly sunburned kids got on with her at a stop from POR. The lady sat next to me, gabbed her young son and held him on her shoulder where he then proceeded to let go of his lunch all over my arm and on my shirt. I jumped up, the driver stopped the bus and asked the lady to go outside to let her son finish. Nope she stayed inside while the child continued his release of his lunch all over the seats in the bus. Driver asked mom if she wanted to go back to her room and she said "no, he will be fine and his father is waiting for us at Epcot". So off we go to Epcot on a barfed on bus and me with my barfed on shoulder. I ran to the first bathroom at Epcot and began to rinse off my shirt and shoulder. We didn't have time to go back to the hotel since we had ADRs at Biergarden. Another lady followed who was just as disgusted and washed up as it was a totally gross situation.
The lady with the barfing boy never said a single word to me. No "I am sorry" or "here have a wipey from my diaper bag" or "here's $20 for a clean shirt" she said absolutely nothing. :furious:
I guess it was my fault for sitting next to her when her child was sunburned and sick!

I was so glad we were going home the next day....

I worked on a teacup like ride at a local theme park. The kid threw up three times (and continued spinning). After, she hurriedly walked out, said quickly sorry, and I had to clean it up. With a line of kids! I feel bad for you AND the bus driver. Imagine how he felt cleaning that up?
1. Sorry, but if we've been waiting in line for 30 minutes and suddenly my 2yo, 5yo, and 10yo have to use the bathroom and dh and grandma decide to take all 7 of the kids with us to the bathroom, while I hold our spot...then that's what we'll do. Now, of course, they won't be off running around the park while I wait in line, but there's no way for you to know that when they return from said bathroom venture. :confused3

2-6. Agreed!

7. Don't swizzle your way in front of my 5yo and 8yo at the parade, because there is a tiny space. Grrrrr...

Reply to No2. As you are making your way out of the line let people know it's a potty emergency and that you'll be back in 5 minutes so when you come back people can backyou up to the grumblers who weren't in line when you left.

Footnote. When I got to the line for the bus to Rock Your Disney Side at MK at 5.30am the lady in front of me realised she had left her Grand daughter's MB in the room in the rush (it was just the two of them) I remembered what she looked like so when she came back and the queue was now down to the 90's car park and beyond I called her back to her original place in front of me, so just get people to remember you when you have to leave the queue.

Another to add to the list (if not already mentioned) When you object to a queue jumper or object to bad behaviour please don't say 'Disney is for Kids' or 'That's not in the Disney Spirit'. Walt created his parks for everyone and pushing your kids in front of me two minutes before a parade I have been waiting an hour for isn't in the Disney Spirit either, especially when you decide you want to stand with your kid too blocking my view. Did it once, never again, you want a good vantage point then come early like everyone else.

One more, running across the road in between floats in the parade, one woman did it a couple of years ago and when flying in the middle of Main Street, I think once the parade is coming CMs should stop everyone from crossing. you know the time of the parade, sort your lives out before then.
Me again. Please turn off your mobile devices in dark attractions, do you really need to check Facebook or your photos in the middle of 'Carousel of Progress' No flash photography is there for a reason, having a flash going off constantly over your shoulder on Pirates of The Caribbean is distracting and annoying as I told someone doing it, they didn't stop, so I told the CM at the end who stopped the gentleman and gave him a talking to.
And put your phones away, talk to your kids instead.


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