RANT: I don't care if you want to sit next to your kids on the airplane

I myself love SW. I scope out the passengers before getting on the plane and I can tell who I need to make sure not to sit near. Usually it's the ones with the dogs, or the families with little kids that they are letting run wild and paying no attention to.

Keep in mind that you aren't paying for preboarding but rather the computer to check you in on your behalf. (Worth the money especially if you can't check in at the requisite 24 hours ahead of time.)

Also you have a connecting flight with tight connection OR your first flight is delayed, then the extra fee may not help you. Or your original direct flight is cancelled. (Hence why my husband aims for direct flights.)

Not everyone who finds themself in a seating predicament is there because
they are too cheap.

I don't understand why--so long as the person requesting is POLITE ABOUT IT--people must assume the person failed to spend extra money or whatever. (I understand that the mom OP talks about was rude.)

That said--we have never had an issue with Southwest and we have tried all options (early bird, 24 hour check in, family boarding, family boarding suspended on an Orlando bound flight).

Good points. There is always at least one direct flight each day to MCO and we choose that one. I guess I don't have great luck with checkingin. it seems like I get at least group B even if I check in at 23:59 hours before the flight. In a few years I won't worry about it, but the extra money is worth my piece of mind, and I won't have to worry about asking a stranger to change seats.
Based on the OP's description of paying extra for that seat assignment, I believe that we can safely assume that this was NOT a Southwest Airlines flight, as they don't issue seat assignments at all.

As to Delta and United, yes, it's possible on some flights to be offered a "preferred seat assignment" for a fee; it depends on the fare code classification of the fare you have purchased, or on your FF status. Don't know about Alaska.
I hope this is a troll post. Geez. Let the mother sit with her kid. You have NO window into their lives and you have no idea why the mother felt so strongly about it. Be a human. You had the chance to make this woman's day a whole lot easier in exchange for sitting in a different section of a 200 foot metal tube flying through the air at 500mph. In the grand scheme of things, it's a minor moment in time. But it could have been huge for that mom. As the parent of two autistic children who are approaching adolescence, and who would NOT cope well on a flight separated from us, have some compassion for others.
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I don't understand why people are so angry with the OP.
She paid an extra fee to get the seat she wanted, it doesn't make her heartless or a "troll" as someone called her because she doesn't want to give up her seat. It is the parents fault for not securing two seats together. I'm not going to trade my seat with someone if their seat is worse than mine. Especially if I paid extra for it.
Hypothetical situation:

You're traveling from Orlando to NYC, non-stop. You've paid your base airfare and you opted to upgrade your seat to an aisle, extra legroom seat. You paid $88.00 for that specific seat on top of your airfare. The posters who are in the camp that say they would change seats for a family to sit together and your new seat is a middle seat, 3/4 of the way back in the plane, it would honestly be no big deal to you, and you would just switch seats?

For those that still say yes, I want to do what you do for a living!

Or what they were drinking before they got on board.....
Why didn't the mom have the kid trade places with the person sitting next to her assigned seat? If the kid was in an upgraded seat, it would have been fair to have the person they were moving into the better seat.

The kid had to have been older, because the flight attendant wouldn't have let a young child (8 years or younger) sit with a stranger. They usually go over the intercom and ask if anyone would like to switch seats if it's a warranted situation.

Because that would mean Mom getting stuck with a worse seat than the one she was demanding. The seat swap requesters almost always want to trade UP.

I would have moved in a second. mom wants to sit next to her kid? you just do the right thing and move. what is wrong with people. and to ask for compensation? no wonder this country is a mess. whatever happened to just doing the right thing because...also, doubt very much the mom "demanded". been on many flights, and have seen this happen many times, and no one ever demanded anything. stuff like this just makes me shake my head.

Yeah, whatever happened to people like the Mom doing the right thing by keeping her yap shut and sitting down in the seat where she was assigned?

You guys do realize that those passengers travelling internationally with a codeshare ticket being serviced by these airlines dont have the option to choose there seat or purchase early bird if there "home" airline doesnt service these options right?

I see alot of selfish attitudes here.

So do I. The woman who demanded a seat swap and people here defending her and condemning the OP.

It's kind of unreasonable to expect someone who has paid extra $$ for a great location (and/or enhanced services) to happily trade it away for a middle in the back.

Yes, it's VERY unreasonable. But it's the standard M.O. of those who demand others swap seats with them. Try to get a better seat, and if refused, make the decliner out to be the bad guy.

The other thing that gets me are the people that want to "trade" so they can sit next to someone (work colleague) etc. Invariably, they go to the person in the "best" row and ask them to switch rather than asking the colleague to move back to the row they are in. IME, it's MUCH easier to get someone to switch when the "offer" is for a better seat. All the "switchers" should keep that in mind.

Try calling such people out on their tactics. Suddenly there will be no pressing need to sit together.
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I have never paid an extra fee for assigned seats on the lines we fly (Delta, United, Alaska) . . . . I don't think the option exists on those?

But I hold my breath before each check-in knowing that there are never any true guarantees with air travel! As referenced above, no one wants to sit next to DD4 without me right next to her entertaining her and managing her every. second. of the flight!
Delta has 'basic economy' on some flights now. Seats will be assigned at the airport. There have been a couple threads on the transportation board about it.

It basically jacks up the econony price, which I hate as I'm not doing unassigned seating with three kids. Also the reason I won't fly SW or Spirit until my kids are older.
Question: did you read the thread? Or just the OP?

How is that question relevant to my opinion of the OP?

I read all 7 pages of the thread. And that's why I feel so sad about the state of our society.

If the OP really NEEDED that seat, for health reasons or otherwise, she could have simply smiled and said "I'm very sorry, but I need to stay in this seat. I wish I could help, but I cannot. Maybe the person in the seat next to the one you are assigned will be willing to sit in this row so your son can sit with you." And then, she could have gone about her day. And not have to come on a discussion board to RANT about the horrible mother who had the GALL to "demand" that she move. I 100% think the woman asked her, did not demand anything. I sincerely doubt she said "you WILL switch seats with me and that is the end of it...chop chop!!!"
How is that question relevant to my opinion of the OP?

I read all 7 pages of the thread. And that's why I feel so sad about the state of our society.

If the OP really NEEDED that seat, for health reasons or otherwise, she could have simply smiled and said "I'm very sorry, but I need to stay in this seat. I wish I could help, but I cannot. Maybe the person in the seat next to the one you are assigned will be willing to sit in this row so your son can sit with you." And then, she could have gone about her day. And not have to come on a discussion board to RANT about the horrible mother who had the GALL to "demand" that she move. I 100% think the woman asked her, did not demand anything. I sincerely doubt she said "you WILL switch seats with me and that is the end of it...chop chop!!!"

I have definitely ran into people that demanded something instead of ask, so it's not a farfetched thing to have happened.
She doesn't NEED to have a reason to say no. Sorry, but her wants don't trump the wants of the person asking. Why didn't she ask the person she was sitting next to if they would be willing to trade seats with her daughter? Probably because she wanted a better seat and that is what the OP had.
So are you the police on what she can and can't come to a DISCUSSION BOARD to rant about? Plenty of other people have complained about more ludicrous things on this board and I don't see as much outrage and dramatics as I have read from your post.
How is that question relevant to my opinion of the OP?

I read all 7 pages of the thread. And that's why I feel so sad about the state of our society.

If the OP really NEEDED that seat, for health reasons or otherwise, she could have simply smiled and said "I'm very sorry, but I need to stay in this seat. I wish I could help, but I cannot. Maybe the person in the seat next to the one you are assigned will be willing to sit in this row so your son can sit with you." And then, she could have gone about her day. And not have to come on a discussion board to RANT about the horrible mother who had the GALL to "demand" that she move. I 100% think the woman asked her, did not demand anything. I sincerely doubt she said "you WILL switch seats with me and that is the end of it...chop chop!!!"

Well, let me see. In reading your rant about the OP's rant it appeared as if you did not read the entire thread. You did, and thank you for answering my question.

Can you please do me one more favor? Can you refer back to my post #106 and let me know on that?
I have definitely ran into people that demanded something instead of ask, so it's not a farfetched thing to have happened.
She doesn't NEED to have a reason to say no. Sorry, but her wants don't trump the wants of the person asking. Why didn't she ask the person she was sitting next to if they would be willing to trade seats with her daughter? Probably because she wanted a better seat and that is what the OP had.
So are you the police on what she can and can't come to a DISCUSSION BOARD to rant about? Plenty of other people have complained about more ludicrous things on this board and I don't see as much outrage and dramatics as I have read from your post.

I'm not the discussion board police nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night....8-)

But when folks post a rant on the boards, they subject themselves to those who will be totally on their side, those who put themselves in the other person shoes and those who can see both sides. This thread is no different.

I don't think the person you quoted was demanding the OP to say anything. Just offering a what COULD have been done. Not an edict on what should have been done.

Sometimes there is a polite way to handle things and a not so polite way. It almost seems the OP was angry over the demand and I imagine it possible that they were short with the woman.

I don't see the outrage you see. I see a discussion over the situation, folks wanting OP to clarify a few things, and an overall discussion on what folks would do or would have done.

And I have seen way worse on these boards over someone's vent or rant. This has been tame.
To those of you who will not switch seats - that is completely your prerogative and if anyone gets mad at you - too bad! You selected your seat and you have a right to not be ejected! However, the exception is Virgin Maincabin Select - when you book they tell you that you might get the boot for a disable passenger. I won't book that seat for that reason - it is a lot to pay to get ejected at the last minute!
Hypothetical situation:

You're traveling from Orlando to NYC, non-stop. You've paid your base airfare and you opted to upgrade your seat to an aisle, extra legroom seat. You paid $88.00 for that specific seat on top of your airfare. The posters who are in the camp that say they would change seats for a family to sit together and your new seat is a middle seat, 3/4 of the way back in the plane, it would honestly be no big deal to you, and you would just switch seats?

For those that still say yes, I want to do what you do for a living!

Since you asked me to consider this post, I did. And honestly, I would and HAVE done just that in order to help out a fellow passenger. And I would do it again. Why? Because I am able. Because money isn't everything. Because I am a mother too, and I would want the same done for me. Because when given the opportunity to make someone's day a little bit better, I will always do so. Middle seats on planes are awful. Won't argue with that, but I have tolerated much worse with much less payoff than knowing I helped someone out.
Hypothetical situation:

You're traveling from Orlando to NYC, non-stop. You've paid your base airfare and you opted to upgrade your seat to an aisle, extra legroom seat. You paid $88.00 for that specific seat on top of your airfare. The posters who are in the camp that say they would change seats for a family to sit together and your new seat is a middle seat, 3/4 of the way back in the plane, it would honestly be no big deal to you, and you would just switch seats?

For those that still say yes, I want to do what you do for a living!

DING DING DING!!! We have a winner. We have paid $60 for a JB upgrade, sorry you got caught in a situation, sorry you didn't plan ahead. I feel for you but unless it is a very young kid - nope. If it is a very young kid, offer to reimburse me my upgrade & probably. Demand anything from me - heck no!!! I raised kids I can monitor yours for a couple hours - hand me the coloring book & crayons, DS & games or your phone to keep it busy, we are good to go.
Since you asked me to consider this post, I did. And honestly, I would and HAVE done just that in order to help out a fellow passenger. And I would do it again. Why? Because I am able. Because money isn't everything. Because I am a mother too, and I would want the same done for me. Because when given the opportunity to make someone's day a little bit better, I will always do so. Middle seats on planes are awful. Won't argue with that, but I have tolerated much worse with much less payoff than knowing I helped someone out.

Thank you for reading and answering. This helps me understand your point of view than originally. :goodvibes
I don't understand why people are so angry with the OP.
She paid an extra fee to get the seat she wanted, it doesn't make her heartless or a "troll" as someone called her because she doesn't want to give up her seat. It is the parents fault for not securing two seats together. I'm not going to trade my seat with someone if their seat is worse than mine. Especially if I paid extra for it.
The reason why the word "troll" is thrown about because the OP started the thread, revisited the thread to read the replies but has (so far) chosen not to reply to direct questions or to make things more clear. I think that's called a "pigeon post".
Since you asked me to consider this post, I did. And honestly, I would and HAVE done just that in order to help out a fellow passenger. And I would do it again. Why? Because I am able. Because money isn't everything. Because I am a mother too, and I would want the same done for me. Because when given the opportunity to make someone's day a little bit better, I will always do so. Middle seats on planes are awful. Won't argue with that, but I have tolerated much worse with much less payoff than knowing I helped someone out.

I find this insight really interesting and thank you for sharing. Just this Friday I spent $99 to upgrade on a United 3-hour flight from San Fran to KC. This almost $100 bought me an aisle, closer to the front, and 6 inches more legroom. I don't spend a hundred dollars lightly and I felt guilty for spending that much just to treat myself. After spending that there is no way I could just say oh well here take my seat I'll go back and consider that $99 a donation to making someone's day better. On some of these upgrades we are talking real serious money and that money isn't refunded when you trade your seat. I might have a different attitude if it was $5-$10 but expecting someone to forfeit $100 that they fairly spent seems like a guilt trip too far.
My sister has a special needs daughter. She chooses the SW flights that allow her to sit together. You pay extra for the perk to sit in a seat of your choice. I am sorry, but my sister has had to choose less desirable flights to accommodate her need to sit with her daughter. I would think most people would "switch" seats because my niece couldn't sit alone....however, my sister does not want to inconvenience people. Of course, there is always an emergency situation, however, I doubt this is typically the case.


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