"Reach for the sky!" We're finally getting there in JAN 2012!!!TR LINK PG 69!


DIS Veteran
Aug 31, 2008
Hello fellow Disers! :flower3:


I decided it was time to retire the neverending PTR and start new this year with the hopes that we will make it to our happy place in 2011! If you don't know anything about me, you may attempt to read the neverending ptr, but I wouldn't recommend it! :rolleyes:

It's a sad story of yours truly desperately trying to get back to my favorite place on Earth in the worst year of our life. It turned into a myriad of extensions and overall pitiful wishing. SO! I have decided that I must start anew with more positivity for 2011!

Edited to add that we had a little blip in our plans and although we are well on our way to getting to Disney, we had to buy a vehicle this year and had to push our trip to Jan/Feb. of 2012! I'm squirreling away savings and I KNOW we will make it to WDW in 2012, but unsure if we'll make it in Jan/Feb or if we'll finally get there in Oct.2012. Either way, I know we'll get there!

A little background for you that haven't been lucky enough not to fall prey to the Neverendingptr!...

My dd (then 7) and I went to WDW in 2008 for the first time with a friend and her daughter. I had never been to WDW and was blown away immediately. We fell in love. The only thing missing was my husband and two boys (13 & 14 at the time). We had only ever been on one family vacation for 3 days to the beach and I was determined to go back as a family to WDW! :goodvibes

It didn't take much, when my MIL saw the pictures and heard about the trip, she decided that she wanted us ALL to go to WDW in 2009! Here is the TR, it's a hoot if you have hours of spare time to read it. :lmao:

So, we had a wonderful time, but I still had that tug to take JUST our family back to WDW, just the 5 of us. So, the neverending ptr was started and ended after a year+ of planning with no trip. We had a really hard year and came close to losing our home, gave up our car, and really had to start all over.

BUT! Anyone who knows me will say that I have the perseverance of Horton Hatches the Egg, and we're going to make it in 2012!

Welcome to my PTR!!!! It will NOT be neverending if I have anything to say about it this time! :woohoo:

Up next, the WHOS of the trip!

Me! Me! Me First! *waving arms wildly*

Karen (37...ok, 38 on the trip, but who's counting?): Mother of 3 wonderful children, that I homeschool, petsitter, photographer, vegan, aspiring runner...oh to have so many wonderful labels! :rolleyes: Desperately in love with Disney World. I didn't go until I was well into adulthood but WDW gives me something I didn't even have as a child. It's a magical place for me where I can not only let go of the outside world & pressures, but I can be exactly who I am, free to be young, fun, & playful! It's something I have a hard time finding in the real world. Even as a child I never really felt like a kid, so WDW is a special place for me, some might call it an obsession to get back there...but I'm sure anyone reading this knows the feeling! ;)

Here I am in October 2009 at AK right after stuffing myself at Tusker House!

Uh...kinda need to lose a few pounds to fit back into that shirt if I'm going to wear it this fall! :rolleyes1

Rey (40!! Old man.): My husband, we're celebrating 20 years together this year! :lovestruc He's a dedicated husband and father, who works is a** off as a truck driver to take care of us. I am so very lucky to have him, he's my best friend and shares my joy in things even when he might not want to. When first introduced to the idea of WDW, he was not interested. He hemmed and hawed about how we didn't have the money(ahem...his mother was paying for most of the 2009 trip!) and he couldn't take off work, but I convinced him that he needed a vacation after all these years (he's NEVER had one) and off we went.

By the third day, I heard the words "When we come back..." :woohoo: He was sold! I think it was Biergarten that put him over the edge, he loves anything German (sneaky of me to make sure we went there!) Since then, he's listened to me ramble endlessly about WDW and gets really proud when he points out that he knows something about WDW that other people don't know. :lmao: Here he is on our 2009 trip with me, when we got a night alone out on the Boardwalk thanks to my IL's!

Dylan (17 on the trip! :scared1: I can't believe I'll have a 17 year old this summer. *faints*):
My oldest, he likes WDW for the food and atmosphere. You would think at this age, I would have a ride-junkie, but Dylan is too practical for that. He says he doesn't like the feeling the rides give him and was FURIOUS with me when I told him there were no drops on POTC (I forgot! It's a tiny drop! sheesh!) and vowed to never trust me when I told him rides weren't bad. Uhhh...I kind of did it on Test Track too...but...but...it's not my fault, I had forgotten! :rolleyes1 He also has explained to me that he's a "half-day-park-kinda-guy" Uh, ok, whatever floats your boat dude, but we're staying onsite this time so you can take a bus back half day! :thumbsup2 Despite being such a killjoy, he seemed to have a great time at WDW and likes the idea of going back. LOVED LOVED LOVED Ohana and insists that we go back, so I have to find a way to get back there! Here he is pushing me out of DHS. It was WAY past half-his-day I guess. :rolleyes:


Dallas (going to be 16 this summer! WHAT is going on? I'm old! The horror!):
Dallas, the complete opposite of his brother (naturally!) is my ride junkie! His favorite ride is RnRC followed by my favorite, EE! :thumbsup2 He LOVED the rides, is NOT a half-park-kinda-guy, and really enjoyed the rides, although not big on the foods at WDW. He joked about the great mac-n-cheese at Tusker House! :lmao: He hated Ohana (naturally) and doesn't care for my photography antics, so it's hard to get a picture of him smiling, even when he's having fun! You would never know he was enjoying himself in some of the pictures, here's one with Dylan, Rey, and him (his hair is short now!):


Savannah (10 going on 16): Last, but never least, and my biggest WDW supporter and co-conspirator! My daredevil daughter, who loves all rides, all characters, everything Disney (except maybe too much attention from CM's, she's shy in that aspect) has been with me both times I've been to WDW. I think in a perfect world we would take a girl trip, just the two of us, b/c we love the rides and just soaking it all up together. :lovestruc She's grown up since the last trip, so I'll have to post a shot from the 2009 trip and then a more current shot. She's spunky and sarcastic, like her mother, but when we are at Disney, it's all fun, all the time! Here is my favorite shot of her and Thumper from the 2009 trip!

I can't believe how much older she looks after just a year and a half! My baby is growing up...sigh...

We will also be joined by one of Savannah's BFF's on this trip, Leslee! She has been to WDW, but when she was 2 or something and her family lived in Florida. She doesn't remember it, so Savannah is excited to show her everything! This pic is a year old, but I couldn't find a newer one right now.

So there you have it! I think I need a nap now, that took longer than I thought! :lmao:

Adding a picture from December 2011 of all three kids! :lovestruc

Trying to clean up my table of contents and focus on 2012, so here are my original links to 2011 plans:
I'm going to run Mickey's Halloween 5K!!!
DATES decided!
Planning stuffs!
Gettin' my run on!
Dysney Hysteria!

The Plan
Time to chow down! Suggestions?!
ON OR OFF, help me out here!
and we chose...
The rough Itinerary

First Disney Fun Day!
Little training update
Signed up for a race!
Soarin' Disney Day

One step closer!
Race update!
Cool Club Disney Day

Disney Day contest
Race design update
Cast Update!!
Party or Hop???

ADR bump in the road!
overslept on ADR morning?!?!?
Surprise Disney Day!
more ADR fun!

Mickey head savings!!
Mickey tie dye instructions!
Lemonade Mouth Movie Night!
Earth Day

It's COUNTDOWN time!
Kim Possible Disney Day
Money sucks.
Mypoints and sunglasses!
Phineas & Ferb Disney Day

Lilo & Stitch Disney Day
OT Update! Photography booth

Here we go again :(
Taking a little summer break
You spent your Disney fund on what?
WHY can I never find anywhere to eat at Magic Kingdom? Can someone tell me? Yes, I'm a vegan, and sometimes I'll eat vegetarian at WDW to make it easier, but really? MK has nowhere that sounds good and I have 2 CS meals that I just can't figure out where to eat! I already have Columbia Harbor House on one day, and another evening we'll even go to Contempo Cafe CS before heading back to MK, but I guess we may have to leave and look elsewhere on one of our MK/MNSSHP days? Any suggestions???
WHY can I never find anywhere to eat at Magic Kingdom? Can someone tell me? Yes, I'm a vegan, and sometimes I'll eat vegetarian at WDW to make it easier, but really? MK has nowhere that sounds good and I have 2 CS meals that I just can't figure out where to eat! I already have Columbia Harbor House on one day, and another evening we'll even go to Contempo Cafe CS before heading back to MK, but I guess we may have to leave and look elsewhere on one of our MK/MNSSHP days? Any suggestions???

Pecos Bill's has an amazing fixins' bar for their salads and fries and stuff. Lots of people make the Figaro fries they used to have at Pinocchio Village Haus. And what about Cosmic Rays? Do they have any vegetarian options?
I'll have to go check out Pecos Bills menu on allears.

I've been to Cosmic Rays three times and wasn't impressed at all, but it's centrally located and I have it down for party night IF I can't think of anything else. ALL they have out of all three stations for me to eat is a veggie burger and a veggie wrap. The wrap is really dry, but the taste is ok. I just have to make sure on party night to get there before the party b/c last time I was stuck with just the veggie burger as an option and I just loaded it up with fixin's and that helped. I guess beggars can't be choosers! :rolleyes:
Dates! ARGH! :scared:

I'm having trouble deciding our dates! We MUST have free dining, and I believe they will release again, but maybe only for September, so we would have to arrive on the last day (Sept. 29th) in order to have FD. BUT, I don't like the way my touring plan comes out doing Sept. 29-Oct. 6th, I prefer my second choice, which is arriving on Oct. 1 and leaving Oct. 8th.

I'm unsure what to do b/c if they don't release FD for October, like they have in the last 2 years, we HAVE to do the 29th date. I'll give up the better touring plan for the $1100 we will save! :eek:

So, I'm thinking of booking the 29th all the way through the 8th! Then, when it becomes clearer what is going to happen with FD, I can subtract a couple days from the begining or end of what I have booked. Following me???

The only issue with this is that the touring plans I have come up with are different depending on our arrival day, and some of the ADR's (which need to be made at the beginning of April) overlap, so I'll have to pick and choose.

I'm kicking myself for not booking before December 20th, all this could have been avoided! :sad2:

links for dates I decided on for now!
DATES decided!
I love watching you think out your plans....I hope and pray they offer Free Dining for the general public again for you. I think either way you'll make it work, right???;)
I love watching you think out your plans....I hope and pray they offer Free Dining for the general public again for you. I think either way you'll make it work, right???;)

I think we'll find a way, we might have to stay offsite and pinch pennies for meals (which would be a bummer for the guys, since the food is half the fun for them) but I'm determined!

AND BONUS!!!!!! Last year I converted Hope, this year one of my bestest friends, Summer, and her family, are on my radar! Her dad lives in Florida, so I think they will be going at the same time as us! Disney better watch out for us! This is going to be a blast! :cool1:
I think we'll find a way, we might have to stay offsite and pinch pennies for meals (which would be a bummer for the guys, since the food is half the fun for them) but I'm determined!

AND BONUS!!!!!! Last year I converted Hope, this year one of my bestest friends, Summer, and her family, are on my radar! Her dad lives in Florida, so I think they will be going at the same time as us! Disney better watch out for us! This is going to be a blast! :cool1:

OMG!!! That would be so cute......Summer's new baby at Disney!!! I can already see you making tie dye Mickey onsies for him/her!!! :lmao:
I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it works out for Summer. As for FD, I'm about 99.9% sure they'll release it for September and pretty sure October will follow. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.


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