READ POST 1 & 2 FIRST-Rise of the Resistance Boarding Group Planning and Information-*No Spoilers*

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We're in the exact same boat as you - a 6 pm ADR on 1/31. Now trying to decide if we should even keep it since I feel like we'll be zonked by then. Of course, my husband thinks that we'll be good to go because he and my daughter are such big Star Wars fans that sleep won't be necessary...
I feel ya! DH wants to keep it because the kids love SciFi. Well, there's always the "modify" the ADR to a later date to avoid penalty!
First, let me thank everyone here for all of their hard work and support, especially to SouthLafayetteFan for the spreadsheet. With the update on hours in this thread last night, I was able to update our SDD FP to 8:10AM from 330PM which will come in handy for my kids going back to resort. In reading some of the posts it appears buses are arriving at most on-site resorts earlier than they claim (1 hour prior to park openings). Is this fairly true? My 5 year old and I plan on going to HS next Thursday 1/30 to get a BG for Rise of the Resistance specifically. We are staying at the Polynesian. Presumably a bus would arrive at 6am at the latest, but I've read buses can be hit or miss. Is a bus still the best option? Do they come earlier or when should I arrive at the bus stop? Otherwise I see for a small child's needs:

1) Minnie Van - only starts at 630AM and cutting it too close for my comfort (maybe 615 per a phone call)
2) Lyft - but again car seat issue. Presumably I could have AMZN ship a booster to the resort for the sole purpose of this (at $25 even if I lose it/can't use a locker it's cheaper than a Minnie Van)
3) Bus

After practicing for a week, I feel fairly confident I can get a Boarding Group if I'm in the park at 7am or slightly earlier based on the spreadsheet and posts.
What is it people are looking for online to see the boarding groups from home? Is there a video that shows how people are joining boarding groups?
We go Feb 5th, and I had to be up getting ready for work right at 7:00, so I just wanted to be sure I understood where to go in the app so I do it right when it matters, and the only variable will be wi-fin or data glitches. For me right when my phone switched to 7:00 I hit find out more from the app main page, and join boarding group had not yet become clickable. So instead of backing out I instead chose my status, and then join a boarding group on the next page was clickable. So there are just different ways of getting the same result, and I wanted to see how it went. I figure it will be different when I’m at the parks and thousands of people
trying to use their data at the same time. So it will be slower, but at least I’ll know what I’m doing. I didn’t watch any videos, just looked at the app which is pretty self explanatory when you click around those few pages and read here.
Thanks! And I'll start practicing now.....for September! :D
I have been practicing for our April trip, but that week is Spring vacation for some states in the Northeast and wondering how that will effect availability.
Also, we are within 60 days of MMRR opening and no FP+; will there be a VQ for that as well and we will need to try and get both?
Gives me a headache just thinking about it and the fact that all the best attractions at DHS are Tier I. :headache:
Two bad start days in a row. Now starting to get nervous for my trip this weekend. Curious if this is just going to be the normal for this ride for the foreseeable future where you can expect at least a few periods of downtime every day. Theme Park designers are going to have to figure out as they push the envelope further where’s the balance between creating unique rides and creating something that can run relatively reliably.
Believe it or not I've spent 10 mins looking for this info and not just here but using the google: what time does the Skyliner start running to DHS? Is it still 8am to 10:30pm?
Believe it or not I've spent 10 mins looking for this info and not just here but using the google: what time does the Skyliner start running to DHS? Is it still 8am to 10:30pm?
Last week, when we were there, it was 7:30 every day. We did run into issues one morning when they were having communication issues with the Skyliner control center and it started closer to 7:45.
Does anyone have experience with a boarding group and DAS? We talked to a CM (not at the entrance) and she said they aren’t loading anyone. But we don’t want to lose our spot since our final time to be there is 11:27.
Going to be at the park this weekend, coming from Pop Century. Is scheduling an Uber for 5:45, being there by 6am what everyone suggests as best? Or is arriving at 6:30 fine? Sorry to bother! This is a deep thread to dig through :)
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