READ POST 1 & 2 FIRST-Rise of the Resistance Boarding Group Planning and Information-*No Spoilers*

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If I could ask just one question to the powers that be on Disney, it'd be, why is the starting BG always different. Sometimes it's 2, sometimes its 15, etc. Why can't it always just be at 1 lol
I think when they blast through the first few numbers it’s because there are either recovery FPs from the day before, or private groups first thing.
We have taken many trips during spring break over the years and it is very common (as in much more than half the time) for the opening times to be moved up a month or so before the date.

They have already pushed back some closing times for some days in March, but, if I were betting, I would bet that those 9 AM openings will be moved up for the couple of weeks before Easter and the week after.

The crushes at DHS over this holiday weekend should tell them that a 9 AM opening over the even busier spring break weeks would be worse. I am expecting opening times at DHS, DAK, and MK to go to 8 AM to help spread out the masses a little.

We’ll find out soon enough.
We are just on the edge of that 2 week margin around Easter. I wish they would go ahead and do it if they plan to we are 39 days from leaving today. That's a little late for changing plans.
It’s so disheartening to see so many more people report back with late BG and not riding that day, or people reporting finding others in the park trying multiple times before they’re successful.

It’s frustrating that this has gotten harder to ride not easier or at least stayed the same. I really do think if they won’t extend hours a significant amount and can’t keep it running for most of the day, it’s time to put some system in place that prevents repeats, whether it’s back to back days, weekly, whatever at this point. If their system could handle it (doubtful, but you never know lol) maybe even just partially blocking repeat riders, allowing them to snag a BG after 5 minutes should they exist during their “blocked” window.

I know some people hate that idea, I do, I just think it really sucks that some people are wasting so much Disney time trying to ride this. And these are people doing everything right, not people who feel they should be able to walk into DHS at their leisure and ride. If they’re willing to block same day repeats (when available of course), why not extend that concept a bit if it can alleviate some of the craziness?

I totally agree with you. I just don't understand the locals, bloggers... whoever that re-ride over and over. What's the point? Be a decent human and allow others (once in a great while travelers) to at least have a fighting shot at a ride! Thankfully I'm following this post and understand all the ins and outs of obtaining a BG, but imagine being the family that just shows up...
I totally agree with you. I just don't understand the locals, bloggers... whoever that re-ride over and over. What's the point? Be a decent human and allow others (once in a great while travelers) to at least have a fighting shot at a ride! Thankfully I'm following this post and understand all the ins and outs of obtaining a BG, but imagine being the family that just shows up...

i think they should limit to 1 regular boarding group/week, but anyone should be able to get a backup.
I totally agree with you. I just don't understand the locals, bloggers... whoever that re-ride over and over. What's the point? Be a decent human and allow others (once in a great while travelers) to at least have a fighting shot at a ride! Thankfully I'm following this post and understand all the ins and outs of obtaining a BG, but imagine being the family that just shows up...

I'm one of those once in while travelers. And I wouldn't want any limitations on the numbers of time I can try for a ride when I'm there. If someone paid for his entry (tickets or pass), that person should have the right to try and ride. If the ride is so popular that it warrants getting up at 4am well so be it. If it's trying to rope drop FoP to avoid a 4 hours line or getting a BG for RotR same difference in my book. You paid, you're there, you get a shot.
Thanks for your update! I have been very curious as to how much can actually be accomplished throughout on a really crowded day so I appreciate those details!
I hope our experiences can benefit the next family. There is luck in the BG process, but knowledge is power. We definitely benefited from those who’ve posted on this thread before us. I think the important thing on high crowd level days is to have a solid plan in place, know your priorities, know the limits of your family and cut your losses. We weren’t willing to spend more than an hour in any line and we didn’t have to.
I have a question. We will be trying for the first time March 28th. I fully expected there to be an 8am opening time, but as of right now it is still at 9am. How far out have they been shifting opening time, and any chance it will stay 9am?
Could be as late as the week before.
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