Rental Rates/Concerns

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sajetto said:
I hope I'm not bringing up something I'm not supposed to, but I've not really been on the DVC boards a long time. I've heard the mention of Rich a few times. Has he passed on, or did he just leave the boards?

I believe it's been a couple of years now since he passed away.


I had to look this word up, because I didn't know what it meant. I love it, and will have to add it to my vocabulary.... I'm job interviewing, so maybe I can work it into the phone screen somehow ;)



One entry found for bombastic.

Main Entry: bom·bas·tic
Pronunciation: bäm-'bas-tik
Function: adjective
: marked by or given to bombast : POMPOUS, OVERBLOWN
- bom·bas·ti·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
sajetto said:
I hope I'm not bringing up something I'm not supposed to, but I've not really been on the DVC boards a long time. I've heard the mention of Rich a few times. Has he passed on, or did he just leave the boards?

Always good to ask - Rich did indeed pass from this life some time ago - he was certainly one of the top ten posters on this board considering whit, style, content and substance

He is missed by many of us

His duels with PKS44 were some of the best!


I'll have to use that on MrsTomorrow one of these nights:

"Oh, Dahling, you're looking simply bombastic this evening...." :rotfl2:
DrTomorrow said:
I'll have to use that on MrsTomorrow one of these nights:

"Oh, Dahling, you're looking simply bombastic this evening...." :rotfl2:

Make sure you have your Football (American style) gear on whilst doing so!


sajetto said:
I hope I'm not bringing up something I'm not supposed to, but I've not really been on the DVC boards a long time. I've heard the mention of Rich a few times. Has he passed on, or did he just leave the boards?

Yes, as was posted by jaysue, Rich passed away in Sept 2004. If you want any idea of what this DVC community is like, do a search for posts started by Richyams and look around that date. Rich's dear wife Lisa let us know what had happened and the response was very touching. I remember how sad I was that he had passed away, and I had never even met him! I learned during that time what a 'cyber community' we had here on the DVC board.

It warms my heart when he is still remembered. :grouphug:
Muushka said:
Yes, as was posted by jaysue, Rich passed away in Sept 2004. If you want any idea of what this DVC community is like, do a search for posts started by Richyams and look around that date. Rich's dear wife Lisa let us know what had happened and the response was very touching. I remember how sad I was that he had passed away, and I had never even met him! I learned during that time what a 'cyber community' we had here on the DVC board.

It warms my heart when he is still remembered. :grouphug:

Mine too!

Thanks to all of you for keeping his memory alive. It really means a lot to both Jacqui and me.

Hope all are happy and healthy and enjoying OKW :teeth:

Lisa H
Richyams said:
Mine too!

Thanks to all of you for keeping his memory alive. It really means a lot to both Jacqui and me.

Hope all are happy and healthy and enjoying OKW :teeth:

Lisa H

We are all doing great Lisa H - thanks for posting - cheers to Rich's spirit and zest for life

Hey Lisa....

Rich is still missed..... everywhere. (((hugs)))

He is the one DISer I think of every time I am in WDW.
I am new to this DVC and want to make sure I am understanding all of this completely. When we use points for our room...this also includes tickets for WDW? One ticket per person per day stay??? Park hopper and water park option??? And we can add dining??

Sorry if it sounds dumb but want to completely understand it.

I am new to this DVC and want to make sure I am understanding all of this completely. When we use points for our room...this also includes tickets for WDW? One ticket per person per day stay??? Park hopper and water park option??? And we can add dining??

Sorry if it sounds dumb but want to completely understand it.


No tickets are included with a point reservation. You can add the standard or deluxe dinin plans, standard is approx. $38 per adult per night of your reservation, $10 per child age 3-9. Deluxe is $70 per adult, $20 per child.

Park tickets can be purchased either at check-in or through any authorized outlet.

If you are renting a reservation from an owner, the owner will need to contact Member Services on your behalf to add the dining plans at least 48 hours prior to you arrival at the resort. You will pay for those plans at check-in.
And thanks for resurrecting an old Rich post. It's been a while since we've all thought of him via one of his posts.

All you get for your points is your room. Nothing else.
I am a new DVC owner, and I am a little put off by so many complaints about renting points out. The last I looked this country's economy is based on a free market system, and this system has worked better than any other tried to date. I am a single parent and my thought was to buy other DVC points and rent them out to defray the costs of ownership. I am not looking to get rich, but to be able to treat my children once in a while without breaking the bank. I am not on welfare, I went back to school to finish my degree, got a decent paying job and took my children to DW for the first time ever Nov. '07. My oldest is 18. It isn't like we live high off the hog. Why shouldn't I be able to buy something and rent it out? Homeowner's do it all the time.

I am not trying to be rude, but if it bothers anyone that much why are you a member in the first place? IMHO If you want exclusivity, get a home in the Hamptons.
...I am not trying to be rude, but if it bothers anyone that much why are you a member in the first place? IMHO If you want exclusivity, get a home in the Hamptons.

I guess it bothers some people because we were told that DVC was for personal vacation experiences and not for achieving rental income.
Sandals, there are lots of people who are "middle of the road" in terms of how they feel about renting, yet what you tend to hear most on the Boards (and probably in life, perhaps) is the extreme views on either end. Many people have no issue with members renting occasionally to friends or family, or even renting fairly regularly to make a profit as you described. Yet what tends to freak people out is the thought that "professional renters" with gobs of points they NEVER use themselves, are booking precious reservations (Christmas week at Wilderness, Food and Wine at BCV) and then selling them to the highest bidder on (gasp!) Ebay. It makes it harder for members to get the reservations THEY want -- or at least they suspect it does -- so there is a backlash against "professional renters."

At this point Disney seems to have heard this grumbling and is attempting to "rein in" this type of renting. I personally suspect this is less out of respect to member complaints than a desire to micro-manage and see more points go unused (and hence returned to Disney) -- but hey, maybe I am a conspiracy theorist when it comes to Mickey... In any case, that is my simplistic little explanation of the uproar.

When I bought DVC, I KNEW you could give away or rent points, but the concept of "professional renting" never really occured to me. Like me, there are probably a lot of people who hear about it and go "Hey that's not fair..."

And for what it's worth, I always say a little hello to Richyams when I visit the Haunted Mansion as I recall learning that a minute portion of his remains reside there.
I know I think about him and his posts quite often.
Was nice to see this one it has been a long time.
And thanks for resurrecting an old Rich post. It's been a while since we've all thought of him via one of his posts.

All you get for your points is your room. Nothing else.
I am a new DVC owner, and I am a little put off by so many complaints about renting points out. The last I looked this country's economy is based on a free market system, and this system has worked better than any other tried to date. I am a single parent and my thought was to buy other DVC points and rent them out to defray the costs of ownership. I am not looking to get rich, but to be able to treat my children once in a while without breaking the bank. I am not on welfare, I went back to school to finish my degree, got a decent paying job and took my children to DW for the first time ever Nov. '07. My oldest is 18. It isn't like we live high off the hog. Why shouldn't I be able to buy something and rent it out? Homeowner's do it all the time.

I am not trying to be rude, but if it bothers anyone that much why are you a member in the first place? IMHO If you want exclusivity, get a home in the Hamptons.

As already mentioned, the complaints usually center around speculative bookings (booking prime times in the hopes of renting it out later) and large renters. One of the things to consider is that depending on how you do the math, the current points rental just covers the initial buy in investment and MF's. So the point to buying just to rent out will take years to recoup those costs and actually turn a profit. For a normal user, renting is a good option in the even that you cannot take your annual vacation or are looking at losing points. I would not recommend buying extra just to rent, especially with the ever changing rules on renting from Disney.

For the record the contracts and POS specifically restrict commercial use of your DVC, so many of the complaints also come from different interpretations and opinions on what exactly "commercial renting" is.
This is the song that never ends...yes it goes on and on my friends...some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll just go on singing it forever just because...

This is the song that never ends...yes it goes on and on my friends...some people started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll just go on singing it forever just because...
I have read the whole thread and decided to respond. I am not a DVC member and I am hopefully renting points from a member for a week in August for a 1 bedroom villa. I have never been able to figure out what the DVC advantage much do the points "really" cost a member?
Appears there are many variables. I am renting at $10.00/point and I plan on renting again in 2011.
I think I understand member waiting lists, etc. I think I would be unhappy if someone who did not need one but has it booked just because, but if the contract allows it, so be it.
I have never found Disney to be a cheap vacation whether I book a resort room or this year rent points. If it were I would fly down once a month.

Thank you renter for a reasonable room at GCV.

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