Revival of the angry thread!

If my kids want "Thier own space"...they can move the hell out and rent their own space somewhere else. I bought this house, I paid for the crap they clutter their rooms with...I pay for the electricity that they refuse to turn off in the middle of the day when they arent even home...I pay for the food that gives them energy to make the messes thay make....I pay for the water they fill the bathtub to the very rim with the clean the dirt they gathered from someplace I probably DONT pay for and selflessly brought home to me.
This is MY world, I bought it....Im simply lending it to them till they are old enough to bully their own kids around in a home that THEY have paid for!!!!!
That being said....I havent seen the floor of my 2 oldest daughters' rooms in many months....doesnt matter how tough or lenient you're kids were created to piss you off!!

Amen ;)
My hope is by welcoming him in...(such as it is) he will have to step up and actually be the man she thinks he is...OR..she's gonna see that he's not who she thinks he is. Either ignoring him we've only pushed her closer to him..she protects him. Now....we shall see.
If all else fails..there are those contractor bags!


Auntie....start coming on to the kid when your daughters not in the room. Make some very sexual advances to him (warn your husband first so he knows whats going on). When you start making passes at the kid....he's gonna tell your daughter...who, in return will NEVER believe YOUD do something so disgusting especially to someone that she KNOWS you detest!!!! She'll start to question is sanity, or at the very least his honesty. When she finally gets the balls to confront you with it....deny every thing!!! Deny it till your dying day. If it doesnt work...what have you lost? Dignity? Pffffft, who needs THAT crap???? Think of how much fun this could be!!!!
I have two dd, one has a disability and people alway look at us and think poor things, are you kidding...she's the easiest child I have ever raised, polite, always quick to say sorry, a dream child, except for health of course.

Our second dd was beautiful, perfect phyical health, spoiled, alway catered to, her attiude alway sucked and a total mess from the time she turned about 15..we thanked our luck stars whenever she moved out what a huge pain in the butt she she is grown and a mature sweetheart but back then, I would have sold her on the black market for 2.00 if someone would have had her.
Auntie....start coming on to the kid when your daughters not in the room. Make some very sexual advances to him (warn your husband first so he knows whats going on). When you start making passes at the kid....he's gonna tell your daughter...who, in return will NEVER believe YOUD do something so disgusting especially to someone that she KNOWS you detest!!!! She'll start to question is sanity, or at the very least his honesty. When she finally gets the balls to confront you with it....deny every thing!!! Deny it till your dying day. If it doesnt work...what have you lost? Dignity? Pffffft, who needs THAT crap???? Think of how much fun this could be!!!!

Dignity..what's that..I forget?:confused:

Nahh...I'm thinking this seduction idea of yours probably wouldn't work..I mean I already told the kid I would run him over with a car. Oh..did I leave out that part of the story?:confused3 .. Silly me..I'm sorry.:laughing:
If my kids want "Thier own space"...they can move the hell out and rent their own space somewhere else. I bought this house, I paid for the crap they clutter their rooms with...I pay for the electricity that they refuse to turn off in the middle of the day when they arent even home...I pay for the food that gives them energy to make the messes thay make....I pay for the water they fill the bathtub to the very rim with the clean the dirt they gathered from someplace I probably DONT pay for and selflessly brought home to me.
This is MY world, I bought it....Im simply lending it to them till they are old enough to bully their own kids around in a home that THEY have paid for!!!!!
That being said....I havent seen the floor of my 2 oldest daughters' rooms in many months....doesnt matter how tough or lenient you're kids were created to piss you off!!

I'm reading this thinking....I've said all that..and thought all that..and it didn't work. Then I read how it turned out for you.....

Regular tough guy you are! :rotfl2:
Gee thanks :scared:

Do you think I was wrong ?? I am sitting her feeling bad about her weekend being messed up.

I'm no expert at raising children - never having had any....but as I was reading your original story I was thinking....hmmmm....if DD isnt' too far away, I would have made her come home. Then I read that your DH did make her come home. :thumbsup2

No, I don't think you're being overly harsh. It's not like you're abusing her or beating her. You're just trying to keep her within the boundaries you have set. You & DH are the parents, and that's your privilege. She has to learn that there are consequences for her choices - and that's just how life is.

Now... march into her room, take out the TV, stereo, MP3 player, cell phone.... all the toys... and hand her a book to read. She'll either read it or fall asleep. Either way you'll have peace. And for goodness sake, have her load and unload the dishwasher every day for a week. That is not too much to expect from a 14 year old.
today I'm pissed off, and that mood isn't expected to change anytime soon
today I'm pissed off, and that mood isn't expected to change anytime soon

Are you for real, or just jerking our chains?

If you're serious.....what's wrong?

If you are only saying this to catch me off gaurd for our fight then you can leave the gorilla warfare at the door, Buster. Fighting dirty is my job!

Guerilla - Gorilla.... big difference!:lmao:

I'm mad at work.

I take it the freeze is still on??? I know how frustrating that can be. Don't let it ruin your life Pete --- some day, you'll have it all behind you and you'll wonder why on earth you let some things eat at you. It's truly NOT worth it!

Take a deep breath, big guy, and think of your wonderful wife and beautiful children. Those are the ONLY things that matter!
just sending encouragement to Pete.:thumbsup2 (i'm even restraining from using the goodvibes smiley)


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