Riddle me this!

Mary's father has five daughters...1. Nana, 2.Nene, 3. Nini, 4. Nono. What is the name of his fifth daughter?

MARY :teeth:

Debster! You've got some YESTERPANTS coming! :)

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Hey Bernie...

You forgot the riddle......

waaaaaaahhhh....that can't possibly be the riddle....it's not even a complete sentence....

I'm going back to bed!!!!!
Happy Wednesday OK & Fellow Riddle Groupies:D

This riddle will require more coffee............no instructions??? are we supposed to correct that sentence fragment?? ;) :rolleyes: :p

Is it a Valentine Riddle??????
Good morning, Stephanie...

Good night, Stephanie....

:teeth: :teeth:
hee hee - such a simple little phrase, really. :)

Here's another version...



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I've heard from a few DISers about RiddleCon buddies in the past day or so....

Be sure to let Stephanie know!!! She has graciously volunteered to coordinate that! We would, of course, rather that you helped us storm the Days Inn!!! :p
I agree with Stephanie and Laura!!! Wish I was back in bed! I had trouble getting in today. Had to reboot the cable modem. I guess the cold and wind got to it! We had 30 mile an hour winds here yesterday afternoon!!! Now it is below zero again.:rolleyes: The winds are down, but the windchills are still in the -30 range. I WANT SPRING!!
Good Morning All... hey, the riddle is hard enough for me when it is a couple of sentences.. that is just a phrase.. :) :) I will have to think on it a bit......Bernie, are you trying to kill us with these trick ones?? hmmmmmmm

OK, more snow heading our way and brrrr it is freezing... I am not sure whether Amid is going to get hit again or it will be us on the North Shore.. At any rate, I am sick of the white stuff and will be glad to ship it to those who want it..

Have a great Wednesday everyone.. and if you get a chance stop by and see Dixie Dreamer's pictures of her garden.. the flowers are incredible... by clicking here
DblD..those pictures are stunning...I don't think I'll EVER see my garden again.
Diane - I am with you 100%!! I want to see my yard again. I want to wear no socks. I want to open my POOL!!!!!!

Thanks for that link, Mahsha! It sure looks like a nice diversion away from all this snow and cold! And Laura - thanks for that post. It is lovely! :)

Wouldn't this be great? Your own little room on stilts!

THanks for the pants, OK! I will need thermal ones here today. It is -5 air temp., but the windchill is -30!
brrrrrrrrrrrr that is COLD Diane!! Stay Warm!!!

I am still puzzled............anyone wanna help??


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