Rock On!! Because Devil Horns Do Belong at Disney. An Oct TR Updated 9/5 x10!

::yes:: be willing to bet it is a " guy thing " hey they love a challenge and bragging rights so I think this would fit the bill ;)

Beautiful pictures of CSR Ariana nice job I would have loved being close to the bus stop but the no tub, I don't know if I would like that at all You said it ended up with DP being less than POP ? WOW !

Definitely a guy thing!

Thanks on the pictures. For the most part, I was pleased with my new camera.

The location was ideal for us since we mostly ate breakfast in the room. And I never really ended up missing a tub.

Yep, we saved a whooping $5 over what we would have paid at POP at full price. :rotfl: But we got to upgrade to a moderate resort which is what I wanted for Jim.

Can I join in??:wave2:

We had a handicap room at an Allstar resort, I loved the extra room and the king size bed but the bathroom was weird. Not sure how safe it was supposed to be for those with mobility issues when the floor was always wet :confused3

I'm waiting to see the horns in every picture with your husband, looks like something mine would do, but he loves Disney. At least he better we live right next to it!

Looking forward to more!

:welcome: Of course you can join in! Which Allstars did you stay at? I had a handicapped room at All Star Music in March but I had a tub.

Well, the horns weren't in every picture because I made him pose nicely some of the time so I could get some good pictures of us!

I'm here!!! I'm here!!!! I'm so excited! We are staying at CSR next week so I can't wait to hear all about it!!!

Glad you had a good trip :)

Yay! Glad you made it here. We did like CSR although there were a few downsides. I'll get to those as the TR progresses.

Great update! :)


I'm here! Can't wait to hear all about your trip. Love your pics of CSR, would love to stay there one day!

Hi! I finally made it over to your TR too. CSR was definitely a beautiful resort.

Great room location.

Hilarious husband!

You've never had two sinks at Coronado; they've always been only one sink with huge counter space (a big reason people complain about the Coronado; personally, I'd rather have the one sink and extra counter space).

Thank you Kathy! I couldn't remember for the life of me if we had two sinks in 2011. I guess I was mixing up my different trips. I was there with 2 other ladies and I don't remember it being a problem getting ready in the morning.

LOVE your room! love the commentary even the comments! I work in Transportation so i get that part!!! :lmao: :cool1:

so how close was that toilet???? :rotfl2: :lmao:

Jim always says that if he isn't swearing at the truck drivers, crane operators, Freight Forwarders, etc. that he deals with then they don't take him seriously!

Well, the toilet was about 2 feet from the curtain. And the shower head was one of those removable ones that has a hose. I do think it would have been possible for him to try it if I would have let him. :rotfl:

:welcome: Thanks for joining in!

I'm here! I'm glad you let me know you'd started this! Looks like it'll be a fun one!

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We did have a lot of fun on this one! And it was a totally different trip that I usually take so it should be interesting.
Before I start the next installment, I think I need to give some back story about Jim. I wasn’t going to bring any of this up but it played a role several times during the week. A few things that happened don’t make sense unless I explain a little bit. Jim is pretty sensitive about this so please if you ever meet him, don’t mention I told. So, when he was 22 he was diagnosed with cancer, Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Luckily that’s one of the easiest ones to beat and he did so without any trouble. We actually started dating while he was going through the chemo treatments. I knew we would have a solid relationship if we could survive that at the beginning. Once the chemo was finished though, he started to have some issues with panic attacks and for some strange reason, a shy bladder. Oh and he also became a pretty extreme Germaphobe too. He fought the problems for years without help but about a year ago it started getting out of hand to the point where he was cancelling stuff. He finally started to go to a psychologist at the beginning of the year and it’s helped a lot. You can probably understand a little more now why he hates to travel and also why Disney is not his favorite place.

Alright, let’s move on from that and talk about the actual trip. Where did I leave off? Oh yea, we had arrived at the CSR bus stop and were waiting for a bus to the Magic Kingdom. When we got to the bus stop, another family told us we had just missed one. No problem, they come every 20 minutes right? Not really, we ended up waiting 35 minutes till the next one came. I was getting a little worried and grumpy at this point because our first FP+ was for 4:20 pm – 5:20 pm. If you remember from my last post, we left the room at 4:00 so it was now 4:35 and we were just leaving for MK. Unfortunately this would not be the last time we waited a long time for a bus.

While we were waiting though, Jim started asking me all kinds of questions about pin trading. He seemed really interested so I asked him if he wanted to trade. He said yes so I told him he could have some of my starter pins as I bought a lot of 100 right before we came.

We ended up getting to MK around 5 pm so I took a few quick photos and we headed straight to Tomorrowland to use our Buzz FP+ before it expired.

The Fast Pass line was way out the door but luckily it went fast and we were able to make the FP time. Check out all those people!

The whole way through the line I was teasing Jim that I was going to whip him at the game. He was very confident that he would beat me because he plays a lot of video games. I was even so bold as to predict he wouldn’t even get 100,000 points. So was I right?

Yep I was! He of course blamed it on a “faulty” gun. I know better, that ride just takes a lot of practice to figure out how to aim the guns. Oh, and did my prediction of whipping him come true?

Why yes it did! I spent a lot of time studying where the highest targets were just so I could make sure and beat him. That was actually one of the highest scores I’ve ever gotten on the ride.

When we got off the ride I realized that by heading straight to the ride and not stopping to get our PP+ card, I wasn’t going to be able to get the ride photo at that time. So I took a photo of the picture number and we headed back down to Main Street to get the PP+ card. I marched confidently into the store in between the jewelry store and the Confectionary only to be confused that the photo shop was not there. Am I imagining things or did the photo store used to be there? This was about the time when Jim started to question my Disney knowledge.

We headed around the corner towards the hat shop and Jim decided to take things into his own hands and asked a CM. He directed us to the theater where the photo shop actually is. Sad thing is I was in the theater in March so I should have known where the shop was.

We waited just a few minutes in line. Well I did, Jim checked out the pin lanyards as he wanted to get one. It was very simple to trade the certificate I got in the mail for the PP+ card and we were on our way back out pretty quickly. And like a good Diser, I paused for a minute and took a picture of the back of my card in case I lost it.

Jim didn’t find a lanyard he wanted at the photo store so we stopped in the Emporium quickly and he found a Pirates one he liked so he got it. Here it is later that night after he added some pins.

A closer picture of the design:

We headed back down Main Street and I finally had a minute to breathe and take a picture of my favorite castle. It was crowded that night but I expected it to be on a Saturday.

We stopped for a few PP pictures and then went back to the Buzz dump shop so I could get the ride photo added to the PP+ card. This was very easy to do since I took a picture of the photo number earlier. I don’t have those photos yet but my CD shipped Friday so hopefully it will be here soon!

Our second FP+ was for 5:20 to 6:20 and it was now getting close to 6 pm. I figured we better head towards New Fantasyland. The construction on the new Dwarves coaster had really progressed since I saw it in March and that got me really excited.

I thought this mural was cute on the side of the construction wall.

Up Next: Let’s Go Under the Sea!
Thanks for sharing with us about Jim - I promise I won't ever say a word. I am very glad he beat his cancer - that had to have been so scary for both of you!

I love that you got the high score on BLSRS... Hehehe... That'll teach him... I never score very high on that game.

I can't beleive how crowded MK was that night - crazy!

And I can't believe how much progress has been made on the mine coaster since we were there in Aug! Wow!!! I cannot wait to ride it!!!!

Looking forward to your next update! :)

Good Morning Whew what a weekend I am happy its Monday and I can start to catch up around here and I started with YOU :goodvibes ...not even my own ;)

Aw ...thanks so much for sharing about Jim yes things make more sense now and knowing this I feel very good about how he was warm and inviting from the time we met It says so much about the two of you as a couple going through this at the beginning of your relationship Very Blessed

You beating him at Buzz smart aleck and then not knowing where to go for PP+ :rotfl2: karma baby karma ::yes::
My lips are sealed about Jim's panic attacks! ::yes:: Love the lanyard he picked out. :thumbsup2 Yeah, MK looks like a MADHOUSE! :scared1: We obviously hit it on a good day, because we didn't see any of that at all. :goodvibes
Mum's the word on Jim; I can certainly understand his fears.

I'm sorry about the bus situation at CSR; we've always had stellar bus service there, but I've found the buses at all the resorts lately has not been the best.

Way to go on your score on Buzz. :thumbsup2

Wow...the mine ride has gotten a lot further since we were there in August.
Getting him into pin trading? Awesome! Hahah, that was fast! :)

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Hi Ariana! Hope you don't mind if I join in! :) Your fur babies are adorable. Sounds like they were getting the puppy treatment while you were gone.

Love your CSR photos, what a lovely resort. Bummer about the wait for the bus.

Great job on Buzz! That photo of the castle has the Dream Along with Mickey show going on - great timing!
I'm here! Great start to your report so far. CSR is such a pretty resort, and that really is a great location to have. We stayed in Cabanas (one of the 9's lol) last year and really loved it. Looking forward to reading the rest :goodvibes
My lips are sealed!

love the lanyard!!! my son would flip for it!!! Ok so now i need to know where to shoot on that dang ride. I am always last.. BUT i also am the one behind the camera! :thumbsup2
yes Mk looks very busy! but your picture of the castle has MICKEY AND MINNIE!!!! :woohoo:
Looks like you had a productive time in MK using the FP+!

I beat my DH at Buzz last year and he refused to ride it again.. I beat him at TSM this year as well.. he wasn't a happy camper!

Yea for Pin Trading. My DH said he wanted to do some but we never traded a single pin!
Thanks for sharing with us about Jim - I promise I won't ever say a word. I am very glad he beat his cancer - that had to have been so scary for both of you!

I love that you got the high score on BLSRS... Hehehe... That'll teach him... I never score very high on that game.

I can't beleive how crowded MK was that night - crazy!

And I can't believe how much progress has been made on the mine coaster since we were there in Aug! Wow!!! I cannot wait to ride it!!!!

Looking forward to your next update! :)


You are welcome, it was a rough year for us. At the same time though, we would have never started dating if he hadn't gotten cancer. He had a steady girlfriend who dumped him when he got sick plus he had a job lined up in a city a few hours away that he ended up not being able to take.

We are both very competitive in a friendly way so I always love when I can beat him!

It was very crowded that night! I was hoping it would clear out some after Wishes but it did not.

I am so excited about the new roller coaster! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it will be open in February when I go next.

Good Morning Whew what a weekend I am happy its Monday and I can start to catch up around here and I started with YOU :goodvibes ...not even my own ;)

Aw ...thanks so much for sharing about Jim yes things make more sense now and knowing this I feel very good about how he was warm and inviting from the time we met It says so much about the two of you as a couple going through this at the beginning of your relationship Very Blessed

You beating him at Buzz smart aleck and then not knowing where to go for PP+ :rotfl2: karma baby karma ::yes::

He is very good about hiding his troubles even from me. One of the things he has been learning to do it open up when he is having trouble so I can help him through it.

I did feel quite the idiot when I couldn't find the photo store.

My lips are sealed about Jim's panic attacks! ::yes:: Love the lanyard he picked out. :thumbsup2 Yeah, MK looks like a MADHOUSE! :scared1: We obviously hit it on a good day, because we didn't see any of that at all. :goodvibes

I liked that lanyard too, it suited him well. It was a madhouse that day! Unfortunately we saw pretty heavy crowds the whole week. Thank goodness I know what I'm doing and could still get us on all the rides.

Mum's the word on Jim; I can certainly understand his fears.

I'm sorry about the bus situation at CSR; we've always had stellar bus service there, but I've found the buses at all the resorts lately has not been the best.

Way to go on your score on Buzz. :thumbsup2

Wow...the mine ride has gotten a lot further since we were there in August.

Unfortunately we did not have very good bus service this time around. It's the first time I've had really bad bus service and it was quite frustrating. I'm not sure if it was just CSR or if it was just the high volume of people that week.

I am so excited for that mine ride!

Getting him into pin trading? Awesome! Hahah, that was fast! :)

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It certainly didn't take him long to fall in love with pin trading!

Hi Ariana! Hope you don't mind if I join in! :) Your fur babies are adorable. Sounds like they were getting the puppy treatment while you were gone.

Love your CSR photos, what a lovely resort. Bummer about the wait for the bus.

Great job on Buzz! That photo of the castle has the Dream Along with Mickey show going on - great timing!

:welcome: Of course you can join in!

The fur babies do get great treatment at the "doggie spa" as we call it. They love our dogs there, especially Eddie. Poor guy has had a lot of issues, mostly with his eyes so they all know him there.

CSR was beautiful but we did have some trouble with the buses.

Sadly I didn't even notice the Dream Along With Mickey until I loaded the photos onto my computer. I think I was just so focused on seeing the castle that I didn't notice the show!

I'm here! Great start to your report so far. CSR is such a pretty resort, and that really is a great location to have. We stayed in Cabanas (one of the 9's lol) last year and really loved it. Looking forward to reading the rest :goodvibes

Hi! :wave2: CSR is beautiful and our room location was perfect for us!

My lips are sealed!

love the lanyard!!! my son would flip for it!!! Ok so now i need to know where to shoot on that dang ride. I am always last.. BUT i also am the one behind the camera! :thumbsup2
yes Mk looks very busy! but your picture of the castle has MICKEY AND MINNIE!!!! :woohoo:

He did pick out a pretty cool lanyard!

I found a couple of websites that help with Buzz. I'll post them at the beginning of the next update so you can check them out.

Yes, Dream Along With Mickey was going on when I snapped that picture!

Looks like you had a productive time in MK using the FP+!

I beat my DH at Buzz last year and he refused to ride it again.. I beat him at TSM this year as well.. he wasn't a happy camper!

Yea for Pin Trading. My DH said he wanted to do some but we never traded a single pin!

We did do well using the FP+. Jim and I are quite competitive with games! You'll have to stay tuned to see what happened with TSM later in the week.
By now you have probably figured out that we were headed towards the Little Mermaid ride. There was a line to get in the FP line as people were scanning their MBs. We found this to be the case at most rides but once you got past that scanning point, the line usually went very quickly.

This ride would be the first test for my new camera (a Canon Powershot S110 in case anyone is wondering). I bought it specifically because it was supposed to take better pictures in the dark. Was I pleased with the camera? Let’s take a trip through the Little Mermaid ride and find out.

Scuttle unfortunately was, um, dead. The animatronic was not working at all.

Now we are under the sea!

Uh oh, it’s starting to get a little scary.

Happily ever after!

Over all I was very pleased with how the camera did on Little Mermaid. Not bad for a point and shoot. And Jim even said he liked the ride. I figured he would because he loves Ariel.

Up Next: Do You Think Anyone Would Notice if I Licked My Plate Clean?
YOU two are ADORABLE!!! holy cow how do you have great hair in Disney?!?!
TELL ME! I need to know this secret!!!!!

thank you for the links... I am going to rock this...

I love the pictures from Little mermaid! great shots!!!

so this just means my favorite!! LOTS OF PICTURES!!!!
New camera I think you did pretty well The night we went to MNSSHP as you remember was the first time I was using my new camera too It was frustrating at first but figured it out in time for the headless horseman I am VERY pleased with those shots You two look great on Main St and boy you 2 really are competitive such intense faces on Buzz :rotfl:

Anxious to read more :wave2:
I have printed out your cheat sheets for Buzz...I will be prepared for my next go round with my husband (which may not be untl the summer because he may want to ride with one of the girls).

I love your Photopass pictures...they turned out great.

And your new point and shoot got some great shots in the Mermaid ride. :thumbsup2
:lmao: it's funny that there are cheat sheets for the buzz ride. people really get into it I suppose!!! I will probably study them to beat my husband....he always beats me at things like that so thanks for the tip

You two are so cute!! Glad you had fun, even if the bus service was lacking
Great updates - the two of you are so adorable together! I love it!!!!

And I think your new camera did very well on that dark ride - I think that dark rides are the hardest to capture because there is so much movement - both you and the characters... Great job!



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