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Agreed on all counts. Andy is wonderful and I'd use him again but is a steaming pile of...

Horrible passive decision on my part. I knew better and thought "but how bad could be." Turns out they can be incredibly bad. I will have to overpay for this low level of service. Pains me greatly.

Echoing JG above: Buyers, you get to pick your settlement company. If you insist on overpaying like I will, just get anyone else and then donate the extra several hundred dollars instead.
Gave up on They don't answer their phones or respond to emails.

Emailed Cammy and she quickly responded this morning to confirm we could switch. I sent Andy an update informing him we want to switch to today.

What a weird ride.
Gave up on They don't answer their phones or respond to emails.

Emailed Cammy and she quickly responded this morning to confirm we could switch. I sent Andy an update informing him we want to switch to today.

What a weird ride.
Wow, that's crazy! So glad you could switch though. It should get the expedited attention that it needs.

I have had no issues w/*** on two resale contracts, but I will definitely be on the lookout when I purchase again.

Thanks for sharing with the community!
Gave up on They don't answer their phones or respond to emails.

Emailed Cammy and she quickly responded this morning to confirm we could switch. I sent Andy an update informing him we want to switch to today.

What a weird ride.
LaToya at called. I had asked "concierge" for someone to reach out. I asked what happened to our file. She said they had to let someone go last week. Then after a bit more she said they let two people go and were playing catch up. Then, she said, maybe Emily was out for a day last week. I asked how our file passed ROFR before others processing at M V T and still was waiting while later ones were off to closing. She was apologetic, but the takeaway is:

M V T is currently short-staffed and is unable to process files in a timely fashion. Let this be your warning if you choose (or someone chooses for you) that service provider.

After I got off that call Andy called (he really is good) and said they can switch but seller has to agree and we can't have any further delays (hah). He asked for the day to get this through at M V T.

We ended that call and poof, there were the docs in our inbox. Our long national nightmare is over (jk). Will get these signed and returned to them today. Let's see how long the rest of it takes.
Finally noticed.?!?! Like you went 4 days after having passed to finally read the email from the broker or title company! Someone is too cool for school!😎

Half the folks in here are having panic attacks checking their email every 15 minutes!🤣

I was absolutely one of those people checking email every 15 minutes!
Danielangie—$101-$20200-200-SSR-Sept-183/2023, 200/2024, 200/2025. Sent 2/25. Passed ROFR 3/11!

Passed in two weeks! Our first contract! So excited!
Congrats!!! Be sure to use the "formatting tool" on page one: to put together your string of info so it's consistent with everyones'. Need to show estimated Closing Costs, Annual Maintenance Fees, Service Fees etc if you have them ;)
LaToya at called. I had asked "concierge" for someone to reach out. I asked what happened to our file. She said they had to let someone go last week. Then after a bit more she said they let two people go and were playing catch up. Then, she said, maybe Emily was out for a day last week. I asked how our file passed ROFR before others processing at M V T and still was waiting while later ones were off to closing. She was apologetic, but the takeaway is:

M V T is currently short-staffed and is unable to process files in a timely fashion. Let this be your warning if you choose (or someone chooses for you) that service provider.

After I got off that call Andy called (he really is good) and said they can switch but seller has to agree and we can't have any further delays (hah). He asked for the day to get this through at M V T.

We ended that call and poof, there were the docs in our inbox. Our long national nightmare is over (jk). Will get these signed and returned to them today. Let's see how long the rest of it takes.
Well this doesn’t bode well for my current contract to close any time soon. They did inform me on Monday they have the buyer’s money but there’s been no update since on actually closing.
LaToya at called. I had asked "concierge" for someone to reach out. I asked what happened to our file. She said they had to let someone go last week. Then after a bit more she said they let two people go and were playing catch up. Then, she said, maybe Emily was out for a day last week. I asked how our file passed ROFR before others processing at M V T and still was waiting while later ones were off to closing. She was apologetic, but the takeaway is:

M V T is currently short-staffed and is unable to process files in a timely fashion. Let this be your warning if you choose (or someone chooses for you) that service provider.

After I got off that call Andy called (he really is good) and said they can switch but seller has to agree and we can't have any further delays (hah). He asked for the day to get this through at M V T.

We ended that call and poof, there were the docs in our inbox. Our long national nightmare is over (jk). Will get these signed and returned to them today. Let's see how long the rest of it takes.
At least you got a response and an apology from them! That's at least professional compared to what Cammy did to us on our VGC contract.

We passed ROFR on 1/26 before it came out publicly that DVC Title & Escrow could actually close any CA contracts. She assured us that we would get our closing docs in a few days, despite knowing for a fact at that point that the title company she subcontracted out the closing to (Fidelity) was holding up another VGC transaction for weeks/months. Once it became public that they couldn't close CA contracts she basically ghosted us and would not return any emails or phone calls. We had to get the broker involved to switch title companies and basically lost a month of time because of them. We only got around to closing last week and haven't gotten our contract or points loaded yet, and there are 160 points on the contract expiring at the end of May that we are running out of options to book with.

We never even received as much as an apology from Cammy or DVC Title & Escrow.
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