Rooms, Pins, Furniture - Updated 4/4/07

I added the bird hat thinking it would generate a) revenue and b) traffic. Result? Nada!
DaraAllen I would love the bird hat and believe me it did generate a lot of interest. I am just wary of spending that many credits before i see the mystery item on monday
Hi Dara!

Me and my boys would love to shop some more pins from your store :thumbsup2

I would like all 5 Host Ghost pins, your churro and a water park set (if it is all 5pins) :)

How about a price?

mordux said:
Hi Dara!

Me and my boys would love to shop some more pins from your store :thumbsup2

I would like all 5 Host Ghost pins, your churro and a water park set (if it is all 5pins) :)

How about a price?


I will work one up. Also, I have more than one Churro pin available (checked out my husband's character last night and realized I stored a bunch of stuff on his account!), if you want more than one. And, yes, the water park set is all five pins.
I am also very interested in the bird hat, like i said, i am like grumpy disney dad and want to wait until after the costume craze to spend my credits. I do hope you get what you want for your hat and if it is still there after October then i will be pm'ing you with a great offer. But in the mean time, I hope you get a great offer that makes you happy!
jeffgwins said:
I am also very interested in the bird hat, like i said, i am like grumpy disney dad and want to wait until after the costume craze to spend my credits. I do hope you get what you want for your hat and if it is still there after October then i will be pm'ing you with a great offer. But in the mean time, I hope you get a great offer that makes you happy!

...and the costume craze is the exact reason I am selling it...LOL!
mordux said:
Hi Dara!

Me and my boys would love to shop some more pins from your store :thumbsup2

I would like all 5 Host Ghost pins, your churro and a water park set (if it is all 5pins) :)

How about a price?


OK, this took a lot of research and a lot of soul searching.

The Halloween Mickey Ghost pins are going for 3-4K each elsewhere
The Churro is going for 5+K elsewhere
The Water Park Set (with surfboard) is going for 8+K elsewhere

(elsewhere means in other trades on this board; I don't compare across boards, mostly because I don't have that kind of time)

I believe in discounts for bulk buying, so:

Halloween Mickey Ghost pins 5 @2500 = 12500
Churro 1 @4000
Water Park Set 1 @7000

Total = 23500

which is a lot of credits in my mind!

I can't remember if you and I did a buyables trade or a credits trade before (I've been through a lot of people in the past few days!). I certainly don't need 23,500 worth of slide pieces, that's for sure.

I know I need lots of the new pin (at least 18), and I'm sure I'll need whatever is coming out on Monday, so we could work out some combination of today's pin, water slide pieces (I know I need at least 30 more straight waterslide pieces and about five of the right turns), and Monday's release to equal 23,500.

From my trades with Sparkle_Cherry, I know it doesn't take long to spend credits around here!

If this is agreeable, let's work the details in PM.
Dear Dara,

Yes we did do a credit/pin trade before. The total was around 800 credits per pin. This price right now is a little rich for me.

Respectfully, I will take a pass for now. Thanks.
I was wondering if you ever traded your bird hat? I noticed you got a few offers but i didn't see if any came through. I will offer 20K credits or 20K shopping spree either this week or next week if you would rather have the cowboy stuff. And even if you don't take my offer it is a good bump for your post! :thumbsup2
I accidently deleted your friend request. When can we meet up so I can add you?

I was trying to cancel out of friend requests so I could clean my friends list and cancel cancelled your request!


jeffgwins said:
I was wondering if you ever traded your bird hat? I noticed you got a few offers but i didn't see if any came through. I will offer 20K credits or 20K shopping spree either this week or next week if you would rather have the cowboy stuff. And even if you don't take my offer it is a good bump for your post! :thumbsup2
I am in interested in trading for a teleportation magic
Click the link in my signature to saw what i have for trade

My offer (for 1) is:

-HSM paino
-and 2 pirate walls with turret


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