Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

Okay see, THAT I get - I totally get why people who didn't get to finish it last year would want to come back and do it again. The "unfinished business" angle makes sense to me. ::yes::

That really bothers me that people are made to feel that way - it would be your first marathon, right? :( Training for and completing any of these events is a big deal.

Dopey gets the most attention (look at this board - it's the only event right now with its own thread), but the preparation (at least for me) wasn't that much different than the training I did for my first marathon in 2012. Same training plan, just threw in more back-to-back runs. I'm proud of myself for doing Dopey but for me, completing my first marathon (something that I never ever thought I would do) is still my biggest running accomplishment.

And Dopey is NOT a vacation - it is work. The one true Dopey I did was a weekend where my BFFs were also in Disney, and I kept having to check out of things because I needed to go back to the room to rest/nap/go to bed early. It was the right decision, because I made it through all 4 days and didn't die, but it was hard to know that I was missing out on so much. Truly that, the training (which, again, not much different than marathon training) and those 4 awful wake-ups in a row, were the hardest things about it. :confused3

You are really validating my feelings on this- thanks! :hug:

This would be my first (& only. seriously!) marathon, so I think I am going to celebrate/aim for that! Just because I can do something (like run Dopey) doesn't mean I want to!

And this is why I am planning on not making my Dopey trip a vacation. A) It's too dang expensive for me to buy the race, fly across the country, book a hotel, go to the parks, make costumes, eat food, drink booze every time. B) During other race weekends when I am only doing two races, I still close the parks down because I am trying to do the best of both worlds. C) I wanna finish Dopey and feel good about it. So my plan is to make my Dopey weekend a relaxing race weekend.

You're a champ! I am not sure I can stand the thought of a WDW trip without the things you mentioned!
I like when I turn away and a big discussion pops up!!!!
Trying to balance the doing something that seems hard (for more than just the physical part) and only doing what I know I want to do. Making myself be uncomfortable in my choices knowing it's a big reward and also being ok being comfortable too. That's confusing when I read it back!!!

Chicago is big potatoes!! Going in with the mindset to be strong and conquer it is big big big potatoes. Fundraising to do it makes it even more so.
I'm still pinching myself to see if it's really me who made that decision.

So one day I'll likely be WDW marathoning (I mean, right)
We'll see how much I decide the bigger challenge is worth it...if it's something I want or not.

If sneaking away with hubby for justa short weekend and only one race is on the kinda just go with what makes sense and what makes you and your family happiest.


I love that everyone is being so open to talk it through :)

PS I haven't made any decisions yet.
Get your suspense popcorn popping!
Okay so I'm gonna be no comes the opposite of peer pressure, not sure what one would call that...

Dopey isn't the end-all, be-all. You have the wake-ups, the cumulative time on your feet leading up to the marathon, the $$$ factor, extra days taken off to get down there early, etc. I said this elsewhere but if/when I go back for marathon weekend I would do the 10K + marathon (my 2 favorite courses of the weekend, plus my 2 favorite characters as the themes).

The marathon is by far the best course so realistically if you can't do the 4 races (and I think the considerations you have listed above are valid and thoughtful on your part), that's a great bucket list item. 4 parks during one race is an experience you'll never forget. And, I mean...Mickey medal. Everyone needs a Mickey medal.

I completely agree. After doing the three races on Princess weekend last year, I knew there was no way I could handle one more early wake up call and 26 miles. I gladly "only" ran the marathon this year and got my medal with a smile on my face.
I completely agree. After doing the three races on Princess weekend last year, I knew there was no way I could handle one more early wake up call and 26 miles. I gladly "only" ran the marathon this year and got my medal with a smile on my face.
I feel like that probably made the marathon and weekend as a whole that much more enjoyable too, to just have one race to focus on.

I'm glad to have been able to do the multiple race thing (both from a physical and financial standpoint) but more relaxed race weekends seem very appealing to me!
I feel like that probably made the marathon and weekend as a whole that much more enjoyable too, to just have one race to focus on.

I'm glad to have been able to do the multiple race thing (both from a physical and financial standpoint) but more relaxed race weekends seem very appealing to me!

Completely agree! I totally respect those who did Dopey, and maybe I will do it one day, but it just didn't make sense for me this year.
Most of my response has been covered but as a gal that just did dopey with kids in tow (granted older and ran most of it with me) it was hard. It was not a vacation. Only the 3 days before sort of were but again running was always in back of mind so didn't use parks to the fullest. We had anticipated doing parks after races but ended up cancelling a lot of dinning reservations and missing fast passes. It was a lot of just hotel rest and relax. I was lucky enough for the grandmas to come down and they did take the kids into the parks a few times but not to the extent that we normally would have. I am glad we were able to use military discounted tickets cause we truly did not get our moneys worth out of them.

Also Dopey was my first marathon and though I finished and so proud that I made it through I am for a lack of a better word a little disappointed in the results. I wish I would have done just a marathon by it's self first to see what I am truly capable of. I'm pretty sure racing 3 days priors messes with the results. I will definitely be doing the WDW Marathon again by its self or with just the 10K just to see if the results would have been the same.

That being said I don't want to discourage anyone from doing Dopey. I think if it's on anyones radar it should definitely be done. It was truly an amazing experience the kinship you get from others doing it is amazing. I felt like I was part of an elite club and just the way someone nodded their head as you passed and you nodded back you knew you were all dopey. Hard to explain in words but it was just cool. If I were to do it again and thats a big if (DD seems to think I should do it with her in 5 years when she eligible). It would be a strictly run-cation, no parks, no extra days and splurge on room with kitchen so can cook and eat when its more accommodating.
I don't know if these pics convey how steamed up my gym is right now! Was 60 degrees and has dropped to 41 already...gonna be 20 tonight. If it wasn't raining weird ice stuff I'd be outside right now.
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Well, I also want to chime in on all the Dopey vs marathon talk. :D

I will say that I absolutely loved our Dopey race weekend. It's been on my bucket list for a few years, and I was just so happy to do it and we had a great time. doesn't come close to the feeling of that first marathon I ran at Disney. Without sounding too corny, it truly was magical. Now, whether that happens as part of Dopey or Goofy or as a solo race, the first marathon there is something I won't ever forget and it honestly is something I want you to experience. You would love it!

I don't see myself doing Dopey again. I mean anything is possible, but I wanted to do it, I wanted all that bling and having done that, I'm just not sure I'd want to go through the time and effort and expense. But, I do think at some point I'll return to do another marathon and maybe the marathon with the 5k or 10k, but having done Dopey once, I think it's enough for me.

Also, steamy windows are everywhere here too. It's barely January and I'm already sick of winter. *sigh*
2 things:

1. I’m not trying to discourage anyone from doing Dopey, and I get that we’re all doing the “peer pressure roxymama to sign up for Dopey!” thing, I just get super bothered by the thought that Dopey is the only event that matters. That is something that has bugged me for years so I get huffy about it. :teeth:

2. Also weirdly warm here - are you getting snow tomorrow? It all melted here today and tomorrow we’re due to get like 6 inches. :rolleyes2
Okay, I'm super late to this discussion, so I'm just going to get to the bottom line: you do you and don't let people pressure you into something that isn't right for you.

That said ... it's possible that everyone has to do marathon weekend next year. Highly unlikely because life, but ... someone might be thinking something and if that something happens, all this runDisney DIS peeps need to be there to see that something crash and burn.
Okay, I'm super late to this discussion, so I'm just going to get to the bottom line: you do you and don't let people pressure you into something that isn't right for you.

That said ... it's possible that everyone has to do marathon weekend next year. Highly unlikely because life, but ... someone might be thinking something and if that something happens, all this runDisney DIS peeps need to be there to see that something crash and burn.
There will be no crashing and burning only running and fun!
I mean y'all leaving me Tink emojis was maybe one the best things to be pressured into :)

Loving all the input today from all kinds of perspectives. It's like the more I get into running the more options open up for me, but I start understanding what is right for me at any given time.

I'm super proud of everyone who has taken that Dopey and marathon plunge and maybe one day....tbd
You certainly all make it look special.

I teared up post run tonight when I read @ZellyB telling me she wants me to experience the marathon magic. That's a nice sentiment and one I know all you leaving silly comments and emojis share.

And YAS to @Ariel484 - all the marathon weekend races are special. My 5k few years ago was like my Olympics at the time and I loved it.

Update: it's dropped at least 30 degrees since dinner time. No snow but everything is wet so it's gonna get real Icey tonight!! Glad hubby took down all the outdoor xmas decorations before they turn into ice blocks!
But running tonight was like being in a sauna. I should just ran outside in the weird freezy drizzle.
I feel like everyone has kind of covered it. I don't really see myself doing Dopey again because it was such a commitment while being down there. I wanted to do my best in the races and have fun in the parks but it was a constant struggle of pulling back because I had to run the next day. That being said I'm glad I did it. For me, I chose Dopey over just the marathon solely because I felt if I did my first marathon and hated it and decided never to do one again I would be disappointed I had never done Dopey. Having run it I now know that having one race to focus on is ideal for me and while I would do the marathon again because as @Ariel484 said everyone needs a Mickey Medal, I don't see myself doing Dopey. Focusing on one race (any race) is an important goal and while I enjoy peer pressuring people into running crazier distances as much as the next person, I think doing a marathon is enough for now.

I also have the crazy weather. We're currently in the 60s but will be joining you in the 30s tomorrow.
I know it has been covered but I did want to chime in on Dopey too. I absolutely LOVED my experience this past weekend! And would do it again in a heart beat if the dates aligned (which honestly is not likely)!
However I agree with @Ariel484:
And Dopey is NOT a vacation - it is work.
and the reason I was able to fully enjoy it, was that I went solo (my Dad and his wife only joined on Friday for the 1/2 but we are all very independent).

I go to bed (and get up) early in real life, so adapting to Dopey time was not that hard for me, however I can see it being quite difficult for those used to a late bedtime. As well I had no issue going to the parks to just ride my FPs, eat, and then happily return to the hotel for rest.

I am in awe of those who manage Dopey along with family responsibilities in the parks.
This midwest weather is drunk... it can go home now! ;)
It was 50 on Wednesday and yesterday is was 4F (right now it's -5F). This weird cold front is clearly moving east toward you!

(PS Thanks for providing a forum for this dopey/marathon conversation... So many good thoughts and perspectives!)


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