Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

and this one makes me think of @Ariel484

Consider yourselves all enabled :)
Hmm, is it a bad thing that the boozy one made you think of me?

I mean, I'll be honest...I looked at the link last night and that is totally the one that caught my eye, sooooo ;)
Hmm, is it a bad thing that the boozy one made you think of me?

I mean, I'll be honest...I looked at the link last night and that is totally the one that caught my eye, sooooo ;)

I didn't know the Cove Bar existed until your trip reports! So it was more the location than the booze that reminded me...I should have clarified ;)
I think this is the Mickey's Fun Wheel and the Neverland Punch.

I didn't know the Cove Bar existed until your trip reports! So it was more the location than the booze that reminded me...I should have clarified ;)
I think this is the Mickey's Fun Wheel and the Neverland Punch.
yes, Fun Wheel and NeverLand yeah it totally makes sense that this one made you think of me :yes:
Weekend wrap-up and cute kiddo pics:

I started my Saturday morning eating Star Wars pancakes that my kiddo begged me to buy and then now refuses to eat.

Maybe the force was with me or it was the coffee, but I decided to just get my blind run over with while it was still early. T+D was only 125 (68 degrees out I think) and I was supposed to do 6 miles at EB (11:16) with strides. I had a brain fart about halfway through my first mile where I couldn't remember if I should do strides or not and looked it up mid run. Queen of Multi-tasking or queen of second-guessing?
Don't make fun of me but I used a barcode sticker from off a sock package on my dresser to cover my screen. (It's easier in winter when sleeves exist for watch-blocking.)
I typically have two types of blind runs.
A) overthink how I'm feeling and obsess if it is matching how I'm supposed to be feeling and then obsess if I should self adjust or not.
B) just run and hope it works out
Well I guess I sometimes blend the two. For this one I kinda just ran and hoped it was right. I felt really strong in that my legs were just kinda falling in sync naturally and I wasn't pushing hard but felt like I was moving well. I'm so bad at dissecting long run from easy B sometimes. Easy A and tempo are easier to differentiate.
So here's what I got after 3 miles down the road and 3 back.
The first two were probably a function of getting outside after some major treadmill pounding in the week and it seems I settled down much better after those. The last mile is fastest because of the strides which I again enjoyed. It's fun to feel like a superhero for at least 15-20 seconds.
So is my 6:30 "best pace" in the chart below a mistake or can I say I ran that fast for at least a fraction of a second? To think there's people on this board that can maintain that for whole races? I bow down!! I like this graph because you can see my pace wiggles and the spikes at the end and the two major stoplights where I had to stand and look angry for a few seconds :)
Do y'all pause or let your watches run at stoplights? I usually will pause if it seems like it's gonna be awhile.
I tried to go :(
And then that night we went to the Chicago Red Stars women's professional soccer game!
A reason to wear my Chicago 5k shirt with the red stars of the Chicago flag on it!! Kiddo was obsessed with the girls and the stands were filled with families and their daughters.
She loved it!
And those women were awesome! We may have a new family activity. Kiddo never wanted to leave her seat. This bodes well for taking her to more "big kid" shows/games etc. Even was gifted a team shirt by her daddy.
They played for 95 minutes and I was thinking "wait that's how long I have to run tomorrow". So I fueled with a healthy hot dog.
Oh and we got bonus fireworks!
I guess I was inspired enough by the Red Stars because I went on my 9 mile long run at 8am this morning instead of waiting for evening. That and I want to watch game of thrones tonight without staying up to late!!!
It took a lil while to get my legs going but then I got into a rhythm. I decided to run to a track in a park I haven't tried yet. Took my just under 2 miles to get there. And I didn't like it. It was about .6 mile loop and I spent a few laps on it but I just didn't like the pitch of the pavement. The flattest parts on the edge were kinda craggy and rough. And it was just not the same "free feeling" as running straight somewhere and back or all around my neighborhood. I tried. Had my slowest times on this loop too. At least I filled my water bottle in the park.
Started feeling my blister on my inner arch (I've got one that's been a tiny bother) but just kept going. At 45 min (upon the advise of dopeybadger) I took my cherry chocolate clif gel (mmmmm runner frosting) and downed a bunch a water and decided to run to the next park for a refill.
That got me to 6 miles and then it was a mental battle to make 3 more miles not seem so far. I did pick the sunny side of the street to go down knowing at 7 miles I could cross to the shady side and run home. Mile 6 to 7 was Tough. I was getting tired and then I got some kind of second wind. Maybe it was the gel or the shade or the promise of home. Or internally shouting at myself to improve my shlumpy posture.
Here's my laps
10:52 is my LR pace so this is about +10 on average and a lil slow at times and pretty right on at the end. Feeling good about it.
I did have a brewskie and a plate or pierogis for lunch but I ate it all drank most of it before I remembered to take a pic. Old Man Grumpy beer by Goose Island. So kind of dwarf related, just not yalls fave drwarf.

Oh and kiddo slept in her new shirt and had me make a braid like #11 and I like that she's got another kind of princess to look up to right now :)IMG_0713.JPG
Monday Training Update for the upcoming week a day early! Because I'm sitting at my laptop at home and kiddo is playing on her own and not on top of me up in my business!

So you kind of can deduce by my weekend update above and my earlier treadmill runs this week that it was a lot of mileage. The most in this training cycle so far I'm pretty sure. My body is not sore, but it is definitely "gooshy" and I'm for sure at low battery physically right now. So it is quite nice to see some shorty workouts in the week ahead. Until I see what Thursday has in store for me. Jeepers. So here's what I've got to look forward to:

Mon 8/14 REST!
Tue 8/15 4 mile EA (yes, please)
Wed 8/16 Stir (I skipped stir last week...gotta get back on track with that to keep it more routine)
Thu 8/17 .5 mi WU, 6x1mi strength with .25 RI @ WU + .5 mi CD.....ooooookay
so @DopeyBadger would this be correct that after my WU I run for 1 mile at 9:25 (EEP!) then do my WU pace for .25 miles before doing the next full mile at strength pace and then my final RI is actually my .5 mi CD?
Ok...this looks scary on the surface. But I guess if I can do tempos without stopping than I can do this since I get "breaks" along the way. But also this looks scary. But I can do it. But it looks scary. But it'll make me faster. But it looks scary.
And now I'm glad Mon is only 4 easy miles.
Fri 8/18 REST and a family wedding :)
Sat 8/19 4 mi EB with strides (yes, please)
Sun 8/20 5 mi LR BLIND (gotta go look for another sticker!)

PS I see you 10 miler lurking. Remind me to order some more gels in prep.

Certainly scary, but certainly doable! Your description is correct except the pacing is a 9:29 min/mile. Only 6 weeks to go and only 4 weeks of real training left. Home stretch time!
Certainly scary, but certainly doable! Your description is correct except the pacing is a 9:29 min/mile. Only 6 weeks to go and only 4 weeks of real training left. Home stretch time!

Sweet...I'll take those extra .04 seconds of my pace back thank you very much!

I know, it's so crazy that it's getting close again to half marathon is Sept so soon???
OMG how awesome was Game of Thrones!!!!!!!!!

Great weekend recap, solid mileage there! Looks like you had a fun night at the soccer. I've taken my girls a couple of times to rugby games but they get bored and don't like the noise, especially when we (invariably) lose. That's our Auckland team that loses, not the All Blacks who always win :)
OMG how awesome was Game of Thrones!!!!!!!!!

Great weekend recap, solid mileage there! Looks like you had a fun night at the soccer. I've taken my girls a couple of times to rugby games but they get bored and don't like the noise, especially when we (invariably) lose. That's our Auckland team that loses, not the All Blacks who always win :)

You may have already seen this, but here's just a lil video of Jason Momoa doing a haka while auditioning for Game of Thrones :) It's the All Blacks that do the haka, right? Swoon
When I stayed overnight at a Maori village, I remember them doing the haka and then we got to do the hongi with the leader (I hope I'm using the right terms.)

Yum! Those pancakes look delicious! It looks like you had a great time at the game.

The pancakes actually are pretty much a D- on the taste and texture scale. The "normal" non Star Wars ones are much better (as much as eggo pankcakes can be good compared to ones from scratch.) But at least they look cool :)
What a great family weekend! RoxyKiddo is about as cute as they come. I can almost feel her excitement at the soccer game! :) Also, great long run! Enjoy your rest day today!
Loved your weekend together and the family pictures with your guys at that soccer game are just the best! Love that roxykiddo wanted her hair like #11 and slept in her shirt. So stinkin' cute!!

Great training week and glad you got that 9-miler out of the way early even if you didn't love the route. GoT has been just epic this season right? Loving it!!!!
What a great family weekend! RoxyKiddo is about as cute as they come. I can almost feel her excitement at the soccer game! :) Also, great long run! Enjoy your rest day today!

I will for sure take your advise and enjoy my rest day...having a "Donut Shop" Vanilla Creme Puff flavored k-cup coffee right now.

Loved your weekend together and the family pictures with your guys at that soccer game are just the best! Love that roxykiddo wanted her hair like #11 and slept in her shirt. So stinkin' cute!!

Great training week and glad you got that 9-miler out of the way early even if you didn't love the route. GoT has been just epic this season right? Loving it!!!!

GoT has been so epic...I'm in denial that after the next two episodes we have to wait FOREVER for the final season. I was so excited about so much this past episode and so NOT HAPPY about other things. Like this big plan they have seems really stupid at face value at the moment. Was almost hard to fall asleep.
Also Drogon is just a big ole puppy and no one is allowed to hurt him.
Nice work! I have a lot of scary things on my @DopeyBadger plan too, but after I'm done with each workout I'm always pleasantly surprised that it wasn't too bad. I know you'll do fine as well. It's like he knows just how far to push, but not too much, ya know?

It's our fault for completing the scary workouts and crushing races. It just feeds into new scary things to pop up on the plans :)
Also Cool Down pace is a gift that I'm always happy to open.
Happy Monday/Rest Day! You've earned it!
Roxykiddo is adorable - love the braid!
Can't believe how September is right around the corner either...combination excitement/mild panic when I got to the last page of DopeyBadger's training plan. =P
Keep up the great work!
GoT has been so epic...I'm in denial that after the next two episodes we have to wait FOREVER for the final season. I was so excited about so much this past episode and so NOT HAPPY about other things. Like this big plan they have seems really stupid at face value at the moment. Was almost hard to fall asleep.
Also Drogon is just a big ole puppy and no one is allowed to hurt him.

Yes on the big plan!!
Who thinks it's a good idea to head out with 7 people (kick-a** as they may be) and decide to try and catch a white walker? Insane I say! But, that scene with them walking through the gate out into the frozen North was so awesome. But, you know some of them will die. :( I was so happy with Gendry making a reappearance too and that Davos absolutely stole the show in this one. He was amazing.

Do you think Cersei is really pregnant? I think she's lying about it just to keep Jamie under control. My greatest wish at this point is that Jamie is the one who eventually kills her making him a King AND Queen slayer. I assume you also caught the part with Gilly mentioning that Rhaegar got his marriage annulled to marry another woman - presumably Jon's mother - which makes him the legitimate heir to the throne. Whoa. Loved the scene with Jon and Drogon too. You'd think that might make Dany a little curious right? I'm a little worried that Dany is getting a little big crazy though.


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