Roxymama's 5k to Marathon, Time to Collect Another Castle

At what point after a marathon do you switch from the "never again" to the "maybe again" frame of mind and will it be by November or later?
Like the others have said, pretty much straight away. Not so much the 33km coastal runswimrockhop I did in February - that was horrible and never again!
Hubby and I are in Columbus for my cousins wedding and stayed up late eating queso, drinking margs and catching up with family. Was a real good time.
We slept in (for like one hour) and had coffee and croissants in our hotel lobby then some water and went on an exploratory run outside.
Nice breezy weather, lil humid but not bad. We did my prescribed 4 miles and hubby said I could go ahead but tbh the marg-night effects had me feeling like staying with him was okay.
We did strides together during last mile. Glad we got out there together :)

My satellite took a while to find me but eventually it did. Luckily hubby had his watch and about .5 miles in we started matching more.



Day 4 and like that Week one is done. I'm counting my days because I've read that it takes 15-21 days to form a habit so I'm trying my darndest to get back in the habit of consistency.

Meant to do 4 miles at 11:05 and I got a lil fast. The weather was perfect and I had a bit of a tailwind during my out and a bit of downhill on my back...but yeah...also bad roxy. I'll dial it back Tuesday.


Just leaving this here as proof that sometimes I seek out "hills"
(Also that the stop lights are exactly one mile apart if I go this way but I wanted to add in the "hill")

And now rest!!! And then work....but at least I ran first :)

In fun news I stayed up until 11:30 last night at a cousins wedding and @AuntieBean can verify that roxymamasmama stayed up until 10!!! :)

I made it to week 2...small victories. And I ran on vacation out of town! Sometimes I have those intentions and pack all my gear and then don't go, so I'm glad hubby & I leaned on each other to get it done. And it was a really fun place to run around and in nice weather too.
Sunday's run certainly felt a millions times better and easier even though at the slightly faster LR pace, but I think at that point I was a little more rested and a little less margerita'd. Is that a verb? Marg-ed?
And maybe my legs are starting to perk back up?

So 3 of 4 training runs outdoors which is a much better and happier percentage for me than treadmill suffering months of winter. Maybe I'll see how to get 4 of 4 done outside this week. Not sure if possible, but maybe?

This week!
Mon 5/7: OFF
Tue 5/8: 4 mi @ EB + strides. Hope to get closer to my real EB than my last one.
Wed 5/9: OFF
Thur 5/10: 5.5 total miles. Broken down as 1 mi WU + 6x.5 miles @ T (that's 9:35) w/ 1 min RI @ WU + 1 mi CD. Got that? Gonna tatoo it on my arm or tape it to my phone.
Fri 5/11: OFF
Sat 5/12: 4 mi @ EB + strides
Sun 5/13: 4 mi LR (again going to try to get closer to real LR than yesterdays, but this time slowing it)

Life goal right now is to go from this guy...

to this guy


So I did 6x.5 miles at Tea...I mean T pace and it was both okay and hard. Not bad moments with pushing moments with in the zone moments with how much longer??? moments with "this isn't bad" moments. I was supposed to do 1 min rests but I was on same little loop near my house so made it an even .1 mile since my plan said 5.5 miles and it got me close enough. I think I did alright and happy I got chance to do this outside (unexpected)
But I'd advise against eating a home-made burger and baked beans and ice cream sandwich about 20 min prior

Also I'm scared of this workout for mile intervals. So imma pretend that workout doesn't exist yet.
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So I did 6x.5 miles at Tea...I mean T pace and it was both okay and hard. Not bad moments with pushing moments with in the zone moments with how much longer??? moments with "this isn't bad" moments. I was supposed to do 1 min rests but I was on same little loop near my house so made it an even .1 mile since my plan said 5.5 miles and it got me close enough. I think I did alright and happy I got chance to do this outside (unexpected)
But I'd advise against eating a home-made burger and baked beans and ice cream sandwich about 20 min prior

Also I'm scared of this workout for mile intervals. So imma pretend that workout doesn't exist yet.
Great job!! These workouts always make me feel fast.
Happy almost Mother's Day to all the moms (of human or fur children or just people who are the "moms" of their friends or people who are maternal or all of you bad mama jammas).

Came home yesterday to this amazing card from roxykiddo!

Apparently I'm as pretty as a flower and I even know "high math!"

And hubby and her gifted me with this amazing singlet that I wore on my training run just a few moments ago.

The back is the best part.

Yes it's back to being long sleeve weather....boooo!!! 47 degrees and rainy. Still better than going to the gym.

I did 4 miles at EB with strides at the end. I was aware of being a tad faster than 11:28 so then I'd over correct and then fix it and so I was kinda a lil all over the place on pace. Strides felt fun as always and I got down to 7:45 for at least a fraction of a second (high math!)



Ran to disney parks music. Nothing like calliope, jungle drums, and riverboat music to get you moving :) Saw bunch of prom dressed up kids taking advantage of the break in the rain for pictures.
Poor kiddo stepped on something at a birthday party today and had a cut under her foot and so I'm gonna join her in a snuggle lump on the couch. Luckily she's not signed up for any marathons.

Keeping the training train rolling. See y'all tomorrow. (Oh and I'm making empanadas tonight!)

Edited bc hubby is gonna attempt making the empanadas as a Mother's Day helpful favor. So I can sit and not move! Huzzah!!!
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I love the new Stitch singlet!

Also ... happy mother's day! I love the card from roxykiddo ... you know high math, that's impressive. You must be good at your multiplication tables.
New week, starting with 4 miles EB + strides.
Not gonna lie that I had some stress going from the end of my workday and I may have ran a little angry at the end (certain music was a little triggering to my aggressive part of my brain) so I may have attacked my strides with a little more mustard than normal.
Running = therapy y'all
Also I Mile 1 & 3 were too fast overall. My gps was being weird for the first part of my run. I'll figure it out one of these days!



Now I'm gonna enjoy a macaron from my new llama cookie jar that I got for Mother's Day.
The pool opened in my neighborhood so I can start doing water walking again. I wonder how many miles I’ll walk in the pool this summer? Can we petition Disney to have a water walking 5K and characters can float by you as you walk and people with waterproof cameras can take your photos?

That sounds like a perfect addition to the runDisney calendar. They don't have any races during the summer ... water walking (or running) would be a perfect solution to the heat issue!
I'M HERE. I EXIST. I've been off the grid for several days and am have reappeared with a promise of a real update on this fine thread (hopefully tonight.)

The Tiki Run 10k does not appear to be happening on 6/17 (womp womp) as all of their registration information and facebook is still 2017 data. I'm trying to hunt down if A) it exists for this year and B) a plan B race for that weekend. If not, I'll be figuring out a "time trial" 10k likely within my little subdivision so as to avoid major road crossings.

So stay tuned for more from me. Who exists.... :)

PS It's finally summer weather round here.


I literally just finished up in my job yesterday and finally have a day off. Starting a new job in a week and hoping I'll be a bit less busy. I've been meaning to get on here and catch up for AGES but just haven't found the time! Hope you're doing ok, was so lovely to see you back in November! Need to catch up on your updates but wanted to say hi!

I'm actually heading to Shanghai Disneyland on Sunday but my plan is get into a training plan as soon as I'm back as I've got the DLP half marathon weekend in September!


I literally just finished up in my job yesterday and finally have a day off. Starting a new job in a week and hoping I'll be a bit less busy. I've been meaning to get on here and catch up for AGES but just haven't found the time! Hope you're doing ok, was so lovely to see you back in November! Need to catch up on your updates but wanted to say hi!

I'm actually heading to Shanghai Disneyland on Sunday but my plan is get into a training plan as soon as I'm back as I've got the DLP half marathon weekend in September!

I can't believe I have not posted here since 5/31!!! I literally did not think it was that long, probably because I had been intermittently posting on the running thread.

I am doing okay but running around like a chicken with my head cut off (is that a saying people in Ireland know?) Work is insane right now, I am in an industry that is super effected by things going on in the world politically so it's just been non-stop. My mom is also not doing great, hanging in there but not quite the same as last year. Coupled that with mom-guilt of wanting to spend all my free time with my kiddo (and my hubby and my mom and dad) and the rest of my free time running...this journal has been a little neglected.

I'm still running! I just ran last night at the gym. It was a fun one...1 mi WU, 3x.5 mi at M Tempo (which is 10:18 so not too scary) and 1 mi CD. The previous one with 1.25 intervals was a bit more of a slog because treadmills...ugh. I think I would have faired better outdoors for the whole mental aspect of it.
I had a horrible cold a few weeks ago so my runs were blllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrchhhhhhhh But I just adjusted by effort and maybe shaved off a few percents of distance here and there when I just couldn't. And yes, skipped some runs. The cold was bad guys.
But I've bounced back since then.

I'm so busy that I can't think straight. It's really something...never had this in my life before even when I had a newborn. So running is a nice respite. All I think about is "nothing" and that's fine by me.

SHANGHAI!!!! I"M SO JEALOUS. That's sounds amazing. I need to catch up on your youtube vlog. A good idea for my next treadmill adventure!
I can't believe I have not posted here since 5/31!!! I literally did not think it was that long, probably because I had been intermittently posting on the running thread.

I am doing okay but running around like a chicken with my head cut off (is that a saying people in Ireland know?) Work is insane right now, I am in an industry that is super effected by things going on in the world politically so it's just been non-stop. My mom is also not doing great, hanging in there but not quite the same as last year. Coupled that with mom-guilt of wanting to spend all my free time with my kiddo (and my hubby and my mom and dad) and the rest of my free time running...this journal has been a little neglected.

I'm still running! I just ran last night at the gym. It was a fun one...1 mi WU, 3x.5 mi at M Tempo (which is 10:18 so not too scary) and 1 mi CD. The previous one with 1.25 intervals was a bit more of a slog because treadmills...ugh. I think I would have faired better outdoors for the whole mental aspect of it.
I had a horrible cold a few weeks ago so my runs were blllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrchhhhhhhh But I just adjusted by effort and maybe shaved off a few percents of distance here and there when I just couldn't. And yes, skipped some runs. The cold was bad guys.
But I've bounced back since then.

I'm so busy that I can't think straight. It's really something...never had this in my life before even when I had a newborn. So running is a nice respite. All I think about is "nothing" and that's fine by me.

SHANGHAI!!!! I"M SO JEALOUS. That's sounds amazing. I need to catch up on your youtube vlog. A good idea for my next treadmill adventure!

Sorry to hear your mom is not doing as well as last year. Sending good thoughts out to Roxymama's mama, you and @AuntieBean.


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