Rudeness in Dis Park!!


DVC Member
Aug 3, 2004
We stayed at the GC for five days over Labor day. We have been to Dis many many times. We found this trip that some (not all) cast members were less then pleasant. For example, we went to the Blue Bayou to find out if we could wait to get a table. The girl at the counter told us to come back in 45 minutes. We did and then she said she would not take our name down, but could wait around. We were confused and asking more questions and the girl got really upset. Then she had the nerve to say "I'm feeling attacked". That was it, we just left. I have never had a cast member say something like that to me, and I can truly say that we were not even upset with her at that point. I hope that she finds a job that she can handle in Disney. I hope everyone else has better luck.
WOW! I hope the cast members arent as rude as her when i drive down on Monday morning! Im sorry she gave you a hard time.:(. maybe she's new? or like is new in that kind of position? Maybe she is secreatly Mickey Mouse.. or Minnie Mouse!? lol
WOW! Sorry to hear that. At that point I would have just asked to speak to a manager, no matter if the famous little Maleficent felt attacked or not. She had no right to flip out on you like that, even if she has had a bad day.
*Points Up To Mystic Path* I Completely agree
Looks like she was having a bad day. When we were there at the end of August there was usually a swarm of people around the Blue Bayou podium even after the CM told people they weren't taking walk-ins. I would not have wanted to work the Blue Bayou during that time period.

Not trying to come up with excuses for the CM but they're only human. Who knows, maybe before you came, somebody really gave her a hard time. Could be it was happening all day and you were just there at the wrong time. Even the most patient of saints can have a bad day. I'm actually surprised more CM's don't crack.

The only rude people we encountered at the park were the other guests, including one that ran into me with their stroller...when we were ALL stopped (Fantasmic/fireworks rope off at Frontierland). I mean, how can you run into somebody when we're all stopped????) All the CMs I met were very friendly.

Sorry you met one on an off day.
I would have been so POed. I probably would have gotten the Manager or reported her to City Hall. I never put up with rudeness at DL. I go about 20-30 times a year. There is no excuse for it at all. It is the happiest place on earth, the nerve of her. I worked at Disneyland on the popcorn stands and it was very miserable at times. Especially in toon town or by the matehorn. Becuase it would get so hot wearing black shoes and all. But I would never take it out on the guest. They were my freinds and the people I shared all of the great secrets with at Disneyland. And of course I always loved the kids, it always made me tearful looking at them so happy. Every child deserves Disneyland at least once in their life. But any hoot, you should have told her off! I know I would have, maybe not cussed. But I would have definatly scared her, with telling her your going to report her to City Hall. That is always a great way to scare a cast member. Because they will get written up, if someone goes to City Hall. It is an automatic write up, no excuses. pirate:
SOmething like that happened to me 4 yrs ago. We'd made reservations at BB & they still asked us to wait...weird. But we did it & were seated soon. Good thing I didn't ask questions, sheesh!
Saying "I feel attacked" is more ridiculous than rude. It doesn't sound like she was being attacked at all so it's silly she said it BUT they are people too and have to be able to say something if they feel like they're being mistreated (not saying you were mistreating her). Saying something like "I'm feeling attacked" is a lot better than saying something that is actually rude. I would have just taken her for an overly sensitive person, not a rude person.
I'm sorry to hear you had such a nasty experience. It sounds like that CM needs more training in the customer service department! I suggest calling BB and ask to speak to the manager. They need to be aware of how their CM's are treating other guests. It shouldn't be tolerated at any business (not just at DL).

My boyfriend and I had a poor experience at Cafe New Orleans back in July. You can read about it here:

I guess some CM's are just in a foul mood or have an "off day" and they just take out their frustrations or stress on guests. I hope you have a better experience if you decide to try BB again. :)
xmelissax said:
Saying "I feel attacked" is more ridiculous than rude. It doesn't sound like she was being attacked at all so it's silly she said it BUT they are people too and have to be able to say something if they feel like they're being mistreated (not saying you were mistreating her). Saying something like "I'm feeling attacked" is a lot better than saying something that is actually rude. I would have just taken her for an overly sensitive person, not a rude person.

I agree with this post. In my opinion there are always two sides to the situation. The CM is not here to defend herself. Maybe she did feel that way. Sometimes a tone of voice can make the other person feel that way. If I had someone asking me alot of questions. I have worked customer service for 12yrs and I know how frustrating it can be when you feel that you are being "attacked".
It wasn't just the fact of what she said, but her overall attitude. If she would have just said they weren't taking walk ups, I would have been happy to move on, but rather she just keep telling us to wait outside and hope for a cancellation, but wouldn't take our name down. As you all know it is a madhouse there, so basically we were trying to see how they would get a hold of us, but that is when she got so upset. I don't want to get her in trouble, but just wish it could have been different.
We were at Disneyland over labor day weekend and had lunch on monday the 5th at Blue Bayou. I have to agree, the cast member's working the check in desk were not very friendly or helpful. They did not smile, were rigid in their rules and started the whole experience off on the wrong foot. We came to check in for our lunch PM of 3:30 at 3:10 as I wanted to request a water table. The hostess said she could not check us in more than 10 minutes prior to our PM time. I said ok...we will go walk around for 10 minutes. We listened to the Delta Daddios (they sang Happy Birthday to my little man! very cool!) and walked back over. My watch said it was 3:20. She said again she couldn't check us in until 10 minutes prior. I said, yes...that is what you told me and that is why I am here...10 minutes prior to my PM. She got flustered and then said...oh, you are one minute early still. I just looked at my watch again and then at her and she went ahead and checked us in.

The whole experience was bad, and I was so disappointed. I won't go into details, as it was most likely an off day for them, but darn it. My son was celebrating his 7th birthday and every one of the other kids that went there on their birthday was treated like royalty and no one even said Happy Birthday to him, let alone brought him a dessert treat. And I mentioned it at the time of the reservation, when we checked in and he was wearing one of those huge birthday buttons. Was sad.
How disappointing!

I would think a word to the manager about the check-in process is in order. And perhaps another go through a customer service class! It sounds to me like they're overwhelmed either because they are undertrained or because the process is poor. In either case, letting the manager know the problem would help them fix it!
Alex2kMommy said:
How disappointing!

I would think a word to the manager about the check-in process is in order. And perhaps another go through a customer service class! It sounds to me like they're overwhelmed either because they are undertrained or because the process is poor. In either case, letting the manager know the problem would help them fix it!

You know, I did speak with the manager. I forget her name, but she came and spoke with me. I explained about all the disappointments we had had, and that I was sure it must be an off day, as we had always had such good experiences there before. But that it was just such a bummer because it was only Ethan's birthday once, and this was a part of the tradition. She apologized, but offerred nothing other than to speak with the hostesses and our waiter. Not that we needed anything, but I was kind of disappointed she did nothing to try to rectify the situation.
Wow, that wasn't what I'd call good customer service, even if she was having a bad day. You know dealing with the public isn't for everyone. Some people just can't handle dealing with stressful situations. But in customer service there is never any room for being rude or saying "I feel like I'm being attacked" just because they are having a bad day or is stressed out. She should have gone and got a manager if she felt she couldn't resolve a situation on her own, and she has done and said everything within her power to make things right.

I work with the public too, in the medical field. And I've had some very upset, people who are not feeling well, giving me a very hard time. I've never not once gotten rude with them. No matter how bad of a day it is. If it feels like it's getting out of hand (which it doesn't sound like it even was in this case) then I'd direct the situation to a supervisor. When I spend as much money as I do going to DL I expect that same good treatment. Unfortunately someones bad day shouldn't ruin anyone else's experience on vacation, it simply is not the guests problem. I would tell anyone to find a new type of job if they felt they couldn't handle the one they had.
There is still a huge labor shortage at the entire resort, CM's are for the most part paid very badly for what they do, the heat this summer has been un-bearable and CM morale is very low. Based on pay, based on work hours, based on millions of unruly Guests, bad treatment from management and their workplace and magical saviour Matt Ouimet gained 10000's trust and then bailed on them before the end of the 50th.

Being rude to a Guest or customer at DL or in any customer service position isn't cool, but the average CM puts up with much much more and many more rude Guests and in general Guest lunacy than everyone at Nordstroms, the local burger joint or anywhere else more than adequate customer service is expected.

People expect more from Disney, and daily people rant and go off on CM's for attraction malfuntions, prices, other Guests, their own lives in disguise for ranting, heat, crowds, height or agew requirements, rain, characters schedules, park hours.... etc. You name it and some wacko will blame a CM and go off on
them for it.
Even if they are just following the orders laid down by their leads or managers or California state law.

The average CM goes out if his/her way to make 50000 people or more happy, feel magic and be safe as possible, EVERY DAY, as part of their basic job description, yet at least 20% of Guests in their own selfish ways make CM's jobs as difficult as possible.

No one can be perfect to all Guests 100% of the time, when so many people make CM's jobs miserable, and some on purpose it seems.

Yet they still show up the next day and for the overwhelming most part --do their best.

Many times completely unappreciated by millions who merely and arrogantly spout "Well they are only doing their job! Why should I thank, notice, appreciate, compliment or recognize them or their effort? It's their job!"

As if 10000+ CM's at the DLR are machines or robots or something.

Think about the person in that costume, their thoughts, their job, their hassles to get their on time and deal with their shuttle, their costuming, their long walk to their posts, their management, and maybe what they have went thru that day from co-workers, management and from thousands and thousands and thousands of other Guests.

And the many of those thousands of Guests daily that are extremely rude and even worse, completely irrational, unintelligent and illogical.

No one is perfect, not the CMs and not the Guests.

Expecting 100% perfection all the time is more than a fantasy, it's mighty selfish and irrational. :cool1:
When I went to DL for the first time last month, I was surprised that a lot of cast members were not as jolly as I had imagined. The worst was a ticket guy at the entrance to CA. When we went to get our hands stamped, he was in the middle of actually yelling at a guy who was just wondering where to purchase his ticket, then he just smeered the stamp on my hand. It looked like I had coloured my hand with a highlighter pen to try and sneek in! I was shocked at the rudeness of the whole situation.
Another^Dimension said:
There is still a huge labor shortage at the entire resort, CM's are for the most part paid very badly for what they do, the heat this summer has been un-bearable and CM morale is very low. Based on pay, based on work hours, based on millions of unruly Guests, bad treatment from management and their workplace and magical saviour Matt Ouimet gained 10000's trust and then bailed on them before the end of the 50th.

Being rude to a Guest or customer at DL or in any customer service position isn't cool, but the average CM puts up with much much more and many more rude Guests and in general Guest lunacy than everyone at Nordstroms, the local burger joint or anywhere else more than adequate customer service is expected.

People expect more from Disney, and daily people rant and go off on CM's for attraction malfuntions, prices, other Guests, their own lives in disguise for ranting, heat, crowds, height or agew requirements, rain, characters schedules, park hours.... etc. You name it and some wacko will blame a CM and go off on
them for it.
Even if they are just following the orders laid down by their leads or managers or California state law.

The average CM goes out if his/her way to make 50000 people or more happy, feel magic and be safe as possible, EVERY DAY, as part of their basic job description, yet at least 20% of Guests in their own selfish ways make CM's jobs as difficult as possible.

No one can be perfect to all Guests 100% of the time, when so many people make CM's jobs miserable, and some on purpose it seems.

Yet they still show up the next day and for the overwhelming most part --do their best.

Many times completely unappreciated by millions who merely and arrogantly spout "Well they are only doing their job! Why should I thank, notice, appreciate, compliment or recognize them or their effort? It's their job!"

As if 10000+ CM's at the DLR are machines or robots or something.

Think about the person in that costume, their thoughts, their job, their hassles to get their on time and deal with their shuttle, their costuming, their long walk to their posts, their management, and maybe what they have went thru that day from co-workers, management and from thousands and thousands and thousands of other Guests.

And the many of those thousands of Guests daily that are extremely rude and even worse, completely irrational, unintelligent and illogical.

No one is perfect, not the CMs and not the Guests.

Expecting 100% perfection all the time is more than a fantasy, it's mighty selfish and irrational. :cool1:

I think this whole post is an absolute perfect post.
It seems like some folks in this time are just looking for something to get for free by finding something to complain about. (not intended towards Original Poster) I feel for the Disney workers. They do have to put up with alot. I have never eaten at Blue Bayou probably never will but from what it sounds like is that do get alot of burden from some of the guests. Here is a post from another DIS board that gives the wages of the CM's. These are the wages for the folks at WDW. Yes, you are spending alot of money there and from what it seems is that they are not getting nearly enough back in return.
I just wanted to reply to the above post about CM's that I agree it is a difficult and often thankless job. While I go out of my way to let a manager know when something isnt as I expected, I also go out of my way when someone does an exceptional job. I did not express my disappointment to the CM at the check in desk, or the waiter that we had, but to the manager. And I made sure to compliment the exceptional, friendly, and entertaining busboy we had at lunch before explaining my disappointment with the server and check in person. It is not their fault the system is screwy, it is mangements fault for not supporting them or creating a better system. I recognize this, and therefore that is why I asked to speak with the manager.

Every other time we had eaten there for a 7th birthday, the servers would sing Happy Birthday and bring a "treat" after the meal. We saw them do this for two other people while we were there, but not for my son. This was disappointing, and while it is a little something extra for free, its not like it is something extra I was expecting just for us, it is a common practice. While there would have been little or nothing the manager could have done to fix that lunch, I would think she could have easily gotten us a birthday treat at another restaurant or even just a Mickey Ice Cream and that would have gone a long ways towards making up for that missing part. I did not, and will not, go into details on what else went wrong for this special lunch, but it was not simply a rude check in person or inattentive server.

I also stopped at City Hall to compliment the Delta Daddios and thank them for so kindly noticing my little man and his birthday button and serenading him with Happy Birthday.
Another^Dimension said:
There is still a huge labor shortage at the entire resort, CM's are for the most part paid very badly for what they do, the heat this summer has been un-bearable and CM morale is very low. Based on pay, based on work hours, based on millions of unruly Guests, bad treatment from management and their workplace and magical saviour Matt Ouimet gained 10000's trust and then bailed on them before the end of the 50th.

Being rude to a Guest or customer at DL or in any customer service position isn't cool, but the average CM puts up with much much more and many more rude Guests and in general Guest lunacy than everyone at Nordstroms, the local burger joint or anywhere else more than adequate customer service is expected.

People expect more from Disney, and daily people rant and go off on CM's for attraction malfuntions, prices, other Guests, their own lives in disguise for ranting, heat, crowds, height or agew requirements, rain, characters schedules, park hours.... etc. You name it and some wacko will blame a CM and go off on
them for it.
Even if they are just following the orders laid down by their leads or managers or California state law.

The average CM goes out if his/her way to make 50000 people or more happy, feel magic and be safe as possible, EVERY DAY, as part of their basic job description, yet at least 20% of Guests in their own selfish ways make CM's jobs as difficult as possible.

No one can be perfect to all Guests 100% of the time, when so many people make CM's jobs miserable, and some on purpose it seems.

Yet they still show up the next day and for the overwhelming most part --do their best.

Many times completely unappreciated by millions who merely and arrogantly spout "Well they are only doing their job! Why should I thank, notice, appreciate, compliment or recognize them or their effort? It's their job!"

As if 10000+ CM's at the DLR are machines or robots or something.

Think about the person in that costume, their thoughts, their job, their hassles to get their on time and deal with their shuttle, their costuming, their long walk to their posts, their management, and maybe what they have went thru that day from co-workers, management and from thousands and thousands and thousands of other Guests.

And the many of those thousands of Guests daily that are extremely rude and even worse, completely irrational, unintelligent and illogical.

No one is perfect, not the CMs and not the Guests.

Expecting 100% perfection all the time is more than a fantasy, it's mighty selfish and irrational. :cool1:

I totally have to agree with this qoute. I my self worked at the DL. And I have to admit is was very stressful at times. But you still have to hold your cool. After all Cast Members are the image of this place, and we must withold that image as much as possible. But I have to agree, that some of the guest are very rude as well and they do very much so take it out on the Cast Members. When it is not their fault. You can't let one bad apple ruin your day. YOu have to look at the rest of the apples. And for the most part, I still think that Disney does a dang good job of customer service compared to any other company in the world. Good Job to all those Good Apples (Cast Members), especially those poor characters, you guys have to deal with alot. :thumbsup2


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