Rudeness in Dis Park!!

At Disneyland, whenever you feel a Cast Member was rude or did not portray the Disney Spirit, ALWAYS ask to speak with a member of Management and make sure you give the Cast Members name (it's on their badge).

I know for a fact that Disney management does not condone poor service regardless if it was the Cast Members fault or not.
Spoonful of Sugar said:
When I went to DL for the first time last month, I was surprised that a lot of cast members were not as jolly as I had imagined.

We had our first trip to DL this past June. And though we loved it and had a great time, I did notice a wee-bit difference in CM attitudes. At DL, they were a bit...errrr..."less" magical. Many were quite nice but there were a handful, though professional, that didn't have the Disney-magical feeling. One CM was downright disappointing!

We took our toddler to view Disney Playhouse. (he loves that show) During the show, CM's sit beside the stage and help the audience get into the Playhouse 'mood' by singing and copying the hand gestures of Jamie (on stage) and the Playhouse characters.

Well, the CM in front of our section was just soooooo 'DUD!' She sat there with a sour look on her face and "just barely" waved her arms about. (not even in tune with the show) She never once smiled. Truly Un-Disney-like. At one point, my 17y/o son sarcastically states, "Mom, look at her, she really enjoys working here." She truly made no effort to hide the fact that she just didn't want to be there.

I felt like reporting her but decided that it just wasn't worth it...after all, we had a full day of DL to enjoy so we weren't going to allow her attitude to affect ours. Still, I hope that CM has found another job. She was definitely not suited for DL, off day or not.

I really hope that Disney starts paying their CM's better. CM's can make or break a vacation (which many spend lots of hard-earned $$$ for so they are very important) and it matters how they interact with guests. Yes, they put up with alot...but that's no reason to take it out on all guests...esp when most guests appreciate the CM's! I want to be one when I retire someday! :sunny: I would love to vacation vicariously through others! :)


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