Rumbly in my Tumbly Trip Report! Day 4 added!


Addicted to everything with Ears
Jun 22, 2006
As you probably read in my trip report, we were due to go to DLRP last Monday, stay in Sequoia Lodge for 4 night/5 days and travel on the Eurostar. The girls knew as I couldn't keep my excitement to myself :rotfl2: .

So... Monday morning... We got the girls up, got ready and jumped in the cab to go to St. Pancras. We had a very grumpy driver but it didn't bother us as we were going to DLRP!!! Sadly we didn't know we'd be a little disappointed :sad1:

St. Pancras station was great and full of people! The only annoying thing is lack of cafes by the Eurostar. There were only two cafes and very long queues so I didn't get to buy my coffee but at that point that was really not important! We boarded the train and off we went :yay:

Mia was very excited and so was I



After a trouble-free journey and really nice people sitting next to us we got there. Dropped the bags off at the Express desk and went to the park. It was freezing cold but dry so we bought the girls autograph books and went to meet Pooh Bear (Anya loves Pooh but this time she was a little scared of some characters)





We grabbed hot dogs from Casey's while standing in the queue for Pooh and then Anya went to sleep. When she got up we went for hot chocolate (it was yummy!!!) and Mickey brioche before heading off to Dumbo, the cups and back to the hotel as I was freezing!!!




The castle was gorgeous!!! That's is the only thing that hasn't changed there!



Back at the hotel we had not-so-nice but very overpriced sandwiches at the bar while Mia had one of the kids drinks that cost 10.50E which tasted vile but had a flashing Tink on it so maybe it was worth the money :rolleyes:


They had a little play in the play area and we all went to bed. I fell asleep straight away to wake up at 2am and stay up till 5am :scared1:

The hotel staff was horrible. There were signs for the GMFB everywhere in the hotel but we couldn't book it because the girl at the reception wouldn't give us a ticket saying they'd ran out of tickets just like they'd ran out of breakfast slots :headache: . In the end she did go to the other CMs and we got our slots, not necessarily the ones we wanted but it was all ok in the end.

Day 2 to follow soon...
doesn't sound too bad so far although 10 euros??? Holey smoley!:scared1: :rotfl:

I can't see your your photos though but that just might be me, just massive links:confused3 apart from the gorgeous first one!:goodvibes
edited to working!!!! yeah haa away for a proper nose now hehe!

aww I'm back again 3 things to say, your pics are brilliant,your glasses are so cool and I'm jealous and I absolutely love the piccie of your daughter with the toffee apple, thats so cute!
doesn't sound too bad so far although 10 euros??? Holey smoley!:scared1: :rotfl:

I can't see your your photos though but that just might be me, just massive links:confused3 apart from the gorgeous first one!:goodvibes
edited to working!!!! yeah haa away for a proper nose now hehe!

aww I'm back again 3 things to say, your pics are brilliant,your glasses are so cool and I'm jealous and I absolutely love the piccie of your daughter with the toffee apple, thats so cute!

Ahhhhh, Thank You! :flower3:
More please! Really enjoying your report. Mia and Anya are so beautiful!:goodvibes

BTW, how did your daughter find her Gumbies? I'm thinking of buying some for my eldest.
More please! Really enjoying your report. Mia and Anya are so beautiful!:goodvibes

BTW, how did your daughter find her Gumbies? I'm thinking of buying some for my eldest.

Thank you, you all make me blush :flower3:

We bought Mia Crocs Nadia boots, they're like wellies but have padding inside the shoe and she loved them! We all have the summer Crocs so it wasn't a new thing but she seemed to really like the boots and said her feet were very warm, even sweaty at times when the temp was zero last Tues.
More please! Really enjoying your report. Mia and Anya are so beautiful!:goodvibes

BTW, how did your daughter find her Gumbies? I'm thinking of buying some for my eldest.

Thank you, you all make me blush :flower3:

We bought Mia Crocs Nadia boots, they're like wellies but have padding inside the shoe and she loved them! We all have the summer Crocs so it wasn't a new thing but she seemed to really like the boots and said her feet were very warm, even sweaty at times when the temp was zero last Tues. And the best thing is that I didn't really care if she stepped in puddles and got her shoes wet :laughing:
Got up, showered and got dressed before getting the girls up. They were really tired and over-excited but got up really happy. Another day in DLRP!!! We got them ready and went to do meet and greet at the lobby. We knew from the night before that Mickey and Pluto would be there so got in the line to see them. All of a sudden things changed and only Mickey was coming for half an hour slots starting from 8am, then 9am and 10am. It was 8.20am and he was already gone and people were still waiting. The CM looked at us being really :mad: and told us to come back in half an hour if we wanted to meet Mickey. Mia wanted to stay so we did. The look on the CM's face said it all but we didn't care and as long as he kept quiet everything was ok (lucky for him). Anyway, said hello to Mickey, had our photo taken and went to have something to eat.


The breakfast was always. The girls really enjoyed the fresh rolls and croissants. There was an option of having cooked breakfast and a basket of fruit for additional price. Jeremy was tempted but we didn't go for it in the end. Breakfast done and off to get ready for a day in the parks.
The forecast was very cold/grey/sun at times with max temp 1 degree! Very chilly so we dressed the girls warmly and went to get the bus to the park. It was easy esp since we didn't want to walk in the cold.

Goofy Father Xmas was there doing meet and greet so we said hello to him and since the queue for Mickey was long-ish we decided not to bother and went to see Mickey's Winter Wonderland. What a great show!!! The highlight of our trip! We went to see it twice and as of then Mia decided she wanted to be Minnie Mouse and wear the gorgeous pink dress and skate :cutie:




We got out of the theatre just in time for the Sleeping Beauty show. It was short but nice, we enjoyed it! The only bad thing were the people pushing past to get an autograph from Aurora and the Prince and Mia got hurt so many times. I was getting really frustrated and tole Mia not to bother with the photo because she was really going to be hurt in the end.



Needed time to calm down and we got in the queue for the princesses. It was very short so I thought it was worth it. Aladdin and Jasmine were there and since we've never met them it was exciting again! Sadly the princesses changed and Ariel came. Mia really likes Ariel and Prince Eric but he wasn't having a good day and was so grumpy. It seemed that he didn't want to be there let alone have his photo taken or talk to small children. It was more 'get over and done with'. Ariel was nice but everything had to be done in a bit of a rush so she didn't say much to Mia.



After the disappointement, we stood in the queue for Minnie and Donald. They did meet and greet by the annual office (btw, this wasn't announced in the programme). It was very sweet. They took time to play with the children and then had theit photo taken so everyone was smiling again.


It was so cold so we decided to have hot chocolate and get a little bit warm. The place was packed, seemed like everyone who came to tha park was there. Jeremy went to get the drinks and the brioche while me and the girls grabbed a table and sat down. It took 45mins for him to get the drinks all because he was sent from one till to the other and everytime he'd get to the till to pay, they'd close the till. It felt like they couldn't be bothered to work, let alone be nice to the visitors. After we finally had our drinks we made our way to the Studios to meet Minnie and Daisy. We were greeted by Mickey at the entrance. He was gorgeous, looked like a pop star (Mia's words)



There was a little Christmas show similar to the Character Express. Very cute but again, the people pushing past for the autograph was dreadful. We managed to get a couple of photos without Mia getting badly hurt.




Then me and Mia went to see Stitch - fab as always, so cool and funny. More meet and greet afterwards





And then saying goodbye to the Studios to see Candlebration which was just great!


Off for dinner at Annette's after.
Yay Great 2nd day, you did amazing with character photos, despite rude ppl. :(
excellent so far - and yes, ppl seem to be very rude & noticed it more in studios than the park!!

lovin the pics (and tell mia i thought mickey looked like a pop star too!!)
Was your 'Day 2' on Tuesday?

We were there on Tuesday - it was very foggy and cold - and joined the queue for the princesses when they changed from Jasmine / Aladdin to Ariel / Price Eric. It was aboaut 11.30am and before they swapped over, Jasmine seemed to be suffering with the cold. She was sneezing quite abit, but it was freezing out there!
Was your 'Day 2' on Tuesday?

We were there on Tuesday - it was very foggy and cold - and joined the queue for the princesses when they changed from Jasmine / Aladdin to Ariel / Price Eric. It was aboaut 11.30am and before they swapped over, Jasmine seemed to be suffering with the cold. She was sneezing quite abit, but it was freezing out there!

Yes, it was Tuesday. Both Aladdin and Jasmine seemed a lot nicer than Ariel and Eric. Didn't notice Jasmine sneezing but did feel the cold myself :rotfl2:
Forgot to add... We had to ride It's a Small World every day, a few times a day... Both girls loved it!

And Mia has a new favourite - Buzz!!! Funny, we've never been on it before because she was never interested in the ride but now she's hooked:cutie: She really enjoyed it... something I cannot say about BTM... You decide for yourselves


or even closer..


She said she'd NEVER go on it:laughing:
Still Tuesday... Day 2!

After watching the Candlebration and freezing out butt's off, we're off to Annette's for dinner. We have such great memories there, went on every visit to DLRP and really enjoyed it.

Got seated straight away, probably because everyone was still in the park waiting for the Fantillusion. We thought we'd miss that because it was so cold and we spent full day in the parks. So we ordered:

- 2 kids meals
- I had Be Bop burger
- Jeremy had mega burger
- 1 milkshake
- 1 Cherry Coke

and the bill was 73.90E :scared1:

Yet, the food was nice, freshly cooked and warm (something I cannot say about Day 3 again at Annette's)

And as we were about to leave, one of the staff got us in the mood for dancing. It was 'Greased Lightning'. Mia was shy and didn't want to join in but Anya danced her little legs off together with everyone else... I'll post the video as soon as I learn how to do that :laughing:



Back at the hotel we 'bumped' into Goofy


and a little Minnie Mouse :cutie:


A little bit over-excited both of them went to sleep straight away...
Meet and greet in the hotel - Eeyore and Pluto!

We got ready quickly and go to the lobby, no point wasting time :)



Had breakfast, got the girls dressed warmly again, took the ponchos and off to the park. This time I decided to wait for Mickey and sent Jeremy to IASW with Anya while me and Mia were waiting. The park was quiet again, not a lot of people and all the rides again were walk on. The longest wait was for Buzz (20mins) so not too bad.



After Mickey and a few shots we headed to the Small World (again!) except that this time we got stuck due to a technical problem. We ended up waiting for 10-15mins until they fixed the boats or whatever the problem was. Anya got a little restless and annoyed and everyone was a lot happies when we got out of the boat in the end.

I took the girls on the cups and the carousel while Jeremy went back to the hotel to find Mia's autograph book and look for Anya's cuddly bear. Disaster as we lost it and we couldn't find it anywhere. So we had a few tears etc etc (she sleeps with it and I've had to buy another one now)


We then took a little stroll through the Fantasyland and meet Suzy and Perla by Pizza Bella Notte. They were happy to stop for a photo and an autograph.



We saw the parade (OUAD) and I have to admit, as much as I like this one, I prefer Chante C'est Noel more. It's more Xmassy and it's such a shame it's not on. Throwing Father Xmas in the end and changing the music didn't quite work for me...

We decided to not overdo it and went for an early dinner at Annette's. This time it wasn't as good. We ordered:

- 2 kids meals again (Mia had a burger, Anya had pasta)
- Jeremy had burger chilli cheese
- I had veggie burger
- 1 cherry coke
- 1 lemon coke
- 1 milkshake

and the bill was 73.40E.

We kind of got used to the prices but the meal was horrible. Anya's pasta was undercooked and freezing cold, Mia's burger was pink even though we asked them to cook it well and mine was just ok... They didn't take any notice when we tried to tell them so it was rather disappointing considering the price...

But hey... We headed back to the hotel where we saw Robin Hood (he was gorgeous :love: )



It was great to be somewhere warm and dry. The girls played in the playarea for a bit and then we went for an early night as Mia was really tired.

To be continued...

great trip report!! wow you met loads of characters. can i ask who is this??
Beautiful photos, the pic of your little one dancing at Annette's really made me smile. :goodvibes

The food prices are really scary, I'll be taking my usual cereal bars and snacks and quite a few extras as well and you've realy made my mind up for me on the HB option.

It's a shame about the rude people, beggars belief that they think it's acceptable to push a child.:sad2:
I cannot agree with you more Jill... A lady in a wheelchair ran over Mia's foot with the chair only to get to Peter Pan first!!! I couldn't believe it but still didn't say anything...


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