Rumor about “modified experiences” when Disney reopens (read 1st post for potential modifications being considered)

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Wearing a mask u dear the best of circumstances (short distances, air conditioned) can be miserable. I couldn’t imagine doing it in the heat and humidity of FL for long periods of time.

We are just talking about basic face coverings right? Not N95 masks? I have been wearing an N95 at work for the last 7 weeks for 12hr a day due to a Department of Energy job....Now that the job has shipped I am in a standard ear loop face covering and it feels like I'm barely wearing anything.

I dont see how a basic t-shirt or buff will really be an issue once you get acclimated to it after a day or two.
We are just talking about basic face coverings right? Not N95 masks? I have been wearing an N95 at work for the last 7 weeks for 12hr a day due to a Department of Energy job....Now that the job has shipped I am in a standard ear loop face covering and it feels like I'm barely wearing anything.

I dont see how a basic t-shirt or buff will really be an issue once you get acclimated to it after a day or two.
I think everyone complaining/worried about masks should do this-- wear a super thick mask (or...breathe into a pillow?) And then swap to the mask they are planning to wear to the parks.. comparison is everything. 😂
We are just talking about basic face coverings right? Not N95 masks? I have been wearing an N95 at work for the last 7 weeks for 12hr a day due to a Department of Energy job....Now that the job has shipped I am in a standard ear loop face covering and it feels like I'm barely wearing anything.

I dont see how a basic t-shirt or buff will really be an issue once you get acclimated to it after a day or two.
Are yours fit-tested? When I have worn an N95 for patient care they’re so tight!

I hate the feeling of anything on my face.
Have you tried to buy hand sanitizer since this all started? It is non-existent. Even Amazon doesn't have it saying that all hand sanitizer goes to medical places right not. Sure, Disney has a huge buying power but they are competing against hospitals for this product.

My works orders for masks and hand sanitizer from 3 different locations over the past 2 weeks all showed up yesterday and today. We now have 64 gallons of hand sanitizer and 2000 masks. I am guessing that disney will have no issue with getting enough over the next 3 weeks for a soft opening if they are ready for it.
My works orders for masks and hand sanitizer from 3 different locations over the past 2 weeks all showed up yesterday and today. We now have 64 gallons of hand sanitizer and 2000 masks. I am guessing that disney will have no issue with getting enough over the next 3 weeks for a soft opening if they are ready for it.
I just got some from Wal-Mart today!
I was hoping they’d keep the after hours events- crowds are always so low.
But if they are forced to reduce capacity (or people just cancel and thus capacity is lowered anyway) .. the "selling point" of these events (low crowds) isn't a selling point anymore. I am guessing they know there just won't be enough people to buy tickets to make it worth staying open late (and risking your employees even longer) .. ESPECIALLY if half the selling points (fireworks, parades, shows, M&Gs) won't even be open.
But if they are forced to reduce capacity (or people just cancel and thus capacity is lowered anyway) .. the "selling point" of these events (low crowds) isn't a selling point anymore. I am guessing they know there just won't be enough people to buy tickets to make it worth staying open late (and risking your employees even longer) .. ESPECIALLY if half the selling points (fireworks, parades, shows, M&Gs) won't even be open.
Plus they may need those hours for cleaning/disinfecting.
Yep, true. Just like wearing other protective devices, say a bullet proof vest doesn't protect your entire body. Would you still wear the vest if you were going into a situation where there might be gunfire? Extreme example, I know, but trying to make a point.
As was I with my comment about the goggles. The fact that there is no cure or vaccine and even if there is a vaccine does not mean the virus will ever go away. It is here and we will have to live with a high possibility that we may get the virus. A non surgical mask in large gatherings such as Disney may or may not have an impact and is a good way to make money, but a false sense of security. Think the argument Diet Coke is better for you than Coke. There haven't been enough studies to show the efficacy of cloth masks against the transmission of covid-19 in public gatherings, but there have been studies on the effectiveness and safety of bullet proof vests.
OMG! I can't believe that anyone would not want to wear a mask given that there is a highly contagious virus that has no vaccine and no medicines to treat it. Yes, you have rights. But as a mother of two boys, my comment would be just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean you should. You have the right to jump off a cliff... So let's use some common sense. Also, being a parent, I would take every precaution to keep my kids safe, including wearing masks.

I ordered the new face masks on Shop Disney, although they won't be delivered until July. We were originally suppose to go to WDW in March and our vacation was cancelled just days before we were to arrive. We are now going in October. I have been wearing cloth masks to the grocery store, pharmacy, Target, etc. They are easy to breath through but they do irritate my ears so I might try some of the enhancements mentioned earlier.

Masks can be uncomfortable, like wearing new shoes. But if you wear the mask now and get use to it, then wearing it in the parks will be no big deal. It may just save you from getting really sick and potentially dying. AND, more importantly, it might just save me or my kids from getting sick if you happen to be a carrier of the virus.

Someone mentioned that people with medical conditions might have issues wearing masks. Hmmmm. First, most people with serious medical conditions will probably be very accustomed to wearing masks. Second, if it is a physical reason, there are ways to modify masks to make them work for just about anyone. Wearing gators would work too, it doesn't need to be an over the ear mask. Third, I think most people with medical conditions will stay away from crowded theme parks during a pandemic. Again, let's use some common sense. If you have a medical condition and go into a crowded venue, especially without any PPE, you should assume you will get the virus. So you need to ask yourself, is a day at a theme park really worth contracting a serious illness that could lead to death?
look for one of the headbands with the buttons to hold ear pieces. wont go without mine and we have to use anytime we leave the house. mine let my ears stick out thru ear pieces without them touching my ears
Anyone wonder what numbers Disney is going to use to base it's occupancy rate? The guidance from the Orange County Economic Recovery Task Force stated 50% during Phase I and 75% during Phase II.

Numbers: Just for Disney resort properties, there are 6,689 rooms. Assume an occupancy of 4 per room (yes some rooms hold more but need a number to work with) the maximum occupancy would be 26,756.

Estimates on actual maximum occupancy per park is: (Taken from internet)
MK 100,000
EPCOT 50,000
DHS 75,000
AK 60,000

Average Daily Attendance for each park: (Taken from internet)
MK 57,148 (57%)
EPCOT 34,093 (68%)
DHS 57,148 (76%)
AK 29,923 (50%)

1. Does this mean hotels, parks or both? If it is just parks then the hotel occupancy would not be an issue.
2. If hotels, how is Disney going to decide whose reservation should be cancelled?
3. How will this impact DVC resorts since they are always at maximum booking?
4. Which park occupancy will Disney use as the base to determine the 50%/75% rate? If they go by the estimates on maximum occupancy per park then we will see crowds at about the same size. If they use the average daily attendance as the base and take 50 or 75% of that, then crowds will be lower.
5. Will resort guests be guaranteed entry? I would hate to travel to FL, pay for a room and be denied entry to a park.
as is said in my state your mask protects me and my mask protects you. which is what she/he is saying if I read right
That may be true, I wasnt trying to question the post. Just trying to be helpful.
I see a lot of people that act like these masks are a suit of armor and they are safe from everything. I think most of the population is misinformed about them.
But if they are forced to reduce capacity (or people just cancel and thus capacity is lowered anyway) .. the "selling point" of these events (low crowds) isn't a selling point anymore. I am guessing they know there just won't be enough people to buy tickets to make it worth staying open late (and risking your employees even longer) .. ESPECIALLY if half the selling points (fireworks, parades, shows, M&Gs) won't even be open.
They aren’t cancelled......yet.
And I’m assuming that’s 50% of max capacity. Parks usually only hit actually max capacity (or close) on NYE so it’s probably not very limited at all. Best chance of ur feeling much less crowded is if ppl don’t go. But wdw could implement their own stricter guidelines.

Given that Disney's capacity numbers are ridiculous, I really feel that they should go for 25% of max capacity, at most. How can you have social distancing with anything more? And yes, this would necessitate a substantial admission price hike.

As for the virtual queue system, here's a possible alternative: everything is booked with FPs, with no standby line at all. Of course, the supply of available FPs would explode; all ride capacity would go into the FP system. With no internal queue at all, guests would be allowed in according to social distancing guidelines.
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