Run w/ me to the Princess 1/2 Marathon 2012

Wow Tammy, so sorry about your foot and about such a craptastic April! I'm sending quick-healing vibes and back on the road good luck. In a couple of weeks if the elliptical still isn't working, you could try out the recumbent bike. That would take the weight off the foot at least. But I hope you also give yourself a few weeks off from expectations. Healing is job #1 right now!
Hi Tammy, I am a looooong time lurker on DisBoards coming out to post my first comment. I just finished reading through your log and was so inspired. :goodvibes I lost 23 pounds last spring and have put 8 of them back on since the new year. Just last week I started C25K trying to lose another 25 pounds. I keep saying that my goal is to make it to a Disney 1/2 Marathon. I'm no-where near courageous enough yet to pick a date. I loved reading your exercise/weight-loss journey. Plus I was raised in PA and went to a central PA college. I'm in MD now but my heart will always be in PA.

Wow Tammy, so sorry about your foot and about such a craptastic April! I'm sending quick-healing vibes and back on the road good luck. In a couple of weeks if the elliptical still isn't working, you could try out the recumbent bike. That would take the weight off the foot at least. But I hope you also give yourself a few weeks off from expectations. Healing is job #1 right now!

Thank you so much for your kinds words - these past few weeks have been tough, but I am feeling better now. I met with a new doctor on Friday and she told me the only thing I should do is the bike or swim - stay off the elipitical for another 3-4 weeks.
Hi Tammy, I am a looooong time lurker on DisBoards coming out to post my first comment. I just finished reading through your log and was so inspired. :goodvibes I lost 23 pounds last spring and have put 8 of them back on since the new year. Just last week I started C25K trying to lose another 25 pounds. I keep saying that my goal is to make it to a Disney 1/2 Marathon. I'm no-where near courageous enough yet to pick a date. I loved reading your exercise/weight-loss journey. Plus I was raised in PA and went to a central PA college. I'm in MD now but my heart will always be in PA.



Thank you for posting - its great to meet another PA'er!! Congrats on starting the C25K program - I honestly feel this is the best way to start. Good Luck on the program and the weight loss - pick a date for your marathon - that way you have a goal to work towards - and remember you don't have to run the whole thing - alot people do run/walk intervals the entire race.
I didn't realize how long its been since I posted...

Update on my foot - I met with a new doctor on Friday and they took xrays of my lovely foot. There are signs of healing, which is a good thing. I go back on June 9th for another xray, so I am in the boot at least another 3 weeks, ugh!!!! At that point she said I might be able to get back to walking, than jogging, but won't know til then - keeping my fingers crossed.

This doctor told me to stay of the elipitical, but gave me the ok to swim and the bike - so that's what I am doing. I rode 12 miles on the bike this morning in 30 minutes, not sure if that was good or no, burned a little over 300 calories - no where near what I burn during a run. Oh well, its better than nothing.

So my plan is to swim for 30 minutes and 30 minutes on the bike at least 5 days a week for the next 3 weeks.

As far as my weight loss - I have gaine weight the last 3 weigh ins - this foot injury has sent me into the "I don't care mode" and I have been eating terribly. I have to get a grip on this - I don't want to undo all my hard work so far. I struggle each day - today has been good, so I am taking it one day at a time.

I stil have my sights set on the Philly Rock'n Roll 1/2 Marathon in September - with it being a larger marathon I have more cushion to do run/walk intervals and still cross the fininsh line.
Hi Tammy,
I'm new to the Disboards. My husband and I decided about 3 weeks ago that we wanted to do the Disney Princess 1/2 marathon, neither of us are runners or athletes and we both need to lose some (more than I'd like to admit) weight. I have been obsessed with finding others stories about peoples goals to getting to the princess 1/2 ever since I decided to do it and I stumbled onto your page. Your story has really inspired me to keep going! I know that there will be a lot of obstacles between now and February but I hope I can keep my head up and just work through it! I know the foot injury is a pain in the neck! I fractured my 3rd metatarsal on my left foot about 2 years ago and was in the terrible boot for about 8 weeks as well and I know how annoying it is! You'll be so happy to be out of it that I think it'll renew your spirit to keep going with your goal! I know you can do it!!!
Well I have completely feel off and have been run over by the Weight Watchers bus - I am ashamed of myself - I just can't seem to get back on track. I wake up every morning thinking that today is the day, I can do this, I can be strong. Take it one meal at a time, one day at time, but I always seem to sabotage myself - oh my, I'm gonna keep trying!

Foot update - I was allowed to stop wearing the boot on Thurday - yippee - can't tell you how happy I am about that. Down side is that I am still not allowed to doing any type of running for another 4 weeks - minimum!!! I am allowed to ride the bike and I have been doing the elipitcal as well - 30 minutes each, 6 days a week. I am also on week 2 of strength training 3x's a week.

I honestly don't know if I will persue the 1/2 marathon - I really want to, but I keep thinking that with my foot problems, maybe that isn't the best thing for me. I do know that I miss running, so maybe once I get clearance and start back slow, I will be able to do it.
Ran across this thread again today and just wanted to send you a shout out! I hope you're fully healed and thinking about running again, if that's the right thing for you of course. There's still plenty of time to train for the princess!

Well I have been back to running for a few weeks now. Taking it very easy and going slow, but it feels so good to be back. I fininshed the C25K program and I am now working on a 10K training program for my first 10K run on October 30th in Washington DC. At this point I don't know if I can do it - I have to maintain a 15 minute mile, but I sure as heck am going to try.

I am running 3-4 days a week, averaging 2.5 miles each run and my longer run on Sundays. Last week my long run was 3.5 miles, this week I will try for 4 miles. I've been playing with run/walk ratios and have been doing 2 min runs with 1 min walk. That seems to be working ok, but it seems to be harder to run when I stop to walk. This is all very frustrating to me - I keep hoping that it will get easier, but it doesn't seem to - oh well, guess I just keep waddling away!

I did manage to gain back all the weight that I lost! It totally embarasses me to say that. I need to be accountable to myself and I have been a total mess when it comes to eating. I think I eat everything insight, day and night. I am obessed with food and I seem to think that my mouth needs to be constantly moving.

Today I decided to start with the Special K lose one jean size in 2 weeks program. Today was day one and so far I've done very good, with only one minor slip up. I wrote out my meal plan for the day and I have stuck with so far. I calculated the WW points values for the Special K meals and snacks and it is right on track with the 29 WW points that I would get for the day. So I'm going to use a mixture of both plans.

Thank you for reading my babble - please take a minute to post - I need all the encouragement I can get.
Happy hear that you are able to get back to running... I know how hard it is to get started "again" on the diet wagon. That thing keeps running over me time and time again....:rotfl: Keep with it and you will be running the Princess in no time!!!:cheer2::cheer2:
Great to hear from you again! Congrats on getting back on the road and back to dieting. i am approaching weight loss very slowly with small changes. For me, trying to stick to strict diets is a set up. I really have no willpower! It's taking forever, but I'm finally seeing progress. Now the trick is to sustain!

Keep us posted...we're cheering you on. See you at the princess!

Ok, here I am once again - I officially started the Princess 1/2 Marathon training program on Tuesday. I did 55 minutes on the treadmill - 5 minute warm up, 45 minutes - alternating between jogging and walking, then a 5 minute cool down. I repeated this again this morning. Tuesday morning went well, this morning it seemed hard. I will repeat this again Saturday morning on the treadmill, then do my long run of 4 miles Sunday morning outside.

MY GOAL: I am registered for the Marathon Corps 10K run in Washington DC on OCtober 31st. So that is I'm working on - I really want to run this, but I'm just not sure that I can do it - and I don't want to be embarassed in front of all those people. I have 24 days til the run - I will wait to the last minute to make a decision. I have to maintain a 15 minute mile and that's about where I am right now on a good day.

WEIGHT LOSS GOAL: I have decided that in order to run in the Princess 1/2 marathon I need to lose 56.5 pounds in 140 days. Can I do it, I don't know, but I am going to try. I know if I lose the weight, the running will be easier.

My DD is going to run the 1/2 with me - we are going to register as "Ariel" so I am on the look out for purple tops and green shorts or a skirt to wear. I think we'll get tiaras as well. It will be a great weekend - her college roommate is going with us as well as my younger DD.

Thanks for reading along - please feel free to post any comments or encouragement - I need all the help I can get.


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