Run, Write, Run (comments welcome!)

for my looooong runs (anything over 90min) last year I watched the wdwcouple youtube videos where he livestreamed the races he ran. there are several weekends and race distances to choose from and it helped a TON. I can usually find a show or movie to watch to distract myself, but those old livestreams they have on their channel were awesome for my peak weeks.
I've already watched all of those in the background while I work. :D I need to find similar streams!
Well, this week's running plans were halfway a bust. On Saturday night I started feeling really sick. Fever, chills, muscle aches all over. My husband had been sick the week prior and I thought I dodged a bullet, but I guess not. I skipped Sunday and Monday's workouts because I was in no condition to even think about running. I started feeling better on Tuesday but still not all there and my throat was killing me. (Multiple Covid tests were negative, so I guess it was just a fun flu? Who knows.)

Wednesday I woke up feeling good enough to attempt my scheduled easy run. I was supposed to do 2 miles but did 3 in a dumb attempt to make up some of the mileage I skipped. Did this run on the treadmill because there was no way I could go outside and sweat like a pig still not fully recovered from being sick. The run was "hard" but I did it.

Total: 3.13 miles
Time: 50:00
Avg pace: 15:59

Thursday I was scheduled for 3 miles plus strides. I hopped on the treadmill again because I still wasn't 100 percent. I only made it a little over 2 miles before I had to stop. I felt mostly recovered and mentally I felt fine, but I felt so shaky, like when I haven't had enough to eat. I had a banana before running, but I guess that wasn't enough. I realized I hadn't been eating much while sick (my stomach wasn't bothering me, I just didn't have much of an appetite) and I guess that came back to bite me during the run. I decided to stop early before risking making myself feel worse.

Total: 2.06 miles
Time: 32:57
Avg pace: 16:00

Today I had a five mile run scheduled. I wasn't sure how long I would make it, but headed outside with the intention to go as far as I could. I made it two miles and was under my easy intervals pace, so I knew I was running too fast. Then my heartrate kept spiking both from the heat and still not being 100 percent back to normal, so when I hit 2 miles I reset my run/walk timer to :15/:30. That helped slow me down and keep my heart rate to a reasonable level. (I still spent way too long in zone 3 for this run, so I need to work on that.) I think for the remainder of the summer I need to keep all my long runs at :15/:30. For anything under 3 miles, :30/:30 seems to work well, but the longer I run, the more my heart rate increases. The more you know! When I came home I promptly stripped and jumped in the pool. Benefits of having your own pool! :D

Total: 5.02 miles
Time: 1:13:39
Avg pace: 14:40
I did my marathon tempo run today and it was so hot I thought I was going to die, but I didn't and now I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself. :D My target pace was 13:21. Can you tell which miles have the cumulative incline and the most time out of the shade? :P (Yes, I should have adjusted for T+D. Ooops.)


Because this is my first time actually training for a race with specific workouts, I have no idea where I should be heart rate wise. (I also have no idea if my zones are even accurate!) I definitely felt this workout, though! :D

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I love when a run makes me feel like I could take on the Empire!

Assuming you have not adjusted your hr zones, they are very likely incorrect. I like to use heart rate reserve (hrr). Here’s a good explanation in case you’re interested:
Thanks! I've adjusted my zones on the Garmin, but the problem is I really don't know what my max heart rate is. I'm currently using 170 because that was my highest heart rate on my 10k in February, but I wasn't really racing super hard. If I use the traditional 220-age, I'd get 178, which is close.
Thanks! I've adjusted my zones on the Garmin, but the problem is I really don't know what my max heart rate is. I'm currently using 170 because that was my highest heart rate on my 10k in February, but I wasn't really racing super hard. If I use the traditional 220-age, I'd get 178, which is close.
I did some middle school algebra to calculate your age 🤫 and interestingly that article gives a different formula but still results in 178.

MHR = 207 – (0.7 x age)

Anyway, I noticed my heart rate zones aligned with my perceived effort a lot better when I switched to % heart rate reserve instead of % max heart rate.
Well, I took an extra day off on Wednesday due to pain in my inner thigh. I think it was due to either a pull or strain in my groin area since it was also bothering me when I bent over a certain way. I did a lot of stretching and my leg feels mostly better now, but the pain has moved to the back of my thigh. :P I did my easy run this morning and it felt mostly fine, and the pain lessened the more I ran, so hopefully it will go away soon. If not, I guess I'll have to find a PT. :(

(A reminder to myself to WARM UP before and STRETCH after EVERY run. :P )

Today's run was good, I won't say "nice" because it was disgustingly hot, but I felt strong enough to do the big hill and my heart rate didn't spike too high. I did 15/30 intervals and that kept me in a nice heart rate zone throughout, and I was impressed with my pace even with doing the shorter run interval. It was faster than when I was still doing 30/30, haha. Also, mostly negative splits!

I also adjusted my heart rate zones thanks to @GollyGadget and stayed mostly in the easy zone, so yay me. :) The updated zones corresponded more with how I felt. (The only time I felt out of breath was after the steeper inclines, which is typical for me.)


Today was my first 5k intervals workout. The plan: 1 mile @ Easy + 6 sets of (0.25 mi @ 75/30 sec @ 10:00/17:00 paces
w/ 0.25 mi RI) + 1 mile @ Easy

I had a hard time figuring out how to measure/program my workout, since when you use a custom workout in Garmin, it won't give you separate run/walk alerts unless they're programmed in. And I needed to measure the intervals by distance, not time. So, I was going to create a workout on my Garmin and use an interval app for run/walk notifications. But the app didn't have an option for 75 seconds. So I decided to just do a regular run and set 75/30 run walk alerts and .25 mile distance alerts. It worked fine...until my second 5k interval started and my run/walk timing was all wrong. :P Also I forgot to hit the lap button, so the 4th interval got included in the surrounding rest intervals. Oh well. I ended up turning off the run/walk notification and just counting. Not ideal, but counting took my mind of the pain. :D Next time I will program the workout into the Garmin so it will automatically record the different intervals, and just count in my head again since that worked this time. Lesson learned.

Despite those technical hiccups, I think the workout went well? It was definitely my hardest workout so far, but I did it! My average pace is meant to be 11:20, so I was aiming for 12:00 to adjust for the T+D, and I was under that for each interval. So obviously I need to dial in on my pacing more so I don't die during the actual race. :P I also felt good in final easy mile, so I counted that as good practice running while tired, haha.

Phew, I'm tired.

July 12: Outdoor :15/:30 interval run. 2.17 miles, 31:47 total, 14:41 avg pace.

July 13: Treadmill continuous run with strides. 3.01 miles, 44:45 total, 14:52 avg pace.

July 14: Outdoor long run. 6.32 miles, 1:34:02 total, 14:53 avg pace. Was scheduled for 6 miles but did 10k for a Garmin badge. My back really hurt me during this run, thanks hormones.

I skipped Sunday's run because I was exhausted and we went to Epcot.

July 17: 5k intervals run. Decided to do this on the treadmill as I didn't have a good night's sleep and my stomach was bothering me yesterday, so I thought it was prudent to remain close to home. Plus, since I was aiming for specific paces, I could dial them in on the treadmill.

This week's interval run plan: .75 mile @ Easy + 8 sets of (0.25 mi @ 75/30 sec @ 10:00/17:00 paces
w/ 0.25 mi RI) + .5 mile @ Easy.

This was hard, but I did it. All 8 sets. I kept focusing on my breathing and repeating "I am one with the Force, the Force is with me." Thanks, Rogue One, for that excellent mantra! The run came out to 5.01 miles, 1:09:38 minutes (avg pace 13:54).
Okay, I have a few weeks to catch up on!

July 19: Treadmill run, 3 miles, 44:56 total, avg pace 14:59.

July 20: Outdoor run, 4.08 miles, 58:23 total, avg pace 14:19. Did this run on a Thursday since we were going out of town that weekend.

Skipped run on July 23 since we were driving home that day.

July 24: 5k intervals run. I feel like I'm getting slower pace should be 11:20), but it's also ridiculously hot and humid so I'm adjusting when I run outside so I don't die.


July 26: Outdoor run, 3.01 miles, 43:45 total, avg pace 14:32.

Skipped Thursday's run because... I don't remember why. :P

July 29: Did my long run on Saturday because I had to drive my son to school on Friday. So I only got 6 miles instead of 7. I did it on the treadmill and it was rough mentally but I put on Good Omens and powered through. Thank you to the Mickey Musketeers movie for distracting my son. 6.06 miles, 1:30:59 total, avg pace 15:01. I used Tailwind to practice fueling and so far it's working great.

Skipped the run on Sunday because I was exhausted and we went to Epcot.

July 31: Moved Sunday's run to Monday. Did this on the treadmill. 2.07 miles, 31.01 total, avg pace 14:59.

August 1: 5k intervals run. Again, I'm getting slower, but it's also hot as hell. Remind me never to train for a race during the summer ever again.

August 3: Treadmill run. 3.00 miles, 42:36 total, 14:12 pace.

August 4: Magic mile. Again, I slowed down compared to my last magic mile, but I'm celebrating the fact that I finished without dying. (Am I whining too much about how hot it is? Oh well. IT IS SO HOT. Like heat advisory is 115 today.


Skipped last Sunday's run because I just couldn't get out of the house with my kid around.

Monday: 5k intervals run. Did this one on the treadmill because HOT. I remembered to do the lap buttons on my watch so I kind of got accurate data.


Skipped today's run because toddler is home sick. I have a 3 mile run tomorrow and might tag another mile on. Then Friday is my longest run of the training cycle and my longest ever run, 8 miles. Debating between doing it outside to save my sanity and doing it on the treadmill to save my body.

As for the writing part of this journal, I'm glad to say I've gotten sucked into writing again! However, it's not the book I'm "supposed" to be working on. I got sucked back into fanfiction really bad and am writing for my favorite ship for the first time in years, and I'm so happy. :D
So I did 3 miles yesterday on the treadmill. Was gonna try to do more, but treadmill.

Today was my 8 mile run. I got ready early and was about to head out the door around 7:30.

And then my phone decided to brick itself.

Sure, I could have run without it, but there was no way I was running 8 miles without any music. Which is on my phone. And, of course, I need my phone for other things! I was freaking mad. I finally hopped on the treadmill with my laptop nearby as I first tried to restart, then update, and finally restore my phone to factory settings. Then, thankfully, it was able to download the latest backup. It finally finished after I was about 4 miles in (and had finished Season 1 of Good Omens and the first episode of Season 2).

Since my phone was fine, I decided to head outside for the rest of my run. Originally I was going to start outside and then finish on the treadmill if it was too hot. So I did the opposite. And OMG it was so hot. I don't know how I managed to finish the four miles. The first mile or so was okay, but then it just got so, so hot, and there was barely any shade other than the main road (which has an incline so it makes me work harder anyway). I don't even care what my pace was because I freaking did it.

I used Tailwind for fuel, 1 scoop in 16 ounces and then refilled with another scoop and 16 ounces before going outside. My stomach felt fine, but I think I need to try 2 scoops in my water bottle next time because I started to get tired at the end. Of course, that could have been because it was so hot. Did I mention it was hot? I got home and jumped in the pool and floated for a bit. Then I took an ice bath and other than the initial plunge it felt amazing. I've been back home for over an hour now and I think my face is still red. :P

Anyway, that was this week's adventure, may it never happen again!
I used Tailwind for fuel, 1 scoop in 16 ounces and then refilled with another scoop and 16 ounces before going outside. My stomach felt fine, but I think I need to try 2 scoops in my water bottle next time because I started to get tired at the end.

One thing that I found during last year's marathon (the hard way) was that, for me, there comes a certain point when Tailwind just isn't enough and I need something more substantial (actual solid food). Unfortunately, this comes at the very end of the run when I don't really feel like chewing, but it is what it is. So adding something more/different than just Tailwind might be something to try.
One thing that I found during last year's marathon (the hard way) was that, for me, there comes a certain point when Tailwind just isn't enough and I need something more substantial (actual solid food). Unfortunately, this comes at the very end of the run when I don't really feel like chewing, but it is what it is. So adding something more/different than just Tailwind might be something to try.

Thanks, good advice! I think I'll be okay for a half, but I'll keep that in mind if I do the marathon eventually. And I'll keep something on me just in case.

I have no advice. Just here to commiserate 🥵

Thank you. My phone died again on the way to daycare pickup and is constantly restarting. >:(

What is your "favorite ship"? Me being a SF nerd, so "ship" = "starship" = Star Trek. :) But that's probably not it at all!

Ha, I'm a Star Wars nerd so I like those types of ships, too. :) This is relationship/shipping, and it's Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade from the Star Wars Legends books. :)
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So I did 3 miles yesterday on the treadmill. Was gonna try to do more, but treadmill.

Today was my 8 mile run. I got ready early and was about to head out the door around 7:30.

And then my phone decided to brick itself.

Sure, I could have run without it, but there was no way I was running 8 miles without any music. Which is on my phone. And, of course, I need my phone for other things! I was freaking mad. I finally hopped on the treadmill with my laptop nearby as I first tried to restart, then update, and finally restore my phone to factory settings. Then, thankfully, it was able to download the latest backup. It finally finished after I was about 4 miles in (and had finished Season 1 of Good Omens and the first episode of Season 2).

Since my phone was fine, I decided to head outside for the rest of my run. Originally I was going to start outside and then finish on the treadmill if it was too hot. So I did the opposite. And OMG it was so hot. I don't know how I managed to finish the four miles. The first mile or so was okay, but then it just got so, so hot, and there was barely any shade other than the main road (which has an incline so it makes me work harder anyway). I don't even care what my pace was because I freaking did it.

I used Tailwind for fuel, 1 scoop in 16 ounces and then refilled with another scoop and 16 ounces before going outside. My stomach felt fine, but I think I need to try 2 scoops in my water bottle next time because I started to get tired at the end. Of course, that could have been because it was so hot. Did I mention it was hot? I got home and jumped in the pool and floated for a bit. Then I took an ice bath and other than the initial plunge it felt amazing. I've been back home for over an hour now and I think my face is still red. :P

Anyway, that was this week's adventure, may it never happen again!

Oh I feel your pain!! FL is just miserable this time of year. Love the "but treadmill" I told my wife I'd rather pass out on the sidewalk than spend time on the treadmill!! Keep up the good work! Fall is coming!
Oh I feel your pain!! FL is just miserable this time of year. Love the "but treadmill" I told my wife I'd rather pass out on the sidewalk than spend time on the treadmill!! Keep up the good work! Fall is coming!
It's always bad in the summer but the past few weeks have just been ridiculous. We went to Disney a few weeks ago and all of us almost passed out. Thankfully we have a pool, even though the water isn't that refreshing anymore. :P
The universe has just been playing with me lately. :P

After my long run that got split in two because of my phone dying, I was determined to get back out there the following week for my last 5k intervals speed workout. I decided to move Sunday's two mile run to Monday, and Monday's run to Tuesday, then move my rest day to Wednesday, because that was our ten year anniversary and we wanted to celebrate!

HAHA JUST KIDDING, my husband woke up on Monday in excruciating pain so I had to take my son to school and then him to the ER. Thankfully, he is fine now, and no surgery needed, just a very bad infection that was caught in time for antibiotics to do the trick. (Not looking forward to the ER bill though. :P )

Needless to say, I did not do Monday's run, nor Tuesday's, and Wednesday was not spent celebrating. Thankfully he felt good enough to drive by Thursday, so I restarted my training plan with Wednesday's scheduled run.

August 17: Outdoor continuous run. 3.47 miles, 50:52 total, avg pace 14:39. It felt good to get out and run again. This was a continuous run, which is always harder for me this time of year (aka it's still hotter than the surface of the sun). I also did strides during the last mile.

August 18: Outdoor intervals run. 4.01 miles, 56:34 total, avg pace 14:07. See how much faster I am when I do intervals? Haha. I moved up to 30/30 intervals just to see if that was possible in the heat, and it felt good. (I had switched to 15/30 a few months ago when it got really hot, but I guess I've (mostly) acclimated by now, haha.) My second mile was 13:44 and it did NOT feel like I was going that fast.

August 21 (today): Outdoor 5k continuous run. HAHA this run sucked. My target pace was 11:20 and I knew there was no way I could hit that with it being as hot as it is, so I set my watch for a range of 12:00-12:30. I hit that, but it was HARD, which I guess is the point. I did two sets of 1 mile with a .5 mile recovery interval in between. I had to walk about .8 into the first mile, and took a handful of walk breaks during the second. It's just impossible for me to run continuously at that speed during the summer. But I hit the goal pace I set on my watch, so that's something.

Catching up on the last week and change:

August 23: outdoor easy run. 3.17 miles, 44:35, avg pace 14:05. I don't remember much about this run so it must have been uneventful.

August 24: treadmill easy run. 3 miles, 43:39, avg pace 14:33.

August 25: 8 miles fast finish run. 5 miles at easy pace, 3 miles at marathon pace. I used :15/:30 intervals for the first 5 miles and :30/:30 for the last three. This went well, I felt easy for the first part, harder for the second part, but not too much that I felt out of breath. I used tailwind during this run and it worked great, so I'll be sticking to that for fuel. I'm able to stop at the community pool to fill up my water and add another scoop of tailwind. The only issue was that my watch died near the end of this run so it only recorded 7.1 miles.

August 28: 6 mile with HM pace. I was supposed to do 2 miles on Sunday, but wasn't able to, so I combined that into this run. Did 3 miles at easy pace :-)15/:30 intervals), 2 miles at HM pace :-)60/:30 intervals), and 1 mile easy. This run felt really good and I was able to hit my HM pace even with the high T+D.


August 29: outdoor easy run. 3.11 miles, 42:26, avg pace 13:37. This run was supposed to be easy pace but ended up being more like marathon pace. I ran at night before Idalia hit, and there was a really nice breeze outside. It made me feel like I'll be unstoppable once the temperatures get lower. :D

August 31: treadmill easy run. 3 miles, 43:29, avg pace 14:30. I added strides during the last mile. I was proud of this run because I never went above zone 2, even with the strides.

September 1: outdoor 5k pace run. 1 mile easy, 1 mile 5k with .5 mile rest (repeat 3 times), 1 mile easy. This was supposed to be continuous, but I knew with the high T+D I wouldn't be able to run at that pace for a mile without walk breaks. I used the workout to try different intervals to see which works best for me. First mile was 1:15/:30, second mile was :60/:30, and third mile was :30/:15. I felt the best after mile 2, and that was my fastest mile, so I think :60/:30 is a good racing interval for me for now.


If I can keep those paces for 3.1 miles straight, I'll get my sub-40 5k!


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