Running for my Disney - Finally a TR!

Disneyland AND California Adventure

The park was looking decidedly more Halloween than the day before, with the giant pumpkin having taken up residence in Town Square. Unfortunately it was also the hottest day so far, with a maximum temperature of around 100. We had already decided that we would just take it easy today, and take plenty of breaks to cool off.

We entered the park just in time to see the marching band marching off.

Dad was very disappointed, and decided that he would have to prioritise seeing the band do a full set at some stage. In the meantime, we decided to jump on the train.

We did a full lap of the park on the train, and when we got back to Main Street, Dad decided that he wanted to see Great Moments with Mr Lincoln. We had about 10 minutes until the next show started, so we looked around the lobby area.

I will say now that I am no fan of history. It's not that I don't appreciate it, and sometimes I even find it interesting. However, because I have no desire to learn it, everything I hear/read just goes in one ear and out the other. I even struggle to memorise names and dates in Disney history! Needless to say, I found the show itself rather tedious. However, I can't deny that the animatronic Lincoln was rather impressive, and I did enjoy his speech.

We hung around in the area for a while, checking out some of the shops and displays around.

There was a small display for the Haunted Mansion's anniversary (and I'm so bad with history I can't tell you which anniversary it was :rotfl:).

We'd hung around in the area long enough that the marching band re-emerged.

Dad wanted to watch their whole set. Mum and I don't have his patience and thought it was too hot to just stand around and watch. While he was watching, we took some photos around the area and had a number of PP photos taken with the giant pumpkin.

Luckily, we were about to have another opportunity to cool down. Today was the day of our WOC dining package at Carthay Circle. We had opted for lunch, as I really couldn't justify the prices for dinner :eek: When the band was finished, we hopped over to DCA to check in.

We were taken upstairs to the dining room, and shown to our booth in the middle of the room.

No food porn I'm afraid, but we did all enjoy our meals and the service was fantastic. It was too hot for wine, but Mum and I indulged in a couple of yummy fruity mocktails.

After lunch we took in a show (Aladdin).

It was hard to tell whether my parents were enjoying it (we're not a family who wear our emotions on our sleeves :rotfl:), but afterwards they spoke very highly of it, so I will assume that they did.

We decided to head back to Disneyland for a short while.

After the walk down in the sun, we made a bee line for some cold beverages and somewhere to sit in the shade!

Once we had cooled off sufficiently, we headed to Tomorrowland, where we pretty much walked straight onto Buzz Lightyear.

Mum didn't quite get the hang of it (she was Space Ranger 2), but enjoyed the ride nonetheless. Dad kicked both our butts.

I'd never been to Innoventions before, so I thought it might be worth checking out. The answer? Not really lol!

There was a whole section dedicated to Marvel characters, which none of us are interested in.

Down the bottom was kind of a house of the future with many interactive features, most of which were not working lol!

The heat was taking its toll on all of us by then, even with all the air-conditioned breaks, so we headed back to the hotel for a proper break.

To be continued
Disneyland AND California Adventure

After a short break back at the hotel, we had all gathered enough strength to face the heat again and headed back down to the parks. We did a little window shopping to start with.

Mum and I found Minnie hanging around the Town Square area.

We made our way to Fantasyland, thinking we might catch Alice in Wonderland. As usual, the line was at 30 minutes, which is longer than Mum is willing to line up for. Dad and I did the teacups instead.

I was still keen to ride something that Mum would be interested in, so we wandered over to IASW. We told Dad that he didn't have to come with us, but he mustn't have wanted to miss out, so he came too in the end.

With the song well and truly stuck in our heads, we headed into ToonTown.

I thought Mum would be ok with Roger Rabbit's CarToon Spin if we didn't spin the car. It turned out that it is actually rather difficult to stop the car from spinning, and it ended up being a rather stressful ride for me trying to hold that thing steady with all my might! Mum was very appreciative, and I think she enjoyed it, apart from being nervous about the spinning.

I knew Mum would enjoy some of the photo opportunities in the area.

We were starting to get a little hungry and looked out for a snack type dinner. We stumbled across Pluto's Dog House, which we thought would be perfect!

Dad and I ordered a premium hot dog each. What we ended up with was the smallest hot dog I have ever seen. Mum got the kids meal with a turkey sandwich, which sadly ended up being the top pick of the meal.

After dinner, Mum and I had a quick wander through Minnie's house.

Then we checked out Mickey's house.

And with that, we headed back out to DCA to stake out our spot for WOC.

Having dined at Carthay Circle, we were directed to the premium VIP viewing area, which was pretty much the middle of the top tier. Unfortunately we *just* missed out on a spot at the rail. However, we managed to snag the standing area right behind the bench for disabled guests. We had a pretty decent view, with the exception of a pesky light tower.

There was a tense few minutes right at the start time, when there was an announcement advising that the show was delayed. It finally started about 10 minutes later. I didn't bother to take photos during the show with my new little camera.

After the show, Dad announced that it was his second favourite after Dreams at DLP. He hadn't been much of a fan of F!

We headed back to the hotel with the masses, hoping that the heat would ease up a little for our last few days.
I will say now that I am no fan of history. It's not that I don't appreciate it, and sometimes I even find it interesting. However, because I have no desire to learn it, everything I hear/read just goes in one ear and out the other. I even struggle to memorise names and dates in Disney history!


(My mum MADE me learn history when I was a child and I ended up not minding it too much)


There was a small display for the Haunted Mansion's anniversary (and I'm so bad with history I can't tell you which anniversary it was :rotfl:).

*cough* *cough* 45th *cough* *cough*

There was a whole section dedicated to Marvel characters, which none of us are interested in.

Don't let my DH hear you say that! He loves Marvel characters.

Come to think of do. I.

Looks like a nice time at Toontown. Glad you did the lunch package instead of dinner and got your FP for WoC.
Carsland lighting up looks pretty. Sounds like another nice day despite the heat and Cathay Circle looks a lovely dining setting. Noooo you can't confess to not being a history buff in my hearing!! (Sorry, one history nerd over here but it's OK, I'll forgive you! I have sort of converted DH over the years provided I keep it short and snappy.)

(My mum MADE me learn history when I was a child and I ended up not minding it too much)


People have tried to make me learn it too, but have mostly given up when I keep asking the same questions over and over again because I just can't remember what they told me 5 minutes ago :rotfl: Seriously, whenever history is involved, it's like my brain just goes to mush.

Don't let my DH hear you say that! He loves Marvel characters.

Come to think of do. I.


Should I remind you that I don't like Star Wars either? :stir:

Looks like a nice time at Toontown. Glad you did the lunch package instead of dinner and got your FP for WoC.

Lunch worked out very nicely, as the main objectives were (a) to experience a meal at Carthay, and (b) to obtain the FP.

Carsland lighting up looks pretty. Sounds like another nice day despite the heat and Cathay Circle looks a lovely dining setting. Noooo you can't confess to not being a history buff in my hearing!! (Sorry, one history nerd over here but it's OK, I'll forgive you! I have sort of converted DH over the years provided I keep it short and snappy.)

My DH is definitely a history nerd. He loves any sort of history in any form, and has a great mind for it. He can rattle off AFL statistics for the last 20 years, a list of all the prime ministers Australia has ever had, or a brief history of any country we visit at the drop of a hat. Dad is also into history, but more the military side.

Today was the first day of the official Halloween time season, and also Dapper Day. It was even hotter than the previous day, and when we got to the park relatively early in the morning, we saw massive crowds of people everywhere! We couldn't get close enough to the Dapper Dans to get a decent photo.

I was keen to check out the Haunted Mansion in all its holiday glory, so we headed over that way first. On our way, we noticed plenty of people already dressed in their Dapper Day finery. I wondered how some of them were going to get through the heat of the day in their big frilly skirts and petticoats, gloves, stockings, and heels :eek:

This was the first time I've ever seen the line for Pirates extend to the bridge.

At around the dock for the Tom Sawyer Island rafts, we decided not to bother with the Haunted Mansion. The whole place was mobbed, and none of us could be bothered with those type of crowds. We decided to take a leisurely cruise around the river on the Sailing Ship Columbia instead. The unfortunate thing about the Sailing Ship Columbia is that there is no shade on deck. Once it got going though at least it created a small breeze.

The heat was oppressive, and I was pretty keen to cool off after standing in the sun for a bit. I suggested Splash, and that went down like a ton of bricks lol! I was pretty keen, so I decided to do it solo anyway. I took a few photos on the way through.

This was as close as I was getting to the Haunted Mansion for a while.

It was probably a good thing that nobody else was interested in Splash. The line was insanely long - I'm sure everyone had the same idea as me. I headed straight to the single rider line where I waited for about 10 minutes. I was put into a boat with a lovely family who asked me if I would be part of their photo. It was the first time for a couple of the people in the boat, and they were getting increasingly nervous lol!

I ended up not getting particularly wet, just splashed enough to cool off. It worked perfectly!

We decided to go to Hungry Bear for lunch. It gets pretty good reviews on the DIS and I was keen to try their sweet potato fries. Mum and I shared a sandwich with a side of the fries, which was great and plenty enough for both of us. Dad got his own of course. We enjoyed our meal from the upper deck while watching the Sailing Ship Columbia sail around the river.

We were looking for some other cool activities, so I suggested Mickey and the Magical Map. We snapped a few photos as we made our way over to the theatre.

It's not air-conditioned, but it was cool enough sitting there in the shade, and it was a fun show.

Once the show was finished, we decided it was just getting too hot and crowded to be any fun any more, so we headed back to the hotel for a break and to get into our own Dapper Day finery! We stopped briefly on the way out to check out the pumpkin displays over the main entrance.

Back at the hotel, we made a bee line for the pool!

To be continued
Looking forward to seeing you in Dapper Dan frippery!

Sounds like a super busy day at the park. And that splash family sounds fun! The ride photo is great.
Disneyland (Dapper Day)

We hung around for a good few hours at the hotel. We knew that the park wasn't closing until midnight that night, so we weren't rushing to get back. After our cool off in the pool, we took our time getting ready for the evening and finally headed down to the park in time for our dinner reservation at Cafe Orleans. Both Mum and I wore our flats for the walk down, and changed into our heels just before entering the park.

We checked in at Cafe Orleans and were given a buzzer to tell us when our table was ready. In the meantime, we checked out some of the shops in the area, watched some very dapper people have a photo shoot, and had a small photo shoot of our own.

It took about 15 minutes to be seated. I was glad that I'd made reservations for dinner that night - we would have struggled to find anywhere that would accept walk-ups, and the quick service places would have been insanely busy.

We had a very average dinner. Service was poor, our order was messed up a couple of times, and I don't even remember what we had now, so it can't have been that good. Possibly to make up for the lousy dinner, we were brought a plate of complimentary Mickey beignets with a birthday candle (I had my birthday button on). We hadn't bothered to order dessert, so we enjoyed sharing the beignets.

After dinner, I was keen to play Minnie Mouse for the evening lol! We headed back over to ToonTown where we spent a bit more time checking out the details of her house.

We also decided to see if Mickey was home.

He as home. We were the second last group of the day to see him. He made a big deal of my outfit and, since he seemed to especially love my shoes, it all seemed worth it!

By the time we left Mickey, CMs were starting to clear out ToonTown for the evening and, after Mum and I changed back into our flats, we headed into Tomorrowland. Dad was keen to try StarTours, and was willing to wait 30 minutes for it, so we went for it.

It turned out to be a bit longer wait than 30 minutes, but that gave my Kwells a good time to start working, so it was ok with me. Dad enjoyed the ride. For me, it was a bit too sicky without much payoff since I'm not into Star Wars.

We found Mum and thought we'd try to catch the fireworks. With only about 15 minutes to go, Main Street was absolutely jam packed with people, to the point where they had implemented the one way walking paths (first time I'd seen this too!). We didn't rate our chances of getting a decent spot very highly, so we decided to try out the view from IASW instead. I actually quite enjoyed seeing it from a new angle!

We were all keen to sit down with a drink after the fireworks, and I suggested Tomorrowland Terrace might be the closest place. Dad lined up for drinks while Mum and I found a free table. It turned out it was nearly time for the performer of the evening to take to the stage, so there weren't many tables left. When Dad realised that there would be a performance, he was keen to stay for that and wandered down to the stage area. When the performer began his set, Mum and I realised that it wasn't our thing, and found Dad to tell him we'd meet him back there in half an hour.

Mum and I started wandering, thinking we might do some shopping or something. We got distracted though when we saw a PP photographer in front of the castle, and thought it would be good to get a couple of nice photos while we were all dressed up. The line was pretty long, and the photographer was taking ages with each group, getting them to do heaps of poses. We probably waited about 20 minutes for our turn.

By the time we met back up with Dad, we were all feeling a bit exhausted and over the crowds, and agreed to call it a night.

As we walked through Town Square on the way out, I spied Minnie doing a meet and greet! Unfortunately she was just about to go for a break, but her handler said she'd be back out in 10 minutes. Everyone was happy to wait another 10 minutes, and Mum and I took the opportunity to change back into our heels lol! We saw Minnie come back out after only a few minutes, and followed her to her meeting spot.

I was kind of disappointed there was no PP photographer there, but Minnie was great and loved my outfit. She didn't comment on my shoes though lol!

And with that, Mum and I changed back into our flats and we headed back to the hotel.

It had been a fun but exhausting and crazy day!
Looking forward to seeing you in Dapper Dan frippery!

Sounds like a super busy day at the park. And that splash family sounds fun! The ride photo is great.

The park was much busier that Friday mid-September than it ever was over Labor Day/Half Marathon weekend!

The family definitely made it an enjoyable ride :thumbsup2 It was like they went out of their way to be friendly and help me feel at ease riding with them. Love it when you find people like that!
What a great outfit you are in for Dapper Dan day. You look great and I love the shoes (see.....I noticed!! LOL).
Your mum looks very special as well. Were you glad you all dressed up?
What a great outfit you are in for Dapper Dan day. You look great and I love the shoes (see.....I noticed!! LOL).
Your mum looks very special as well. Were you glad you all dressed up?

Thanks PIO :goodvibes

I love dressing up (both the dapper and costume variety), and I was so disappointed to miss out on a Halloween party, so this was a great compromise :thumbsup2 It was so much fun, I think even Dad enjoyed it!

I'd love to do it again, but we probably won't be at the parks at the right time of year for a while. In the meantime, I can get my fix by Disneybounding!
You looked great in your Dapper outfit. I love the pic of you and your mum at Minnie's House and the shot with Minnie at the end of the day. Sorry you can't enjoy Star Wars - DD can't either without more drugs than the standard dose and she'd just rather skip it. It does limit what you could enjoy at Universal as well. The crowds sound insane-yucko! All the crowded pics (and our experience in Florida) makes me appreciate our in comparison, deserted DLP last year and begs the question, when are the crowds so bad, that it is just not worth visiting Disneyland (wherever in the world)?
You looked great in your Dapper outfit. I love the pic of you and your mum at Minnie's House and the shot with Minnie at the end of the day. Sorry you can't enjoy Star Wars - DD can't either without more drugs than the standard dose and she'd just rather skip it. It does limit what you could enjoy at Universal as well. The crowds sound insane-yucko! All the crowded pics (and our experience in Florida) makes me appreciate our in comparison, deserted DLP last year and begs the question, when are the crowds so bad, that it is just not worth visiting Disneyland (wherever in the world)?

Thanks I love that shot of us in Minnie's house too :goodvibes

I've actually been on Transformers before with 2 Kwells. It was a bit sicky too, but I really enjoyed the ride so I'd be happy to put up with it. I imagine it might be the same for the Harry Potter rides at Universal. The trouble with Star Wars is that the ride just wasn't worth putting up with that sicky feeling for me, not being a Star Wars fan.

The crowds were definitely the worst I've ever seen at a Disney park. I had been warned that with Dapper Day and the official opening of Halloween time both being on the same day, that it could be crowded, but I really have to admit I was not prepared. I was more concerned about Labor Day weekend and, while that was crowded by my standards, it was pretty manageable.

I think I'd be game to attempt a Disney visit at any time of year. You'd just have to really manage your expectations and hone your plans if it was going to be ridiculously crowded (like the week between Christmas and NY, possibly Shanghai opening day :lmao:).

As we wandered to the park this morning, it suddenly dawned on me that our trip was coming to an end, and we only had a couple more days to fit everything in (yes this was our third last day, and I do realise that some people only go for 3 days in total lol!). Being a Saturday, and another super hot day, we went in with a plan to do a couple of specific things, and spend the rest of the day just enjoying the atmosphere of the parks.

We entered the park to see the marching band in the middle of a set, so we stayed to watch the end.

When they were finished, we made our way to Tomorrowland with the intention of picking up FPs for SMGG. We were actually quite surprised by how quiet the park was - definitely not as crowded as the previous day. The standby time for Space was 30 minutes, and Dad thought it might be better to just wait it out rather than having to worry about the time later on and rush back for our return time. Unfortunately the sign was misleading, and I'd estimate it was closer to 40 minutes. It was an unpleasant wait too, as the sun was beating down hard on the roof area. They really need more shaded areas in summer! At least the long wait gave my kwells a chance to kick in.

Eventually we were off! Unfortunately I didn't feel that it was worth the wait, and probably wouldn't bother to do it again. Space is another ride that makes me feel queasy (rollercoasters that just go round and round as opposed to up and down and changing directions do that to me). I didn't particularly like the Halloween overlay. It wasn't 'scary', but it wasn't uplifting like I find the original ride. It's mostly about the soundtrack, which of course was different with the Halloween overlay.

I patiently stood in line to have our photo added to our PP+ while Dad went to find Mum. There were two lines, and I was in the one that was moving particularly slow. I think the people at the front of the line were having trouble deciding which photo to get or something. The person in front of me took ages again. It was finally my turn and I started walking up to the window, when the CM said to me 'there's only one line'. Apparently I had been waiting patiently for 10 minutes not even in line! I was a little exasperated by this stage, and was about to turn around quietly and go to the end of the line again, when the guy at the front of the line said to the CM 'it's ok, she can go in front of us, she's been waiting'. I shot him a very grateful look and a 'thank you', and went up to the window, where I spent about 30 seconds telling the CM the number of my photo (which I had already seen while I was waiting) and getting her to scan it onto my card. Worth it?

Between the line for the ride, the actual ride, and the line for the photos, we'd spent about an hour at Space Mountain, and it was just about time for lunch. I was feeling a bit stressed at that point, and was pretty keen on the idea of sitting down somewhere cool with a cold beverage. We were planning to wait it out for the Haunted Mansion next, so we made our way over to the New Orleans Square area and had lunch at Riverbelle Terrace. Mum and I shared a roast dinner type meal which we both enjoyed.

Once we were feeling rested up, we headed over to HMH. I've been wanting to see the Halloween overlay here for a long time, so I was pretty excited. I think the wait time here was 30 minutes as well, but here it went pretty fast, and there was a lot to take in while we were in line.

As we were entering the stretching room, a woman started screaming at one of the other guests, claiming that they had squished her child. We could not hear the child or the other guest, who we assumed had accidentally ran into the child in the very full and crowded dark area, and was quietly trying to diffuse the situation. All we could hear was the loud aggressive woman who was refusing to accept the other guest's apology, and just kept on and on about how he/she squished her child. I was surprised that there was no CM intervention, but after a while she stopped screaming and that was the last we heard of it. As we exited the stretching room, we were all particularly careful to avoid going anywhere any children!

As much as I was looking forward to experiencing the Halloween overlay, I have to say, it didn't really do it for me. I really liked the decorations on the outside of the building, but upon exiting the ride, I had to admit I missed the original version. I had briefly explained the concept to my parents beforehand (of the two holidays colliding), as neither of them have really even heard of NBC. They told me that they were glad I had explained it as they wouldn't have got it otherwise.

We were all feeling a bit deflated with the heat, the disappointment of the rides, and the rudeness of some of the other guests, and decided to head back to the hotel. As we passed the Tiki Room, we noticed a show was due to start in 5 minutes, and decided to check it out. Unfortunately the sign hadn't been updated, and it was more like a 20 minute wait.

Sorry I know it's a classic, but I didn't really get it. I just kept waiting for something to happen!

Once we were finished at the Tiki Room, we headed back to the hotel for our afternoon break. Once we were rested up, we headed back out for dinner.

We tried Tortilla Jo's first, but there was about a 30 minute wait for a table. Knowing that Dad had liked HOB, I suggested Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen. We walked in and were seated straight away near the entertainment stage.

We had a really nice meal there, complete with complimentary birthday beignets!

As we were pretty full from dinner and had already ordered dessert (the most delicious creamy creme caramel), we asked if they could pack up the beignets for us to take with us. Our server brought out a paper bag for us to put them in and we enjoyed them as a late snack.

After dinner we headed back into the park, where we staked out a spot for the fireworks.

We were quite happy sitting on the curb and people watching until we were told to stand up and herded into the street. We had quite a good view, but I decided not to bother trying to take any fireworks photos with my little camera, and to just enjoy the show instead.

After the fireworks, we pretty much headed straight out and back to the hotel.
I know there are quite a few people on the Disneyland and WDW forums who think a sit down meal is a waste of time when there is so much to do at Disney. But I also think they can be a mood saver on those days when you're hot, bothered, and finding yourself irritated but the crowds and other guests. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this sounds like it might have been one of those days. :)

It was nice of that guest to let you go to the front of the photopass queue. I think it's always worth getting the ride pics when you have Photopass plus.

I loved the Haunted Mansion Holiday overlay. I actually think I prefer it to the original. It's so jovial and colourful. However, I do prefer the original hitchhiking ghosts at the end rather than those strange floating presents.

As for Space Mountain, I've never actually done the original Disneyland version as it was shut down when I last visited. I love the WDW version, and really enjoyed ghost Galaxy, so I presume I'd also love the original.

On a separate note, in just 2 days I will be in Sydney boarding the ship, and only 4 days until I'm in Melbourne. Can't wait!
Do you know yet whether you'll be catching up with us for lunch?
I know there are quite a few people on the Disneyland and WDW forums who think a sit down meal is a waste of time when there is so much to do at Disney. But I also think they can be a mood saver on those days when you're hot, bothered, and finding yourself irritated but the crowds and other guests. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this sounds like it might have been one of those days. :)

It was nice of that guest to let you go to the front of the photopass queue. I think it's always worth getting the ride pics when you have Photopass plus.

I loved the Haunted Mansion Holiday overlay. I actually think I prefer it to the original. It's so jovial and colourful. However, I do prefer the original hitchhiking ghosts at the end rather than those strange floating presents.

As for Space Mountain, I've never actually done the original Disneyland version as it was shut down when I last visited. I love the WDW version, and really enjoyed ghost Galaxy, so I presume I'd also love the original.

On a separate note, in just 2 days I will be in Sydney boarding the ship, and only 4 days until I'm in Melbourne. Can't wait!
Do you know yet whether you'll be catching up with us for lunch?

One reason why I like to spend up to a week at a Disney park is because it gives me time to relax and enjoy things like sit down meals or just getting out of the heat for a while. Having said that, we found quick service locations more convenient and affordable most of the time. However, with plenty of time, we were quite happy to linger once we had our meals.

I really wanted to love HMH. And it wasn't that I didn't like it, I just felt underwhelmed.

I've been thinking about your cruise coming up! I've got a reminder in my calendar at work so everyone remembers I'm leaving early that day. I suspect the chances of getting to lunch are very slim, but hopefully I'll be able to spend a couple of hours with you and PIO (and anyone else who might come along) in the afternoon :thumbsup2
I really like the idea of spending longer at Disneyland. Sadly for me, DH isn't as enamoured with the idea so I squeeze in as much as I can when I can. :)

That was nice of the other people to let you in. At the end of the day, you got your PP shot. I always think its worth getting those pictures if you've already paid for it.

The HM with the holiday overlay is the only way I can get DS on that ride. He finds the original too boring. I have to say that I do enjoy seeing the mansion all decked out in holiday colour.

I think it might just be you, me and Zanzibar on the Wednesday. We should plan to be in the city in the arvo so that Zanzibar can easily catch up with us.
I think it might just be you, me and Zanzibar on the Wednesday. We should plan to be in the city in the arvo so that Zanzibar can easily catch up with us.

Sounds great! I'm still not exactly sure what time we are leaving Melbourne (the Celebrity and Port timetables still contradict), but we may need to be back at the Port as early as 4. Beyond that, I'm happy to go with the flow.

Off to the airport in about an hour. We're staying the night at a nearby hotel as we have to check in for our flight at 4am tomorrow morning. We didn't want to wake my Father In Law and DS at 3am to get us to the airport.

Almost finished packing. I've been so disorganised with this trip. I figure that as long as I don't forget our passports, all will be okay.

Probably won't have Internet access the next few days, but will see you PIO (and hopefully you Zanzibar) on Wednesday. :)
I really like the idea of spending longer at Disneyland. Sadly for me, DH isn't as enamoured with the idea so I squeeze in as much as I can when I can. :)

That was nice of the other people to let you in. At the end of the day, you got your PP shot. I always think its worth getting those pictures if you've already paid for it.

The HM with the holiday overlay is the only way I can get DS on that ride. He finds the original too boring. I have to say that I do enjoy seeing the mansion all decked out in holiday colour.

I think it might just be you, me and Zanzibar on the Wednesday. We should plan to be in the city in the arvo so that Zanzibar can easily catch up with us.

I'm pretty lucky that my regular travelling party enjoys taking Disney at a slower pace too and are happy to indulge my long stays. Having said that, Mum and Dad are keen to cut their Disney time down to a few days on the next trip.

Sounds great! I'm still not exactly sure what time we are leaving Melbourne (the Celebrity and Port timetables still contradict), but we may need to be back at the Port as early as 4. Beyond that, I'm happy to go with the flow.

Off to the airport in about an hour. We're staying the night at a nearby hotel as we have to check in for our flight at 4am tomorrow morning. We didn't want to wake my Father In Law and DS at 3am to get us to the airport.

Almost finished packing. I've been so disorganised with this trip. I figure that as long as I don't forget our passports, all will be okay.

Probably won't have Internet access the next few days, but will see you PIO (and hopefully you Zanzibar) on Wednesday. :)

As early as 4pm? :eek: Hopefully I'll be able to finish on the early side of lunch time.

I'm sure you won't forget anything important. Safe travels, and I hope you enjoy your first few days on the cruise :thumbsup2


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