Running for my Disney - Finally a TR!

I never knew about DL cats or we would have looked out for one! We'd have been pretty happy seeing one too (you may have noticed in my TRs we always manage to find a stray cat or two some time in a trip!) Sounds like you and DH put in a pretty full (but great) pm!
I never knew about DL cats or we would have looked out for one! We'd have been pretty happy seeing one too (you may have noticed in my TRs we always manage to find a stray cat or two some time in a trip!) Sounds like you and DH put in a pretty full (but great) pm!

I think we were pretty lucky to see one - I kept a good eye out after that too and never saw another one.
RunDisney 5k

After what seemed like about 5 minutes, my alarm went off at 3:30am. I’d actually had a good 5 hours sleep, but I was nowhere near ready to wake up! I quietly dragged myself out of bed, trying not to wake DH, and got dressed in the bathroom. We’d made plans to meet DH at the finish area if he was up early enough, otherwise just back at the hotel. I finished the final touches in my parents room. My Piglet ears weren’t cooperating very well, and it took me quite a while to get them to stay put. When we were all ready, we grabbed our Up N Gos and Up N Went!

There were already a handful of athletic looking people heading our way, and there were plenty of people heading through DTD. We pretty much just followed the crowds past the Disneyland Hotel and to the corrals. Having not submitted an expected finish time for this run, we were at the back in corral C. We were early enough to be towards the front of the corral though.

There was a LOT of standing around once we got there. At about 5am, the announcers made an appearance on stage, then disappeared again for a while. We continued to just mill around, talking and taking photos. There was a bit of a buzz in the corrals with all the excited runners and looking at all the costumes - there were plenty of Lilos and Stitches around! The various groups all seemed to stick to themselves, and I thought it must be a very long and boring wait for runners on their own.

At about 5:15am the announcers came back and started the pre-race hoopla. The announcers were supposed to be celebrities, but we had no idea who they were lol! It was pretty cheesy – we all had to say Aloha about a dozen times, and they had a random guy dressed in Hawaiian clothing join them and make some corny jokes. I’m not really sure what the point of him was lol! Stitch joined them briefly, but didn’t stay for the start of the race. They had a guy perform the national anthem in Hawaiian style with a ukulele, which was really beautiful.

Finally the countdown was on, and the announcers focused their attention on corral A. They asked for a show of hands of who was running with their spouse, running solo, from interstate etc, generally trying to build the excitement. They counted down the last few seconds, then corral A were off! They showed all the runners on the big screen, and the announcers were pointing out a few costumes and shirts as runners went past. As that was all happening, we were shepherded forward.

It was pretty much the same deal for each corral. We were all asked the same questions, and we were forced to say Aloha another few times lol! By the time we reached our starting position, we were well and truly ready to go. And of course, it finally was our turn!

We were expecting not to be able to start running for a while, but we were all actually running as we went through the start line. I checked out the stage area on the way through, but didn’t manage to get a high 5 or a shout out from the announcers. We all remembered to turn on our Garmins as we officially started the race, and many a beep could be heard as everyone else did the same.

The very first part of the run was downhill, as we passed under the DTD bridge, then of course it was uphill for a while. We were pleasantly surprised at how well the crowd spaced out so quickly, but of course we still had to duck and dive a little to get around all the walkers and slower people. The course took a left on Katella, and we entered Disney property around the back of Carsland. This first part of the course was pretty boring, and I was happy to run straight through. I was doing pretty well, but starting to notice the heat.

We entered DCA from the gate between Carsland and the Wharf area. We turned right and immediately entered Carsland. It was really beautiful and I allowed myself some brief walking and stopping breaks to take photos.

I believe Mater was out for photos, but being among the last runners meant that the lines for photo opportunities were too long by the time we got there (even for the mile markers).

From Carsland we headed to the Paradise Pier area, where the WOC fountains were on. There was another photo stop there, but it was also pretty crowded. We stopped off a bit to the side for a photo, but it didn’t turn out that well. We didn’t actually enter Paradise Pier, but turned right in front of the Little Mermaid and headed towards Grizzly River Run.

We passed the first water stop in front of Soarin’. It was a pretty welcome sight by then, and it was about here that I realised one of my ears had fallen off. I took the other one off too and chucked in the next bin I went past. We turned left on Buena Vista Street and headed out of the park, over the central plaza area, and into Disneyland! I allowed myself a decent walking break down Main Street, so that I could take it all in properly.

I was also really feeling the heat by then and starting to feel a little sick to the stomach. Thinking of the next day’s run, I allowed myself to walk a little more.

We headed right at the hub and past the Matterhorn to the teacups, where Mum and I stopped for another photo opportunity.

We continued to head through Fantastyland, past the carousel (where there was a photo opportunity with Chip, Dale and Clarice) and into Frontierland.

We passed BTM and entered the Rivers of America area, where there was a photo opportunity with Lilo near the Mark Twain.

By this stage, Dad was getting frustrated with how slow I was going. I was definitely doing more running than walking, but I was also conscious of saving myself for the 10k, and also conscious of the heat, so I did need to take a few walk breaks. In the end Mum and I kept him happy by getting him to run ahead and get photos of us. The major photo opportunities were behind us, and I was happy to have someone take my camera for a while.

We continued running through Critter Country, and exited Disneyland through a back gate into the ‘behind the scenes’ area. There was another water stop around here which was pretty welcome again!

They had some of the main street vehicles parked on the last corner before we entered DTD. The CMs in the vehicles were yelling out words of encouragement to us. I slowed down to a walk to take a photo and one of them yelled ‘Keep running, you’re nearly there!’.

That last section through DTD was tough! I had to have another walk break, or I was concerned I wouldn’t be able to run through the finish line! The spectators were great, encouraging everyone, not just their own family members. Mum got lots of ‘Keep bouncin’ Tigger!’ type comments. We turned the corner at the Disneyland Hotel, and I could see the finish line in the distance!

I managed to pick up the pace a little, and kept to the left of the track. I managed to high 5 Minnie on the way through, then I was done!

The time on the clock is from when the first person crossed the start line. Our actual time was about 42 minutes according to our Garmins, which I was pretty happy with given the circumstances.

We were given our medals and headed through the finisher’s chute where we got our bottles of water, bananas and snack packs. The path separated into ‘Photo’ and ‘No photo’. We wanted a photo of us all with our medals on, so we entered the ‘Photo’ path. We couldn’t immediately see what the difference was, and just found someone to take our photo for us.

When we turned the corner we saw all the official background props with official photographers lol! They all had big lines though so we decided not to bother.

Next we went through the bag pick up area, and arrived at the finisher area where we did our stretches and investigated the contents of our snack boxes. Then we started the tedious walk back to the hotel.

People were still finishing off the run (they don’t tend to sweep in the 5k), so to get through DTD we had to wait patiently with about 100 other people at each course crossing. It probably took us half an hour. There was heaps of support for those people though (who were pretty much all walkers by that time), with heaps of people yelling out words of encouragement.

We grabbed a light brekky on the way back up the hotel room, and found DH still sound asleep.

To be continued

That's a mighty effort to run the 5K. Shame about your ears but I guess it was all for fun. And good for DH for sleeping in.

Looking forward to the 10K.

That's a mighty effort to run the 5K. Shame about your ears but I guess it was all for fun. And good for DH for sleeping in.

Looking forward to the 10K.


I was happy that I at least got a couple of photos at the start with my Piglet ears, although without them not a lot of people realised I was supposed to be him :rotfl:
Great run. You were looking pretty hot towards the end - how hot was it? do you know? (comparing to our Qld heat). I would find all the standing waiting around prior the hardest - I am not very good just standing in one spot, that makes me tireder than anything. I am still impressed you all did the 5km one day and then the 10km the next. I think I would be tired from the 5km and that would affect the 10km - then again, I might feel different if I had been in training like you. Glad your legs held up as really it hasn't been all that many months since the op. It must be so exhilarating being able to run after so many years of not being able to.
Great run. You were looking pretty hot towards the end - how hot was it? do you know? (comparing to our Qld heat). I would find all the standing waiting around prior the hardest - I am not very good just standing in one spot, that makes me tireder than anything. I am still impressed you all did the 5km one day and then the 10km the next. I think I would be tired from the 5km and that would affect the 10km - then again, I might feel different if I had been in training like you. Glad your legs held up as really it hasn't been all that many months since the op. It must be so exhilarating being able to run after so many years of not being able to.

Spoiler alert - We did find that we were pretty tired going into the 10k, which made it pretty hard. I think it was more due to too much park time and standing around than doing the 5k run though. It was also pretty hard getting up at 3:30am 2 days in a row :rotfl: I really could have used a day off in between.

I think the minimum temp was forecast to be around 20. It was warm enough that we were very comfortable just standing around in our lightweight running gear and no jackets, and I feel the cold! From there it warmed up pretty quickly once the sun rose.

Considering I've only ever run in temperatures probably half of that, it was a bit of a shock to the system!

Although I wasn't quite where I wanted to be in my training after the surgery, it does feel pretty good to be able to run now :thumbsup2
California Adventure

Back at the hotel, I went to get some ice for my legs (just filled up some plastic bags from the ice machine again), and we all ate our brekky in the little sitting area. DH was still asleep.

Mum and Dad only had one day park tickets, which they were planning to use after the 10k, however on the way back from the 5k, Dad had expressed interest in joining DH and I at California Adventure today as well. We discussed the activities for the day and came up with a general plan.

The plan involved my parents upgrading their tickets, then hitting DCA for rope drop at 9am. We all had our showers and got changed ready to go. DH was still asleep, so I gently gave him the instructions for meeting us for brekky at 10am, and we headed off without him lol!

I was expecting a big line for the ticket booths at that time of the morning, but there was no line at all, and Mum and Dad were good to go within about 5 minutes. They’d already opened the front gates, and I knew that there was also extra magic hours for hotel guests that morning, so we were far from the first ones in.

I was aiming for Toy Story Mania as our first ride of the day, so we headed towards the rope near Grizzly River Run. We still had heaps of time before 9am, so we quite leisurely made our way over, stopping for photo opportunities on the way through.

As it was early entry for hotel guests, the rope was a little further forward, and we waited in the shade near Minnie’s plane.

By opening time, there was quite a little gathering at our rope, but more than half of them shot straight off to Carsland. With the extra magic hours, there was already about a 20 minute wait for TSM. Enough time for Mum to worry about what the ride would be like lol!

I had actually slightly mis-remembered the ride, and forgot how whizzy it was between scenes. I felt terrible for Mum, as that is exactly what she hates. It turned out to be right on the threshold for her, and she was still able to enjoy the ride. Phew!

Next, Dad and I virtually walked onto Screamin’. Mum, quite sensibly, sat this one out.

The next (and final) stop was FPs for RSR. On our way through, we stopped for some PP photos.

Some of the photographers really made a big deal out of it when they saw our medals (which we had all worn to the park of course!). This one got us to pose like we were running.

Luckily I had read up on the FP thing for RSR, and knew that the FP machine was nowhere near the actual ride lol! We got our FPs (return time was early afternoon). Mum kindly donated her FP to DH since she wasn't interested in RSR. Then we headed straight to LaBrea to meet DH (we were running slightly late by then).

There was about a 10 minute wait to be seated at LaBrea. I completely forget what we had for brekky, but I remember that it was yummy! I think I might have had some sort of breakfast sandwich. We took our time and had a leisurely meal. And with DH in tow, we headed back to DCA.

To be continued
I'm interested to hear the next instalment. I thought that you couldn't take someone else's ticket to enter the park unless they were there with you, to get a fast pass.
Did they allow hubby into the park after breakfast even though he didnt have a hand stamp?
What a great way to start the morning. A 5K run, a quick dawdle around Cali Adventure and breakfast at La Brea. :thumbsup2
I'm interested to hear the next instalment. I thought that you couldn't take someone else's ticket to enter the park unless they were there with you, to get a fast pass.
Did they allow hubby into the park after breakfast even though he didnt have a hand stamp?

You are absolutely right! Of course we couldn't have gotten a FP for DH without first activating his ticket at entry. I knew I would forget some of the details after this long :rotfl: What actually happened (and I will update my post too) is that we used Mum's ticket to get him a FP, as she wasn't interested in RSR.

5km run and then hit the park - way to go (NB I'd be DH sleeping in - lol!)

Well, since we were already up, we thought we may as well get a bit of an edge on the crowds :thumbsup2

What a great way to start the morning. A 5K run, a quick dawdle around Cali Adventure and breakfast at La Brea. :thumbsup2

Definitely :goodvibes
Thanks for that. I was a bit worried I'd missed something. I pride myself on knowing all about the parks, and you just about went and changed it on me!
California Adventure

As we entered DCA, we stopped for a quick PP. And I mean quick. This particular CM did not seem pleased to see us and have to take our photo. Clearly she was pretty keen to get back to standing around doing nothing.

We headed into Carsland. I forget why.

We sort of had better luck with PP here. The guy was great, especially when he saw our medals – he got us to all point to them. However, he didn’t pick up that there was a distracting optical illusion in the photo lol!

Pretty glad we stopped for those couple of PP though, as they are the only ones I have with all 4 of us.

Next we headed back to Paradise Pier to ride Screamin’ together. On the way we saw the toy soldiers finishing off some sort of show.

After Screamin’, we lined up for the Fun Wheel. All of us except DH agreed on the stationery cabins.

Just as we were starting our circuit, there was an announcement to please stay seated, and the wheel started going backwards down again. It stopped for a moment before starting off on the circuit again. We reckon it must have been someone chickening out of a sliding cabin.

We all enjoyed the views, pointing out various points of interest along the way.

We came out the other side of Paradise Pier, at Goofy’s Sky School. DH and I were keen to try it since we missed the opening day by about 2 weeks on our last trip. Dad’s not keen on ‘mad mouse’ type rollercoasters, so he and Mum sat it out together. The wait was only about 10 minutes, and it was a fun ride.

It was nearly time for our RSR return by then, so we headed back towards Carsland. Ariel’s Adventure was a walk on as we passed, and being keen for a sit down in the cool, we all walked on.

I took this random photo of Mum when we came out because I thought it looked like a nice composition lol!

After that we headed back to Carsland.

We entered the FP return about a minute before our allocated time.

We lost again! But on the plus side, Dad enjoyed the ride.

And with that done, we headed back to the hotel for a rest, some pool time, and some laundry.

To be continued
Love the Carsland pics. Looks like you had a great time! That's a nice list of rides to have ticked off already.
Some lovely pics-I like the one of you and DH on the wheel.

Thanks :goodvibes There were a lot of photos from that wheel lol!

Love the Carsland pics. Looks like you had a great time! That's a nice list of rides to have ticked off already.

Did you pick the problem with the PP photo?

It was surprisingly quiet in DCA in the lead up to the weekend. DL was definitely less crowded than I was expecting too.


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