S: (crafts related) Disney Halloween costumes or crafts?


Remembering 9/11/01
Jun 17, 2000
I'm parlaying my scrapbooking privileges into a Halloween costume question :jester: Since I'm off school in the summers only, I do any holiday sewing during my break. Does anyone else out there sew Disney or other Hween costumes? The kid notified me that she wants to be Sleeping Beauty this year, so I sprang for coupon fabric at Joanne's today.

I'm a happy receiver of sewing news :wave:
I love to make Halloween costumes. I don't really sew or follow directions. The kids tell me what they want to be and then I think how I can actually make it with out much sewing. The best was a butterfly costume I made for my DD. I made it all out of felt and no sew glue! It was soooo cute I must say! I also used fabric paint on the wings and dots on the front part. Then she wanted to be Pocohontus(SP) so I just got some material, had her lay down traced her then decorated it sewed the sides...I think it is such fun projects!
Wow! Your selections are inspiring! I don't suppose you have pix of your kid's costumes up on the net?
No I don't have any pics on line. But I will see if Hubby can scan them. The butter fly was really easy and so much fun. All I did was using brown paper make the shape of the wings, Folded and then cut 2 I put card board inside and did do a really quick sitch in yellow so it would show. Then I just cut out circles of different color felt and glued it on. Then I just went to town with the fabric paint must say it was the most decorated butter fly! Then in the front I made kind of an hour glass shape and stuffed it some then put dots all over it. It then had over the shoulder strapes and a crotch strap to hold in place with velcro! My DD wore all black and store bought head piece. Must say I was very proud and shocked! That no sew glue is great!
Hopefully DH will be able to scan!
hubby just scanned them so hope this works!



I make "no sew" costumes for DS. Last year, he was Buzz Lightyear.

What I did is sooo easy! I bought a white sweatsuit and, using felt, cut out all the decorations that go on Buzz's uniform. Thankfully, ds has a ton of Buzz stuff, so I took one of the figurines and copied it all down. Most of the stuff I had to free-hand, but it was quite simple. When I finished cutting everything out, I used the iron-on fusible web stuff to get the felt items to stick onto the sweatsuit! I made him the purple "hat" and the Buzz belt. The flap that Buzz lifts to talk to Star Command is even there ... all made w/felt!

The outfit is darling, he wears it ALL the time (it's a warm, June day and he has it on as I type this!) and it's been the best costume ever!!! I love that he likes to wear it even though halloween is over! He even wore the costume to Disney's Toy Story On Ice and got a lot of compliments on it from the people running the show! This Halloween, he wants to be a Power Ranger, so I will do something similar w/a sweatsuit, fusible web and felt!

If I can find a photo, I will scan it in! Your pal, Jessie
hope you can scan a picture! I was thinking of making that for this year for my DS. I love the no sew ideas! I used those union suits when the kids were smaller and would die them the color I wanted! Great Ideas!
JoAnns carries Disney costume patterns. The fall pattern books should be out soon if they aren't already. familyfun.com also has character costumes from the past years magazine. Lots of them are no sew.

We bought a Snow White costume at Beltz character warehouse and my DD wore this last year. DS was Buzz. I guess I need to start working on both costumes now. I make the kids costumes every other year and this is my year!

Spinning - great job on those costumes!!
what darling pictures! and how cleaver to being able to use parts from previous years! I just love Ariel and the Shells! Very cute idea! Plus a a cutie you got there! She really seemed to grow up from the second pictures to the third!, may think about lifting some ideas of Ariel for this year! Will show my DD and see what she thinks! Thanks for sharing!
I'm going to be in Disney this halloween, so even though I've never sewn anything in my life before, I'm having a go at making a beauiful medievel dress. Just make sure you all cross your fingers for me :D .

Simplicity has patterns for some Disney costumes. I think they had Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Cinderella, Minnie, Mickey, Buzz and Woody last time I checked.

Happy sewing! :D
10 days before my classes start...I lost momentum in finishing my daughter's Sleeping Beauty dress for Hween. My boss lent me her serger & it's very frustrating to thread when the bobbin breaks. I worked on the "belt" this week & think I will concentrate on a pretty crown & look for shoes. I chose the "blue" Sleeping Beauty theme, instead of pink. Anyone else out there ready for cooler weather activities?
I always make my kids costumes. They are all simple, require minimal sewing and are based around a t-shirt/sweatshirt. Kids like them so much they wear them for play. I have made a bumblebee, fancy black cat (which became a wolf for a book report) dalamation dogs, witches and fairy princesses. Most costumes are adaptations from ideas from Family Fun, BH&G and parents magazines. (I even made myself a green caterpillar costume from a sweatsuit, some felt and stretch knit gloves). Have fun creating!
Even if you all claim the sewing is easy I still say that you guys are very talented. Those costumes are great!

I can't sew at all. Luckily I have a family friend who gave me a bunch of costumes she had made for her kids. They are beautiful and I have used them every year.


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